The BEST episodes written by Bryan M. Holdman

582 votes

#1 - Endgame

Kyle XY - Season 1 - Episode 10

The Petersons, Kyle's real parents, arrive to take him home, but Kyle is skeptical about his biological ties, so he turns to Tom Foss for answers. Meanwhile, Steven has trouble accepting that Kyle may be leaving.

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Just Desserts
23 votes

#2 - Just Desserts

Our Kind of People - Season 1 - Episode 10

Bid week at the Gracities finds Angela close to getting everything she wants.

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For Colored Boys...
33 votes

#3 - For Colored Boys...

Our Kind of People - Season 1 - Episode 6

Alex drops a bombshell on Leah about her former marriage to Raymond.

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Now You See Me, Now You Don't
938 votes

#4 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't

Pretty Little Liars - Season 4 - Episode 12

An intriguing riddle from “A” has the Liars hitting the road and heading to Ravenswood, where they are surrounded by some familiar faces. During a very special magic show, one Liar pulls a disappearing act, leaving the other three scrambling to make sure she hasn’t succumbed to “A’s” tricks. But before they can hightail it out of Ravenswood, they make a shocking discovery that proves that everything they thought they knew about “A” and the “A” team might be wrong. With this discovery, the Liars may just have started “World War A." Meanwhile, Hanna and her mother’s joyous reunion is cut short when “A’s” sights are set on a new target. And Toby uncovers some surprising information about Wren.

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116 votes

#5 -

Step Up - Season 1 - Episode 5

Sage’s troubles start trending, and Dondre discovers Janelle’s been keeping a secret from him.

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This Is Not a Test
573 votes

#6 - This Is Not a Test

Kyle XY - Season 1 - Episode 5

Kyle, Lori and Josh experience difficulties on the first day of school while Nicole and Stephen receive a visit from Tom Foss.

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Hands on a Hybrid
752 votes

#7 - Hands on a Hybrid

Kyle XY - Season 2 - Episode 11

After finding a photo of himself and Jessi locked in Baylin’s box, Kyle and Declan realize that the best way to crack the mystery of Jessi is to get close to her is at the high school charity event. Once there, Kyle uses the opportunity to talk to the already vulnerable Jessi. Meanwhile, other secrets are revealed during the event as Lori finds out the identity of her attacker.

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Cover For Me
708 votes

#8 - Cover For Me

Pretty Little Liars - Season 4 - Episode 22

Emily takes up the sleuthing reins as she searches for answers about Ezra and Mona. After confronting both, Emily tries to make sense of the heartbreaking situation. Hanna, on the other hand, begins a new search after being confronted by Det. Holbrook and Lt. Tanner with a possible new lead in Alison’s case. Meanwhile, Spencer and Aria lean on new men in their lives to recover.

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Hot for Teacher
806 votes

#9 - Hot for Teacher

Pretty Little Liars - Season 4 - Episode 18

With Spencer’s possible Board Shorts revelation, she is now more determined than ever to prove her theory before bringing it to the other girls’ attention — especially since it could have a devastating effect on one of the Liars. But with many sleepless nights fueled by prescription medication, Hanna starts to notice Spencer’s odd behavior. Will Detective Hanna be able to figure out Spencer’s secret before Spencer is ready to share? Meanwhile, Emily looks to make amends with Alison through Shana, and all of Aria’s lies start to take a toll on her.

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History Repeating
3089 votes

#10 - History Repeating

The Vampire Diaries - Season 1 - Episode 9

Jeremy gets a break from the mysterious new history teacher, Alaric Saltzman. Damon reveals to Stefan the stunning reason he returned to Mystic Falls.

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Great Expectations
744 votes

#11 - Great Expectations

Kyle XY - Season 2 - Episode 16

Kyle and Amanda's relationship hits a period of uncertainty after she makes a surprise visit home, but is uncharacteristically cagey about the reason why. Meanwhile, Jesse loses her patience with Kyle when he keeps putting off her training sessions.

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The Silence of E. Lamb
682 votes

#12 - The Silence of E. Lamb

Pretty Little Liars - Season 5 - Episode 7

Aria begins her volunteer work at Radley and quickly gets down to business finding any answers she can about a patient of interest to the Liars. But she quickly hits a snag when she comes across an aggressive patient that may be the key to what the Liars are looking for. Also searching for answers, Spencer takes a note from Ezra’s play book by borrowing some of his spy equipment to keep a closer eye on the home front. Meanwhile, Hanna is caught at odds when Ali and Caleb butt heads, and Emily seeks help from her friends when her mom invites Ali over for dinner.

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Primary Colors
719 votes

#13 - Primary Colors

Kyle XY - Season 2 - Episode 20

Kyle begins having cognitive malfunctions and is drawing pictures in his sleep due to the attention demands from the other students during his midterm exams. Meanwhile, Kyle's condition has Jessi creating her own tutoring service.

