The BEST episodes of Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town? season 1

Every episode of Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town? season 1, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town? season 1!

Lloyd is a novice adventurer whose dream is to discover "true strength" in the capital he's always admired, despite growing up with neighbors who always considered him weak. The story starts with him departing from his hometown, which just so happens to be located right next of the most dangerous dungeons in the world?! Lloyd may think of himself as powerless, but when he goes to the city that serves as the starter town for adventurers, the difference between him and everyone else couldn't be starker!

Last Updated: 6/11/2024Network: AT-XStatus: Ended
Suppose a majestic lion showed up to the petting section of a zoo and dozed off?
89 votes

#1 - Suppose a majestic lion showed up to the petting section of a zoo and dozed off?

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 1/11/2021

Lloyd manages to somehow fail the test, sending those who are already aware of his strengths scrambling to figure out what went wrong.

Directors: migmi, Yasushi Muroya
Writer: Deko Akao
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Suppose it's looking like you need to clean up the mess, and you kind of saw it coming?
69 votes

#2 - Suppose it's looking like you need to clean up the mess, and you kind of saw it coming?

Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 2/15/2021

Something is making people fall unconscious in an area around an expensive hotel owned by Chrome's former colleague. Chrome sends Lloyd to fill in for lost manpower as a part-time job, but the rest of the usual gang end up there by coincidence.

Directors: Hye Jin Seo, migmi
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Suppose a kid from the last dungeon boonies moved to a starter town?
100 votes

#3 - Suppose a kid from the last dungeon boonies moved to a starter town?

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/4/2021

Lloyd Belladonna wants to become a soldier, but he's the weakest boy in his village. He moves to the big city to join the military academy, not realizing that the people of his village are incredibly strong compared to outsiders.

Directors: Hye Jin Seo, migmi
Writer: Deko Akao
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Suppose someone told you they'd do anything for you, which you appreciate but you know you should push back?
84 votes

#4 - Suppose someone told you they'd do anything for you, which you appreciate but you know you should push back?

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 1/18/2021

Marie saves Lloyd from a terrible fate by stopping the fight between him and Allan, and reveals her true identity to Chrome. Marie and Chrome decide to execute Marie's plan to stop the kingdom from going to war.

Writer: Deko Akao
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Suppose someone took flirtation advice on a magazine way too seriously?
73 votes

#5 - Suppose someone took flirtation advice on a magazine way too seriously?

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 2/1/2021

Peace returns to the kingdom. Lloyd, still oblivious to his strengths, continues to support his friends in any way he feels he can. Seeing Riho get depressed after meeting an old acquaintance, Lloyd devises a plan to cheer her up.

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Suppose the protagonist of a novel led the story to a grand finale?
79 votes

#6 - Suppose the protagonist of a novel led the story to a grand finale?

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/25/2021

Marie faces off against the culprit that took over the king's body to drive the kingdom towards war. Meanwhile, Lloyd finds the courage to go against Marie's own wishes to go and assist her.

Writer: Deko Akao
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Suppose you visited an early dungeon but encountered three final bosses?
64 votes

#7 - Suppose you visited an early dungeon but encountered three final bosses?

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 3/1/2021

Witnesses report a huge snake monster in a dungeon near the city. The king sends the cadets to investigate. However, Alka, Micona, and the mysterious man Sou all get involved for their own reasons.

Directors: migmi, Yasuaki Fujii
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Suppose the obviously superior contestant wins, but the clearly inferior contestant also wins?
69 votes

#8 - Suppose the obviously superior contestant wins, but the clearly inferior contestant also wins?

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 2/8/2021

The magic contest is on! Selen faces Phyllo, Lloyd fights Mena, and Riho is prepared to settle her old grudge with Rol.

Directors: Kotaro Miyake, migmi
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Suppose someone suggested taking a short trip to Neverland, or something impossible like that?
64 votes

#9 - Suppose someone suggested taking a short trip to Neverland, or something impossible like that?

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 3/8/2021

Alka takes Lloyd and his friends back to the village of Kunlun to restore Vritra to his original form. The visitors get a glimpse of the superhuman life of a Kunlun resident.

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Suppose you were just pretending to be lovers, but somehow the pretense transforms into the real deal!
60 votes

#10 - Suppose you were just pretending to be lovers, but somehow the pretense transforms into the real deal!

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 2/22/2021

Selen successfully argues that taking Lloyd out on a lovey-dovey date is somehow beneficial for everyone. As they proceed with their "investigation", Kikyou the spy, believing Lloyd is the unwitting culprit, approaches from the shadows.

Directors: migmi, Yasushi Muroya
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Suppose a kid from the last dungeon boonies got used to life in a starter town?
57 votes

#11 - Suppose a kid from the last dungeon boonies got used to life in a starter town?

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 3/22/2021

Lloyd rescues Alka from Eug's trap and rushes back to Azami. Eug, Sou and Shoma put their plan in motion, but Marie, Riho, Selen and the others take a stand to resist them.

Directors: migmi
Writer: Deko Akao
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Suppose the villain starts appearing on and off like the middle part of a movie?
58 votes

#12 - Suppose the villain starts appearing on and off like the middle part of a movie?

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 3/15/2021

Eug begins performing the suspiciously delicious-looking ritual to bring Vritra back to his full, stable form. However, things don't seem to be going exactly as Eug claims.

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