The BEST episodes directed by Toby Macdonald

Cosmic Dawn: The Real Moment of Creation
28 votes

#1 - Cosmic Dawn: The Real Moment of Creation

Horizon - Season 2015 - Episode 11

Forget the big bang. The real moment of creation was the Cosmic Dawn - the moment of first light. This is the scientific version of the story of Genesis. The big bang gets all the credit for creating our universe. But in fact, the universe it gave was dark and boring. There were no stars, no galaxies, just a vast, black fog of gas - the cosmic dark ages. But, after a hundred million years of nothing, came a dramatic moment of transformation - the Cosmic Dawn. It's the moment the first stars were born, the moment that lit up the Universe, and made the first structure and the first ingredients of life. This was the real moment of creation. Astronomers are now trying to witness the cosmic dawn. For the first time they have the tools to explore the very first stars of the universe and to tell the scientific story of our creation.

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The Shining
5 votes

#2 - The Shining

My Life in Film - Season 1 - Episode 3

The last time Art babysat his nephew, young Danny was left traumatized, having been chased into the attic by his axe-wielding Uncle. The parents still haven't forgotten the incident, although Art maintains it was an accident. And so it is with no little trepidation that Art is asked to babysit again. Surely, it can't happen twice, can it?

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How Small is the Universe?
168 votes

#3 - How Small is the Universe?

Horizon - Season 2012 - Episode 13

Horizon plunges down the biggest rabbit-hole in history in search of the smallest thing in the Universe. It is a journey where things don't just become smaller but also a whole lot weirder. Scientists hope to catch a glimpse of miniature black holes, multiple dimensions and even parallel Universes. As they start to explore this wonderland, where nothing is quite what it seems, they may have to rewrite the fundamental laws of time and space.

Have Nots
451 votes

#4 - Have Nots

Extraordinary - Season 1 - Episode 1

Lacking a superpower, Jen resolves to find it herself following a series of humiliating incidents.

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Magic Bullets
398 votes

#5 - Magic Bullets

Extraordinary - Season 1 - Episode 2

The gang try to draw out Jen’s power by inducing stress. Jizzlord transforms at a timely moment.

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Secrets of the Solar System
56 votes

#6 - Secrets of the Solar System

Horizon - Season 2015 - Episode 1

New planets are now being discovered outside our solar system on a regular basis, and these strange new worlds are forcing scientists to rewrite the history of our own solar system. Far from a simple story of stable orbits, the creation of our solar system is a tale of hellfire, chaos and planetary pinball. It's a miracle our Earth is here at all.

Dead End Job
363 votes

#7 - Dead End Job

Extraordinary - Season 1 - Episode 3

Jen helps Carrie when she channels an unsavoury dead musician. Kash sets up his vigilante group.

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Episode 2
155 votes

#8 - Episode 2

Ragdoll - Season 1 - Episode 2

With the Ragdoll killer proving unstoppable, the team hunts down the second victim on the list; when hazy memories from the past surface, Rose starts his own investigation into the case and his dubious interview tactics cause concern for Edmunds.

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Pet Project
349 votes

#9 - Pet Project

Extraordinary - Season 1 - Episode 4

Jen helps Jizzlord search for his past while Carrie considers drastic solutions for her frustration.

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Episode 3
151 votes

#10 - Episode 3

Ragdoll - Season 1 - Episode 3

Rose's erratic behavior raises questions for Edmunds but Baxter won't listen. With the killer one step ahead, her plans to protect the third victim go awry with devastating consequences and frustratingly they are forced to watch the Ragdoll killer's horrific plans play out.

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Episode 1
215 votes

#11 - Episode 1

Ragdoll - Season 1 - Episode 1

A gruesome discovery sets DI Baxter, DS Rose and DC Edmunds on the trail of the Ragdoll killer, who also lists six more people due to die; it's a race against time to find the victims and track down a killer before he strikes again.

