The BEST episodes of RoboCop: Prime Directives
Every episode of RoboCop: Prime Directives ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of RoboCop: Prime Directives!
Thirteen years after the original Robocop, Delta City, considered to be "The Safest Place On Earth!", has become a futuristic city owned and operated by OCP, and RoboCop, Alex Murphy has begun to feel his age. Murphy finds himself nearly obsolete, and must deal with the fact that his now-grown son James is an OCP executive, unaware that his father is still alive. Also, Murphy's former partner, John Cable, has returned to Delta City as its new Security Commander. But slowly, new enemies arise, and Murphy and Cable begin an investigation into a mysterious villain known as the Bone Machine, unaware that they are coming dangerously close to exposing an evil group of OCP executives known as The Trust... which James Murphy is a part of. Desperate to prevent their sinister plans from being revealed, The Trust programs Murphy to kill John Cable...

#1 - Crash and Burn
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/25/2001
RoboCop battles his way past the police and OCP security systems stop Kaydick before he releases his doomsday weapon. Once he reaches Kaydick, he must get past the repaired and battle hungry John T. Cable. The final battle has begun.

#2 - Meltdown
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 1/11/2001
Cybernetically-enhanced mercenaries, led by Ann R. Key, try to steal technology from OCP. RoboCop stops them, but the murder of John Cable by the Trust has left RoboCop without his humanity, making him extremely violent. Unknown to RoboCop, the Trust have resurrected Cable into a new crime-prevention unit, RoboCable. Meanwhile, James looks into his father's death and uncovers some secret files. RoboCop battles Delta City Security and RoboCable. RoboCop recognizes him for who he really is, but the Trust have suppressed Cable's humanity. As the battle ensues, RoboCop is forced to retreat and escapes into Old Detroit. His only hope now is teamming up with Ann R. Key. Meanwhile, RoboCable and the Robohunters enter Old Detroit to find and destroy RoboCop.

#3 - Resurrection
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 1/18/2001
After their battle, RoboCop and RoboCable are now wandering through Old Detroit. RoboCop is rescued and repaired just in time by Ann R. Key, Lexx and Abby. Meanwhile, RoboCable is captured by Dr. David Kaydick, who is plotting to unleash a deadly weapon. Back at OCP, Sara orders James to take a new squad of RoboHunters and find RoboCop.

#4 - Dark Justice
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/4/2001
Ten years after becoming RoboCop, Alex Murphy finds his grown son, James, is an executive at Omni Consumer Products and doesn't know he is alive. RoboCop must also deal with his former partner, John T. Cable, being in charge of security at Delta City. Meanwhile, a new threat has emerged for Delta City, a crime wave launched by Bone Machine. RoboCop and Cable's investigation reveals a connection to the Trust, a group of OCP executives looking to take over the company. Making things worse, James is about to be brought into the Trust by Cable's ex-wife, Sara. The Trust reprogram RoboCop to terminate Cable before the investigation exposes them. Cable's only chance is to get through to RoboCop's human side. But this causes conflictions within RoboCop, which can lead to his destruction.