The BEST episodes of Hostages (2022)

Every episode of Hostages (2022) ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Hostages (2022)!

November 4, 1979, Iranian student activists stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran, taking over 60 Americans hostage. A 48-hour sit-in to protest imperialism, turned into an international crisis and 24/7 media event that would last 444 days.

Last Updated: 5/25/2024Network: HBOStatus: Ended
The Sand Storm
19 votes

#1 - The Sand Storm

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/28/2022

The Carter administration's attempts at diplomacy means it failed at securing the hostages; President Carter then initiates Operation Eagle Claw, but it becomes a disaster; eight service members die, and the hostages are no closer to coming home.

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The Transaction
14 votes

#2 - The Transaction

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/28/2022

As the presidential election of 1980 is approaching, Iran and America are still locked in a stalemate after a year of fighting and negotiating; ultimately, the hostages are released on President Reagan's inauguration day.

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Den of Spies
18 votes

#3 - Den of Spies

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/28/2022

An exploration of the chaos that unfolded on the first days of the hostage crisis; illuminates the motivations and ideals of the young revolutionaries who breached the embassy walls; events take a turn when Khomeini sanctions the takeover and the hostage-taking becomes a watershed moment of Khomeini's repressive regime.

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The Peacock Throne
31 votes

#4 - The Peacock Throne

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/28/2022

Details how America and Iran went from deeply enmeshed Allies to global adversaries; as the American-backed Shah flees his country's revolution against the repression of his regime, the religious cleric Ayatollah Khomeini rises to power and an Islamic theocracy is put in place; the U.S. embassy, a symbol of American imperialism and political interference to many, falls under grave threat.

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