The BEST U&W shows of all time

Every U&W show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every U&W show to compile this list of best shows!

295 votes

#1 - Dynamo: Magician Impossible

Magician to the stars, Dynamo, travels the globe and performs mind-blowing stunts for everyone he meets, including A-list celebrities.

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270 votes

#2 - Flack

Sharp and witty publicity maven Robyn is an expert at her craft but a complete self-saboteur when it comes to her personal life. Robyn’s work as a crisis PR strategist living in London who must figure out how to make the best of bad situations and somehow manage to get out unscathed. Fast-paced and unpredictable as she counsels high-profile personalities in entertainment, fashion and sports.

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