The BEST episodes written by Andrew Kreisberg

A Difficult Undertaking
47 votes

#1 - A Difficult Undertaking

My Family - Season 9 - Episode 5

Ben's uncle Norris dies, leaving him less than he expected, and instead Susan benefits. Later, the wake is held at the Harpers, but will it go smoothly?

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The Greatest Story Never Told
215 votes

#2 - The Greatest Story Never Told

Justice League - Season 3 - Episode 7

While the sorcerer Mordru invades Metropolis and the League must attack en masse to stop him, gloryhound and erstwhile superhero Booster Gold ends up ""crowd control"" and does some world-saving of his own.

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Fast Enough
5014 votes

#3 - Fast Enough

The Flash (2014) - Season 1 - Episode 23

Wells presents Barry with a life-changing choice. Dr. Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond return to help the S.T.A.R. Labs team with this final fight.

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5487 votes

#4 - Unthinkable

Arrow - Season 2 - Episode 23

Slade moves forward with his plan to kill one more person in Oliver’s life. While Oliver has fought all year to be more than the killer he once was, when Slade kidnaps someone close to Oliver’s heart, Oliver is pushed to the edge and realizes sometimes it takes doing the unthinkable to stop the monster. Meanwhile, Diggle takes on Amanda Waller with a little help from some friends, and Thea turns to Roy in her time of need.

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7973 votes

#5 - Sacrifice

Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 23

Oliver and Diggle race to stop the Dark Archer from unleashing his vengeance on The Glades. However, they run into a roadblock after Detective Lance picks up Felicity for questioning. Tommy and Oliver’s already tumultuous relationship takes a turn for the worse after Oliver makes a confession about Laurel. After hearing of the danger in The Glades, Thea races to find Roy, inadvertently putting herself directly in the line of fire for Malcolm’s devious plan. On the island, Oliver, Slade and Shado are locked in a life-or-death struggle against Fyers as his missiles lock on a full Ferris Air jetliner.

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1866 votes

#6 - Stand

Warehouse 13 - Season 3 - Episode 12

Pete and Myka race to stop Sykes from using his own cache of artifacts to destroy them and the Warehouse.

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Welcome to Earth-2
5351 votes

#7 - Welcome to Earth-2

The Flash (2014) - Season 2 - Episode 13

Barry, Wells and Cisco journey to Earth-2 to rescue Wells’ daughter, Jesse from Zoom. Barry is stunned when he runs into Earth-2 Iris and Joe, but nothing prepares him for meeting Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jay has to take over the Flash’s responsibilities when a meta-human nicknamed Geomancer attacks Central City.

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Crisis on Earth-X (4)
3276 votes

#8 - Crisis on Earth-X (4)

DC's Legends of Tomorrow - Season 3 - Episode 8

Barry and Iris's wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth's mightiest heroes - Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary - lead their teams into battle to save the world. Part 1 - Supergirl - S03E08 Part 2 - Arrow - S06E08 Part 3 - The Flash - S04E08 Part 4 - DC's Legends of Tomorrow - S03E08

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Flash vs. Arrow (1)
5225 votes

#9 - Flash vs. Arrow (1)

The Flash (2014) - Season 1 - Episode 8

Barry is thrilled when Oliver, Felicity and Diggle come to Central City to investigate a case involving a deadly boomerang. Meanwhile, Iris is furious when Eddie tries to get a task force to stop The Flash, Joe and Dr. Wells agree the Arrow is a bad influence on Barry, and Caitlin and Cisco deal with a new team in S.T.A.R. Labs.

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Three Ghosts
6518 votes

#10 - Three Ghosts

Arrow - Season 2 - Episode 9

After a fight with Cyrus Gold AKA the Acolyte, Oliver is drugged and left for dead. Determined to cure him, Felicity makes a risky decision. The cure causes Oliver to hallucinate, and what he sees forces him to confront his past. Meanwhile, Barry continues to help Felicity, and their connection grows stronger. The Arrow asks Lance to look into Gold, but when the stakeout on Gold goes bad, someone is killed. Roy is captured and tortured by Brother Blood.

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Worlds Finest
3940 votes

#11 - Worlds Finest

Supergirl - Season 1 - Episode 18

Kara gains a new ally when the lightning-fast superhero The Flash suddenly appears from an alternate universe and helps Kara battle Siobhan, aka Silver Banshee, and Livewire in exchange for her help in finding a way to return him home.

