The BEST episodes written by Barry Hawkins

#1 - Freeze
Godzilla: The Series - Season 1 - Episode 16
H.E.A.T. are dispatched to aid the investigation into the disappearance of a search party looking for oil in Antarctica. The team must now not only battle against the monsters responsible — a pack of mutant "Ice Borers" — but also against the energy company who employed the men, who are determined to brush all record of the incident under the rug.
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#2 - Dog Days
Extreme Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 32
A demon dog is enslaving all the dogs in the city. The EGB not only have to face that but also the demon dog's master.
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#3 - The Baby Kay Syndrome
Men In Black: The Series - Season 3 - Episode 12
The Stellairian leader comes to Earth for peace talks and Jay and Kay have to watch over his daughter, Kima. When she is kidnapped by Frostifarians, her age regressing hypo-spray breaks loose. Now as Kima grows older, Kay begins turning into a baby.
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#4 - Clifford's Cookie Craving
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 33
Mr. Bleakman bakes a giant cookie for the Birdwell Fair, then leaves it unattended. Clifford gets one whiff of it and, try as he might, simply can't resist the temptation to taste it. Mr. Bleakman forgives the big dog when he realizes that everyone makes mistakes – including the mistake of leaving too big of a temptation in front of a child.
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#5 - An Itchy Patch
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 14
Clifford is itching like crazy but tries his best to stop when he hears Emily say that she'll have to take him to the vet if he keeps it up. With the help of Cleo and T-bone, Clifford tries every trick to stop itching and conceal his discomfort to avoid a trip to the doctor!
Watch Now:Amazon#6 - Good-Bye, T-Bone
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 41
Clifford and Cleo misunderstand a conversation they overhear, and think T-bone is moving away. They vow to make T-bone's last day on Birdwell Island extra special. They eventually learn to listen to a whole story before jumping to conclusions – but the good friends enjoy a truly special day nonetheless!
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#7 - Clifford and the Beanstalk
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 13
Emily works hard to prepare for her audition for the lead in the school play, but loses the role to Jetta. But Jetta doesn't practice or learn her lines so Emily steps in to play the lead role at the last minute – and Jetta learns the hard way that hard work and preparation are the things that make you successful.
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#8 - Little Clifford
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 23
In this flashback story, we learn how Emily and Clifford got together and how Emily's unconditional love changed the "runt" of the litter into the biggest dog around!
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#9 - Welcome to Birdwell Island
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 24
This flashback episode tells the story of the day the Howards moved to Birdwell Island. The town is full of preconceived ideas about how "a big dog can mean big problems", but they soon learn that Clifford has much to offer and they shouldn't make assumptions before they know the facts.
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#10 - Doing the Right Thing
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 25
When T-bone inadvertently "steals" a squeak toy, he experiences a guilt-induced dream where his conscience tries to show him the right thing to do. T-bone learns that it's always best to just do the right thing.
Watch Now:Amazon#11 - Clifford's Hiccups
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 65
Clifford gets a bad case of the hiccups – and that's a real problem with a dog the size of Clifford! His dog friends work together to come up with various remedies for Clifford. They are not successful and the hiccups eventually go away on their own. But Clifford expresses to his friends how good it feels to know they care so much about him.
Watch Now:Amazon#12 - The Truth About Dogs and Cats
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 42
When two cats "move in" to the tree next door to T-bone, the dogs try to everything to get rid of them, but they soon discover that they have no real reason not to like the cats. The dogs learn that, just because individuals are different, it doesn't mean they can't be friends.
Watch Now:Amazon#13 - It's My Party
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 66
When Jetta throws a "movie-watching" party, she expects everyone to do things her way – which in this case means watching home-movies of herself. The other kids try their best, but are soon bored and take a vote to go outside and make their own movie with Vaz's movie camera. Jetta is encouraged to join them, but stubbornly refuses. But she soon learns that it's more fun to play when everyone has a voice in deciding what to do together.
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#14 - T-Bone, Dog About Town
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 45
A cute little poodle named Mimi comes to Birdwell Island on vacation and T-bone gets a crush. He starts trying to be the kind of dog he thinks she will like, but learns that it's always best to just be yourself.
Watch Now:Amazon#15 - Princess Cleo
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 17
Cleo discovers her grandmother was a Queen – and that makes her a Princess! She begins to enjoy all the privileges she believes come with being a Princess – but soon learns that her friends are more important to her than any crown or title could ever be.
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#16 - The Dog Who Cried Woof
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 26
After overhearing Samuel tell the kids a scary story about Whiffy the Skunk Ghost, Clifford and T-bone get a bit spooked. Cleo takes the opportunity to play a series of naughty tricks on them, but then finds them not believing her when she really needs them! She learns that it isn't nice to play tricks on people.
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#17 - Clifford's Big Heart
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 1 - Episode 46
Clifford works hard to try to make Emily the perfect Valentine to show her how much he loves her. In the end, he learns it's his presence, not presents, that means the most to Emily Elizabeth.
Watch Now:Amazon#18 - When I Grow Up
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 23
When Jetta hears that Charley wants to be a Martial Arts Master when he grows up, she gives him a hard time about it. But Jetta soon learns that everyone's dreams are valuable and worthy.
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#19 - Not Now, I'm Busy
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 24
When K.C. tells the gang he's too busy to play with them today, Cleo feels slighted. Eventually the dogs learn that K.C. is moving to the island to be an Assistance Dog for Bruno's elderly mother. The dogs learn that even though sometimes friends aren't always available, they're still friends.
