The BEST France 4 shows of all time

Every France 4 show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every France 4 show to compile this list of best shows!

806 votes

#1 - Hero Corp

Following a war which took place in the 1980s, it was decided to create an organization to include all the superheroes to maintain world peace: the Hero Corp agency. The agency has several secret sites all over the planet. In the department of Lozère, the retired, the fired, those resigning and the unmasked. Cut off from the rest of the world they have a quiet and peaceful life. But twenty years later this peaceful existence is destroyed when the supervillain 'The Lord' reappears!

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51 votes

#2 - Street Football

Tag, Gabriel, Eloise, Tarek and Nordine organize in their city Port Marie the first World Cup Street Soccer. To achieve their dream, they will have to overcome many obstacles, including overcoming the feeling of distrust of some residents towards children of color and foreigners.

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