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Crisis on Earth-X (1)
3377 votes

#12 - Crisis on Earth-X (1)

Supergirl - Season 3 - Episode 8

Barry and Iris’s wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth’s mightiest heroes – Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary – lead their teams into battle to save the world.

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The Scientist
6731 votes

#13 - The Scientist

Arrow - Season 2 - Episode 8

A seemingly impossible robbery at Queen Consolidated’s Applied Sciences Division brings Central City police scientist Barry Allen to town. Citing a similar case back home, Barry offers to help Oliver and team with the investigation. Oliver senses there is more to Barry than meets the eye, but he’s distracted by the similarities between this current case and something that happened on the island. Meanwhile, Felicity takes a liking to Barry, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Oliver. Sin asks Roy for help when a friend of hers goes missing. Roy is surprised when Thea not only encourages him to help, but joins the search. Unfortunately, Sin’s friend is connected to Brother Blood, and their search ultimately gets one of them seriously injured.

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The Brave and the Bold
4569 votes

#14 - The Brave and the Bold

Arrow - Season 3 - Episode 8

Oliver, Arsenal and Diggle track down the location of a boomerang-wielding killer named Digger Harkness, but are surprised when they come face to face with an A.R.G.U.S. team. Diggle asks Lyla why A.R.G.U.S. is involved but she defers until Harkness attacks the building, killing several agents and targeting Lyla. The Arrow joins the fight and gets help from an old friend — The Flash. Harkness manages to get away and Oliver teams up with Barry again to find him before he can get to Lyla. When Harkness plants five bombs in the city that are timed to explode at the same time, both teams must come together to save the city.

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Invasion! (2)
6711 votes

#15 - Invasion! (2)

The Flash (2014) - Season 3 - Episode 8

When aliens called the Dominators attack Central City, Barry speeds over to Star City to ask the Green Arrow for help in stopping them. Realizing the battle against the Dominators is bigger than they thought, they track down the Legends of Tomorrow, and Barry and Cisco create a breach to bring back a secret weapon – Supergirl. Once all of the super friends are assembled, they come up with a plan to attack but a shocking secret related to Flashpoint is revealed and suddenly no one is sure who they can trust. Meanwhile, Wally wants to join the battle against the aliens but Iris tells him he’s not ready.

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6180 votes

#16 - Invincible

The Flash (2014) - Season 2 - Episode 22

After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canary’s Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally takes to the streets to help The Flash stop the meta-humans, which worries Joe. Iris and Henry are concerned about Barry taking on Zoom.

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Legends of Today (1)
5053 votes

#17 - Legends of Today (1)

The Flash (2014) - Season 2 - Episode 8

Vandal Savage arrives in Central City and sets his sights on Kendra Saunders. After Vandal attacks Kendra and Cisco, they turn to Barry for help. Realizing how dangerous Vandal is, Barry takes Kendra to Star City and asks Oliver and team to hide her until he can figure out how to stop Vandal. However, things quickly go from bad to worse when a man with wings AKA Hawkman shows up and flies off with Kendra. Meanwhile, Harrison develops a serum to make Barry run faster and asks Jay to test it out.

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The Man Under the Hood
5669 votes

#18 - The Man Under the Hood

Arrow - Season 2 - Episode 19

Oliver, Canary, Diggle and Felicity return to the lair and find Slade waiting for them. An epic battle breaks out and one member of Team Arrow is sent to the hospital. Thea hits her breaking point, but just as Oliver is about to reach her, Slade intervenes and Oliver is faced with a choice — his battle with Slade or his family. Meanwhile, Laurel struggles with a new secret.

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4941 votes

#19 - Tricksters

The Flash (2014) - Season 1 - Episode 17

A copycat killer who goes by the name “The Trickster” starts setting off bombs in Central City. In order to stop the villain, Barry and Joe meet with the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind named James Jesse, who has been imprisoned for 20 years. Things quickly go from bad to worse when the Tricksters unite and take Henry prisoner. Meanwhile, Iris asks Eddie for help with a case and flashbacks show how Harrison Wells came up with the idea for the particle accelerator.

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7996 votes

#20 - Pilot

The Flash (2014) - Season 1 - Episode 1

CSI investigator Barry Allen awakens from a coma, nine months after he was hit by lightning, and discovers he has superhuman speed.

