The BEST LMN shows of all time

Every LMN show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every LMN show to compile this list of best shows!

48 votes

#1 - The Ghost Inside My Child

What if your child remembered dying in a past life? This new BIO series explores many parents' most closely guarded secret: Their child is a reincarnation of someone who died violently and came back to life. Children of all ages who claim they remember previous lives are quite common – and hundreds of these accounts have been scientifically documented, researched and studied, both in the United States and abroad since the 1950’s. The Ghost Inside My Child shares stories that are often inexplicable and confounding. These young children are having very real memories and very real experiences…that belong to someone else.

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129 votes

#2 - Killer Kids

Killer Kids provides an in-depth profile of the lives of kids who kill. What can possibly motivate kids to commit criminal acts and even murder? From hate crimes to gang initiations, murders of family members to occult ceremonies, each case in the series exposes different motives and methods of murders by children.

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109 votes

#3 - The Haunting Of

From executive producers Seth Jarrett and Julie Insogna Jarrett (Celebrity Ghost Stories, I Killed My BFF), The Haunting Of... is an original series featuring world-renowned psychic-medium Kim Russo as she gives an exclusive look at celebrities who have had their lives changed by paranormal events. Each one-hour episode of The Haunting Of... will feature celebrities’ real life encounters with the paranormal as they return to the site of their traumatic experience. During these gripping journeys, Kim Russo unlocks the secrets that haunted each celebrity and explains the unexplained. Kim also unveils shocking psychic moments and surprising personal revelations as she tunes into the celebrities’ personal lives and connects with their loved ones who have crossed over.

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191 votes

#4 - I Survived...

What would you do if you were confronted with death? What gives someone the strength to survive? Is it luck, chance, instinct? In a stripped-down, simple-yet-cinematic interview style, I Survived... allows survivors to explain, in their own words, how they overcame unbelievable circumstances -- offering insight into what got them through the experience that changed their lives forever.

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161 votes

#5 - My Haunted House

The shocking eyewitness accounts of terrified people whose dream homes have become nightmares are brought to life in vivid, blood-curdling style on MY HAUNTED HOUSE. Told via gripping first person interviews and strikingly crafted re-enactments, each episode of this nerve-wracking new series tells two, compelling horror stories of people literally living in terror.

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79 votes

#6 - My Crazy Ex

"My Crazy Ex" tells the extraordinary but true stories of past relationships that went awry when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic to excessive to extreme. From a woman who reappears unannounced in the life of a casual high school friend years after graduation to a man who chooses to share the glories of his new relationship on a fetish website - "My Crazy Ex" is what happens when the path to true love veers down a twisted road of obsession.

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179 votes

#7 - Celebrity Ghost Stories

Compelling, surprising and downright spooky, celebrities share their real-life personal encounters with the paranormal. From encounters with ghosts and angry spirits to haunted homes, unexplainable spells and magic, these descriptive, first person narratives from our favorite stars delivers a brand new way of experiencing the thrills and chills of the addictive world of the paranormal.

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