The BEST episodes of Peace Maker Kurogane

Every episode of Peace Maker Kurogane ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Peace Maker Kurogane!

Tetsunosuke Ichimura has always been upset about his short stature. After he sees his parents being murdered by a Choushuu assassin right in front of him, he vows with all his heart to become strong enough to take revenge on their killer. It is now 1864, the first year of Genji. Tetsunosuke, now 15, heads to the headquarters of the Shinsengumi with his older brother Tatsunosuke, looking to join the historical group to fulfill his dreams of getting stronger. Little does he realize what he is about to experience by doing so, for in order to join this army, one must forego his humanity and become a demon.

Last Updated: 10/15/2024Network: TV AsahiStatus: Ended
32 votes

#1 - Dragon

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/3/2003

In the very beginning of the episode we see a flashback of Suzu's past. Suzu's brother was killed by the Shinsengumi and Yoshida took Suzu in as his page. Hijikata sent Tatsunosuke and Tetsunosuke to Hyogo to pick up a parcel for him, on their way to the Yodo River, Tetsunosuke saw Suzu and started chasing after him. Suzu saw him coming and started running until they both got lost. They're finally able to find their way to Yodo river and met up with the worried sick Tatsunosuke. After crossing the river, Tetsunosuke met a mysterious person who sang a strange song (US national anthem) in a strange language (English), the same strange language that his father spoke. Tetsunosuke ran after this person, but he wasn't the only one. Four roshis were after this person and took Tetsunosuke hostage. The mysterious person not only carries a katana, but also carries a pistol. After the roshis ran away, Tetsunosuke wanted to ask this person some questions, but he doesn't want to reveal his secret.

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34 votes

#2 - Shadow

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/29/2003

Tetsunosuke got bored doing random housework that Hijikata had assigned him, so he decided to go to the dojo to train. There he met Heisuke who had just returned. Susumu was investigating recent fires that were being set, when Hijikata came to the conclusion that Yoshida was behind the fires and that he was the one organizing the Choshu in the revolution. While being punished by Hijikata for joining the training without permission, Tetsunosuke heard noises in the courtyard. He then saw Souji facing off with another person whom he thought was a Choshu spy. The person fought equally with Souji, and Tetsunosuke found out from Shinpachi and Sano that the person is actually Saitou who is the Captain of the 3rd Squad. Eager to learn more about the person who could fight equally with Souji, Tetsunosuke followed Saitou around the city. He learned that Saitou could see and feel the presence of dead people. He mentioned that Tetsunosuke had a shadow following him, but he could not talk to it bec

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32 votes

#3 - Love

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/26/2003

Susumu got out of the river okay; his wounds are being treated by Ayumu. Tetsunosuke's being laughed at by Shinpachi, Sanosuke, and Heisuke for asking Hijikata directly for a katana. Seeing how insistent Tetsunosuke is, Heisuke gave him one of his Katanas. But it's too long and Tetsunosuke couldn't pull it out, and instead in broke it in half. Upon careful inspection, he realized that the sword is made of bamboo, only looked like a real katana from the outside. Upset at the bunch of them making fun of his feelings, Tetsunosuke chased them around the headquarters and accidentally hit Kondo in the head with the broken sword. Kondo, instead of getting mad at him, sent him on an errand to a festival to buy some kuroame (type of sweets). At the festival, Tetsunosuke met Saya and her friend, Hana. Hana bought all the kuroame before but she gave half of them to Tetsunosuke. Tetsunosuke learned that Hana's parents were also killed and they're all orphans. Tetsunosuke's attempting a hoop throwi

