The BEST episodes written by Earl Pomerantz

#1 - Breaking With Tradition
The Cosby Show - Season 1 - Episode 6
Cliff's father, Russell, pays a visit and begins questioning Cliff about the kids' college choices. He asks Denise about Hillman, his and Cliff's alma mater. Denise is dead-set against it at first, until Russell tells her that the males outnumber the females there. First appearance of Earle Hyman as Russell Huxtable, Cliff's father.
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#2 - Goodbye, Mr. Fish
The Cosby Show - Season 1 - Episode 2
When Rudy's pet fish, Lamont, dies, Cliff tries to bring the family together for a funeral in the bathroom. The festivities end when Rudy gets bored and leaves to watch TV.
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#6 - One More Time
The Cosby Show - Season 1 - Episode 7
While Clair cares for a friend's baby, she begins to consider having another. Cliff desperately tries to talk her out of it, claiming that babies are "false advertising." Clair's mother, Carrie, then reminds her that the older you are when you have kids, the older you'll be if they end up having to come back and live at home. First appearance of Ethel Ayler as Carrie Hanks, Clair's mother.
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#7 - Lucky Day
Becker - Season 1 - Episode 21
A prime parking space, an unexpected tax refund and a flawless trip to the post office are just a few of the lucky breaks bestowed upon Becker. Unable to accept the idea that he might just be having a good day, he remains wary of each new stroke of luck and convinces himself that payback is on its way.
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#8 - Hail the Conquering Gordy
The Mary Tyler Moore Show - Season 7 - Episode 18
WJM's former weatherman, Gordy Howard, returns to visit Minneapolis after becoming a highly successful network presenter in New York. Ted is desperate for a chance to join Gordy.
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The Bob Newhart Show - Season 6 - Episode 13
The Hartleys embark on a seagoing vacation to put work behind them. But Bob can't resist playing psychologist when he undertakes to counsel a married couple.
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#12 - There'll Be Some Changes Made
Sanford and Son - Season 4 - Episode 5
After a fed-up Lamont moves out, Fred lets his son hold a strange gathering at the house in the hopes of getting him back.
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#13 - Ted's Change of Heart
The Mary Tyler Moore Show - Season 7 - Episode 5
Ted suffers a heart attack on the air and for the next few days becomes conscious of how precious life is.
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#14 - Mary's Father
The Mary Tyler Moore Show - Season 6 - Episode 3
Mary researches a documentary with the help of a priest. He eventually decides to leave the Church, and Mary thinks that he has fallen in love with her.
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#15 - Really Good Advice
Becker - Season 4 - Episode 5
John takes Reggie's advice that he should tell women that he's sorry when he disappoints them, only to have it backfire; Jake and Bob switch jobs for the day.

