The BEST episodes written by Duane Capizzi

The Dog and Piggy Show
72 votes

#1 - The Dog and Piggy Show

Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 11

After Tohru fails to stop Jackie from getting the Dog Talisman, Valmont hires Hak Foo to retrieve the Pig Talisman from Jackie, Uncle and Jade in Bavaria.

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Pilot (2)
135 votes

#2 - Pilot (2)

Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Bumblebee and his new team must stop a Decepticon from reaching nearby Crown City.

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Shell Game
90 votes

#3 - Shell Game

Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 5

Jackie and Jade have different goals after learning the Dark Hand members have stolen an endangered tortoise, which has the Rabbit talisman of super speed encrusted on its shell. And now, the Dark Hand must try to get it out, and Jackie must obtain the talisman and the tortoise before it becomes someone's dinner.

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The Mask of El Toro Fuerte
96 votes

#4 - The Mask of El Toro Fuerte

Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 3

Jackie goes after the Ox Talisman in Mexico and finds it attached to the mask of undefeated Mexican wrestler El Toro Fuerte.

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Pilot (1)
167 votes

#5 - Pilot (1)

Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) - Season 1 - Episode 1

Assigned on a solo mission to Earth, Bumblebee unexpectedly finds himself saddled with a team.

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Orion Pax (3)
339 votes

#6 - Orion Pax (3)

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 3

Optimus begins to piece together his real identity using several clues (including Starscream referring to his as a "prime" -- whoops!), and eventually rebels against Megatron’s orders. Meanwhile, Optimus' Autobot pals hatch a risky plan to get their leader back.

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279 votes

#7 - Regeneration

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 25

The Autobots and Megatron's Decepticons are drawn into Cybertron to face each other in a heroic battle over their mutual quests for the coveted Omega Lock, which, once unlocked with the four keys, would reawaken Primus'

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Darkest Hour
231 votes

#8 - Darkest Hour

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 26

Due to Megatron's crafty plan, Optimus must make a hard decision which could affect the whole Autobot team.

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The French Connection Caper
120 votes

#9 - The French Connection Caper

Carmen Sandiego - Season 1 - Episode 9

Suspecting Carmen isn't working alone, Shadowsan and Coach Brunt interrogate Devineaux. Carmen uncovers the truth about her mysterious past.

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Orion Pax (2)
335 votes

#10 - Orion Pax (2)

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 2

Jack learns how to restore Optimus' memory.

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356 votes

#11 - Toxicity

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 15

Bulkhead, on mission for the fourth relic, came back in critical condition via ground bridge. What happened?!? One epic showdown as Bulkhead and Hardshell go head-to-head in the ongoing quest to gather the last of the Iaconian relics on Earth.

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The Human Factor
300 votes

#12 - The Human Factor

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 19

After being granted a new start in his life, the ever stone-faced Silas begins to see the world in a new light and makes an out-of-character decision to go to Megatron in the hopes that he will be allowed to join the ranks of Decepticon.

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328 votes

#13 - Triage

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 14

During a relic hunt, Ratchet and Wheeljack get a one-of-a-kind opportunity when Soundwave's flying minion, Laserbeak, is disabled.

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Inside Job
241 votes

#14 - Inside Job

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 23

When the Decepticons take him captive, Smokescreen learns of the location of the final Omega Key - and attempts to retrieve all of the other stolen keys from Megatron.

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271 votes

#15 - Legacy

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 20

Now that the location of the relics have been exposed by Orion Pax, the race is on to find the next one. New recruit Smokescreen and Jack are on the job with the Autobots looking to cut down Megatron before the beats them to it.

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Flying Mind
332 votes

#16 - Flying Mind

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 11

Megatron infuses The Nemesis w/ his own supply of Dark Energon which results in the ship taking on a life of its own with its own agenda. Meanwhile Optimus reluctantly decides to use the Spark Extractor in an attempt to bring the war to an end.

