The BEST episodes written by Ashley Edward Miller

Goodbye to All That
1497 votes

#1 - Goodbye to All That

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2 - Episode 5

John and Derek infiltrate a military academy in order to protect an integral member of the future resistance. Meanwhile, Weaver’s first assignment for Ellison takes an interesting turn of events when he discovers a specter from his own past.

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8767 votes

#2 - Jacksonville

Fringe - Season 2 - Episode 15

After a violent tremor shakes a Manhattan office building to its core, leaving only one survivor who leads the Fringe Team to believe he is not from this reality. Walter surmises that what shook the building was not geologic, but rather something discovered by him and William Bell many years ago. With another catastrophe imminent, the team races to Jacksonville, the site of Walter and William’s experiments, forcing Olivia to face her mysterious past in an effort to save hundreds of people from certain death.

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Dance of the Mayflies
469 votes

#3 - Dance of the Mayflies

Andromeda - Season 2 - Episode 15

The crew of Andromeda encounter plague victims infected by a hostile, nanobot-based lifeform out to take over the ship.

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Through a Glass Darkly
281 votes

#4 - Through a Glass Darkly

Andromeda - Season 5 - Episode 11

While Rhade are busy defending refugees on Seefra Five from the army of a local warlord, Dylan is surprised to find Hohne, the Perseid scientist lost and assumed dead during the problems with Haprer's tesseract machine, tesseract onto the command deck of the Andromeda. Hohne and Harper attempt to recreate the quantum teleporter in order to resupply the pinned-down refugees and during the reconstruction receive a message from the research station near the black hole where the device first worked.

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Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath
514 votes

#5 - Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 21

When the crew prepares for the launch of The Resolution of Hector, they soon discover that Rommie has had a change of mind and is now working against the crew. Knowing that this is not normal, Dylan sets out to reclaim the ship, and find out what is controlling his friend.

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The Knight, Death, and the Devil
553 votes

#6 - The Knight, Death, and the Devil

Andromeda - Season 2 - Episode 20

The crew encounter a POW camp full of captured High Guard starships and their AI avatars.

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Twilight of the Idols
443 votes

#7 - Twilight of the Idols

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 20

The Andromeda crew search for a colony that disappeared.

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Grey Matters
8100 votes

#8 - Grey Matters

Fringe - Season 2 - Episode 10

A patient at a mental hospital undergoes impromptu surgery that leaves his brain exposed. William Bell resurfaces during the investigation of the strange circumstances and Olivia finds reason that the leader of the shape-shifters may have something to do with it.

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Momentum Deferred
7891 votes

#9 - Momentum Deferred

Fringe - Season 2 - Episode 4

Recuperating from the traumatic and alarming meeting with Massive Dynamic founder William Bell, Agent Dunham consumes a powerful "fringe" concoction that Dr. Bishop prescribes to stimulate her memory. Meanwhile, the Fringe Division investigates a series of robbery cases that are tied to shape-shifting. As clues are tracked and memories are jogged, another woman experimented on by Dr. Bishop is introduced and a flashback reveals more about Olivia's visit to the alternate reality.

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Into the Labyrinth
563 votes

#10 - Into the Labyrinth

Andromeda - Season 2 - Episode 9

A Commonwealth conference becomes a backdrop for Magog espionage, while Harper tries to discover how one of their spies managed to remove some of his Magog larvae.

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Point of the Spear
552 votes

#11 - Point of the Spear

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 16

When the Andromeda responds to a request to destroy atmosphere generators on Samsarra, they encounter a battle group of Pyrians and stand off until the Commonwealth fleet arrives. in a revelation from Trance, Dylan finds out that Trances people believe the Pyrian fleet stronger and better equipped to handle the forthcoming war. With this information, she tells Dylan to pull out and let the Pyrians win so that they can take on the Magog World Ship instead of the renewed Commonwealth. Dylan sees that the only way to stop them is to destroy the planet that he is trying so hard to save....

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Decay of the Angel
399 votes

#12 - Decay of the Angel

Andromeda - Season 5 - Episode 4

Doyle is plagued by nightmares, and half remembered dreams of life on board the Andromeda. But she was never a member of the crew. One person notices her perceptions are off and realizes Doyle doesn't know who she really is and tries to get her to join with him and others of their own kind. Doyle will learn the truth of her origin, and why she feels at home on the Andromeda.

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All Too Human
519 votes

#13 - All Too Human

Andromeda - Season 2 - Episode 6

Rommie sets out to extract an informant, but winds up stuck on a planet with a strong hatred and fear of Androids.

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The Lone and Level Sands
635 votes

#14 - The Lone and Level Sands

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 5

As Dylan, Rommie, Tyr and Harper flee from the Ogami, they encounter a ship sent from Earth to explore space over 3000 years ago. As the ship is a giant engine, it travels so fast that the crew never age. As the Maru has no slipstream engine, Dylan is faced with a decision that could change the future of the commonwealth. Can the Andromeda come to the rescue?

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A Game of Chess
222 votes

#15 - A Game of Chess

DOTA: Dragon's Blood - Season 1 - Episode 8

Old compatriots — and enemies — reemerge. Mirana and Fymryn try to right wrongs, but a goddess has other plans, and cruel oblivion beckons.

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Una Salus Victus
475 votes

#16 - Una Salus Victus

Andromeda - Season 2 - Episode 7

After discovering Tyr has hidden the remains of Drago Musevini on board the Andromeda, Dylan questions Tyr's loyalty. Beka and a Nietzchean both race to repair their ships before the other destroys them, and Harper is left in command of the Andromeda, and must decide whether or not to protect a convoy and risk losing the Andromeda.

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Lava and Rockets
481 votes

#17 - Lava and Rockets

Andromeda - Season 2 - Episode 13

Dylan hijacks a starship to lose the Ogami.

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The Dark Backward
551 votes

#18 - The Dark Backward

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 12

"Okay, that did not work," Trance says. "Let's try again." Trance tries to figure out how to help the crew survive a deadly intruder.

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Strange Things Happen at the One-Two Point
1564 votes

#19 - Strange Things Happen at the One-Two Point

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2 - Episode 10

Sarah's preoccupation with the three dots takes her to a place she believes Andy Goode's Turk is being held. Meanwhile, Jesse's plans have some complications and Weaver makes an important introduction.

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What the Thunder Said
273 votes

#20 - What the Thunder Said

DOTA: Dragon's Blood - Season 1 - Episode 1

There's no rest for the righteous: Dragon Knight Davion makes an ominous discovery and meets a princess with a plan. A fiery fight burns its hero.

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The Unconquerable Man
518 votes

#21 - The Unconquerable Man

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 10

Gaheris Rhade sets out to reshape the universe according to his will and restore order amid the chaos

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Cui Bono
701 votes

#22 - Cui Bono

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 4

Beka's Uncle Sid returns, as a candidate for a leader of the Commonwealth. He plans to use the Andromeda to help his chances, but an assassin has other plans for him.

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The Good Wound
1487 votes

#23 - The Good Wound

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2 - Episode 14

While fighting to stay alive, Sarah is guided by the image of John's father. Weaver's attempt to protect John Henry has deadly consequences.

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Dungeons & Dragons
1495 votes

#24 - Dungeons & Dragons

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 1 - Episode 6

Flashing in and out of consciousness, fighting for his life, the Stranger from last week recalls his future life battling the machines in 2027. Meanwhile, Sarah tries to explain the past to Charley.

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