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Along Comes Mary
1085 votes

#14 - Along Comes Mary

Pretty Little Liars - Season 7 - Episode 5

Jenna returns to Rosewood and befriends another one of the Liars’ enemies, making her the PLLs’ number one suspect for Uber A. In order to leave the psychiatric hospital, Ali must be released into the care of a relative, leaving her under the suspicious watch of Mary Drake. Spencer enlists Hanna’s help to search for Caleb as he’s missing in action. Aria and Emily stumble upon a secret apartment they hope will lead them to more answers.

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738 votes

#15 - FrAmed

Pretty Little Liars - Season 6 - Episode 8

After their latest run-in with Charles, tensions are at an all-time high with the PLLs and the town of Rosewood. Aria’s big moment of seeing her work displayed in an art gallery is in jeopardy as Ella is determined to keep her safe at home. Hanna is still uncomfortable with the unexpected scholarship money and is determined to give it back, even if that means ruining her chances at going to her school of choice. And to top it off, the one normal high-school rite of passage the girls are looking forward to is in danger as Rosewood High is considering not letting the PLLs attend prom due to security issues. Meanwhile, the more Alison learns about her brother the harder she finds it to connect a deranged murderer to the young blonde haired boy she sees in the photos and in her memories.

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Crash and Burn, Girl!
804 votes

#16 - Crash and Burn, Girl!

Pretty Little Liars - Season 4 - Episode 7

Caleb and Toby team up to investigate “A” and what really happened the night of the lodge fire, and encounter a source that points to a new possible identity for “Red Coat.” Hanna struggles to act like everything is normal and her friends are unsure about how to help her. Aria worries about Mike‘s behavior in light of an incident at school and Ezra struggles with how he now fits into her life. Meanwhile, The Liars are determined to find a new suspect in Wilden’s murder and their tactics have unintended consequences. And, “A’s” new plan threatens to send everything crashing down around one of the Liars.

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Father Knows Best
1174 votes

#17 - Father Knows Best

Pretty Little Liars - Season 2 - Episode 22

One father has a guilty conscience, one has a daughter he doesn’t trust, one is hiding a secret from his daughter and the other father is MIA — all-in-all it is not the ideal time for Rosewood’s annual Father-Daughter Dance. With fathers looking to make amends and daughters trying to keep the peace, the annual dance looks to be anything but fun. Meanwhile, Ashley continues her hunt to find answers about what is going on with Hanna with help from a surprising source.

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Over a Barrel
621 votes

#18 - Over a Barrel

Pretty Little Liars - Season 5 - Episode 16

Secrets are hard to keep, especially when you are keeping them from a loved one. Spencer searches for Mona's missing laptop with Caleb's help but where the search leads them could cross the "Toby approved" line. Aria tries to get up the courage to come clean to Ezra about her lie when she gets diverted by a possible goose chase. And Hanna is stuck in the middle having to cover Ashley's secret when Pastor Ted returns with big news. Meanwhile, Emily has to put up with Talia's annoying suggestions at work, as she struggles to come to terms with the end of her relationship with Paige.

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Life Support
722 votes

#19 - Life Support

Kyle XY - Season 3 - Episode 5

A car accident seriously injures Nicole, and Kyle and Josh help a woman named Gretchen give birth.

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52 votes

#20 - Choreography

Step Up - Season 1 - Episode 9

Rigo goes viral and King makes a big reveal to Poppy.

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Hold Your Piece
1085 votes

#21 - Hold Your Piece

Pretty Little Liars - Season 7 - Episode 13

Hanna is sure Jenna is to blame for a recent professional setback and is forced to bring Caleb up to speed on current events. Aria and Emily team up to investigate Sydney for more information about Jenna and her connection to A.D. Spencer grows closer to Detective Furey, while Aria struggles with her current situation with Ezra. Hanna’s turn at the game is more intense than she bargained for and leads to shocking consequences.

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Friday Night Bites
3501 votes

#22 - Friday Night Bites

The Vampire Diaries - Season 1 - Episode 3

Elena invites Stefan and Bonnie to dinner, hoping that the two will bond, but the evening is disrupted by the unexpected and unwelcome arrival of Damon and Caroline.

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Do Not Disturb
756 votes

#23 - Do Not Disturb

Pretty Little Liars - Season 6 - Episode 15

In order to prove Sara Harvey is behind the threats, Team Sparia reunites to find evidence of Sara’s involvement before they go to the cops. Caleb puts together a plan with Hanna to fight back against the new stalker by using the security footage tapes. Meanwhile, Aria gets unexpected news from her family, and Ali comforts Emily in her time of need.

Reality Bites Me
1980 votes

#24 - Reality Bites Me

Pretty Little Liars - Season 1 - Episode 5

Trying to ignore "A" backfired for the girls, and now they must pay the penalty. Whether it's a family in crisis, parental praise for an undeserved honor looming over their heads or wearing totally unfashionable scrubs while working off a debt – the girls must deal with it all. And on top of that, "A's" lipstick message is still haunting them. Meanwhile the girls must also deal with typical teenage drama – the boy kind – when a new boy arrives and pushes the status quo, a secret love is tested, a new romance blooms and an old romance is floating in the grey area.

