The BEST episodes written by Dalton Sandifer

#1 - Round Trip to Mars
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1957 - Episode 11
In the middle of the desert just outside Las Vegas is the Oasis Hotel, and in the center of the swimming pool near the hotel is Woody Woodpecker, restfully relaxing in an auto tube. Suddenly, the rat-tap-tap of an automatic riveter interrupts Woody's peace and quiet. Investigation discloses Professor Dingledong putting the last rivets into a space rocket, into which he's about to visit the planet Mars.
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#2 - The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller
The Scooby-Doo Show - Season 2 - Episode 4
Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Dum and the gang set out to protect Scoobys' cousin Scooby-Dee from the phantom of Milo Booth, a long dead silent film actor determined to keep Dee from remaking one of his greatest films.
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#3 - The Creepy Case of Old Iron Face
The Scooby-Doo Show - Season 3 - Episode 7
Yowza, old Ironface is sooooo mean, he waterskis on torpedo-like sharks. And he's so tough, that he had an iron mask welded to his bare skin and lived to scare about it.
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#5 - Fur Out Furlough
Dastardly & Muttley in Their Flying Machines - Season 1 - Episode 1
The General will reward the one who stops Yankee Doodle Pigeon with a 30-day furlough with all expenses paid.
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#6 - Jane's Driving Lesson
The Jetsons - Season 1 - Episode 18
Jane gets fed up with public transportation and decides to take driving lessons. After all, Elroy can get a learner's permit when he's 8 years old, so Jane should be able to get driving lessons, can't she? Her talents scare the teacher so much, he goes back hunting wild lions again. Accidentally Jane thinks she's got a new instructor while that persons turns out to be a crook on the run ...
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#7 - Scared a Lot in Camelot
The Scooby-Doo Show - Season 1 - Episode 6
The gang is driving to New England. Shaggy's uncle has inherited the old King Arthur castle and sent it to New England stone by stone. When they get it there something is wrong. They learn that he's also brought back the ghosts of Merlin and the Black Knight.
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#8 - Half Empty Saddles
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1958 - Episode 4
Woody Woodpecker is wandering around the wild west again seeking to find some buried gold and he tangles with a crook who wishes to find the gold for himself. Woody finally disposes of the villain by shooting him into outer space via a rocket, another favorite method used by Woody to rid himself of whatever he wanted rid of at the moment. The horse steals the film.
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#9 - Panhandle Scandal
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1959 - Episode 6
Bandit Denver Dooley travels to a lawless western town where he notices a sign, "No Bandits Allowed. Signed, Marshall Woody Woodpecker". Dooley pays no heed to the sign and confronts a Mexican who claims to know about the bird but in the end, just says, "I don't know him, Senor!" Dooley causes trouble at a bar and marshall Woody steps in. Dooley demands a showdown which Woody keeps besting him at. Dooley chases after the redhead asking the Mexican for directions (The Mexican again says, "I don't know him, Senor!"). After a few more chase gags, Dooley again encounters the Mexican and asks for directions. At this point, the Mexican reveals himself to have been Marshall Woody all along and arrests Dooley (still saying, "I don't know him, Senor!").
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#10 - Woodpecker in the Moon
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1959 - Episode 8
The local rocket society is looking for a new volunteer to blast to the moon, the only other person having been sent there being Professor Dingledong who has not returned thus far. They decide to send mailman Woody Woodpecker who, upon landing on the moon's surface, encounters the aforementioned Dingledong who demands possession of Woody's rocket so that he may return to Earth. After many a tussle, Woody and Dingledong are both returned to Earth's atmosphere whereupon Dingledong takes revenge on the rocket society chairman by blasting *him* into space!
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#11 - Kiddie League
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1959 - Episode 12
The final (and championship) baseball game of the Kiddie League pits pitcher Woody Woodpecker and his team (the Woody Woodpeckers) against a zany team, the Bubble Gummers.
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#12 - Pistol Packin' Woodpecker
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1960 - Episode 3
Woody Woodpecker, hot, hungry and thirsty, is walking across a dry, bleak Western desert and suddenly sees a large tree stump in the distance. He hastens to the tree, climbs on a broken stump, and begins pecking away.
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#13 - Heap Big Hepcat
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1960 - Episode 4
Loose face, a young Indian brave turned TV star, completes his role in a picture and is told to go home for a vacation. He hurries to the Indian reservation to greet his sweetheart Hummingbird. The two rush into each other's arms, but they're immediately separated by the girl's father, who's chief of the tribe.
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#14 - How to Stuff a Woodpecker
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1960 - Episode 6
Professor Strudel relates the story of how he managed to catch and stuff Woody Woodpecker... or did he?

#15 - Busman's Holiday
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1961 - Episode 13
As the scene opens, window washer Woody washes the window of Pierre's bakery. His first mishap is to cause Pierre to mess up a cake that he's decorating, and Pierre tells him off. Since this job is finished, Woody gets on a bus with his automatic extension ladder, which keeps hitting the bus driver in the head every time that the bus stops. The driver finally throws Woody off, but Woody manages to get back on. The comedy with the ladder continues, finally involving a traffic cop, a motorcycle policeman and Pierre, as well as Woody and the driver. The story ends with all the participants, on the motorcycle, crashing into a brick wall.

