The BEST episodes of Terra X season 2022
Every episode of Terra X season 2022, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Terra X season 2022!
On various topics such as history, nature, wildlife, archeology, science and also fiction.
#1 - Our continents (3): Australia and Oceania
Season 2022 - Episode 41 - Aired 10/30/2022
Watch Now:Amazon#5 - The History of Trash
Season 2022 - Episode 23 - Aired 5/22/2022
The film searches for traces of waste and sewage throughout history, from the Stone Age, through antiquity and the Middle Ages, to the present day. Since the dawn of humankind, waste has existed. As soon as humans could stand, they had both hands free – to make and use tools, but also to let things ‘fall’ or deliberately throw them away. Over the centuries, the composition of waste has changed, sometimes dramatically. With every human invention, a new type of waste was created. The advent of urban living made waste and feces a significant problem. Not only did waste literally stink to high heaven, it was also rightly blamed for epidemics in ancient times. Disposal also became a logistical challenge.
Watch Now:Amazon