The BEST episodes directed by Tarou Iwasaki

#1 - Phobia Exposure
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 3
Tarou is hanging out at Masayuki’s house, when Masayuki reveals to him that he has acrophobia (a fear of heights). Masayuki suggest to Tarou that he should go to the source of his fears, to expose himself to his phobia. Even after being told it is a bad idea, by his counsellor, Tarou still decides to go but Masayuki seems to have invited someone else.
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#2 - Existential Ghosts
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 9
At the place where Tourou was kidnapped some kids were cursed, they believe it was the man who kidnapped Tourou, they go and try to stop him but he put's up a fight, and Tourou changes into a wierd creature. Will they win against this ghost? What will happen to Tourou?
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#3 - Implicate Order
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 17
The mountain wanderer, Saruta, notices that the spirits are afraid of something. He warns the shrine priest that there people out for Miyako's powers. Taro tells Miyako that he thinks that she is the reincarnation of his sister which really upsets her. Makoto still hasn't come back yet. Suzuki notices there is a suspicious group of men around the Ogami household.
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#4 - Sunomata One-Night Castle
Oda Nobuna's Ambition - Season 1 - Episode 6
Nobuna plans to build a castle at Sunomata near Nagara River which would allow her to conquer Mino. Despite Yoshiharu wishes to lead the task, Nobuna refuses and assign it to her other Generals as not to be seen playing favorites. However, Sunomata is near Inabayama castle and their attempts to build are repelled by Yoshitatsu's forces. Reluctantly giving the task to Yoshiharu, Nobuna and Katsuie leads most of the Oda army to Kisogawa to divert Yoshitatsu's attention while Yoshiharu, Hanbē, Mitsuhide, Goemon and Inuchiyo leads a small force to secretly a build a castle at Sunomata during the night. Meanwhile, Yoshitatsu's Generals Inaba and Ujiie are starting to question their lord's leadership after Hanbē's defection. Yoshitatsu sends Inaba and Ujiie to lure Nobuna's forces at an abandoned gold mine in a valley. Unknown to everyone, Yoshitatsu real plan is to kill everyone there by trapping them in the valley after setting it on fire.
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#5 - Soul of the Guardian
Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 20
The battle in the Fifth Laboratory continues. Separated, each now face a formidable foe: Ed faces off with Number 48 while Al deals with the insane Number 66. After an exchange with Number 66, though, Al soon comes to question his very existence.
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#6 - Surprise Camping and Some Deep Thoughts
Laid-Back Camp - Season 2 - Episode 3
Nadeshiko is spending New Years at her grandma’s place in Shizuoka. Her friend, Ayano is staying over, and Rin joins them to hang out.
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#7 - Sphere Joint
Another - Season 1 - Episode 7
Fresh blood is spilled, and Class 3 realizes that the curse hasn't stopped. The Charm rituals are called off. Everyone is on edge, wondering who among them is actually dead. Meanwhile, Kouichi learns of an incident 15 years in the past.
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#8 - The Izu Camp Trip Begins!
Laid-Back Camp - Season 2 - Episode 10
Akari joins the other campers, and they head out to Izu. They check out various geospots and try the local food.
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#9 - Hohenheim of Light
Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 44
Mustang has finally caught up to Ed and Al, but he explains that he is not there to apprehend them, but to find out what was really happening. They explain the Fuhrer''s identity, to the shock of everyone present. This prompts them to develop a plan for testing the truth of the claim. They arrive in Rizenbul to find Hohenheim and Al, despite his brother''s protests, spends as much time as he can with his long lost father. The homunculus are hiding out in the church that Ryla has taken Rose to, and it becomes apparent in a fabulous plot twist, that ''him'' that the homunculus are always talking about, is in fact Ryla, who is in fact Dante. The plot thickens as Hohenheim storms their sanctuary, having heard Dante''s name from the brothers. His skill in alchemy is incredible, even enough so to scare Gluttony. Ryla faces off with him using her own alchemy, and action ensues.
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#10 - Angel
xxxHOLiC - Season 1 - Episode 3
Himawari-chan asks for Yūko's help to solve a series of mysterious incidents occurring at the school, involving a game called angel. Yūko meets Himawari-chan, and Watanuki is forced to work with Doumeki. Doumeki begins to learn about his true nature.