#16 - Mummy Daddy
Amazing Stories (1985) - Season 1 - Episode 4
An actor, Harold, who stars in a mummy film finds himself in serious trouble from frightened people when he leaves the set in full costume to reach his pregnant wife who is about to give birth. Unfortunately, matters become even more complicated when a local mummy, Ra Amin Kamin, comes to life and starts trying to kill Harold. In the end, Harold gets to the hospital in time and Ra Amin Kamin finds himself the new star of the movie...
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#17 - One-Punch Banta
Taxi - Season 1 - Episode 2
Tony gets a chance to spar with a world champion. And when he knocks the man down, he gets a bout with a ranked fighter. Everyone but Louie supports him. But before the fight he learns what really happened between him and the champ.
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#21 - Nardo Loses Her Marbles
Taxi - Season 2 - Episode 4
Elaine seems to be spreading herself thin lately, between working overtime at the gallery, driving a cab, and raising her kids. She finally loses it at an important gallery reception and Alex drives her home. She starts coming on to Alex, who, worried about her psychological health, rejects her advances and suggests she get some psychological help. He eventually talks her into it and she seems to progress well in therapy. Now more confident of her psychological help, Alex seems no longer adverse to a romance with Elaine, but she remains cool about it.
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#25 - Louie and the Nice Girl
Taxi - Season 2 - Episode 1
Zena, the woman who refills the vending machines who has made friends with most of the cabbies, admits to Alex and Elaine that she has a crush on Louie. Elaine is bothered by this, but takes comfort in the fact that Zena is probably too shy to introduce herself. However, Zena asks Alex to introduce them and Alex tentatively agrees. Soon, Louie and Zena become an item and the gang is disgusted at the way Louie explicitly describes their sex life. In private, Zena blows Louie's cover by asking Alex why Louie won't make a single move on her. The next time Louie starts boasting, Alex tells him to give up the charade—he knows nothing has happened. Louie then confesses to Alex that he's used to going out with "professionals" and doesn't know what to do with a "nice girl." Louie then breaks up with Zena, but she insists on a goodbye kiss before they part. She kisses him in such a way that he realizes maybe she's not as "nice" as he thought. Zena then pulls him into the bedroom and it
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#26 - The Lighter Side of Angela Matusa
Taxi - Season 2 - Episode 6
Alex meets up with Angela (his overweight date from the previous season) only to learn she's lost 100 pounds. When they go to dinner, he learns that she did it all for him, making him very nervous because he doesn't really want more than a friendship with Angela but hates to discourage her from losing weight and feeling good about herself. Later, Wayne, a guy from Angela's weight clinic, comes to see Alex in the hopes of finding Angela, who's missing (it seems Wayne has a crush on Angela). Together, they find a very depressed Angela, eating alone in a greasy spoon diner. Alex convinces Angela that she doesn't need to be depressed and that she and Wayne belong together. She and Wayne leave together, but Angela confesses to Alex that the reason she had previously rejected Wayne's advances was because he's married with four kids.
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#27 - Bobby's Roomate
Taxi - Season 3 - Episode 15
Elaine is forced out of her apartment when her building goes co-op and moves into Bobby's place while he's away with a touring stage production. Soon, Bobby returns because he is kicked off the tour for fooling around with the director's daughter, and suddenly, he and Elaine are living together. A few days later, Elaine tells Alex how much she's enjoying living with Bobby, when suddenly she gets a call from her boyfriend, who breaks up with her. Elaine leaves upset, and Alex briefs Bobby to look out because Elaine is vulnerable and may want physical companionship. That night, Elaine wakes up Bobby to talk and drink some wine with her, then Bobby panics that she is coming on to him, and calls Alex. When Alex arrives in his robe and slippers, having run 25 blocks through the snow to get there, Elaine gets upset that they have misinterpreted her actions. The guys are ashamed at their chauvinism and they all make up.
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The Bob Newhart Show - Season 6 - Episode 9
At first, Bob is thrilled when a nontalkative patient named Mr. Twillmer finally opens up after being told that anything he might say will be held in the strictest confidence. His joy is short-lived when Twillmer confesses to grand larceny.
#32 - Crisis in Education
The Bob Newhart Show - Season 6 - Episode 21
At the school where Emily works, low reading scores prompt indignant outbursts and threats from angry parents. Principal Phil Bannister flees their wrath by going on an extended fishing trip—but not before he tells Emily to handle the crisis.

#37 - Louie's Mom Remarries
Taxi - Season 4 - Episode 7
Louie becomes irrationally upset when he learns that his mother plans to marry an elderly Japanese man. Louie makes his mother miserable in an effort to thwart the wedding, but she still goes through with the wedding (a traditional Japanese ceremony), and Louie refuses to attend. At the last minute, Alex talks Louie into going, however, and Louie proclaims that whatever despicable act he might perform at the wedding would be Alex's fault for convincing him to go. When Louie is very close to wrecking the wedding, he has a change of heart and gives the couple his blessing.

#39 - Fine Tuning
Amazing Stories (1985) - Season 1 - Episode 7
Teenager (Andy) is working on a science project to intercept distant television signals but inadvertently tunes into a series of alien broadcasts...aliens who have mimicked old b&w TV shows such as "I Love Lucy." Andy and his friends tune in on a newscast saying three alien explorers are travelling to Earth on an expedition to meet their inspiration. Andy and his friends find the aliens - who easily stand out - and decide to take them on a tour of Hollywood, but the aliens are disappointed to learn that they can't bring anyone (such as Milton Berle) back with them. Finally, Andy digs up some aging vaudeville entertainers from a retirement home who are glad to go back with the aliens and entertain them.
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