The BEST episodes of BraveStarr

Every episode of BraveStarr ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of BraveStarr!

The discovery of Kerium, a rare and powerful magic crystal, brings an infinite number of colonists from all the corners of the galaxy to the distant planet New Texas. Some are good and honest, others very malicious but no one is more dangerous than Tex Hex the leader of the Carrion Bunch, a group of outlaws under the control of the mysterious group Stampede. Hex seeks to control this immense mineral richness at all costs than is Kerium. Only one person can put a stop on his plans: BraveStarr. When there was an obstacle in the way, BraveStarr called for the power of a particular animal and used that ability to move the obstacle, like using the strength of a bear to move a boulder, or the speed of a puma to catch the criminal, the eyes of a hawk, or the ears of a wolf. To help him in the fight for the cause of justice, he had Thirty-Thirty, his horse that can transform into a human-like creature being able to stand on it's hind legs, talk and fight alongside him. BraveStarr lived in Fort

Last Updated: 5/19/2024Network: Status: Ended
BraveStarr and the Law
8 votes

#1 - BraveStarr and the Law

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 9/24/1987

Tex Hex can prove - by fraud - to be owner of a Kerium Claim. BraveStarr resigns from his post as Marshall.

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Shake Hands with Long Arm John
4 votes

#2 - Shake Hands with Long Arm John

Season 1 - Episode 64 - Aired 2/23/1988

A new man arrives in town with an extending bionic arm.The mayor deputizes John. Fuzz is afraid John might replace him. Fuzz has his chance to shine when Rider begins to terrorize the town.

Strength of the Bear [aka the Power Within]
5 votes

#3 - Strength of the Bear [aka the Power Within]

Season 1 - Episode 65 - Aired 2/24/1988

BraveStarr has lost his powers, and Shaman sends him to the wilderness to prove his courage and intelligence without weapons or tools.

A Day in the Life of a New Texas Judge
11 votes

#4 - A Day in the Life of a New Texas Judge

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/18/1987

Twangli is a delegate of the galactic Court of Justice and pays a visit to the judge of New Texas. Not only does Twangli cause great troubles to the judge, with his pedantic over-zealousness, but also to BraveStarr.

Jeremiah and the Prairie People
3 votes

#5 - Jeremiah and the Prairie People

Season 1 - Episode 56 - Aired 2/11/1988

Jeremiah, an elder prospector, is saved by Bravestarr from an attack by Sandstorm land crabs. The Prairie People take Jeremiah in, showing the old hermit that people really do care about others.

The Taking of Thistledown 123
12 votes

#6 - The Taking of Thistledown 123

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/16/1987

Tex Hex manages to take hostages. Thus he comes into the possession of a valuable Kerium cargo. The release proves to be more dangerous than expected.

Big Thirty and Little Wimble
10 votes

#7 - Big Thirty and Little Wimble

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 9/23/1987

Thirty-Thirty becomes a foster father for the small Prairie Wimble. The Dingo gangster Howler wants to kidnap Wimble.

4 votes

#8 - Hostage

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 10/26/1987

Tex Hex succeeds in kidnapping Shaman. With the Indian master as hostages the gang leader can extort BraveStarr. But J.B. manages to release Shaman.

Eye of the Beholder
6 votes

#9 - Eye of the Beholder

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 10/5/1987

Tex Hex and his gang mug the bank of Fort Kerium, but BraveStarr gets in their way. Tex returns to the desert, where he becomes acquainted with the blind Ally, who can reveal the good in him.

The Ballad of Sara Jane
3 votes

#10 - The Ballad of Sara Jane

Season 1 - Episode 57 - Aired 2/12/1988

Thirty/Thirty attaches a firepower booster to Sara Jane and then loses her. A peaceful Hoofta boy finds Sara Jane and plays with her unaware the booster was damaged and may explode.

BraveStarr and the Empress
3 votes

#11 - BraveStarr and the Empress

Season 1 - Episode 59 - Aired 2/16/1988

Empress Nadia is on her way to a peace conference with Karbine of the Krang Empire. Her two advisers plot against er. The President assigns Bravestarr and Fuzz to bodyguard her when the ship refueled in New Texas.