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Infantino Street
6154 votes

#21 - Infantino Street

The Flash (2014) - Season 3 - Episode 22

With only 24 hours left until Savitar murders Iris, Barry struggles to save the woman he loves and makes the choice to use any means necessary to do so. Realizing he has one option left to save her, The Flash turns to Captain Cold for help.

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Killer Frost
6533 votes

#22 - Killer Frost

The Flash (2014) - Season 3 - Episode 7

Caitlin uses her powers to save Barry but as her mother predicted, the effort unleashes her inner Killer Frost. Killer Frost goes on a rampage looking for Dr. Alchemy, kidnapping Julian and battling both The Flash and Vibe. Meanwhile, Joe and H.R. have a heart to heart talk.

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Deep End of the Poole
1043 votes

#23 - Deep End of the Poole

Boston Legal - Season 2 - Episode 24

Name partner Edwin Poole returns from a mental institution to Crane, Poole and Schmidt, ready to jump back in, but Shirley has reservations when he decides to sue a candy company. An A.D.A. with a grudge against Alan brings charges, accusing him of advising his client to flee when a guilty verdict was inevitable. Meanwhile, Brad and Denise decide where to take their relationship.

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My Name is Oliver Queen
3982 votes

#24 - My Name is Oliver Queen

Arrow - Season 3 - Episode 23

Everyone’s lives are in danger as Ra’s al Ghul puts forth his final plan. Oliver/Al Sah-him must decide if he’s strong enough to take on this new role and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow, and his soul.

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6632 votes

#25 - Crucible

Arrow - Season 2 - Episode 4

Oliver discovers a man who goes by the name “The Mayor” is bringing illegal guns in to The Glades, so Oliver sponsors a “Cash for Guns” event to help clean up the city. Unfortunately, The Mayor crashes the event with his gang and seriously injures Sin. The Canary is furious when she learns her friend is in the hospital and sets out for revenge. Meanwhile, Felicity stuns Oliver with a bit of information about the Canary, Donner asks Laurel to dinner, and Diggle reconnects with an old friend.

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The Calm
5268 votes

#26 - The Calm

Arrow - Season 3 - Episode 1

With crime in Starling City at an all-time low thanks to the Arrow and his team, Oliver thinks he can finally balance being both the Arrow and Oliver Queen and asks Felicity out on a date. However, when a new villain emerges, who has claimed the name Vertigo from the recently deceased Count, Oliver is caught off-guard and someone close to him is hurt. Oliver and a newly suited up Roy take on the Count. Meanwhile, Diggle becomes a father, Lance is promoted to Captain, Laurel joins Arrow’s inner circle and Felicity gets a part-time job at a tech store to make ends meet. Also, Oliver fights to regain his company, Queen Consolidated, but comes up against a very worthy opponent — the charming Ray Palmer.

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City of Heroes
7362 votes

#27 - City of Heroes

Arrow - Season 2 - Episode 1

Diggle and Felicity travel to Lian Yu in search of Oliver who left Starling City after The Undertaking. Convinced to return home, Oliver finds that things are in worse shape than he thought — Isabel Rochev is preparing a hostile takeover of Queen Consolidated, Thea refuses to visit Moira in jail, Roy is trying to fill the void left by the Arrow’s absence, and Laurel is working with the District Attorney’s office to take down the vigilante. Meanwhile, flashbacks to the island show Slade, Shado and Oliver in a desperate situation.

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A Few So-So Men
8 votes

#28 - A Few So-So Men

Malcolm & Eddie - Season 2 - Episode 20

Malcolm's dream to renovate McGee's into 1930s jazz club is in full swing when he discovers that the contractor he hired to build his bar turns out to be an old Navy buddy of Eddie's. Since he and Eddie did not get along in the Navy, the contractor leaves the job until Eddie gives him an apology, leaving Malcolm without a bar.

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Nevertheless, She Persisted
3530 votes

#29 - Nevertheless, She Persisted

Supergirl - Season 2 - Episode 22

Supergirl challenges Rhea to battle to save National City. Meanwhile, Superman returns and Cat Grant offers Supergirl some sage advice.