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Rear Window
3 votes

#12 - Rear Window

My Life in Film - Season 1 - Episode 2

A keen observer of human nature, Art watches happily from his bedroom window as the beautiful girl in the flat opposite argues with her lover. But when she disappears and he works late into the night with a circular saw, Art comes to the only logical conclusion. It has to be murder. He wanted the relationship to end, but not like this. Jones wants to call the police, but first they need evidence. And there's only one place to look. Under the watchful eye of Jones, Art breaks into the flat opposite, only to return as clue-less as before. They resort to plan B and try to lure the killer out into the open. It works better than expected: they manage to lure him around to their flat...

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Shallow Grave
3 votes

#13 - Shallow Grave

My Life in Film - Season 1 - Episode 4

Friction between Art and Beth intensifies as she comes to stay for the week. It preoccupies Jones so much that he forgets to feed the neighbour's goldfish - with tragic results. In the aftermath, Art discovers an insignificant sum of money down the back of the neighbour's sofa. The trio agree honesty is the best policy and agree to leave the money where they found it, but an atmosphere of deceit and betrayal soon descends on the household. Alliances, allegiances and allergies reach breaking point when the money goes missing. Suspicions multiply and tempers fray as guilt and greed propel the story to its bloody conclusion. And when the merry-go-round of treachery finally comes to a stop, who will come out on top?

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Eight and a Half
3 votes

#14 - Eight and a Half

My Life in Film - Season 1 - Episode 5

Art finally gets the chance to prove himself as an undiscovered, talented, independent, low-budget filmmaker when he is asked to shoot a wedding video. An initial flurry of ambitious, original ideas soon gives way to a mammoth existential crisis which grips Art by the throat and refuses to let go. Fear of the blank page keeps him awake at night. Thoroughly blocked, he sinks into a dark malaise. In search of inspiration, Art embarks on a filmmaker's odyssey through a sea of dream, memory, fantasy and beautiful women. Pressure mounts as time begins to run out. But it is in the depths of his despair that he finds a ray of hope in the most unlikely of sources.

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Butch and Sundance
3 votes

#15 - Butch and Sundance

My Life in Film - Season 1 - Episode 6

Under pressure from the landlord to come up with the rent money, Art resorts to increasingly desperate measures to raise the cash. An attempt to defraud the bank incurs the wrath of a super-posse of postmen, forcing Art and Jones to run for the hills on their bicycles. When the landlord also gives chase, the dynamic duo seek refuge in the cinema. With nowhere left to hide, Art tries to persuade Jones to start a new life together on the Isle of Man. Legend has it the Film Commission over there just gives money away to independent, low-budget filmmakers. Jones is tempted, but refuses to leave Beth behind, so they take her with them. However, all they find on the Isle of Man is disappointment. They have no choice but to return to their old ways. Will they find the rent money before the landlord finds them?

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Top Gun
7 votes

#16 - Top Gun

My Life in Film - Season 1 - Episode 1

After failing his driving test for the fifth time, Art signs up for a five-day crash course at the best of the best motor school - they're the best! The training is intense. And so are the rivalries. Everybody wants to be the best of the best. Especially Johnson: this ice-cold learner driver takes an instant dislike to Art. Meanwhile, Art takes an instant like to his beautiful instructor. And as she teaches him to parallel park, they begin to fall in love. For once, it really looks as if Art might pass, until a minor road accident rocks his confidence. Will his new-found love chase away his inner demons in time to take the test?

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Goodbye Cassini - Hello Saturn
0 votes

#17 - Goodbye Cassini - Hello Saturn

Horizon - Season 2017 - Episode 14

A billion miles from home, out of fuel and almost out of time. After 13 years traversing the Saturnian system, the Cassini spacecraft is in the throes of a fiery death, becoming part of the very planet it has been exploring. As he embarks on his final mission, a one-way trip to the heart of Saturn, celebrate the incredible achievements and discoveries of a mission that has changed the way we see the solar system. Strange new worlds with gigantic ice geysers, hidden subterranean oceans that could support life, and a new moon merging into Saturn's magnificent rings.