The BEST episodes directed by Yoshihiro Ueda

#1 - Say You Want to Live! We are Comrades!!!
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 52
Saulo fights the battleships, attempting to allow Robin to escape. She tries to board the evacuation ship, but per Spandaine's orders, she is denied access. Vize-Admiral Kuzan, later known as Admiral Aokiji, enters the scene to engage in battle with Saulo. While they fight, the evacuation ship is sunk by the fanatical Vice-Admiral Sakazuki, later known as Admiral Akainu. Saulo, on the verge of dying, instructs Robin to flee on his raft. Persuaded by Saulo's argument and Sakazuki's action, Kuzan helps Robin escape. From then on, Robin lives a life on the run, not being able to trust even the kindest of people, in a world that believes that her existence alone is a sin. In the present, Robin admits her greatest fear: to be seen as a burden by her crewmates and cast away, because being with her means having the world as their enemy. Finally knowing what kept her away, Sogeking, on Luffy's order, burns the government's flag, declaring war.
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#2 - Start Operation SOP! Usoland Charges
One Piece - Season 17 - Episode 36
At the Flower Field, the Dwarf army and the Straw Hat Pirates begin to move out, with Franky taking the front entrance via the toy house while the rest of the army take the secret underground tunnel that leads to the harbor. Franky, remembering Luffy's orders to go all out, creates a huge ruckus in front of the toy house grabbing the attention of every officer in the Donquixote Pirates. In the ensuing chaos, Senor Pink who is guarding the entrance prepares to face Franky. In the underground tunnel, the dwarves explains to Usopp of the Donquixote Family and the identities and strengths of the officers who are running the operations. As they reach the end of the tunnel, the army find themselves directly underneath the palace plateau where the huge harbor is located. Unnoticed by anyone, the army prepares to find their target, Sugar who is guarded by Trébol himself.
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#3 - Supernova! Bartolomeo the Cannibal
One Piece - Season 17 - Episode 8
The Block B battle begins. Bartolomeo is heckled by the crowd as he enters the Colosseum. He responds by throwing a fake bomb into the stands. Cavendish tells Luffy about the competitors and reveals why he hates the new supernovas. Meanwhile Bellamy defeats a number of competitors in quick succession leading him to be targeted by the alliance formed by Dagama in order to protect King Elizabello II. Luffy and Cavendish are approached by a large man who asks how Garp is doing, inadvertently Luffy's true Identity to Cavendish

#4 - Adventure! The Island of Fairies, Green Bit
One Piece - Season 17 - Episode 12
Upon their arrival to Green Bit, the group discovers a Marine ship that crashed and believed that the Marines had landed on the island. With fourteen minutes left before the exchange, Robin and Usopp begin to scout the island as Law takes Caesar to the meeting point. As they explore, Robin and Usopp discover a squad of Marines who are getting attacked by the forest's inhabitants, losing all of their belongings. As soon as the Marines fled, Robin uses her Devil Fruit power to capture the fast and seemingly invisible thieves. Usopp asks her what she has caught, and she tells him that she believes they are dwarves. Meanwhile at Acacia, Zoro has captured his sword thief, a dwarf named Wicca, who berated herself for being caught. Because the fall sprained her ankle, she begged Zoro to take her to the flower field to deliver a report that the Donquixote family is planning to attack the Straw Hats ship. Zoro had no choice but to take her with him due to his horrible sense of direction. With Violet revealing her true self, Sanji was seen beaten and bloodied before Violet who was actually an assassin sent to interrogate him about Law's plan. Her Devil Fruit power allows her to look into Sanji's mind for the truth, only to recoil from seeing Sanji's perverted mind. Sanji, who was barely conscious, told her that he never doubted her tears, leaving her genuinely shocked, brought to tears by his honesty.

#5 - The Means of Escaping is Opened! Fly through the Sky, Rocketman!
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 41
Robin and Franky are brought before Spandam, while Luffy blasts through waves of marines. The Galley-La foremen and the Franky Family eventually slip by Oimo and open the second gate. However, their joy is short-lived, as a group of marines closes the first gate behind them. To overcome the unanticipated obstacle, Zoro changes the plan. Yokozuna bends the island's outside fence downward. Using it as a ramp, the sea train jumps over both of the gates and crash lands into Oimo's back, finishing him off, and concluding everyone's arrival at the main island. As the elite group—called Law's Watch Dog Unit—enters the fight on the side of the marines, the battle escalates in intensity.

#6 - Don't Stop! Raise the Signal Fire of a Counterattack!
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 45
Kokoro and her granddaughter Chimeney contact the Straw Hats by means of Nami's portable transponder snail phone. They inform them of Luffy's location and instruct them on how to lower the courthouse's drawbridge. The Franky Family decides to lower it. Just then, the second of Enies Lobby's elite units enters the battle. One of the Guilty Jurymen throws his massive iron ball at Gomorrah, knocking him down. Behind them, Sogeking is riding to the courthouse on the shoulders of one of the giants with whom he has managed to ally. Gomorrah, arising again despite severe injury, tells those riding him to hold on as he plans to take them to their destination. Inside the Tower of Justice, Kaku and Kalifa hesitatingly eat the devil fruits that Spandam has given them.