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#11 - The Ark Adrift on the Lake
Darker Than Black - Season 2 - Episode 4
Hei and the others landed in Sapporo, taking refuge in an uninhabited part of the city as half of it was previously flooded. Misaki was recruited into the MIAC's black ops division Section 35 and was given the alias of Yayoi Ichinose. Hoping to learn what happened to Hei, she sought out an informant to obtain information of what happened to him. Hei decides to train Suou given that she has obtained Contractor powers after the previous gunfight against FSB forces in Vladivostok. Despite Suou's hatred to Hei for changing her life, she decides to stay with him alongside July. Meanwhile, Misaki heads to the now abandoned National Observatory when she was confronted alone by Madam Orielle, who knows of her real name aside from her alias.
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#12 - With the River's Flow
Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 38
After crashing the vehicle Winry left them, Ed and Al are forced to continue their journey to Ishbal on foot. The brother's tempers flare and they end up separated in a small town. Meanwhile, back at Central, Winry and Sciezka join forces to find the cause behind Hughes death.
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#13 - Dante of the Deep Forest
Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 32
After battling Wrath, Izumi decides it's time Ed and Al meets with her old Master, Dante: the alchemist who taught her everything she knows, and who also knew Ed and Al's father, Hohenheim Elric. However, they are delayed yet again as Greed decides to take on the Elric Brothers.
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#14 - Her Reason
Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 26
Rush Valley: the Automail capital of the world. Here the sight of metal limbs is commonplace. While browsing through the village, Ed, Al and Winry meet a tough girl named Paninya. With her right arm and legs made of a special automail, she can hold her own in a fight. Watching her, Winry asks herself a tough question: Why stick with Ed if he doesn't seem to care about her?
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#15 - Uniforms and Pot Rice
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 1
Kouhei is a single dad living with his daughter, Tsumugi. He's busy and doesn't know how to cook, so he feeds her nothing but frozen foods and lunches from the convenience store. But when a chance encounter with a student of his gives him the opportunity to feed her a home-cooked meal, he leaps at it.
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#16 - Destruction's Right Hand
Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 14
Following Mustang's tip, Ed and Al travel to Marcoh's village to ask him about the Philosopher's Stone. However, before they are able to learn more about the Stone from the Doctor, they are interrupted by the arrival of Brigadier Basque Gran, who arrests the doctor for desertion during the Eastern War. Ed chases after the General's car, determined not to let the General get away with another cover up. They are all surprised, however, when the car is stopped by the sudden appearance of the Scarred Man.
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#17 - Pork Soup and Restaurant Lights
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 2
Kouhei is worried about meeting with Kotori, his student. Is it okay for him to be meeting with an individual student outside of class? But Tsumugi is too young to know or care about the rules of the adult world, and what's more, Kotori has the promise of pork soup to tempt them both.
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#18 - Tsumugi and the Long-Awaited Hamburg Steak
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 3
Tsumugi gets into a fight at daycare, and it spoils her mood for good cooking. Even the long-awaited Hamburg steak isn't enough to rouse her from her gloom. Can Kotori and Kouhei come up with a way to cheer her up so she can enjoy her meal? And will she find out how much her daddy really loves her?
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#19 - Our Family's At-Home Curry
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 9
It's sleepover night at the preschool! The class is making curry, just like you'd make at home. But Tsumugi's "at-home curry" is different than usual. It's got raisins! Kouhei decides to make Tsumugi the special keema curry that her mother used to make. But how will Tsumugi react to this memory of her mother?
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#20 - Gohei Mochi and a Grand Adventure
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 7
Oh no! Dad is sick! Tsumugi wants to get him something to make him feel better, and she's willing to brave fierce sharks, dark caves, and giant dogs to make her way to Kotori's house. But what will dad do when he wakes up and finds her gone? And what can Kotori do with this batch of rice she just burnt?
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#21 - Mount Fuji and Relaxed Hot Pot Camp
Laid-Back Camp - Season 1 - Episode 3
While Nadeshiko makes gyoza hotpot for Rin, Chiaki gets a job at a liquor store to fund the club. Enjoying the meal, Rin apologises for being cold towards Nadeshiko when she invited her to join the club and promises to camp again with her some time. After spending the night in her sister's car, Nadeshiko wakes up early to watch the sun rise over Mount Fuji.
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#22 - You Have the Wrong Idea
Grand Blue Dreaming - Season 1 - Episode 11
"You might be the only one who can't pass the license test," Nanaka says to Iori, pointing out what he's bad at. To avoid being made fun of by Kohei and Nanaka, he practices secretly. Yet, while practice, all he thinks of is how to poison them at dinner. He avoids being pairs with Kohei and Aina and gets Chisa to promise to help him with practice. But, these interactions cause misunderstandings...
