The BEST episodes directed by Steve Asquith

#1 - Thomas and the Stinky Cheese
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 19
Thomas is indignant when the diesels call him a 'stinky steamie'. But his determination to prove them wrong gets him into trouble when he is asked to make a delievery of cheese to the docks.
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#2 - Big Strong Henry
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 13
Sodor is in the grip of winter. Farmer McColl needs an engine to haul some heavy goods for him, and when Gordon ends up being assigned to the task, of which he is most boastful about, Henry is sad he wasn’t given a chance. The engines, not pleased with Gordon’s pompousness, tell him that Henry could do just as good a job, giving him the title: ‘Big Strong Henry’. But Henry is concerned. Will he be able to live up to such a title?
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#3 - Thomas and the Firework Display
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 11
Thomas wishes he could collect the fireworks stock to deliver to the Harvest Fireworks Display but feels most disappointed when James is chosen to do the job instead. James, however, breaks down...
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#4 - You Can Do It, Toby!
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 22
When Gordon becomes stuck on the Hill, Toby comes to help and push but will he have enough confidence in himself after Gordon saying earlier on to him that he's not a proper engine?
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#5 - Flour Power
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 26
Thomas and Diesel have to collect flour, needed ready for the following day, from the Flour Mill. But tonight is Halloween, so Diesel decides to take advantage of this by trying to frighten little Thomas on their way to the Mill. Thomas, though, comes up with some surprises of his own…
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#6 - Duncan's Bluff
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 24
Villagers, high up in the hills, need plenty of coal as Sodor is in the deep of winter. Duncan is taking coal there from the Wharf, which James delivers. For a lark, Duncan says he will race James. If Duncan delivers the coal first, he wins. If James arrives with more coal first, he wins. So, just who will win? Well, it certainly wouldn’t seem to be James when Duncan resorts to a spot of cheating…
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#7 - Emily and the Special Coaches
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 21
Gordon has finally beaten the Express record, and will be given a special set of coaches at a big ceremony to be held for him. Diesel, though, isn’t exactly overjoyed about Gordon’s achievement, upon hearing from Emily, who is most rude to him indeed. So Diesel decides to go and hide Gordon’s special set of coaches…
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#8 - Halloween
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 21
'Arry & Bert, the naughty diesels, take advantage of the fact that it's Halloween and when Thomas and Emily are sent to do important work at the Smelter, the two diesels decide to give the steamers a fright or two!
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#9 - James Goes Too Far
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 23
When the other engines ask James for help with some hard jobs, he says he's much too busy with his assigned task of exporting loads of coal around the Island. However, when James breaks down, his attitude soon changes...
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#10 - Emily's Adventure
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 20
Emily finds that being unkind to others is the wrong thing to do when in need of help with a big job.
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#11 - Thomas Gets It Right
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 17
Thomas must go slow to successfully deliver a load of eggs around Sodor but becomes impatient and speeds up, with predictable results...
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#12 - Topped Off Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 18
Upon challenging Spencer the Streamliner to a bit of a race, Thomas ends up whizzing through Kellsthorpe station so fast he causes a strong gust that blows the Fat Controller’s hat clean away. Thomas takes it in his stride to try and get the top hat back, but on each occasion he nears it, the hat decides to blow away! Thomas will have to try another method of attack.
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#13 - Thomas and the Colours
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 22
James is all decked up in flags and bunting in the colours of the Sodor School football team, as he will be pulling the team train. Jealous Thomas wanted to be given such a job, and so tricks James into puffing down an old, disused line, causing James’ splendid decorations to be torn to pieces! Thomas will have to put in a big effort to put things right once more.
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#14 - Thomas and the Tuba
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 1
Thomas is to collect the Brass Band to take them to the park as a treat for Lady Hatt's birthday but when he does is in such a hurry that he leaves the Tuba Player standing on the platform. Will the Fat Controller's party plans for his wife be tarnished?
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#15 - Thomas and the Runaway Car
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 17
Thomas feels proud to take The Fat Controller's new car to a Car Show. However, Gordon challenges Thomas to a race and a loose coupling gives them a whole chase!
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#16 - Don't Be Silly, Billy
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 13
A new engine known as Silly Billy arrives and Thomas has to show him around. But Billy finds him to be bossy and decides to find his own way around, with disastorous consequences.

#17 - Thomas, Emily, and the Snowplough
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 8
Emily's bossy attitude is really getting to Thomas. So when a large snowfall arrives, Thomas decides to ignore her advice about wearing a snowplough, forgetting past incidents...