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Helping Hands
1192 votes

#30 - Helping Hands

Boston Legal - Season 2 - Episode 12

Alan finds himself all alone against the firm when he decides to defend Jerry Espenson from charges of attempted murder, torture and terrorist threats. Denise and Daniel Post get closer as Daniel second chairs a case against parents who are constantly harassing their daughter's teacher. Meanwhile, Paul is worried about the impact Denny's pending nuptials may have on the firm.

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Andy Joins the PTA (or Great Sexpectations)
56 votes

#31 - Andy Joins the PTA (or Great Sexpectations)

Mission Hill - Season 1 - Episode 7

Andy is first pressured to go to Kevin's parent/teacher conferences, then is pressured to join the PTA by Toby's mother. During the whole ordeal, Andy has the hots for Kevin's teacher.

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The Wrath of Savitar
6330 votes

#32 - The Wrath of Savitar

The Flash (2014) - Season 3 - Episode 15

While training with Barry, Wally starts to have visions of Savitar, which he hides from the team. A dangerous secret threatens Barry and Iris’ happiness.

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Crisis on Earth-X (3)
3881 votes

#33 - Crisis on Earth-X (3)

The Flash (2014) - Season 4 - Episode 8

Flash, Arrow, White Canary, Firestorm, and Alex attempt to return to Earth-1. Meanwhile, Felicity and Iris work together to free Kara before Eobard and Fuehrer Queen take out her heart and transplant it into Overgirl.

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11687 votes

#34 - Pilot

Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 1

After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. Back in Starling City, Oliver slowly reconnects with those closest to him. Oliver has brought back many new skills from his time on the island and despite the watchful eye of his new bodyguard John Diggle, Oliver manages to secretly create the persona of Arrow – a vigilante – to right the wrongs of his family and fight the ills of society. As Arrow, Oliver will atone for the past sins of his family while he searches for the personal redemption he needs.

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Better Angels
3637 votes

#35 - Better Angels

Supergirl - Season 1 - Episode 20

Supergirl is forced to do battle with an unexpected foe and must risk everything – including her life – to prevent Non and Indigo from destroying every person on the planet.

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Lone Gunmen
9647 votes

#36 - Lone Gunmen

Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 3

Oliver is surprised when someone shoots and kills one of his targets. As his plan is to bring people to justice vs. outright killing them, Oliver doesn’t appreciate the help and searches for the gunman. He soon learns that the man, Deadshot, is taking out businessmen who are scheduled to bid at an auction on an energy company and Walter is one of the bidders. Realizing he can’t protect his family and stop Deadshot at the same time, Oliver enlists Detective Lance’s help, but his plan has dire consequences. Meanwhile, Laurel and Tommy get caught in an awkward situation with Oliver.

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Fastest Man Alive
6242 votes

#37 - Fastest Man Alive

The Flash (2014) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Barry escorts Iris to a university gathering honoring scientist Simon Stagg. When six gunmen storm the event, Barry changes into The Flash and tries to stop them. While he does save a man's life, he passes out before he can capture the robbers, which frustrates him. As Dr. Wells, Caitlin and Cisco scramble to find out what's wrong with Barry, Joe comes down hard on Barry for taking the law into his own hands and risking his life. Barry realizes that it wasn't six gunmen but a metahuman named Danton Black, who can make multiples of himself. Meanwhile, Iris becomes even more intrigued by the “red streak.”

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6969 votes

#38 - Flashpoint

The Flash (2014) - Season 3 - Episode 1

Barry is living his dream life – his parents are alive, he’s asked Iris West on a date and he can finally be a normal guy as Central City has another speedster, Kid Flash, running around saving the city. When Barry starts forgetting parts of his old life, the Reverse Flash taunts his nemesis and tells him that there will be serious repercussions for Barry and the ones he loves if he continues to live in this alternate universe. In addition to losing his memories, his powers will also start to fade. When disaster strikes, Barry must decide if he wants to continue to live in this world as Barry Allen or return to his universe as The Flash.

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The Nuclear Man
4223 votes

#39 - The Nuclear Man

The Flash (2014) - Season 1 - Episode 13

After Ronnie attacks a physicist, Barry and the team realize they need to go after Caitlin’s fiancé who is now a dangerous meta-human. They deduce the best way to track Ronnie is to find Dr. Martin Stein who was working on a project called F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. Barry struggles to balance his duties as The Flash and his relationship with Linda Park, and Joe enlists Cisco’s help to reinvestigate the murder of Nora Allen. General Eiling returns to Central City.

