The BEST Treehouse TV shows of all time

Every Treehouse TV show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Treehouse TV show to compile this list of best shows!

206 votes

#1 - Franklin

The popular children's books, written by Paulette Bourgeois, come alive in this television series about a turtle named Franklin. Each episode has a story of Franklin and his friends. You'll meet his parents, Bear (his best friend), Goose, Beaver, Rabbit, Mr. Owl, Badger and Snail along with other animal friends. You will follow the adventures of Franklin as he learns about the world around him, and how to be an honest turtle with good character.

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299 votes

#2 - Babar

The adventures of a beloved elephant king and his family come to life in this delightful animated series based on the children's books by Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff. Living in a huge mansion with his whole family of elephants, Babar has entertained over millions of toddlers, and even older children nation-wide.

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