The BEST episodes written by Deirdre Devlin

#1 - Never Forget
Robot Chicken - Season 9 - Episode 10
The minds at Robot Chicken uncover the real reason Indiana Jones hates snakes. Maxwell Lord gets an inside look at Supergirl's weakness. Date My Mom focuses on Jessica Rabbit's huge... personality.
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#2 - Strummy Strummy Sad Sad
Robot Chicken - Season 9 - Episode 5
Robot Chicken joins the dinosaur revolution as Fred Flintstone runs for his life; Sebastian has union trouble with his orchestra; the MCU hold an intervention for Jessica Jones.
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#3 - We Don't See Much of That in 1940s America
Robot Chicken - Season 9 - Episode 7
Miss Frizzle goes to great lengths to survive when the Magic School Bus crashes in the mountains; Harry Potter relives his golden years; Dominic Toretto gets fast and furious with the Titanic.
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#4 - 3 2 1 2 3 3 3, 2 2 2, 3...6 6?
Robot Chicken - Season 9 - Episode 6
RC wonders how Harriet the Spy would fit into the modern world of Cyberwarfare. The Midnight Society figures out what is truly scary. Alvin and the Chipmunks play Coachella for the first and last time.
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#5 - Factory Where Nuts Are Handled
Robot Chicken - Season 9 - Episode 9
Robot Chicken wants to expose the monster in its pocket; Megatron goes too far in Beast Wars; Michigan comes home for Thanksgiving, and to a feud with his cousin Pepe; Wile E. Coyote sees if he can Get Away With Murder.
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#6 - Shall I Visit the Dinosaurs?
Robot Chicken - Season 9 - Episode 11
The proud citizens of Robot Chicken stand up and demand the Furby genocide be recognized! Who watches the Watchmens' mouths? Bitch Pudding doesn't want to hear The Sound of Music.
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#7 - Ext. Forest - Day
Robot Chicken - Season 9 - Episode 8
The writers can't get a grasp of Fight Club's rules; Zack Morris takes a time out with the Avengers. Also: musings about whether old Rose's Titanic flashback was just a tall tale.
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#8 - Yogurt in a Bag
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 15
Liam Neeson discovers his movie seat has been… taken. A veterinarian explains how 101 dalmatians reproduce. The Crypt Keeper's schtick is stolen.
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#9 - Western Hay Batch
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 11
Everyone should butt out of the Power Rangers' business; Obi-Wan takes the low road to the high ground; The Terminator gets involved in the Garden of Eden.
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#10 - Joel Hurwitz Returns
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 13
Daredevil wasn't the only person to lose his sense in an accident. Hogwarts students don't understand birth control. Solid Snake has an interesting visit to the bathroom. The Micronauts get a new public transport system.
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#11 - Triple Hot Dog Sandwich on Wheat
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 12
Lex Luthor wants to buy some real estate. Inspector Gadget joins the US Army. Is being a My Little Pony just a phase? The story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is revisited.
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#12 - The Unnamed One
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 9
Robot Chicken introduces the next animated mega-hit: The Cheese League! Oprah lands a hot guest: C'thulhu. Galactus needs a new herald. Family Double Dare breaks a few families apart, and Nickelodeon's Guts teaches a boy to score.
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#13 - Blackout Window Heat Stroke
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 8
Only the RC writers know the true history of the brown M&M. What happened after Charlie won the Chocolate Factory? Can a perverted unicorn make a kid's dream come true? Maybe he shouldn't...
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#14 - Hopefully Salt
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 14
Superman forgets to lock the door to the Fortress of Solitude. The Nerd dies or has sex or both. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles get their hands on some surplus military hardware.
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#15 - Fridge Smell
Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 10
'The Green Mile' seems much longer; Optimus Prime tries to shirk jury duty
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