The BEST episodes written by Barry Appleton
#1 - The Chief Super's Party
The Bill - Season 2 - Episode 12
P.C. Muswell and P.C. Lyttleton are on the lookout for a lorry full of stolen woolen coats. Ch. Supt. Brownlow is throwing a farewell party for his retiring clerk. D.I. Roy Galloway questions D.S. Burnside when he gatecrashes the party, and Burnside admits that he fancies June Ackland. D.C. Mike Dashwood realises the scotch being poured at the bar has been stolen, and Galloway asks Ackland to keep the remaining bottles aside as evidence. Despite warnings from the D.I. and the Chief Super, D.S. Ted Roach drives home extremely drunk and crashes his car into a fence. Knowing he'll be sacked if he's found out, Roach sleeps on a friend's boat overnight while he sobers up, but spots the coat thieves on the docks when he awakens, and the men are arrested when they are found stuck in a freezer. Roach also sweet-talks the man whose garden he crashed into by offering to get him into the Special Constabulary. P.C. Reg Hollis grasses on Roach to Brownlow, in the hope of getting the clerk's job.
Watch Now:Amazon#2 - With Friends Like That...?
The Bill - Season 2 - Episode 10
Sgt. Cryer brings in an assault victim who is reluctant to report a rape. Jane has problems interviewing the rape victim (Debbie) because of her friend's (Sandra) constant interference. Sandra then tells Muswell that Debbie got what she deserved from Sandra's boyfriend Roach investigates a burglary with the householder claiming more jewelry was taken than was recovered. The burglars are denying they took the extra stuff
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - Hostage
The Bill - Season 2 - Episode 5
Sgt. Cryer is taking half the relief out on Sun Hill's annual fishing trip. PC Smith and DC Dashwood go to serve a warrant on Russell Archer over a non-appearance in court on a poaching charge. Archer manages to escape from Dashwood and Smith, and is later seen menacing a milkman with a sawn-off shotgun. He later holds up a bookies and a greengrocer, until he is spotted by PC Carver and PC Frank. who give chase. Frank is shot and wounded during the chase, and Archer ends up taking an elderly woman hostage in a retirement village. With the fishing trip cancelled, DS Roach takes charge of the siege operation until DI Galloway and Ch. Supt. Brownlow arrive. Attempts to contact the increasingly unstable Archer fail, until he asks to speak to Sgt. Cryer whom he saw in the betting shop. Cryer enters the flat, and attempts to talk Archer into giving himself up. With WPC Ackland posing as a Meals-on-Wheels driver, Galloway, Roach and PT17 officers storm the flat and shoot Archer.
Watch Now:Amazon#4 - Don't Like Mondays
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 59
PC Edwards and PC Smith are called to a disturbance at a local bank, where they are surprised to find Tosh Lines' wife and children causing a commotion as there is no money left in their account. Edwards makes a discrete call to Sgt. Peters, who suggests to Tosh that he head down to the bank and sort things out. As PC Ramsey and WPC Ackland also arrive, the bank is raided by an armed gang. Tosh Lines arrives and charges towards the bank, but as PC Ramsey runs to stop him, he is shot in the chest by one of the robbers. Ch. Insp. Conway negotiates with the gang as armed PT17 officers surround the building. Sgt. Cryer offers to drive the getaway car, but disconnects the ignition when he leaves it at the bank entrance. PC Smith and the other hostages are released, but PC Edwards is taken hostage. He manages to makes a run for it and the PT17 officers open fire on the car.
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#5 - Ringer
The Bill - Season 2 - Episode 7
There is a serious road crash involving a Porsche, a motorcycle, a coach, a lorry and a Cortina resulting in six deaths. The Porsche had been tampered with prior to the accident and turns out to have been made of three different cars. Brownlow sets up a temporary morgue at a local school; WPC Martella and PC Muswell have the job of informing relatives of the deaths. After following the trail from the Porsche, DI Galloway raids a scrapyard only to find DS Burnside from the robbery squad undercover as a buyer, about to break the ring, but having forgotten to tell Galloway.