#16 - Phantom of the Horse Opera
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1961 - Episode 15
In the ghost town of Spooksville, Arizona, Woody Woodpecker tangles with an outlaw who disguises himself as a ghost to scare Woody away.

#17 - Home Sweet Homewrecker
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1962 - Episode 2
Woody has a tit-for-tat with Bucky Beaver as they attempt to destroy each other's house in this riotous cartoon that has some of the insanity usually found in Road Runner cartoons.

#18 - Rock-a-Bye Gator
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1962 - Episode 1
It's a little-known fact that alligators in the Everglades actually hibernate! During this time, birds are able to nest without danger, and Woody Woodpecker just happens to be stopping by for a rest. However, one gator is wide awake, on account of his extreme hunger: Gabby Gator, who intends to have Woody for dinner. But Woody knows a certain lullaby guaranteed to put Gabby to sleep...

#19 - Tragic Magic
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1962 - Episode 11
Woody goes to a magic show. He chomps popcorn and continually ribs the magician about his "easy" tricks, finally driving most of the audience away. Then the magician calls Woody on stage to "assist" him in a few "tricks," which enables him to get back at Woody for some of his taunts.

#20 - Little Woody Riding Hood
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1962 - Episode 15
Woody's take on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, but Gabby Gator tries to steal the wolf's part.

#21 - Coy Decoy
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1963 - Episode 11
While flying south with a flock of ducks, Woody is shot at and hunted by a hunter and his dog.

#22 - Woodpecker Wanted
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1965 - Episode 3
Woody Woodpecker causes all kinds of problems for a bank robber with hilarious results. Woody is insulted by the paltry bounty on woodpeckers, so he raises the price himself. Unfortunately, Dirty McNasty wants that "reward."

#23 - Canned Dog Feud
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1965 - Episode 8
Woody is the object of desire between two feuding hillbillies' hound dogs.

#24 - Phoney Pony
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1969 - Episode 12
Two convicts escape from prison in the Wild West and disguise themselves as a horse. Sugarfoot sees the "horse" and falls in love. Later, Woody and Sugarfoot learn about the phony pony, and they try to send the convicts back to jail.

#25 - Kitty from the City
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1971 - Episode 9
On vacation, a married city couple and their kitty, Precious, hop in their RV and drive out to the woods for camping trip. Seeing that Precious is a real scared y-cat, Woody takes advantage and plays jokes on the cat.

#26 - The Snoozin' Bruin
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1971 - Episode 11
A hibernating bear decides to sleep in Woody's tree, his snoring is loud and Woody does everything he can to wake the bear up and get him to move.

#27 - Hunger Strife
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1960 - Episode 11
It's the first day of tourist season at Peachstone National Park and Ranger Willoughby is told by his superior to "keep things ship-shape". When the tourists arrive, Willoughby tells the park bears they are free to take whatever food the tourists give them... all except Fatso, whom the ranger deems way too out-of-shape and instructs to diet intensely. Craving food, the bear tries to elude Willoughby and "pig out" but the omnipresent ranger always puts a stop to his antics. Finally, tourist season ends and Fatso, having gotten no food, is thin as a rail. Says the ranger, "Fatso, you're a mess. Have you been dieting?"

#28 - Eggnapper
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1961 - Episode 3
Tourist season is over and Ranger Willoughby closes the park for the winter, telling the bears they will have to forage for themselves from now on. Fatso Bear is not up to this. Fortunately, he doesn't have to since there is a henhouse nearby with plenty of fresh eggs. Unfortunately, said henhouse is guarded by a tough rooster.

#29 - Bear and the Bees
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1961 - Episode 8
It's springtime and Cupid is bringing romance into the lives of every woodland creature... except for Fatso the bear who "ain't got no romance in his soul." Cupid sets out to remedy this and shows Fatso a female bear, then injects him with about 50 love arrows.

#30 - Tricky Trout
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1961 - Episode 14
Wally Walrus is the keeper of a fish hatchery in which trout are incubated and raised. The ever-hungry Chilly Willy, tramping through the country and always looking for an easy meal, suddenly spies Wally Walrus' Fish Hatchery and, going to a window, sees myriads of small fish swimming around in the tanks.

#31 - Fish and Chips
Woody Woodpecker and Friends - Season 1963 - Episode 1
Smedley, Colonel Blooblud’s faithful watchdog, accepts a package from Little America, Antarctica during the colonel’s absence. Suspecting foul play, Smedley opens it and is delighted to find Chilly Willy, a real live penguin. While Smedley’s getting Chilly a sardine to eat, Chilly steals the colonel’s prize trophy- a stuffed marlin. Horrified to find Chilly putting the marlin through a meat grinder, Smedley glues it back together piece by piece. Carrying the marlin in his arms, Smedley slips on the floor, freshly waxes for this purpose by Chilly. The marlin comes apart as a result of the fall, and Chilly fools Smedley several times in different guises until Smedley becomes disgusted and mails Chilly back to Little America. Returning the much-glued marlin to its place over the mantle, Smedley gets a package in the mail from Chilly in which he discovers the marlin’s sword and tail just as the colonel returns. We iris out on Smedley posing as the marlin on the wall over the mantle.