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#23 - Squid and Taro Stew That's Still Yummy Tomorrow
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 8
Kouhei wants to do something nice for his daughter. When his first idea is shot down, he decides to make her one of mommy's old dishes instead. Tsumugi choses squid and taro stew, a dish for grown-ups! Kouhei masters the art of chopping up a squid and peeling a taro, as Tsumugi attains enlightenment by looking into the squid's eyes.
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#24 - A Gyoza Party with Friends
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 6
Tsumugi wants to throw a party: a gyoza party! And a party means that she can invite all her friends, everyone she knows at daycare, and Kotori, and Shinobu, and even Yagi! But she's just a little girl, and doesn't know that you have to get permission from Kotori's mom before you can hold a party at Kotori's house. How can Kouhei resolve this sticky situation? And what's the best way to make gyoza, anyway?
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#25 - What, Exactly, Is a Human?
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 9
The death of Thymilph has brought about the concern of the Spiral King (Lord Genome), meanwhile the Great Gurren Brigade managed to take control of the enemy fortress, but are still mourning other the death of one of their own. Simon is greatly affected by it and falls into a deep depression. After falling off a cliff and into a deep valley, he later notices a Gunman throw a capsule into the murky valley. He manages to open it only to discover a young human girl named Nia.
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#26 - Hated Vegetables and Bits in Gratin
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 4
Tsumugi is like many young kids: she hates her veggies. Particularly those nasty green peppers! Is it possible for a child to like green peppers? Kouhei and Kotori decide to try and find out by making a delicious and tempting "roll-y" gratin that smothers those wicked peppers with cheese!
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#27 - A Play and Sweet Potato Crêpes
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 11
It's the week of the play, and Tsumugi wants to be Mr. Galigali, the fluffy mascot of her favorite TV show. But trouble breaks out when her friends want her to be a magical girl. When Kouhei tries to cheer her up with talk of delicious sweet potato crepes, she snaps! "Daddy! All you ever talk about is food!" Can dad show that he really loves her? Will Kotori get to eat her sweet potato crepes? And will Mr. Galigali be able to help save the world in the school play?
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#28 - Okonomiyaki Filled With Affection
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 12
It's the one-year anniversary of Tsumugi's mother's death, and she and Kouhei go to the countryside to attend the funeral. On the night after they get back, Kouhei is too tired to cook, so they go to an okonomiyaki restaraunt. But Tsumugi throws a fit when she finds out it's not what she thought. Kotori offers to make her real okonomiyaki to make her feel better. This time the whole gang drops in, even Kotori's mom!
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#29 - Summer Vacation, Kitty, and Aji
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 10
Tsumugi has decided that she's a cat! When Kouhei gets an ice chest full of yummy fish, she's more than excited to watch him make them! But to make namerou, or as Kotori calls it, "fish hamburg steak" you have to be able to filet the fish, and Kouhei doesn't know how! To make matters worse, neither does anyone else! Can he turn to the internet for help?
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#30 - A Day Off and Special Doughnuts
Sweetness & Lightning - Season 1 - Episode 5
Tsumugi has a problem: she finds doughnuts difficult. Are they a snack? Are they a meal? She finds the answer when Kotori and her father make homemade doughnuts, a feat she didn't even know was possible. But can Kouhei handle frying foods without burning them?
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#31 - Important
Big Windup! - Season 2 - Episode 6
Nishiura meets the baseball members of Sakitama in the train and are asked for practice games. Abe tells Mihashi to stop practicing his pitches since there will be conseqitive games after their third game. The 'cheer girls' prepare their cheering outfits now that the team has won their second game. Nishiura arrives at the stadium, and sits in the bleachers.
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#32 - Bottom of the 5th, 2 - 5
Big Windup! - Season 2 - Episode 10
Momoe is infuriated to learn that Mihashi has never shaken off a pitch call from Abe, but decides not to scold Mihashi until after the game to preserve Mihashi's focus on the game. Takenouchi, Bijou's first pitcher, is replaced by Kashima as pitcher. Takenouchi replaces Kitamura as left fielder. Kashima's pitches are faster than Nishiura is used to by players and they have difficulty hitting. To avoid stepping on Kurata's arm in a successful dive toward home, Abe sprains his left knee. Tajima replaces Abe as catcher. Nishihiro plays left field and Mizutani plays third. Mihashi and the team resolves to do their best to make up for Abe's absence. Fifth inning (1-2), sixth inning (0-0), seventh inning (1-x).
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