Watch Now:Amazon#6 - Hold Fire
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 12
P.C. Smith and P.C. Melvin are first on the scene of a traffic accident. The cars are on fire, and both officers risk their lives to rescue the occupants. One of the cars explodes, killing a passenger, knocking Smith unconscious and burning Melvin's hands. One of the men they rescued is a big-time villain, and the F.I.O. (Fire Investigations Officer) reckons he had explosives in the boot. D.C. Carver and W.P.C. Martella stake out a pub, but get distracted playing video games. They eventually follow and arrest a man who is ripping off his employer. D.S. Roach attends the Met's firearms training for renewal of his firearms authorisation. He fails spectacularly and his licence is revoked, but it's clear he failed deliberately. At the hospital, Martella arrives to help Melvin keep an eye on their suspect, but they are distracted when a man high on drugs runs through the ward, and their villain disappears.
Watch Now:Amazon#7 - Double Trouble
The Bill - Season 3 - Episode 8
D.I. Galloway wants eight men for an identity parade after an attack on a woman. They run into a mob of football supporters who are ""persuaded"" to help them out. P.C. Melvin helps a lady who has locked herself out of her car. CIB (Complaints Investigation Bureau) arrives at the station and none of the early shift are allowed to leave. Turns out to be an allegation of a copper pocketing a parking fine. Nerves are frayed on the relief, particularly those of P.C. Nick Shaw and W.P.C. June Ackland who come under particular scrutiny as they were on patrol at the time. Shaw is in strife for not declaring Ackland as a passenger in his panda car. As Ackland and Shaw are interviewed, another report of the bent coppers comes in, and CID arrest a mechanic from the police garage and his girlfriend who were posing as police officers and pocketing on-the-spot fines. P.C. Stamp spills a cup of coffee on the P.C. Patel's computer keyboard causing Patel to lose all the work he has done.
Watch Now:Amazon#8 - Caught Red Handed
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 7
P.C. Frank and W.P.C. Martella attend an incident where a pregnant woman has stabbed her husband with a bread knife. The husband doesn't want to press charges, and when he and his wife are re-united at the station, all is forgiven. Sgt. Penny and W.P.C. Ackland are at the local swimming pool to catch a thief stealing from lockers. When they apprehend a suspect, Penny starts to crack up when he realises he's failed to videotape the evidence properly, but the S.O.C.O. salvages the incident and gets a confession when she tells the suspect that one of the wallets was coated in a chemical marker. D.C. Carver watches P.C. Smith talking to a man in the pub and thinks he has stumbled on a drug deal in the toilets. He reluctantly informs D.I. Burnside who is delighted at the chance to get one over on Uniform. Pills are found in Yorkie's locker, and he admits they are anabolic steroids to help his rugby game. Smith is let off, but he is furious with Carver for grassing him up. CID raid the stero
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - Not Without Cause
The Bill - Season 3 - Episode 12
Sgt. Penny is asked by a landlord to talk to a lady on the top floor who is keeping cats. He is shot through the door after finding out his radio doesn't work. When Penny doesn't respond to radio calls, the station is worried about him and organises a search party. The landlord turns up at the station and talks to D.I. Galloway who doesn't make the connection. Insp. Kite nicks four people for breach of peace that he caused. A suspected poisoning of chocolate bars is traced to a supermarket.
Watch Now:Amazon#10 - Save The Last Dance For Me
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 16
A dangerous escaped prisoner is supposed to visit his girlfriend in Sun Hill, and a massive obbo is in place to catch him when he turns up. A bored relief waits in the canteen with P.T.17, and P.C. Ramsey suggests a little game of cards to pass the time. Sgt. Peters and D.C. Carver wait in a van, and while Peters is answering a ""call of nature"", Carver nicks a boy for damaging cars. D.C. Dashwood and W.P.C. Ackland wait in a dance school, where they each take a turn in partnering a dance student. The jealous husband of Dashwood's dance partner storms in and attacks them, taking Mike's gun, which fortunately is unloaded. Ch. Insp. Conway nearly blows the obbo when his impatience causes him to break radio silence, despite D.S. Roach's warnings, but his radio call is just the diversion Dashwood needs to overpower his assailant.