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33 votes

#4 - Suzu

Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/19/2003

Both Tetsu and Tatsu are out to buy grocery for Shensengumi. Tetsu noticed a weapon shop and went inside and saying how he really want them cool looking swords. He then noticed a Wakizashi sword and wanted to but it but another boy named Suzu wanted it as well. They both argue and then when another customer came to stop them. Suzu hastly drew his sword and slash that person's sleeve by accident. Tatsu noticing what has happen quickly came in the shop and apologizing and blaming Tetsu for all that has happen. Well later in this chapter Tetsu noticed that he didn't have a Katana since he was part of the army.He went and asl Hijikata for a sword but he replied no. Souji was in this scene and he and Hijiakta went out for a walk. Souji ask him why he wouldn't let Tetsu have a sword. Hijikata said he was too young and Souji retorted that he was 9 when he picked up a sword. Souji knew that Hijikata doesn't want to create another demon. At the end of this chapter Susumu was on a mission but

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34 votes

#5 - Moon

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 11/5/2003

Tetsunosuke is doing more chores by orders of Hijikata. This time he's cleaning the dojo. Half way through he heard noises outside and met Yamanami Keisuke, the other Vice-chief of the Shinsengumi. Unlike Hijikata, Yamanami is very nice and personable. After finishing his work, Ayumu asked Tetsunosuke to go grocery shopping for her. On the streets, Tetsunosuke met the little girl that he saved before. He learned that she's a mute and her name is Saya. While talking to her, Tetsunosuke had a flashback of when his father took him to the temple and taught him that if they step back 3 steps away from the coin donation box, and throws the coin in, the percentage will be higher for their wishes to come true. Tetsunosuke took 10 steps away from the coin donation box and threw a coin in. Tetsunosuke then tells Saya that his father spoke a strange foreign language (English) and because of it, a xenophobic faction murdered him. Tetsunosuke's mother was also killed, leaving only him and his broth

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37 votes

#6 - Zeal

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/15/2003

Tetsu spends days waiting outside in the pouring to join the army but Hijikata still refuses.After Souji persistant Hijikata finally let Tetsu in the army.Hijikata went outside and welcome Tetsu inside himself.Tetsu then fainted because he was happy and he was worn out.He eventually meet new friends the next day like Ayu,Shinpachi,and Sano.The next day he learns that he's Hijikata servant and was so pissed off(I mean is he good enuff to even be a servent:P).Souji said it's very hard for a servant for someone to become Hijikata's servant.Will Tetsu just be his servant and not actually be part of the army?

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The Void
62 votes

#7 - The Void

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 1/4/2004

Hmm...The Kyoto police wants Souji to be handed over but Hijikata said that he was framed by an impostor and said they will figure out who really did this.Souji,Saitoh, and Hijikata are trapped within a spell the eight methods of incantation.Can they escaped or will they get trapped in forever?

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61 votes

#8 - Blade

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 2/25/2004

Tetsu finally found his murderer but he only stood there in shock.He didn't know what to do but to run away screaming.Will Tetsu die helplessly like a coward?

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63 votes

#9 - Song

Season 1 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/21/2004

Probably this is the most funniest episode of all the series.Souji stole Hijikai haiku poem book which pissed Hijikai off.Souji gave it to tetsu which then Hijikai chase him the whole day.HEHE :P

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A Look
62 votes

#10 - A Look

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/7/2004

Tetsunosuke found out that Saya is working as a serving girl for Akesato at Shimabara; she is embarrassed and ran away. But Tetsunosuke caught her and told her that he missed her. Heisuke arranged a room for them to talk in. Meanwhile, Suzu is also in the same place requesting Akesato, but since she's with Yamanami she asked him to come back another time. But apparently he had an appointment with her in place of his sensei, Yoshida, so he decided to wait. While waiting he ran in the Tetsunosuke who was playing blindfolded tag with Saya, and invited Suzu to play too. In the other room, Yamanami and Akesato are talking about Saya and Tetsunosuke. Akesato revealed that Hana and Saya would turn 16 next year than they too will become like her. Tatsunosuke finally made it to Shimabara and he ran right past Yoshida. Meanwhile, Tetsunosuke and Saya are playing cards and Suzu is with them too. Tetsunosuke and Suzu finally learned each other's names and that they're both pages, but they couldn't

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62 votes

#11 - Rain

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/11/2004

Tetsu was worring about Ayu-nee who dissapear for a week.He wanted to know where she was but Ayu-nee's brother didn't tell him.Ayu-nee was undercover and finally was captured.

