The BEST episodes written by Ed Burns

#1 - Everyman's Blues
The Corner - Season 1 - Episode 6
Everyone's fates are reveal in this must watch final episode. Fran defeates her drug addiction as Gary deals with his. DeAndre deals with his drug selling and the final path it leads him on.
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#3 - A Burning Dog
Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 5
As they scope a tiny hamlet, the men of Bravo are frustrated by the capricious nature of the war, and Colbert struggles to defend the actions of the higher-ups. First Recon finally gets to use their skills and exploit intelligence from Iraqi locals about an ambush at a bridge ahead. For once, First Recon isn't tasked with heading straight into the ambush.
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#5 - Bomb in the Garden
Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 7
Bravo reaches Baghdad, where the men are shocked by the size and scope of the city. They set up shop in an abandoned cigarette factory and get a chance to rest for a bit, although the factory grounds aren't quite as secure as they'd like. Hampered by having only one translator for the battalion, First Recon can only send sporadic patrols into the city.
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#8 - Combat Jack
Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 4
Having raced to capture the airfield, First Recon has some time to rest and regroup. The abandoned supply truck has been looted and destroyed and the company is now down to one meal a day. After expressing their dismay to their commander, Alpha is tasked with a different mission: to recover the body of a captured Marine who was murdered in Ah Shatra.
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#9 - Screwby
Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 3
Having survived its first trial by fire, Bravo presses forward, awaiting orders for a new recon mission. Scoping out a roadside hamlet, the company watches in horror as a combat team arrives with guns firing and the hamlet is obliterated. Later, Bravo heads to Ar Rifa, where Ferrando issues a new order: capture an airstrip controlled by the Republican Guard.
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#12 - The Cradle of Civilization
Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 2
Under orders to consider any Iraqi carrying a weapon hostile, Bravo busts north towards Nasiriyah and Mesopotamia, but they continue to lag behind. Chomping at the bit, the platoon finally gets 'lit up' in a violent skirmish in Al Gharraf, during which Trombley scores his first kill. Elated and relatively unscathed, the platoon celebrates.
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#15 - Get Some
Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 1
In northern Kuwait, First Recon Marines prepare to invade Iraq as the 'tip of the spear' for Operation Iraqi Freedom. At Camp Mathilda, soldiers in First Recon's Bravo Company combat boredom, cramped tents, mustache protocol, ineptitude, a wind storm, an espresso machine fire, and rumors of J-Lo's death while awaiting orders from Col. Stephen 'Godfather' Ferrando.
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#17 - Stay Frosty
Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 6
Outside of Al Kut, Captain America is over-eager in his attempts to subdue a prisoner, while his men's growing disillusionment with his command is growing more apparent. Meanwhile, Ferrando relays to his officers the news that his counterpart in the Regimental Combat Team has been relieved of duty despite achieving his objective.
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#22 - Part Four
We Own This City - Season 1 - Episode 4
Jenkins pivots after a high-speed car chase yields no drugs. During his interview with the Feds, former officer Maurice Ward recalls how Jenkins remained unscathed as the GTTF’s supervisor – despite a series of illegal incidents. Steele confronts Davis about a list of cops who lied in court, and the city is rocked by the Freddie Gray protests.
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#25 - Part 5
The Plot Against America - Season 1 - Episode 5
After learning the family has been selected for an essentially forced relocation to Kentucky under the Homestead Act, Herman looks to make a challenge in court, while Bess and Philip appeal to Bengelsdorf and Evelyn, respectively. Later, Bess gives Herman an ultimatum when violence breaks out at a rally for Lindbergh's most public liberal challenger.
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#29 - Part Two
We Own This City - Season 1 - Episode 2
Jenkins learns stark truths about policing as a new officer. Rayam opens up about the GTTF. Suiter is assigned to a new murder case.
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#31 - Part 3
The Plot Against America - Season 1 - Episode 3
In the early days of the Lindbergh administration, Herman decides the family will continue with their planned trip to Washington, D.C., despite Bess' desire to visit Canada, where Jewish families are emigrating. After paying a visit to Evelyn, Sandy shows interest in an assimilation program targeting Jewish youth and spearheaded by Bengelsdorf. In London, Alvin stands out during his military training and is selected for a special mission.
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#32 - Part 2
The Plot Against America - Season 1 - Episode 2
Lindbergh's increasingly popular campaign sweeps through the United States and captures some in the Levin family as well as Bengelsdorf, with Evelyn as his assistant and lover, becoming a fundamental asset in the Lindbergh camp, while Sandy, enamored of the aviator's charm, celebrity, and history, begins a rebellion of his own within the family of New Deal Democrats. Meanwhile, Alvin brings his pride and conscience to bear as he must decide between serving a local real estate magnate and developer or risking an open fight with the fascist forces he sees spreading across the world.
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#33 - Part 1
The Plot Against America - Season 1 - Episode 1
Herman Levin, anticipating a promotion at work, takes his family to look at a house in an upwardly mobile neighborhood, though Bess is wary of leaving the safety of their tight-knit Jewish community and raising a family amid growing anti-Semitism sparked by Lindbergh's ascendancy. As the family spinster, her sister Evelyn has a disappointing rendezvous with a married lover, but later, finds herself charmed by a distinguished local clergyman, Rabbi Lionel Bengelsdorf. Meanwhile, getting an earful from Herman for being fired from his job, his orphaned nephew, Alvin Levin seeks retaliation for an aggrieved friend.
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