Watch Now:Amazon#11 - Conscience
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 19
Dashwood is moaning because Greig is playing his clarinet in the office. Roach is having a drink with a married woman and after she leaves, he recognises a man whose car has broken down as the ex-commander of the murder squad who roach is convinced convicted the wrong man. Meanwhile back at the station Dashwood discovers that Roach is due in court in the morning and approx 40 witnesses need to be warned.
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#12 - The Drugs Raid
The Bill - Season 1 - Episode 6
After a residents' meeting complaining about the drug problem on their estate, DI Galloway mentions that he had heard that an old illegal club has reopened in an abandoned theatre complex - this time dealing drugs. He asks a parent, Tombo Robinson, who used to be involved in the club, if he will infiltrate it to confirm Galloway's suspicions. Tombo reluctantly agrees, and meets with Galloway to tell him that a huge drug deal is going down that afternoon. Galloway quickly arranges a warrant, and sets about organising a huge raid on the club. The raid runs according to plan, but Tombo is stabbed by a dealer as he tries to let the police into the building. PC Edwards and Carver give chase to the dealer, but are alarmed when the suspect speeds off in a car bearing diplomatic plates. Galloway checks up on Tombo in hospital, and is shocked to discover that he has died and was a heroin addict. Returning to the station, Galloway is furious when Ch. Supt. Brownlow, a Home Office representative, and a diplomat from a small African nation request he relinquish the case to the government on diplomatic grounds.
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#13 - Some You Win, Some You Lose
The Bill - Season 3 - Episode 2
Ch. Supt. Brownlow and D.I. Galloway lead a massive raid on a drug den on a local council estate which escalates into a full-blown riot, but half a million pounds worth of crack cocaine is recovered. P.C. Melvin loses a handcuffed prisoner in the confusion, but he is arrested by P.C. Hollis when he turns up at the station asking for his handcuffs to be removed. The operation is down to D.C. Dashwood, whose snout is feeding them information on the main drug dealer. Meeting with the snout to get the location of the main drug lab, Dashwood is alarmed when P.C. Carver recognises his informant as Dougie Gardiner. C.I.D. raid the location given to Dashwood by Gardiner, but find nothing except a student squat. Desperate to arrest the dealer, and furious with Dashwood for lying about his snout, Galloway stakes out the dealer's Range Rover in a car park, despite Brownlow insisting he end the operation. When a borough councillor complains to Insp. Kite about the estate raid, it is discovered that the squat has a hidden basement. Galloway and his team race back there only to discover they have been beaten to it by the Drugs Squad from the Yard. Sun Hill holds a public viewing for recovered stolen property, but a gold snuff box is re-stolen before the owner arrives to claim it.
Watch Now:Amazon#14 - Missing, Presumed Dead
The Bill - Season 3 - Episode 4
There's been a shooting, but none of the neighbours seem to have witnessed anything. While chasing a possible suspect, Sgt. Bob Cryer hits a pedestrian. During door to door inquiries P.C. Yorkie Smith discovers a man with exotic animals including snakes, owls and a crocodile in his bathtub. D.S. Roach is attacked by some thugs, and the next day tries to beat them with an iron bar until P.C. Carver stops him. His attackers are later kneecapped as a message to D.I. Galloway as to who really is the law on the manor.
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#15 - Good Will Visit
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 3
P.C. Pete Ramsey arrives as Sun Hill, nearly running P.C. Taffy Edwards over with his Porsche and parking in the Chief Super's spot. He has been transferred from Barton Street CID for cheating at cards, and has been put back into uniform. Ramsey cops a warning from Ch. Insp. Conway to keep his nose clean, but he is clearly still up to his old tricks.
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#18 - All In Good Faith
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 5
W.P.C. Viv Martella and W.P.C. June Ackland report entry by artifice involving a bogus gasman to Acting D.I. Ted Roach. As Ackland and D.C. Mike Dashwood investigate the two latest cases, the widow of a gas inspector locks the bogus gasman in her basement. Insp. Christine Frazer has a serious talk to P.C. Pete Ramsey. There is a weapons amnesty bin outside the station, and when CID discovers a gun that was used in a robbery five years ago, Roach is determined to nail the suspect, Pat Duffy. Ch. Insp. Conway seeks legal advice as to whether the gun can be used as evidence as it was handed in during an amnesty. Roach disobeys Conway's orders and arrests Duffy. Conway is furious, but Roach tells him that they're in the clear as Duffy's ex-wife handed the gun in.