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The Adventures of Supergirl
4801 votes

#40 - The Adventures of Supergirl

Supergirl - Season 2 - Episode 1

When a new threat emerges in National City, Kara/Supergirl teams up with her cousin, Clark Kent/Superman, to stop it. Kara is thrilled to have family in town but it leaves Alex feeling a bit left out. Meanwhile, Hank and Supergirl are stunned by the pod that came crashing to Earth.

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Running to Stand Still
4868 votes

#41 - Running to Stand Still

The Flash (2014) - Season 2 - Episode 9

When Mark Mardon AKA The Weather Wizard returns to break Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold and James Jesse AKA The Trickster out of Iron Heights, Barry must stop these rogues from taking over Central City during Christmas. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris meet Wally West.

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Soul Free
213 votes

#42 - Soul Free

Eli Stone - Season 1 - Episode 13

Eli goes in for an operation on his aneurysm, but it doesn't go as planned and Nathan is left with a difficult decision.

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The Man Who Saved Central City
5679 votes

#43 - The Man Who Saved Central City

The Flash (2014) - Season 2 - Episode 1

Barry is still struggling to forgive himself for Eddie’s death. Concerned about putting his friends in danger, Barry has pushed everyone away and has chosen to protect the city on his own. When a meta-human named Atom Smasher attacks the city, Iris tells Barry that he needs to let his friends help him protect the citizens of Central City. Meanwhile, Cisco helps Joe with his Meta Task Force.

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Abra Kadabra
5948 votes

#44 - Abra Kadabra

The Flash (2014) - Season 3 - Episode 18

The Flash battles Abra Kadabra, a villain from the 64th Century, who makes him a tempting offer, release him and Abra Kadara will reveal Savitar’s true identity. Desperate to save Iris, Barry considers taking the deal but Gypsy breaches in to capture the villain for her own reasons and during the melee, Abra Kadabra manages to escape. Barry is furious that Gypsy interfered but Gypsy refuses to back down, forcing Cisco to take sides. Meanwhile, Julian is still a bit cold towards Caitlin but when she is severely injured in a battle with Gypsy, he rushes to her side.

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The Odyssey
7773 votes

#45 - The Odyssey

Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 14

After Oliver is shot, he turns to a surprising person for help – Felicity. Diggle is stunned when he sees Felicity walk through the front door of the lair dragging a dying Oliver behind her, and the two team up to save Oliver’s life. As Oliver hovers between life and death, he flashes back to a seminal event on the island – a daring escape attempt with his new friend Slade Wilson.

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Crisis on Earth-X (2)
3622 votes

#46 - Crisis on Earth-X (2)

Arrow - Season 6 - Episode 8

Barry and Iris’s wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth’s mightiest heroes — Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary — lead their teams into battle to save the world.

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Family Ties
3303 votes

#47 - Family Ties

The Vampire Diaries - Season 1 - Episode 4

Stefan escorts Elena to the town's Founder's Party. At the party, Damon tells Elena a story about the Salvatore family, leaving Elena with questions Stefan refuses to answer.

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For the Girl Who Has Everything
3394 votes

#48 - For the Girl Who Has Everything

Supergirl - Season 1 - Episode 13

Kara’s friends must find a way to save her life when a parasitic alien attaches itself to her and traps her in a dream world where her family is alive and her home planet was never destroyed. Also, Alex, Hank and the DEO must fend off a Kryptonian attack while Kara is out of commission.

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6575 votes

#49 - Midnight

Fringe - Season 1 - Episode 18

The Fringe Division is on the case when severely mutilated bodies drained of spinal cord fluid begin to pile up. After their investigation leads them to a scientist (guest star Jefferson Mays) with possible ties to the Z.F.T. bioterrorist cell, they are shocked to discover the identity and motive of the killer. When the kills occur with increasing frequency, Olivia, Peter and Walter go to desperate lengths to stop them.

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Honor Thy Father
9778 votes

#50 - Honor Thy Father

Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 2

Oliver heads to the courthouse to get his death certificate repealed and is pleasantly surprised to run into Laurel, who is there prosecuting Martin Somers, a criminal with ties to the Chinese Triad. Oliver recognizes Martin’s name from his father’s book and sets his sights on taking him down. Martin orders the Triad to “take care of” Laurel so they send their top mercenary – China White – after her. Meanwhile, Moira and Walter ask Oliver to take over the company.

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