#7 - A Friend Approaches from the Sea! The Straw Hat Crew's Strongest Bonds
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 84
Familiar voices are heard from the navy's loudspeakers. Calling in from the far side of the island, the Franky Family and Galley-La foremen are telling them that they survived and have found a means of escape. The Straw Hats are not so fortunate. Their stolen convoy ship is blown up by a salvo of battleship fire. Another salvo destroys the second half of the Bridge of Hesitation, forcing the pirates onto the middle pillar. The situation worsens, as the marines see the state of Luffy. Worn out from the fight and from overusing Gear Second, he cannot move or run, as the battleships aim their mighty cannons at him. Things seem hopeless, until the group hears another voice calling out to them; they jump into the ocean.

#8 - Goodbye my Lovable Followers! Franky Departs
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 96
Luffy tells Franky that, if he wants his swimsuit back, he will have to join his crew. However, this does not persuade him. To weaken his resolve, Robin uses her ability to grab Franky's testicles and pulls on them. Iceburg tells him that he only wants to stay in Water 7 because he has not forgiven himself. Franky's followers bring him his luggage. He rejects it, telling them to stay out of his affairs. During this series of events, Franky cries, apparently from the pain inflicted by Robin, who had stopped some time ago. Sanji and Zoro arrive in a hurry, reporting that Garp has returned and is on his way to capture them. Luffy then returns the swimsuit to Franky, who subsequently agrees to join the crew.

#9 - Power of the Devil Fruit! Kaku and Jyabura Transform
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 60
Zoro and Kaku engage in an intense sword fight. Directly beneath them, Sogeking fails to steal a key from the sleeping CP9 assassin Jyabura. Eventually, Kaku makes use of his newly gained devil fruit power. He transforms into a giraffe, causing the floor to collapse. He and Zoro fall down a story, interrupting the fight between Sogeking and Jyabura. The fighting halts as everyone entertains themselves by making fun of Kaku's ridiculous appearance. Enraged, Kaku uses his new power to vertically cut the building in half. As the confusion subsides, Zoro and Sogeking realize that they accidentally handcuffed themselves together. Meanwhile, Luffy searches high and low for the Tower of Justice for Robin and her captors.

#10 - 5 Namis? Counterattack with the Mirage!
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 69
Lucci and Luffy begin their mutually anticipated duel, while Nami and Kalifa's fight enters the next phase. Both combatants have scouted out each other's abilities. Kalifa attempts to finish Nami off. Just then, Chopper, in his monstrous form, crushes through the wall and enters the fight. He does not recognize Nami, just as he did not recognize Franky. As he goes through the room, he rips out Kalifa's large bathing tub and throws it downstairs, where the immobilized Sanji is sitting. Nami is deeply worried about Chopper, but before she can help him, she has to finish her fight. The torn up water pipes sprinkling the room's air provide a possible advantage for her.

#11 - Spandam's Shock! A Hero Stands on the Tower of Justice
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 75
Having loosened Robin's tooth grip on the bridge's rim, Spandam ties a rope around her waist and pulls her further along; during this, he constantly insults her and proudly tells her that Spandaine, the man who had caused her so much suffering, is his father. A stream of tears runs down her cheeks as her time runs out. Just then, and seemingly out of nowhere, an explosive projectile hits the back of Spandam's head. A stream of projectiles falls on the marines gathered around him. Outside the range of normal guns, Sogeking is shooting at them, standing on top of the Tower of Justice.

#12 - Z's Ambition Arc - Introduction of the Mystery of the Strongest Army Corps!
One Piece - Season 15 - Episode 60
Nami creates a plan for the Straw Hats to rescue Lily's father, Panz Fry. Chopper, Robin, Brook, and Luffy are the diversion group while Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, and Lily are in the submarine. Luffy goes on the submarine because he finds the diversion group boring. They rescue Panz Fry, but Momonga attacks Luffy, forcing Zoro to intercept him. Shuzo attacks the Marines and Panz Fry. His pet alpaca Alpacacino shoots out a cannon ball at the Marine ships. Shuzo attacks Panz Fry directly but is intercepted by Luffy. Shuzo then kicks Luffy into the sea. Zoro jumps into the water to save his captain, and Shuzo and Sanji get into an argument. Shuzo tells Momomga the reason why he quit the Marines, much to the dismay of the rest of his crew. Luffy and Zoro then resurface and Luffy threatens Shuzo. Luffy and Momonga prepare to fight Shuzo.

#13 - The Girl Searching for the Yagara! Great Investigation in the Water Metropolis!
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 91
Luffy and Chopper help a girl named Abi to search for her lost yagara bull, which had appeared to her in a dream. During the Aqua Laguna, her family had left their 100-year-old bull at home. When they returned after the storm he was gone. The three search all over the city for him with no success. Another yagara claims to have heard the missing one's voice. After finding a piece of his scarf, they track him into the underwater passages of the city. However, they only find an illusion. Abi is devastated. Then, they hear the voice of a yagara baby wrapped in the rest of the old one's scarf.

#14 - Uncontrollable! Chopper's Forbidden Rumble
One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 64
Chopper's breather concludes as Kumadori frees himself from the fridge, apparently after he finished eating its contents. At first, he is fat, but he digests all the food immediately and is slim again. Fascinated, Chopper asks how he did it. Kumadori willingly explains. Afterwards, the two resume their fight where it had stopped. Chopper quickly realizes that he cannot break through Kumadori's body-hardening technique without the effect of his Rumble Ball drug. Having used a first while rescuing Nami, he dares not use a second out of fear of its side effects. Nevertheless, he takes it. Chopper charges repeatedly, but his transformations are erratic and difficult to control. By the time he assumes the correct form, he is too weak and is struck down. Left with one choice, he steps into the forbidden realm of taking a third Rumble Ball.