Watch Now:Amazon#19 - Paper Chase
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 34
A schoolgirl has been abducted, and D.I. Burnside is determined to find her. The girl's father is reluctant to have the police involved, as the kidnappers have threatened to kill his daughter if the police are called. He gets £250,000 out of his company account to pay the ransom. A technical officer from the Yard is called in to bug the briefcase. C.I.D. wait and watch with binoculars, and after a decoy run, the father makes the drop. Immediately Burnside and his team raid the premises, but there is no one there and the briefcase is empty. The little girl turns up at home safe. Burnside smells a rat, and the technical officer finds the bugged briefcase and money in the father's car.
Watch Now:Amazon#20 - In The Frame
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 17
Burnside is not only late for the weekly crime meeting with Brownlow, but is called out of it by an urgent phone call. Officers from Operation Backwoods ask Burnside to step outside. He appears to have been set up. Tosh returns to the office to find people going through the files. Cryer puts crime prevention leaflets on parked cars to prevent burglaries from them at Sgt. Penny's suggestion. After talking to a man he is walking away as the car explodes and he is sent flying. Members from the anti-terrorist squad arrive to talk to Brownlow and then try grilling Cryer.
Watch Now:Amazon#21 - Fort Apache - Sun Hill
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 42
Industrial dispute by prison officers put pressure on the holding cells. Roache is not happy that a murder suspect is mixing with other prisoners. The prisoners in one of the cells are caught smoking grass smuggled in a cup of coffee. A prisoner in another cell alledges rape. Roache's suspect punches him and tries to make his escape after tying Roache up. Melvin lets in a Chief Super from the Yard so he can check the books and the collator's office, upseting Reg in the process. Turns out to be bogus and there to spring Roache's suspect. Ramsey and yorkie are watching two suspects who change their car. Yorkie doesn't think they can handle it on their own but Ramsey thinks he is still in the CID and can. Egg smuggling of Peregine Falcons is what is going on.
#22 - Somewhere By Chance
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 48
Ramsey and Taffy investigate stolen credit cards in shopping precinct. While there a soldier says he has a bomb. The precinct is cleared and the relief check for the bomb. Taffy catches one of a pair of looters and while looking for the other looter he finds a rocket launcher in the toilet. Roach and Dashwood find a stolen car 2½ years after it was stolen. Claire goes to investigate a breakin but finds it strange that everything has been cleaned and the lady who supposedly reported it not there. Claire discovers the lady never existed and the man she saw has form for indecent assault. She also finds out how close she was to becoming a serial killer's 3rd victim.
#23 - Between Friends
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 54
Dashwood and Roach investigate a break-in at an apartment on the Thames. The burglar is chased and caught by uniform. Claims chloroform was planted on him but later changes his story to finding it in the apartment. Brownlow is off to a meeting on a golf course, upset that his golf clubs are still missing from his car. Later offered a set of clubs at a discount by a shady member of the club. Complaints have been made about not flying the flag so Melville and Able are ordered to look for it. The flag pole is also missing.
#24 - Taken For A Ride
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 63
Roach is meeting the Inspectors Promotion Board who made up their mind before the interview that he wouldn't be promoted. Carver is moaning to Burnside about going out in the evening. They are doing an obbo ona lorry with P.C.s Able and Turnham inside. Dashwood loses the lorry and the radiolink doesn't seem to be working. Burnside goes up in the police helicopter. Able is begining to be affected by the fumes when they find themselves back where they started from. The driver was listening to the police communications all the time.
#25 - Time Out
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 64
Burnside argues with a D.I. from robbery squad about using Greig and Lines on surveillance. They are sharing the house with a nosy lady. When the suspect is grabbed, the radio is not working. Greig suspects the suspect's wife knows who grabbed her husband. Ted is upset about the promotion board and wants to know if his cards are marked in regards to promotion. Claire is looking at greeting cards when she hears a shot. Money is taken from a security van and the guard is shot. Split groceries help solve the crime.
