The BEST episodes directed by Sebastian Vigg
#1 - Wer findet, der stirbt
The Last Cop - Season 2 - Episode 4
#2 - Mord aus Distanz
The Last Cop - Season 2 - Episode 1
#3 - Das Runde muss ins Eckige
The Last Cop - Season 1 - Episode 8
The striker Maren from the women's football club Fortuna Rüttenscheid was murdered in the locker room.
#4 - Ich weiß von nichts
The Last Cop - Season 2 - Episode 10

#6 - Der tote Stripper
The Last Cop - Season 2 - Episode 2
#7 - Gepflegter Tod
The Last Cop - Season 1 - Episode 10
The corpse of the masseur Ben Ulrich lead Mick and Andreas into the wellness temple "Sun Valley Spa".
#8 - Camping für Anfänger
The Last Cop - Season 2 - Episode 3
#9 - Mord auf Seite 1
The Last Cop - Season 2 - Episode 9
#10 - Nachtschicht
The Last Cop - Season 1 - Episode 4
When the nurse Lea Buchwald is found strangled, Mick and Andrew are puzzled.
#11 - Im Schatten von Feng Shui
The Last Cop - Season 1 - Episode 5
Feng Shui master Linus Nader is killed with a targeted blow with a Shaolin sword.

#13 - Fremdgehen für Anfänger
The Last Cop - Season 1 - Episode 9
Gesa Jansen, a customer service employee at an extramarital sex agency, was pushed out of an office window.
#14 - Das 5. Gebot
The Last Cop - Season 2 - Episode 8

#15 - Für immer und ewig
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 16 - Episode 1
Semir Gerkhan hat in den letzten Jahren unzählige Male Kopf und Kragen riskiert, um das Verbrechen auf Deutschlands Autobahnen zu bekämpfen. Jetzt will er sich in das größte Abenteuer seines Lebens stürzen und seine Sekretärin Andrea heiraten. Bevor die beiden sich jedoch das Ja-Wort geben, müssen Jan und Semir noch einer skrupellosen Bande von Goldräubern das Handwerk legen. Dabei kommt es zum Duell mit Jans Erzfeind, dem tot geglaubten Gangster Joseph Tscherne, der zum Entsetzen der Autobahnpolizisten am Hochzeitsmorgen Andrea entführen lässt.
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#17 - Entführt
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 22 - Episode 1

#18 - Tödliche Kunst
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 12 - Episode 2
A cash truck is robbed on the highway, and while Semir and Tom are chasing the gangsters, Engelhardt is seriously injured in an accident. She has to go to the hospital, and surprisingly Herzberger is appointed as her replacement. Semir and Tom discover that only certain paintings by an artist were stolen, which were intended for a planned exhibition in the museum. The gangsters demand a ransom, but while the police try to monitor the handover, the criminals rob the art shipment again. Tom is dragged out of the truck and briefly sees the leader's face.

#19 - Wer Wind sät...
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 16 - Episode 5
Zunächst sieht es wie ein Unfall aus, als Andrea auf der Autobahn schwer verunglückt. Doch schon bald zeigt sich, dass dies der furchtbare Auftakt zu einem brutalen Rachefeldzug gegen Semir ist.

#20 - Der perfekte Mord
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 12 - Episode 6
Tom and Semir are distracted by a murder case in a motorway car park after leaving Meike Moritz, a woman who has broken down, behind. Shortly after they help her, Meike is found murdered. Tom is plagued by guilt and throws himself into the investigation. The suspects - Meike's husband Frank, the breakdown helper Rolf Pfeifer and the designer Robin Jakoby - all have an alibi. Meanwhile, another victim is found, Sabine Grauberg, and it is suggested that a psychopath who cuts the victims' hair is behind the murders.

#21 - Die Partner
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 21 - Episode 4

#22 - Schuld und Sühne
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 21 - Episode 8

#23 - Wer einmal lügt
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 24 - Episode 6

#24 - Verraten und verkauft
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 13 - Episode 3
A courier driver is attacked; the stolen package contained a diamond bracelet that Anja Seidel wanted to use to prove the innocence of her imprisoned father. Shortly afterwards, the private detective she hired is murdered. Tom and Semir suspect Anja's husband Sebastian, who was in a dispute with her father. An assassination attempt on Anja and the discovery of the bracelet on Sebastian lead to his arrest - but the real perpetrator remains hidden.

#25 - Infarkt
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 22 - Episode 2

#26 - Der letzte Coup
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 20 - Episode 10

#27 - Familiensache
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 22 - Episode 7

#28 - Brennpunkt Autobahn
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 18 - Episode 1

#29 - Um jeden Preis
Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 16 - Episode 2
Die kleine Lisa Schwarz wird von zwei Unbekannten entführt. Semir und Jan übernehmen den Fall, denn die Mutter des Mädchens, Beate Schwarz, ist eine Freundin von Anna Engelhardt. Anna weiß, dass Beate sich scheiden lassen will. Steckt ein Familiendrama dahinter?