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350 votes

#17 - Hurt

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 16

Still reeling from the near-fatal experience Bulkhead faced at the hands of Hardshell during the last relic hunt, Wheeljack and Miko decide to take matters into their own hands and leave to hunt down Hardshell to exact revenge for their friend.

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274 votes

#18 - Alpha/Omega

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 21

The Autobots find out about the Omega Keys and their secret. Meanwhile, Megatron attempts to control the power of the Primes.

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New Recruit
328 votes

#19 - New Recruit

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 18

Optimus Prime and Megatron once again face each other in an epic battle for control over the Earth; the Autobots and Decepticons come across some clues that could have the potential to change the war and perhaps restore Cybertron. Starscream goes on a quest for Red Energon; a new Autobot joins Team prime.

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Operation: Bumblebee (2)
333 votes

#20 - Operation: Bumblebee (2)

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 5

Bumblebee discovers that MECH and Starscream are responsible for his troubles; Ratchet confronts demons from his Cybertronian past.

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Hard Knocks
273 votes

#21 - Hard Knocks

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 22

As the race for the Omega Keys grows more desperate, Knock Out harnesses the power of sound, and Starscream the power of hyper-speed.

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Nemesis Prime
308 votes

#22 - Nemesis Prime

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 8

Optimus Prime becomes destructive while M.E.C.H. reveals their master plan.

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Operation: Bumblebee (1)
361 votes

#23 - Operation: Bumblebee (1)

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 4

Bumblebee questions his worthiness to his team after he is compromised.

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The Quick Clone Syndrome
13 votes

#24 - The Quick Clone Syndrome

Men In Black: The Series - Season 2 - Episode 2

Jay gets Elle to make him a set of quick clones so he can catch up on some much needed sleep. But while Jay snoozes, Alpha resurfaces and uses one of the quick clones to capture Zed.

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302 votes

#25 - Armada

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 10

Bulkhead is trapped on the Decepticon Warship and amid dual tries on Megatron's life.

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Loose Cannons
386 votes

#26 - Loose Cannons

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 6

Wheeljack returns to Earth, hot on the the trail of Skyquake's brother Dreadwing.

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Orion Pax (1)
375 votes

#27 - Orion Pax (1)

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 1

Megatron manipulates the impaired Optimus into joining the Decepticons.

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Becoming Carmen Sandiego: Part II
180 votes

#28 - Becoming Carmen Sandiego: Part II

Carmen Sandiego - Season 1 - Episode 2

Carmen crashes the graduates' caper, touching down at an archaeological dig site. But learning the truth about V.I.L.E. sets her on a new path.

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Darkness Rising (1)
839 votes

#29 - Darkness Rising (1)

Transformers: Prime - Season 1 - Episode 1

The Autobots investigate the return of the Decepticons and must account for a group of young humans who become involved in their eons-old conflict.

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Tunnel Vision
353 votes

#30 - Tunnel Vision

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 12

Megatron goes on a conquest to reveal the rest of the relics while Arcee and Bumblebee race him to New York City before Megatron gets there.

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352 votes

#31 - Triangulation

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 13

Optimus Prime travels to Antarctica to hunt down the second relic, but while there he is confronted by Dreadwing and Starscream, and finds himself caught between shifting alliances.

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Samurai Ratso
33 votes

#32 - Samurai Ratso

Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 4 - Episode 2

Ratso obtains the next Oni mask and has summoned a new deadlier type of Shadowkahn with sharp metallic claws and razor pointed feet that appear to be unstoppable. Meanwhile, Uncle begins to doubt himself as believes he is no longer useful to the group because he is not well versed in Japanese legend and magic.

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Out of the Past
328 votes

#33 - Out of the Past

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 17

When Arcee is unexpectedly brought back into the company of an old friend, they discover together that Decepticon has been scheming behind their backs an elaborate plan with the intentions of destroying the Autobots and claiming his victory.

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Fear Itself
13 votes

#34 - Fear Itself

Extreme Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 4

The EGB will have to face their inner demons when they come up against a ghost that can bring people's fears to life.