#18 - Sir Handel in Charge
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 22
Mr. Percival asks Sir Handel to ensure that a train full of logs is ready for Thomas to collect by getting the very first engines he sees to help him but will Sir Handel listen?

#19 - Excellent Emily
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 8
Emily is the only one who finishes her jobs on time, and thus is called "Excellent" by the Fat Controller. She is then given a job to take Trevor from Farmer McColl's farm, to the Airport to clear some rubble before Jeremy the Jet Plane lands, who is carrying The Fat Controller's Mother. Murdoch, Thomas and Duck inform Emily that some tracks are not safe, Emily ignores them, which lands her into trouble when he track on a muddy dip, sinks. Murdoch helps her out and Emily, who arrives at Farmer McColl's to take Trevor, now asks Murdoch to use which tracks, and delivers Trevor just in time, as Jeremy descends onto the Airport, with The Fat Controller's Mother.

#20 - Fish
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 19
Thomas is hasty and decides to haul all the trucks with loads of fish he has to deliver all at once. He soon finds that in doing so, they are too heavy to pull in one shot...

#21 - Don't Tell Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 9
The engines are hiding a big secret from their blue tank engine friend, but what could it possibly be?

#22 - Thomas and the Billboard
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 1
It's Knapford Station's birthday and all the engines are preparing for the festivities. When a photographer comes to photograph the engines for a billboard Diesel accidentally obscures Thomas; Thomas thinks this was on purpose and is so distracted he goes the wrong way and knocks the billboard over. This gives an opportunity for all the engines to be in a new photo, but when Diesel isn't told, he has to do all the others' jobs. Everything is soon rectified and the new photo is put up at Knapford.

#23 - James the Second Best
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 27
A Railway Poster is to be produced, and the Fat Controller needs an engine to be the centre of it – and that engine is decided to be Edward. James is most jealous of Edward when he learns of the news. He wanted to be the engine on that poster. So James decides to try and prove to the Fat Controller that it should be him, and not Edward, who gets the gig.

#24 - Hector the Horrid!
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 5
Thomas is shocked when a large hopper named Hector arrives at the coaling plant and he is too afraid to fill him up. But when he resorts to violence, will he discover Hector's true colours?

#25 - Edward and the Mail
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 14
Edward is asked to step in and take the mail while Percy was away. However, he has no idea what to do and decides not to ask for help, resulting in disaster.

#26 - Spic and Span
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 13
Thomas and Percy's efforts to be the cleanest engines on Sodor for the Cleanest Engine competition are continuously thwarted. Will luck come to them?

#27 - Squeak, Rattle, and Roll
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 15
Gordon is scared that he'll be scrapped due to strange noises inside him that he's making. Will he inform about his problems or will he instead try to hide them?

#28 - Thomas and the New Engine
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 11
Thomas sees a new engine, who seems to be getting along very well with diesels, Iron ‘Arry & Bert, so well in fact that they’re laughing and everything. But the engine is steam powered. A steamie who’s friends with diesels? Certainly this cannot be? But does Thomas have his facts straight? Surely he couldn’t be mistaken?

#29 - Gordon Takes Charge
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 12
Gordon shows off to Percy while teaching him how to pull passengers. In doing so, Gordon doesn't notice a dangerous icy section of line...

#30 - Thomas Saves the Day
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 6
While a new station is being built, Thomas has to go around a sharp bend though Annie and Clarabel help him. But when they are sent to the works, will Thomas find the courage to go around the bend, or allow the Troublesome Trucks to cause havoc?

#31 - Emily's New Route
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 10
Emily is chosen to do the route running through Black Loch, but on her first run, she sees spooky shapes in the water which appear to be sea monsters!

#32 - Percy's Big Mistake
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 7
Following some time being overworked and running late, Percy overhears the Fat Controller talking about sending him to the scrap yard! Two accidents later, this makes him wonder whether he will be sacrificed to the flame...

#33 - Thomas Sets Sail
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 12
Thomas is asked to collect the Mayor's new sailboat and bring it to the Harbor. But Thomas doubts the strong winds which give him a wild and disastorous ride around the island!

#34 - Edward the Great
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 14
Edward is chosen to compete against Spencer in a race, but is soon left eating Spencer's dust due to his much larger amount of power. Far out in the lead, Spencer grows overconfident and decides to have a little snooze...

#35 - Missing Trucks
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 25
In an act of kindness to his brother, Rheneas decides to pull Skarloey’s trucks for him as he is most busy. But Rheneas also has his own load to take, and finds that it’s simply all too much on him, upon attempting to climb a difficult hill. So Rheneas parks Skarloey’s trucks in a siding, and simply delivers his own load first. When he returns for Skarloey’s lot, it has disappeared!