Hot Links & Red Drinks
37 votes

#25 - Hot Links & Red Drinks

Our Kind of People - Season 1 - Episode 3

Angela wants to make Nikki the face of Eve's Crown and forces Leah's hand about the incubator program. Meanwhile, Raymond confronts Teddy about getting his company back, and Piggy is confronted by her past. Then, secrets are revealed when Lauren brings her grandmother Rose to the annual Juneteenth Rose Ball, where she reveals a family secret.

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886 votes

#26 - Mona-Mania!

Pretty Little Liars - Season 3 - Episode 15

After the shocking events at the school marathon, Aria, Emily and Spencer are sure now more than ever that Mona is up to her old tricks. Hanna, still holding out hope for her former friend, is not so sure. With Mona seemingly popping up everywhere, it sure seems like she has a plan. But with no real evidence to prove Mona is back to her evil ways, how can the Liars prove what they believe to be true? Meanwhile, Aria's fears about her father grow stronger when something vital that is hidden in her room goes missing.

59 votes

#27 - Ensemble

Step Up - Season 1 - Episode 8

Poppy and Janelle open up to one another, as Rigo and Dondre grapple with the events of the party.

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That Girl Is Poison
1187 votes

#28 - That Girl Is Poison

Pretty Little Liars - Season 3 - Episode 5

Jenna's extravagant birthday party seems to be too good to be true and Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer think something else might be up — especially when it turns out that Garrett is getting a pass out of jail to visit his ailing mother on the same night. The timing can't just be a coincidence; the Liars are convinced it all has to do something with "A." With Emily getting an insiders' view working the party, Aria working the crowd as a party-goer and Spencer staked out at the hospital, what could go wrong? The answer is: everything. Meanwhile, Hanna's wallowing through heartbreak leads her to a shocking discovery.

Never Letting Go
1594 votes

#29 - Never Letting Go

Pretty Little Liars - Season 2 - Episode 6

On the eve of the Rosewood Charity Fashion Show, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are surprised with Jessica DiLaurentis' return to town and her request that they participate in the show on Alison's behalf. Aria takes up the opportunity to try and help jog Jason's memory of the night Ali disappeared, as Hanna starts to get her hopes up that her father's attendance may mean more than he's letting on. Spencer, on the other hand, quickly learns that, while she has been dealing with larger issues, Mona has stepped in and taken charge of running the event. As the charity event gets closer, walking down a runway in a fancy gown may not seem that hard, but nothing is ever easy for four pretty little liars. Meanwhile, Emily reevaluates her casual dating stance when it starts to look like Samara might be dating someone else.

Let the Water Hold Me Down
1455 votes

#30 - Let the Water Hold Me Down

Pretty Little Liars - Season 2 - Episode 16

With Lucas missing and questions surrounding what happened out on the lake, Hanna can barely catch her breath. With Caleb determined to find his friend, Hanna’s reluctance to help only causes more problems. Can Hanna really tell Caleb what happened in the boat without tipping him off to her larger “A” problem? And if she did tell him, would he be willing to stick around after hearing all the horrible things Hanna has done? Meanwhile, Spencer follows a lead about “A” which guides her to an unexpected place and revelation.

Je Suis une Amie
1697 votes

#31 - Je Suis une Amie

Pretty Little Liars - Season 1 - Episode 16

A crucial swim meet for the Rosewood Sharks is the setting for Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer to experience a lot of turmoil. Emily and Paige go for round two, as they are pitted against each other to compete for the anchor leg of the big race. And Caleb calls in his favor with a guilty Hanna as she tries to deter Aria from asking too many questions about Ella’s ticket to the museum opening. As secrets start to be revealed and antagonists become less threatening, will this become a game changer for the girls? Meanwhile, Spencer takes on the task of tutoring a fellow student to try and get some answers.

Second Chances
17 votes

#32 - Second Chances

Hidden Palms - Season 1 - Episode 8

In the series finale of "Hidden Palms," Johnny goes to Cliff in hopes of having him retrieve evidence from Eddie's old laptop. However, in order for this to be done he has to befriend Maria once again. Evidence that Liza finds leaves her stunned.

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Stand By Your Woman
16 votes

#33 - Stand By Your Woman

Hidden Palms - Season 1 - Episode 7

When Johnny spreads news of Cliff's affair with Mrs. Nolan to Liza and Greta, the group concludes that this may have been the reason behind Eddie's murder. However, Johnny is soon brought back to doubt and distrust when he finds a video of Liza and Eddie kissing. Finally, Cliff struggles to regain Nikki's affections while fending off Mrs. Nolan's advances, and Tess and Skip continue their affair.

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