#26 - Death Benefits
Taggart - Season 9 - Episode 1
Julia Fraser, wife of a police sergeant, is brutally murdered whilst he is on duty. During a search of the house a list of names is found. It appears that the names on the list are rapidly meeting with a series of accidents - and yet the only connection between them is the list.
Watch Now:Amazon#27 - Legends
Taggart - Season 12 - Episode 1
Jardine and Reid investigate a killing in a country house swimming pool. One of the victims is Rick Mulvey, former lead guitar of the 60's pop group, the Adders. Their vocalist died while on tour 25 years ago. Ian Garvey, Kate McCready's boyfriend is savagely beaten by two bouncers, and the following day, he is knocked down by DC Reid in her car.
Watch Now:Amazon#29 - Prayer for the Dead
Taggart - Season 11 - Episode 2
Supt McVitie is taken to hospital with a heart attack after a heated argument with Taggart. His wife reacts very badly to Taggart's temporary promotion to Acting Superintendent, and takes it out on the whole team. Meanwhile, Reid and Jardine begin investigating the death of drug addict, Scott Graham, who fell from a balcony during a drug fueled party.
Watch Now:Amazon#30 - Digging Up the Past
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 47
An excavator on a building site has uncovered some human remains, and Sgt. Cryer calls in C.I.D. Cryer is avoiding returning to the station, as his son Patrick is being charged with causing death by dangerous driving. Ch. Insp. Conway, Burnside and Roach have a word with Cryer, who is avoiding his family. On the building site, D.C. Dashwood and the S.O.C.O. wind up the site manager by saying it may have been a murder, although the bones are very old. A riot ensues as the men want to return to work. Burnside arrives and nicks the whole lot of them. The bones turn out to be from the Great Plague in 1665. P.C. Edwards is angry after being sold forger theatre tickets by Ramsey. Ramsey claims innocence, and the pair manage to locate the forgers. Unable to interest C.I.D. in the case, they investigate on their own and blow a joint Fraud Squad/U.S. Treasury operation to catch counterfeiters printing fake American dollars.
#31 - The Visit
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 30
Viv is visiting a remand prisoner in prison and ends up being held hostage. After being released she is told all his grievances are false. Melvin watches from a balcony in a shopping precinct as a man is approached by two black men and shot at point blank range. He was going to collect a sniper's rifle at Paddington station.
#32 - Make My Day
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 51
Uniform are looking for someone who is letting off distress flares inside letterboxes. Melvin arrives on the scene of an attack. Householder wants something done. Hollis is back on the beat. As he is responding to Melvin's call to assist, he knocks into a rider of a moped who takes off. Fire Officer tells Cryer flares could be dangerous because of corrosion. Hollis is swinging bag around containing flare gun. Suspect has a thing about neighbourhood watch. An elderly betting shop owner(ex villain) tells Burnside about another elderly villain who has come out of retirement to out a contract on him. P.C. Turnham goes undercover.
#33 - User Friendly
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 58
A plane has come down in a park. Pilot and passengers (1 injured) all took off. Dogs track injured man to a warehouse. The plane had taken off from Belgium. A wooden crate is found containing very sort oafter American computer. June is driving a prisoner and Ken back to London. They are being followed by a car. The prisoner keeps trying to wind Ken up. Prisoner is a terrorist and linked to a bomb in Dusseldorf.
#34 - Tulip
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 71
Roach and Dashwood arrest a man at an after match function. The suspect tries to help a girl and gets stabbed. Roach gets very little cooperation at another police station and has a run-in with the Inspector. The girl (Tulip) is a prostitute and they talk to her pimp to help look for her. They find her at the hospital when they go to pick up the suspect who turns out to have caused Tulip to miscarry.

#35 - A Dangerous Breed
The Bill - Season 1 - Episode 7
PC Dave Litten is on secondment to CID, and is desperate to impress his boss, DI Roy Galloway. Galloway and Litten are about to have a meal at the local pub when a call comes through that a valuable necklace has been stolen from a local aristocrat, Lord Barstow-Smythe. Traffic problems hold them back as they race across Sun Hill trying to get there before the "woodentops". With Galloway and DS Roach busy, Litten talks to a local reporter and ends up mentioned in the local paper. Shortly afterwards, he is contacted by a mysterious stranger who offers to locate the burglers if Litten can convince Barstow-Smythe's insurance company to pay him the reward up-front. The Stranger then sets up two young lads to take the fall for the theft, and Litten proudly arrests them. Galloway recognises the MO of the case as that of a notorious conman, and lambasts Litten for his stupidity.