#36 - Wash Behind Your Buffers
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 26
When the Engine and Car Rally comes around, Madge cares more about making sure the engines are clean than taking the Brass Band. But her mothering causes a lot of trouble!

#37 - A Friend in Need (2)
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 6 - Episode 8
Ned the Steam Shovel accidentally knocks loose the important keystones from an old rail bridge, and Thomas is just down the line. Jack, however, with a bright idea, jumps in...

#38 - James Works It Out
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 12
It's winter on the Island of Sodor and James, Thomas and Stanley are shunting trucks at the yard. James shows off that he can shunt Hector to the back of his train. He puffs away with his trucks, which he has to take to Great Waterton. On the way he Harold tells James that he has to take the longer route. But James gets cross and takes the snowy track. He takes the wrong route when he sees Edward who tells James to take the longer route. But James doesn't listen and Hector tells James what to do. He doesn't listen again and his trucks gets stuck in the snow. So this time, James does listen to Hector and make his trucks go through the snow. He, Hector and the Trucks, soon make it to Great Waterton.

#39 - The Magic Lamp
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 14
Peter Sam wouldn’t even think of believing in Skarloey’s story about the magic lamp belonging to the legendary engine, Proteus. But before long, Peter Sam starts thinking otherwise about the lamp, so much so that he loses his way on a night shift…

#40 - Percy's New Whistle
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 2
Percy's loud whistle blowing to show that he can make as loud a sound as 'Arry & Bert's horns distracts some of the others and is told by the Fat Controller to only whistle at appropriate times. However, Percy isn't sure to whistle to warn Thomas from crashing some time later. Will he let his friend crash or will he make the right decision by blowing a warning whistle?

#41 - Bold and Brave
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 21
Is there really such thing as a curse? After Diesel tells of the sea cliffs being cursed, Thomas thinks so, and he has to travel along them on this day! It’s his route to take on an important job assigned, but will Thomas dare take it?

#42 - Keeping Up with James
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 25
James and Edward both want to pull the presents train for Christmas. The Fat Controller declares that whoever finishes their day’s work first shall be able to take it. And so the race for the presents train begins…

#43 - Emily Knows Best
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 17
Percy and Toby do not approve of Emily’s desire to be Miss. Know-It-All. Emily goes so far in fact that her antics lead to terrible confusion (and delay). Will Emily see any sense?

#44 - Thomas and the Toy Shop
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 9
Toys, toys, toys. All children love toys. In fact, a new Toy Shop is opening at Knapford, which will certainly make the local Sodor children very happy indeed. And Thomas is to be taking some lucky children to the big, grand opening. But will they miss the whole event upon Thomas being Thomas?

#45 - Thomas and the Golden Eagle
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 24
Best friends, Thomas and Percy, greatly want to see for themselves a golden eagle which has said to have been recently flying in Sodor’s skies. The engines decide to halve one another’s work, so as they have more free time to spare that day to try and spot the wondrous bird, but will their little plan work like the charm they hope?

#46 - Thomas' Day Off
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 18
It’s Thomas’ day off, and new diesel engine, Dennis, is to deliver to the school some new roof tiles for him. But Dennis is as lazy as can be, and tries to trick Thomas into still doing the work by pretending he has broken down. But such a lie comes back to haunt Dennis.

#47 - Dream On
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 3
Spencer returns to Sodor and Thomas had to help him out. But the speedy engine gets on his nerves and Thomas tries to prove he is faster, stronger and shinier than him.

#48 - Emily's Rubbish
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 2
Emily has a friend named Whiff, and he likes collecting garbage. But all the engines tease her and she decides to take care of the garbage on her own. But they are too heavy and she asks the other engines for help, but they refuse. She knows only one engine who will help. Whiff.

#49 - Percy and the Magic Carpet
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 8 - Episode 26
Percy collects a special carpet to deliver, but suddenly the windy weather starts to blow it around. Percy, though, thinks that it's a magic flying carpet!

#50 - Sticky Toffee Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 14
A fancy dress party is being held for some children, where Thomas shall be giving them rides. Thomas wonders deeply about what he could possibly wear as a costume. Upon being given a good clean at the Washdown, Thomas comes up with the idea of going as a giant bubble bath! But his “bubble” is soon burst when he ends up crashing into Toby the Tram Engine, due not being able to see through the soap in his eyes! After two more incidents still, the first involving getting cloaked in toffee apple and the other getting covered in leaves and nasty branches, Thomas is in quite a state. But little does he know that his state will turn out all for the better.