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#21 - Clifford Grows Up
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 11
The Howards do their best to make Clifford comfortable after he's grown too big for their city apartment. They finally move to Birdwell Island, because making Clifford happy is so very important to them.
Watch Now:Amazon#22 - Jetta's Sweater
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 12
Jetta inadvertently gives Emily Elizabeth a sweater that was a gift from her grandma. When she realizes her mistake, she resorts to all kinds of tricks to get it back. But in the end she realizes that just being honest would have made everything a whole lot easier.
#23 - Jetta's Friend
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 34
When her pen pal visits the island, nothing goes as Jetta planned, but to her own surprise, she has fun anyway!

#24 - The Monster in 3B
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 3
New neighbors are greeted with suspsicion by the gang, particularly Norville. They fear that the new neighbors might be keeping a monster, an idea which seems to be confirmed by an unearthly wailing coming from their unit. To figure what's really going on, they stage a stakeout, but their plan go awry and they worry that the worst has happened: one of them has been captured by the monster. In the end, it turns out that there is no monster and what they really have are some new friends.
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#25 - Sing a Song Norville
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 23
Norville isn't a songbird, but hearing the singing of other birds makes him want to sing too. Clifford encourages him to pursue his dream, but it soon causes a big problem. Norville's singing is not only excessively loud, he tries to sing all the time, disturbing his friends and the entire neighborhood when they're trying to sing and play.
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#26 - Cat-tastrophe
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 4
Clifford has guests - the kittens Flo and Zo. He's excited that they're staying for the entire weekend, but both Norville and Daffodil warn him that their energetic nature could lead to big problems. Once they arrived, things go exactly as feared, when they want to play constantly and even eat Clifford's food. The final straw comes when they break Clifford's squeak-toy and don't even seem to care. Can anyone get them to slow down and consider the conseqeunces of their actions before they ruin everything?
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#27 - Tell Me a Tale
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 24
Emily Elizabeth and Nina are bored stiff inside when a big snowstorm keeps them from having fun in the snow. Shun shows up and tries to capture their interest with a tale from Japan his Gtrandma told him. At first, Nina isn't that interested, but as the tale grows more intense, she finds herself invested in the outcome, even after the snow has stopped falling.
Watch Now:Amazon#28 - Basketball Stories
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Season 2 - Episode 18
Skyscraper Jackson has come to Birdwell Island for a big exhibition game, which Charley wouldn't miss for anything – except a bad cold. But Emily, Vaz and Jetta each write a story about the game for Charley from their different points of view. Charley gets to relive the game through his friend's stories and they have a lot of fun writing and reading them to him.
#29 - Your Secret Valentine
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 29
When Clifford learns that Valentine's Day can be a great day to make new friends, he tries to befriend a small, yellow puppy by getting her to be her Valentine. Norville thinks that the best way to do would be through fancy tricks, so Clifford tries this, with disastrous results. Even thinking small doesn't help and Clifford learns a lesson about being himself.
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#30 - My Blanky
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 31
During a sleepover, Emily Elizabeth lets out a secret to a friend. It's a big deal to her, but the secret gets out and soon it seems like everyone knows. Emily Elizabeth is completely embarrassed and her friend finds that though it doesn't seem like a big deal; it's something she has to take seriously.
Watch Now:Amazon#31 - Fall Feast
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 37
Clifford, Emily Elizabeth, Daffodil and the family are all headed to the train station for Fall Feast. They enjoy this tradition every year with their grandparents and it's going to be Clifford's first time. Bad weather forces a change in plans, but everyone still enjoys the celebration in the company of friends.
Watch Now:Amazon#32 - Adopt-A-Pup
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 45
There's a neighborhood street fair being held in Emily Elizabeth's neighborhood and Clifford gets to come along as Emily Elizabeth and Evan help out Mrs. Howard with the Adopt-A-Pup booth. These are all dogs from the animal shelter who haven't yet been adopted. Clifford makes friends with a small, pink poodle named Teacup who never seems to have any chance at being adopted because she's too small to even be noticed. Clifford sympathizes and vows to help her find an owner.
Watch Now:Amazon#33 - Perfect Pet
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 30
Shun knows that he's good with animals and now his Mom has finally given him permission to get a pet. Clifford and his friends catch word of this and decide to try to campaign to get him to select the type of pet that they are as his new pet. Their antics disturb his quiet studying, leading him to think that maybe it would be best if he didn't get a pet at all. Meanwhile, the animals learn that if they work together, they can still help out their friend.
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#34 - With Friends Like You
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 32
When Clifford helps out a friend in a sticky situation, he finds that he now has an overbearing helper. At first, he enjoys the attention and treats, but then starts to find it a bit annoying. However, he's not sure how to say this without feelings getting hurt.
Watch Now:Amazon#35 - Norville's New Game
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 38
On a bright morning day, Clifford wants to play ball games with Daffodil, while she just wants to sleep. After hearing about the prospect of a bouncy game, she joins Clifford, Norville, Jorge, Flo and Zo in the courtyard. The game comes to an abrupt end when the hopscotch lines are ruined, but Norville invents a new game. Unfortunately, his ever-changing rules and refusal to play fair threaten to spoil things for everyone.
Watch Now:Amazon#36 - Jokes on You
Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 46
Emily Elizabeth, Shun and Nina all have some fun and crazy jokes for Wacky Wednesday at school. From the beginning, Nina seems to want to be the very best --- the Queen of Wacky Wednesday. But her gags continue outside school and start to become annoying rather than funny.
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