The BEST episodes written by Craig Bartlett

Helga on the Couch
13 votes

#1 - Helga on the Couch

Hey Arnold! - Season 4 - Episode 30

When a psychologist comes to PS 118, she notices Helga's behavior, so she calls Helga for a session. Reluctantly, she goes, and tells this psychologist about her life and how she behaved this way... Eventually, Helga ends up telling the psychologist her feelings about Arnold and gains a trust with Dr. Bliss.

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Eugene, Eugene!
9 votes

#2 - Eugene, Eugene!

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 33

Eugene gets the lead role in the school musical 'Eugene, Eugene'. But the play director cuts the parts that Eugene is a hero, and makes the parts look like he is a loser.

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Cool Party
12 votes

#3 - Cool Party

Hey Arnold! - Season 3 - Episode 24

Rhonda has a party and only invites the cool kids. Arnold attends, but realises her party is only for snobs. He leaves and has his own party with his buddies and eventually Rhonda realises that 'geek' is cooler than 'cool.'

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Wheezin' Ed
20 votes

#4 - Wheezin' Ed

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 25

Arnold convinces the gang to go to Elk Island, where, unknown to them, two men are plotting a counterfeit coin scheme.

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The Journal
11 votes

#5 - The Journal

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 31

On the anniversary of his parents' disappearance, Arnold decides to give up hoping that they will ever return home. But while packing away their keepsakes in the attic, Arnold finds his father's old journal.

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Arnold's Halloween
20 votes

#6 - Arnold's Halloween

Hey Arnold! - Season 2 - Episode 21

Arnold and Gerald send the neighborhood alien crazy as they broadcast a mock Halloween radio show.

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New Bully on the Block
21 votes

#7 - New Bully on the Block

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 9

The kids must face two bullies when a new kid, Ludwig, returns and wants the vacant lot for himself.

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Helga Blabs It All
41 votes

#8 - Helga Blabs It All

Hey Arnold! - Season 3 - Episode 1

While feeling the effects of laughing gas, Helga leaves a confessional message of love on Arnold's phone machine. She then has to get into the boarding house in order to erase the message.

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Slumber Party
93 votes

#9 - Slumber Party

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 5

Angelica Sleeps over at Tommy's but her desire for an open window leaves Tommy Feeling Ill. This Results in some very Crazy dreams.

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Arnold's Thanksgiving
11 votes

#10 - Arnold's Thanksgiving

Hey Arnold! - Season 3 - Episode 27

Arnold and Helga both think they are having the worst Thanksgivings ever. Arnold's Family are celebrating President's Day, and Olga is at the Pataki house. When Arnold and Helga go to Mr. Simmons' house, they discover he has a obnoxious family, so they think their families aren't so bad after all.

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At The Movies
75 votes

#11 - At The Movies

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 4

Tommy wants to see Reptar, but the parents took him, and the other Rugrats, to the Westside Octoplex to see The Land Without Smiles (starring the Dummi Bears) instead. The Rugrats left Dummi Bears to go look for Reptar (showing at the same theater), leaving a path of destruction behind them.

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Tommy's First Birthday
301 votes

#12 - Tommy's First Birthday

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 1

In this episode we meet Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Angelica, Grandpa, and the rest of the gang for the first time at Tommy's birthday party. After Stu gives tommy a flying saucer for his birthday the babies start there first adventure by flying around the house and causing all sorts of Havok

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Back to School
20 votes

#13 - Back to School

Hey Arnold! - Season 4 - Episode 15

Grandpa's dream was always to get a High-School Diploma, but he never did because he had to work, so Arnold tries to make him go through grade school over again to fulfill his dream.

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Gerald Comes Over
23 votes

#14 - Gerald Comes Over

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 27

Gerald goes to Arnold's place to meet the other residents.

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The Little Pink Book
84 votes

#15 - The Little Pink Book

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 3

When Helga loses her pink book, full of love poems about Arnold on the bus, it ends up in Arnold's hands. Now Helga must get it back before Arnold figures out who wrote the poems.

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40 votes

#16 - Snow

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 12

Snow hits the city and Arnold can't wait to get out and have some fun... but wait, there's chores to be done... and when there done Arnold has the time of his life playing Hockey with the "crew".

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Downtown as Fruits
137 votes

#17 - Downtown as Fruits

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 1

Not looking forward to performing in Helga's "The Four Food Groups" musical, Arnold and Gerald decide to take the bus a few stops too many, but end up stuck downtown.

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33 votes

#18 - Monkeyman!

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 1

When Arnold gives the superhero Monkeyman a taste of normal life, he's far too busy to bother helping the weak and downtrodden.

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Four-Eyed Jack
15 votes

#19 - Four-Eyed Jack

Hey Arnold! - Season 2 - Episode 31

Arnold and Gerald stumble upon an old pair of glasses which once belong to a deceased boarder named Four-eyed Jack. Now they're on a ghost hunt through the boarding house, and there's no turning back.

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The Racing Mule
9 votes

#20 - The Racing Mule

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 29

Mr. Hyunh, Oskar, and Ernie purchase a race horse, or so they think.

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What's Opera, Arnold?
16 votes

#21 - What's Opera, Arnold?

Hey Arnold! - Season 2 - Episode 33

Arnold and the gang go on a class trip to the opera and have grand, musical dreams of their own.

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Timberly Loves Arnold
9 votes

#22 - Timberly Loves Arnold

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 32

Arnold does something for Timberly, causing Timberly to have a crush on Arnold. She makes Lila start to like Arnold because he has been helping Timberly.