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65 votes

#12 - Crimson

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/22/2003

Episode 3: Crimson Still aspiring to become an inspector, Tetsunosuke followed Susumu by dressing up as a girl to investigate Masuya. Susumu caught him and told Tetsunosuke that he is incompetent because he couldn't even complete a single task as a page, and told him to stay out of other people's business. Tetsunosuke, being very hurt from being called incompetent walked in front of Masuya while there were 3 roshis (wandering Samurai) bullying a little girl. They pulled their swords out, but Souji, Sano, and Shinpachi got there in time to help them get away. Souji led Tetsunosuke and the girl away through an ally, but there, one of the roshis attacked Souji while Tetsunosuke revealed Souji's name. Back in Shinsengumi headquarters, Susumu gave Hijikata a report of what happened while Tetsunosuke is kneeling outside. While talking to Souji, Tetsunosuke revealed that the person who attacked Souji was killed. Tetsunosuke was mortified after witnessing another murder, and blamed Souji for k

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The Sky
62 votes

#13 - The Sky

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 2/18/2004

Tetsu finally knew what happen to Ayu-nee but Susumu said he wouldn't go which enraged Tetsu.Susumu finally went and saw Ayu-nee dead on the ground.Well you'll know what happen in the next episode.

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62 votes

#14 - Faith

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 3/17/2004

This was the climax of the shinsengumi raid.Tetsu has finally regain his spirit to fight...but did he really pick up a sword to kill?

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61 votes

#15 - Deceit

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 1/28/2004

A mysterious Man came who looks like Souji and abuse his looks by using his name he comes to kill Hijikata

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Battle Formation
61 votes

#16 - Battle Formation

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 3/3/2004

Tetsunosuke hid in his closet and kept having visions of what had happened at the abandoned house. Every time Tatsunosuke tried to open his closet door his hands got scratched. Souji felt sorry that he couldn't say anything to help. Hijikata's still interrogating Furutaka, and finally decided to threaten to kill him. Furutaka at this point caved and told Hijikata how they intend on setting fire to Kyoto. Hijikata cut him down and didn't end up killing him. In a shack at a wood cutting factory (what it looks like), Yoshida is talking to Miyabe about what had happened. Miyabe asked why Yoshida refused to go hide at the Feudal Lord's home; Yoshida replied that he didn't want to have to start from the beginning with the plans of the revolution. One of the Choshu soldiers walked in and told Miyabe that the meeting place had been set, and it's at Ikeda-ya. Back at the Shinsengumi Headquarters, all the soldiers are getting ready for the raids. Hijikata told Yamanami that Furutaka told them ev

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62 votes

#17 - Battle

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 3/10/2004

Tetsu gained courage from Yamanami Seisuke and decided to pack up ti fight Yoshida. Yoshida who was fighting at inn convinced Suzu to leave and get reinforcement while he fought. Yoshida and Souji gets to amazing fight and Souji was winning and weakening Yoshida. Suddenly Tersu appears in his uniform noticing the fight. He ran and Yoshida who had Souji on the ground suddenly forgot about Souji and went after Tetsu. Souji quickly got up and stabbed him but at the moment, Souji coughed and Yoshida grasped this moment and took him down. He stepped on him hard making Souji screamed horribly. Tetsu was beind the closet and was saying how sorry he is because he can't do anything to help him. Tetsu then forget all his emotions and knock door open stabbing Yoshida's legs. Tetsu then realize he didn't want to kill Yoshida but was the person who was himself that was helpless.