No Drums, No Trumpets
3 votes

#12 - No Drums, No Trumpets

Season 1 - Episode 63 - Aired 2/22/1988

Paco, a former Marshall who renounced violence after accidentally shooting his deputy, settles in Sandstorm's Valley with his pre-teenaged daughter Michelle. When Sandstorm kidnaps the girl, saying he will only release her if Paco leaves the valley, Paco realises there are times when you have to fight.

36 votes

#13 - Rampage

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 9/21/1987

BraveStarr pulls into the desert against a sandstorm in a field, which has devastated a village. Thirty-Thirty knows nothing about it, because his intercom broke down.

To Walk a Mile
10 votes

#14 - To Walk a Mile

Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 9/22/1987

The Exx Marshall Lucas Conway decided to never pick up a weapon again. But when his son Mark is kidnapped, he must break his promise.

The Price
4 votes

#15 - The Price

Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 10/22/1987

BraveStarr and Thirty-Thirty must put the stop to a drugs dealer, who supplied New Texas with the drug Bigg. Among his victims is the boy Jay, who tried the drug once and then became addicted.

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Skuzz and Fuzz
41 votes

#16 - Skuzz and Fuzz

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/17/1987

Skuzz, the greedy cousin of Fuzz wants to betray the kingdom of the prairie people to its gangsterboss. Fuzz gets wise to him.

Kerium Fever
35 votes

#17 - Kerium Fever

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 9/25/1987

The human Kerium prospectors learn that the Prairie people discovered rich ore-deposits. A conflict breaks out. Tex Hex pokes the racial conflict even more, by insinuating that the friendly Prairie people committed felonies.

Fallen Idol
70 votes

#18 - Fallen Idol

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/15/1987

BraveStarr must pursuit his former teacher and model Djingles Morgan, who has become a criminal murderer.

The Blockade
3 votes

#19 - The Blockade

Season 1 - Episode 62 - Aired 2/19/1988

Stampede causes an asteroid to magnetize other asteroids and form a blockade over New Texas. The Supply ships can't get through. Bravestarr deals with it in space. In the meantime 30-30 gets hypnotized into freeing Klawto the Krang Wizard. He has to fight Stampede in a tug of war over the food supply that Klawto steals.

Nomad Is an Island
3 votes

#20 - Nomad Is an Island

Season 1 - Episode 61 - Aired 2/18/1988

Queen Singlish orders her minions, Whimper and Grovel, to capture slaves and a horse (Prairie People and Thirty Thirty) and bring them to her floating island. Bravestarr, with Whimper and Grovel's help, frees his friends and sends the island on its way.

New Texas Blues
4 votes

#21 - New Texas Blues

Season 1 - Episode 55 - Aired 2/10/1988

The galactic music contest is held on New Texas. Stampede gives Tex Hex the Black Widow guitar that sows discord. Tex Hex then gives it to Johnny Bluestar to play. To drown it out, all the bands have to play their music.

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Brothers in Crime
4 votes

#22 - Brothers in Crime

Season 1 - Episode 52 - Aired 2/5/1988

Orville, a boy with a stutter, arrives on New Texas. He overhears two criminals - Karver, a rat with wings, and Grumble - talking about their plans. He gets kidnapped. Orville and Grumble become friends.

Little Lie That Grew
4 votes

#23 - Little Lie That Grew

Season 1 - Episode 51 - Aired 2/4/1988

Dingo Dan and his gang burn down Niceie's home. Bravestarr offers Niceie a job as a jailer. Dingo Dan sees Posie, the daughter, and steals a doll. He blackmails her into helping him to free his buddies.

The Haunted Shield
4 votes

#24 - The Haunted Shield

Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 2/2/1988

While raiding a weapon's department Scuzz and Thunder Stick find the Haunted Shield of Spectorus. Stampede uses the shield's reflecting powers to beat Shaman and sends him to the frozen plains of Doom. Bravestarr leaves to rescue him, and the Prairie People are left to defend themselves.

Thirty-Thirty Goes Camping
4 votes

#25 - Thirty-Thirty Goes Camping

Season 1 - Episode 48 - Aired 2/1/1988

Morebuck and Dingo Dan escape from a prison planet and return to New Texas where Skuzz has a treasure. Their map leads to the same spot Thirty-Thirty and five children have chosen as their camping site.