#36 - Outmoded
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 46
Sun Hill police are being called out to a series of bogus shouts which the Yard pins down to a computer hacker breaking into the police computer network. Sgt. Cryer investigates, and finds a former university student who has a acquired an ex-MOD computer which still had access codes to government and police networks on the hard drive. W.P.C. Ackland checks in with a woman who is too scared to leave her flat as she has been repeatedly mugged. Ackland convinces her to go out to get some cigarettes, but when they return, her flat has been trashed. June arranges for her to be moved off the estate. Roach, Dashwood and Carver watch as a car is pulled out of the river with the body of a young woman inside. They question the car owner who had reported it stolen, but he is clearly hiding something. D.S. Roach must inform Sgt. Cryer that it was his son, Patrick, who was driving the car when it went into the river, and that he'd left the scene.

#37 - Clutching at Straws
The Bill - Season 1 - Episode 3
A young boy is assaulted by a gang of thugs, and although he is reluctant to press charges, his brother decides to take matters into his own hands. Det. Sgt. Roach investigates an indecent assault and attempted abduction outside a school, but the attacker manages to get away. P.C.s Litten and Carver are at odds when Carver takes an interest in social work at a youth club.

#38 - A Friend In Need
The Bill - Season 1 - Episode 2
D.I. Galloway places a bet with Sgt. Cryer that he can solve a case involving verbal threats made to a number of restaurants, which the Home Office believes may be racially-motivated. P.C. Carver is accused of stealing a drunken journalist's wallet when he and probationer P.C. Higgins arrest the man.

#39 - Burning The Books
The Bill - Season 1 - Episode 9
After a briefcase is found by a young car thief, Det. Insp. Galloway thinks he can finally nick the 'Arthur Daley' of Sun Hill. Because of car problems he is unable to interview his chief suspect. After a warehouse fire that is supposed to convince Galloway the porn magazines were destroyed, they arrive back at the station just as the van carrying them drives away - having been parked at the back entrance for 24 hours.

#40 - Death of a Cracksman
The Bill - Season 1 - Episode 10
Alfie Mullins is a non-returned prisoner, not a dangerous prisoner as reported. He is an old-fashioned safe-cracker who, just as he is returning to the prison, is approached by one of a gang of thieves who want Alfie to open a safe they pinched. While they are talking Alfie is accidentally killed. The safe is rigged to explode by remote control which P.C. Carver accidentally sets off when he uses his radio.

#41 - The Sweet Smell of Failure
The Bill - Season 1 - Episode 11
A tip in a counterfeit perfume case pulls in two very old aged pensioners who appear to have been pinching things since WWII. But after leading Carver and Ackland in a merry chase it turns out they aren't the real culprits.
#42 - Country Cousin
The Bill - Season 4 - Episode 9
D.I. Burnside waits impatiently at the train station to pick up a D.S. Jarvis from one of the country forces, who is arriving in London to arrest a suspect believed to be living in Sun Hill. After warning Jarvis for punching the suspect in the face, Burnside takes Jarvis to an East End club where the badly-behaved country copper ends up fighting with the manager and bouncer over the cost of a prostitute. P.C. Edwards and P.C. Haynes attend a bus crash where the driver and several passengers are badly injured. Accompanying the driver to hospital, it is discovered he was suffering from epilepsy which he had not declared to his employers. W.P.C. Martella drives Sgt. Penny to a doctor's check-up to ascertain whether he can return to normal duties after his shooting.
#43 - Suspects
The Bill - Season 2 - Episode 2
Martella arrests a woman who has been 'pregnant' for 13 months, concealing stolen cigarettes in the 'bulge'.