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62 votes

#18 - Hidden

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/10/2003

This is the same time line as episode 9, so Tetsunosuke and Tatsunosuke are still out on the errand for Hijikata. Yamanami watches Hijikata as he trains himself. Yamanami apologizes to Hijikata for opposing him all the time and wanted to be demoted to an accountant. Even though he held the highest martial arts rank, he said that after the incident with Serizawa Kamo (He was the Chief of the Shinsengumi until he was ordered to be assassinated. Read the history section for more details), his sword became rusted. Hijikata argued that him, Souji, and Kondo all had a part in the incident and their sword didn't become rusted. It is because Yamanami didn't want to do it in the first place; Hijikata forces him to draw his sword and insists that he can kill again. Yamanami became angry and threw his sword down, he opposes the way Hijikata run things, and anything that gets in the way gets killed. He doesn't want to be manipulated by Hijikata anymore. The scene flashes back to the night they ass

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63 votes

#19 - Scheme

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/17/2003

It begins with Tetsu patrolling the streets. At the end of the patrol Souji went to buy candy from a store while being peek by a little girl. He gave the candy to Tetsu later. Souji returns back to HQ and noticed Tatsu who was carrying books. He also noticed Sakamoto Ryoma who was hiding. Sakamoto is the person who is looking for the peacemaker's son and wanted to help clean japan but is also a wanted man. Souji called for help but Ryoma still esacpes.

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62 votes

#20 - Fight

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/12/2003

Kondo is having an events competition for all Shinsengumi members while Hijikata is out on an errand. First event is the Spear competition, Sanosuke won easily. Tetsunosuke have no intention of participating in any of the events because he doesn't see the reason it would make him stronger. Second event is long distance race around the Mibu Temple. Winner gets Ayumu's custom Okoa (a japanese dish). As the race starts, Tetsunosuke is lying inside the dojo being bored as Souji walked in. Tetsunosuke asked for a training session with Souji, they're sparring with wooden swords instead of bamboo swords. During the match, Tetsunosuke asked Souji why did he choose to pick up the katana to fight and why does he want to be strong. Tetsunosuke, despite how much he wants to avenge his parents; he could not bring himself to kill a person. Souji explained that each person's reason are different, but give it plenty of thought before deciding. It's time for another one of the events, which is to race

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64 votes

#21 - Thoughts

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 1/14/2004

Tetsu was feeling uncomfortable thinking about the time he saw the man in black in the Shimabara.Tatsu was growing angry because he couldn't forget the day when his parents were murdered.

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96 votes

#22 - Sakura

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/8/2003

Tetsu is a very short boy with red hair.He caused a great commotion when he wanted to join the army at the Shinsengumi place.Tatsu was pleading him to stop and not to join the army and while they were arguing Souji a great well known soldier from the Shinsengumi was playing with his pet Saizou.Saizou was a pig and he was fetching a stick the one that Souji threw and while doing that he knocked Tetsu over and which Tetsu felled into the river. Souji treated the brothers to tea and Souji guess that there was something wrong and also gussed it had to do with the Shinsengumi.Souji said he has friend who can help get him join the army and that was Kondou-san.Kondou said he can but he needed to try out and so Tetsu went and duel Souji.He fought with everything he could but Souji easily knocked him down but Tetsu got back up and use two Katanas against Souji and almost sliced Souji.Souji started to get serious and went for the kill and Tetsu flew out of the room(i think i forget :P) but then

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Peace Maker
61 votes

#23 - Peace Maker

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 3/24/2004

So what is a PEACE MAKER?A peace maker is simply somone who makes peace with their iron fists.To tell you the truth that it's kind of related to Ruruoni Kenshin because Tetsu promoised that he will never kill just like kenshin did and it was to a women too.:P

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Older Brother
63 votes

#24 - Older Brother

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/24/2003

Saitoh was doing a reading of Tetsu but it was trick of Shinpachi, Sanosuke, and Heisuke to see who Tetsu liked. Saitoh read that Tetsu can't get this person off his mind from the past and is still alive today. Yamanami invited Tetsunosuke to Shimabara so he could have fun and forget about what Saitoh said. To Tetsu surprise he found Saya there who worked as a servant.

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