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Field Trip
61 votes

#23 - Field Trip

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 4

Field Trip: The kids are really looking forward to their field trip to the aquarium - especially when they remember the scary Lock Jaw from their last trip. But, when they get there, they see that Lock Jaw isn't really that scary. Arnold notices how neglected the old turtle looks, and returns later with Grandma to set it free.

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The Pig War
11 votes

#24 - The Pig War

Hey Arnold! - Season 3 - Episode 31

Grandpa wants to re-enact the Pig War between the Americans and the Britians, but whoever wins gets a choice to eat the pig.....Abner!!

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Eugene's Bike
73 votes

#25 - Eugene's Bike

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 2

When Arnold accidentally ruins Eugene's new bike, he takes Eugene out on a day of fun, thinking that "Every geek deserves his day".

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Stu-Maker's Elves
17 votes

#26 - Stu-Maker's Elves

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 25

Stu has received an order from Mucklehoney Industries for 15,000 "Patty Pants" dolls. However, he is having trouble with the machine. Tommy and Chuckie fixed it while fetching the "Zippo-Glider", which Chuckie accidentally tossed into the basement.

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24 Hours to Live
9 votes

#27 - 24 Hours to Live

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 37

In this remake of the original pilot, Arnold accidentally knocks Harold out during a baseball game, and the bully gives Arnold 24 hours to live before he beats him to a pulp.

Helga's Love Potion
33 votes

#28 - Helga's Love Potion

Hey Arnold! - Season 2 - Episode 3

Helga drinks a potion to lose all feelings for Arnold.

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39 votes

#29 - Mugged

Hey Arnold! - Season 1 - Episode 17

When Arnold gets mugged in the street, Grandma teaches him how to defend himself, but the training and fighting starts to get to his head.

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Grandpa's Sister
10 votes

#30 - Grandpa's Sister

Hey Arnold! - Season 4 - Episode 23

Grandpa's sister unexpectedly shows up at the Boarding House, but Arnold doesn't know why she and Grandpa are always fighting with each other.

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Grandpa's Packard
7 votes

#31 - Grandpa's Packard

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 39

Grandpa's Packard is stolen from an antique car show.

Gerald's Tonsils
22 votes

#32 - Gerald's Tonsils

Hey Arnold! - Season 3 - Episode 6

Gerald has his tonsils removed before a big concert and must come to grips with the fact that his voice has changed.

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My Friend Barney
12 votes

#33 - My Friend Barney

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 39

Chuckie introduces his imaginary friend, Barney (who looks just like Chuckie, according to Chuckie), to the other Rugrats, but becomes concerned when Barney "oversteps his authority". Meanwhile, Didi runs with Betty in the "Save The Grunion" 10K marathon, paying a little "price" at its end.

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Eugene's Birthday
20 votes

#34 - Eugene's Birthday

Hey Arnold! - Season 4 - Episode 5

When Arnold feels guilty about accidentally not sending out invitations to Eugene's Birthday party (because he and Harvey missplaced mail with each other), he tries to Eugene another surprise party.

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Girl Trouble
12 votes

#35 - Girl Trouble

Hey Arnold! - Season 3 - Episode 36

Arnold, Gerald, Helga, and Pheobe are all chosen to work together on a History project, and Helga and Arnold pour pain on each other. Grandpa tells Arnold about his share of girl trouble with his now wife, Gertrude.

Buses, Bikes, and Subways
20 votes

#36 - Buses, Bikes, and Subways

Hey Arnold! - Season 5 - Episode 2

Helga and Harold must return to town on their own after the bus leaves them behind after a school trip to a chocolate factory, and Helga has tickets for a wrestling match and she cant be late.

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The Seven Voyages Of Cynthia
12 votes

#37 - The Seven Voyages Of Cynthia

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 38

While Stu and Drew are cleaning Drew's boat, Chuckie and Tommy shanghaied Cynthia so she could be captain; however, when she got lost in the sewer system, it broke Angelica's heart. She did get her back, but not without sailing miles and miles in the sewers and taking a bath in toxic waste. Meanwhile, after being chased away by Angelica, Spike hitches a ride in a garbage truck to the city dump, which doubles as a "scenic overlook".

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Big Caesar
28 votes

#38 - Big Caesar

Hey Arnold! - Season 2 - Episode 10

Gerald and Arnold do a spot of fishing, determined to catch the pond's biggest fish. The legendary 'Big C'sar'!

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Graham Canyon
17 votes

#39 - Graham Canyon

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 24

The Pickles experience car trouble en route to the Grand Canyon. Eddie & Ace, a couple of crooked auto mechanics working at "Twin Cactus Auto Repair", try to make a simple, cheap thing more expensive, but Angelica and Tommy inadvertantly stopped them from further damage while playing in a "canyon" of tires.

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Grandpa's Birthday
20 votes

#40 - Grandpa's Birthday

Hey Arnold! - Season 3 - Episode 13

Grandpa thinks he's going to die soon because no one in his family ever made it past his age. He prepares to die, and Arnold tries to convince him that life is still worth living.

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Chocolate Turtles
15 votes

#41 - Chocolate Turtles

Hey Arnold! - Season 4 - Episode 12

Arnold and Gerald try selling chocolate turtles for a profit, but Timberly eats all fouth boxes of them, and they have to get money so they don't get in trouble with the Camp Fire Lass.

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