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The Fmall, Fmall World Syndrome
7 votes

#35 - The Fmall, Fmall World Syndrome

Men In Black: The Series - Season 2 - Episode 9

Preparing to conquer Earth, the Fmeks break into MIB to get their tiny hands on a growth forumla. They mistake one of the worms to be able to make the formula and capture him.

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The Bat in the Belfry
444 votes

#36 - The Bat in the Belfry

The Batman - Season 1 - Episode 1

The Batman finds himself dealing with a new breed of criminal when Joker takes over Arkham Asylum then plans to fly a hot air balloon filled with Joker Gas.

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Becoming Carmen Sandiego: Part I
215 votes

#37 - Becoming Carmen Sandiego: Part I

Carmen Sandiego - Season 1 - Episode 1

Mischievous orphan Carmen enrolls at V.I.L.E. Academy, a school for thieves. Given the code name Black Sheep, she makes fast friends ... and enemies.

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359 votes

#38 - Crossfire

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 7

Megatron sends Dreadwing, Airachnid and Breakdown to investigate the trail of a potential Energon source, but what Airachnid doesn't know is that Dreadwing and Breakdown have actually been ordered to kill her for her treachery. She eventually catches wind of this, however, killing Breakdown and running off into the woods. Upon arriving at an abandoned Energon mine, Airachnid encounters Starscream cowering from a large Insecticon. After using her abilities to control the creature, she contacts Megatron and tells him to come to the mine, planning to use the Insecticon to kill him so she can claim Decepticon leadership...

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273 votes

#39 - Patch

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 24

In an effort to secure a peaceful truce that would be beneficial to all parties involved, Starscream offers Megatron a ceasefire but Dreadwing has other ideas and does whatever he can to keep the diplomatic agreement from taking place.

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The Worm-Guy Guy Syndrome
9 votes

#40 - The Worm-Guy Guy Syndrome

Men In Black: The Series - Season 3 - Episode 1

Two Kalifadik law enforcement officials begin punishing the guilty on Earth, using teleportation guns to send them to an alien prison. As MIB tries to stop them, Jay and one of the worms pass through each in mid-teleportation and slowly turn into each other.

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357 votes

#41 - Grill

Transformers: Prime - Season 2 - Episode 9

Following from the events of the previous episode, Agent Fowler is sat down to explain recent events to his superior, the cynical and disbelieving General Bryce. Threatened with a military tribunal and Team Prime's termination, Fowler tries to convince the General that the Autobots are still on the military's side, but the General believes that Optimus Prime went rogue and has perished, failing to fully understand that Nemesis Prime was not the real Optimus.

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38 votes

#42 - Poultrygeist

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 4 - Episode 3

A Werechicken strikes an unsuspecting farmhouse, leaving a trail of mayhem and one very large egg. After a hungry Slimer tries to cook the egg and unintentionally hatches it, the newborn Werechicken bites Egon, turning him into a half-man, half-chicken creature!

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16 votes

#43 - Deadliners

Extreme Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 5

Characters from a horror novel are attacking innocent people.

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The Long So-Long Syndrome
92 votes

#44 - The Long So-Long Syndrome

Men In Black: The Series - Season 1 - Episode 1

While trying to get Skraaldians out of New York sewers, Jay uses his Noisy Cricket on one and kills it. Problem is, all Skraaldians are psychically linked and know what Jay did. And every last one will go after him to settle the score.

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The Black Christmas Syndrome
10 votes

#45 - The Black Christmas Syndrome

Men In Black: The Series - Season 2 - Episode 10

It's up to MIB to save Christmas when Drekk kidnaps Santa Claus.

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45 votes

#46 - Freefall

Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles - Season 1 - Episode 1

Rookie troopers Rico, Flores and Jenkins journey to Pluto as part of Alpha Team ""Razak's Roughnecks"" on what is supposed to be a simple mop-up operation, but find a major threat to the research stations from plasma-shooting alien Bugs.

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