#44 - The Return Of The Prodigal Son
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 101
Greig has been made Acting D. I. and Ted takes it up with Conway when he gets back. Ted is bringing in a prisoner who has been on the run for 12 months. His mum and sister are coming in later to see him. His solicitor wants bail because he is terminally ill. They want his mum to take his cases home. A man from the Drugs Squad turns up looking for Burnside. Heroin is going to be delivered on the estate and they want help getting it. The drug dogs go berserk when they go pass the suspect's cases. While Susanne and Reg are out looking for a drunk, they nick another one. When they put him the van they notice a group of men who take off when they see the cops. Before they can give chase, they hear an explosion. Susanne goes into the caretaker's burning flat to rescue his daughter. The caretaker is dealing drugs
#45 - Growing Pains
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 24
PC George Garfield gets a collar, and spends hours interogatting him - without the use of a tape machine! - only to discover he is a juvenile and should not have been interviewed without an appropriate adult. DC's Dashwood and Carver accompany DS Ted Roach to a factory where things have been going missing. They search for the thief in the warehouse, believing him to be from an air conditioning company. In the course of the search, Jim is attacked and left semi-concious beneath a pile of crates. It takes Dashwood a while to find him - Jim insists he is ""alright"", but later collapses in the factory foyer. He's taken - unconcious - to hospital where he's diagnosed with mild concussion and has to stay in over night - which is fine with him as his nurse is very pretty and friendly!! The case turns out to be one of industrial espionage, and Ted turns it over to the appropriate authorities. [Source: jimsgirl]
#46 - Crack-Up
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 65
Reg is in a pawn brokers when a man wearing a hat, scarf, and glasses leaves carrying a bike helmet leaving behind a bag with a gun in it. The shopkeeper calls CID as he thought he was going to be held up. The gun is thought to be linked to the shooting of a P.C. Reg brings in a drunk for criminal damage but when asked to remember the man in the pawn brokers he can't. After being told about how close he was to being gunned down he talks to Sgt. Cryer
#47 - The Juggler and the Fortune Teller
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 57
A court case is adjourned. Burnside and the defense council have an argument in the corridor. Viv goes back to the station to warn witnesses. The rape victim is upset. While Viv is making a car, her car is broken into and her case is stolen with the exhibits in it. while checking out a car park, Tosh and Carver catch a gang who turned over a post office.
#48 - When Did You Last See Your Father?
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 74
Cathy and Reg investigate an RTA involving a coachload of school children. The driver had been to an all-night party before he started work. One of the children recognises his dad on a wanted poster. Dashwood investigates a sighting of a large animal possibly a dog who killed a cat. Dashwood talks to an animal fancier about his panther.
#49 - Kids Don't Cry Anymore
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 15
June sees a boy being bullied at a playground. On investigation she finds a lunch box with packets in it as well as a notebook with a list of names and some drawings. The list is of drugs but the prices are kids prices and the packets hold grass clippings and flour - almost like the children are playing shop. She goes to the local school to see if she can get some names. Dashwood's transfer has been turned down. Burnside thinks Brownlow stopped it because Dashwood is dressed smarted than Brownlow. The retired head of the murder squad offers to help Dashwood. Roach's ex senior officer comes into CID asking for help with a case. He is now head of a security firm and wants to impress the partners and wants Roach's help because Ted is a good thief taker. Roach doesn't want to help because he still hasn't forgiven his boss for putting an innocent man in prison. He nicks a man at the pub with stolen watches.
#50 - Getting It Right
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 1
D.I. Burnside leads a raid on a hotel room to catch a man suspected of armed abduction, but due to Ramsey's duff info, they raid the wrong room. The man in the room threatens to make an official complaint against Burnside, who charges Ramsey with digging up some dirt on him. It turns out he's a doctor, and it appears he was having an affair with a patient. Burnside gleefully goes to tell the doctor to drop his complaint, but finds he and Ramsey got it all wrong again. Sgt. Cryer is heading to court to support his son, Patrick, and on the way he is followed by a girl who tells her that Bob found her as an abandoned baby 15 years ago. Patrick's case is thrown out of court, and the dead girl's father accuses Cryer of a police cover-up. In no mood to deal with her, Cryer tells Bobbi to go away, but back at the station sees she has been reported as missing.