The BEST episodes directed by Robert Radler

#1 - Good Val Hunting
V.I.P. - Season 1 - Episode 11
Eric Collier, America's answer to Richard Branson, hires V.I.P. to protect him when he puts a bounty on his head. After a few people try to kill him they decide it would be better to hide out in San Pedro where he owns a top security installation. Back at V.I.P. headquarters Kay is watching a movie on TV when her cable goes out. She finds out that they were the only ones who lost the cable. Which means that the message was meant to be seen only by V.I.P. Once Tasha learns this Collier introduces them to the people who tried to ""kill"" him. It was just a plan to see if V.I.P. was a worthy adversary for his next game, a hunt where they're the targets.
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Silk Stalkings - Season 8 - Episode 8
A suicide investigation exposes a noted therapist's conspiracy to murder his wife
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Silk Stalkings - Season 8 - Episode 13
Cassy's investigation into a hit and run death leads to a U. S. Senator's suicide.
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#4 - For Cryin' Out Loud
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 5
Tommy and Katherine are given a special assignment by their Family Care tutor Mr. Toggle, they have to pretend they are a married couple! Katherine decides to make the assignment a little more "realistic" and borrows the baby son of a family friend, named Joey. Sadly, Joey proves to be a nightmare for both Tommy and Kat in more ways than one when his voice is increased ten fold by the sound amplifier of the evil BooHoo The Clown, resulting in massive tremors whenever the baby cries. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull make a mess so big on Lt. Stone, he sticks them with the task of handing out textbooks!
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#5 - Rangers in the Outfield
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 6
Tanya's boyfriend Shawn, as previously revealed, is the star player of Angel Grove High's baseball team. His ego takes a tumble when Tanya discovers she's a natural at pitching, so good that all of the attention he normally gets turns on her! King Mondo, inspired by this episode's baseball theme, unleashes the People Pitcher monster. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull are put on trash pick-up duty.
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#6 - Every Dog Has His Day
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 7
Kat trains a police dog, Smokey, to be a search and rescue dog for her civics class. Her training ends up saving her own life when she gets trapped by the Machine Empire. Smokey aids the ankle-sprained & Morpher-less Kat in escaping from the Digster monster's lava-releasing ramapage. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull are put in charge of watching over Smokey, but the pooch manages to loose them at every turn.
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#7 - Let There Be Light (1)
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 5 - Episode 10
Hercules and his friends followed the demon Dahak to Corinth, where Dahak -- in Iolaus' body -- had set himself up as the people's savior. He wanted to return the world to a time when the Titans ruled. Hercules and Zarathustra, a man who resisted Dahak's teachings, found the Stone of Creation and joined Nebula, Morrigan and Jason at the Dark One's fortress. Hercules used the stone to harness the light of dawn. The light became metallic and bound Dahak to his own altar. Hercules then prepared to perform an exorcism that would allow Iolaus to rest in peace.
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#8 - Sowing the Seas of Evil
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 41
Katherine and Tommy each try to retreive thier Zeo sub-crystals, Katherine's good heart is tested by people who look like future versions of herself, and Tommy learns of his Native American heritage from a wise old man called True of Heart, meanwhile, the Aquitians attempt to prevent Lord Zedd and Rita from summoning their sworn enemy, the Hydro Hog, to Earth...
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#9 - Stop the Hate Master (1)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 12
Aisha is excited about getting into a popular club but when she goes to check the list of the people who got in she doesn't see her name on the list. When Kimberly confronts the leader of the club "Veronica" she tells Kimberly that the club will only allow teens who have rich families. Kimberly quits the club. This gives Zedd and Rita a new plan for a monster. They create The Hate Master who turns Kimberly, Tommy, Adam Billy, and Rocky against each other leaving Zordon and Alpha to find out why Aisha isn't affected.
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#10 - It Came from Angel Grove
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 23
Adam pulls a long night at Angel Grove High studying, and when the movie "The Bride Of Hackensack" comes on TV, he falls asleep. He dreams of his teammates and friends in various classic monster movie roles (Tommy as a vampire, Rocky as a werewolf, Lt. Stone as a German mayor, Bulk as a mummy and Skull as the archeologist cursed by him, Kat as a witch, Billy as a mad scientist, Alpha as his assistant, Tanya as his creation, and Zordon as an evil wizard).

#11 - The Power of Gold
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 27
King Mondo deploys a "Divide and Conquer" strategy to defeat the Zeo Rangers, splitting them up against his Cogs and Wolfbane monster. They appear to be stretched too thin, giving the villains an advantage, when suddenly, a mysterious and powerful pyramid emerges from hyperspace, and bringing with it another Zeo powered Ranger. But who is he, and whose side is he on?

#12 - Bomber in the Summer
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 35
Rita & Zedd send Louie Kaboom, a remote-controlled robotic monster, to fill in the gap in the leadership of the Machine Empire. But when the remote is lost by Rito & Goldar (despite their "hiring" the vacationing Bulk & Skull to track it down), Louie strikes out on his own, taking King Mondo's place for his own personal schemes. Meanwhile, Ernie opens a new beach club cafe, which gains the ire of a group of biker punks, claiming it's their turf. Jason befriends the main bully's misunderstood girlfriend, Emily, whose necklace gets turned into Louie's first monster, Tough Tusks!

#13 - A Brief Mystery of Time
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 43
What seems to be a normal, uneventful day turns out to be something far more sinister, when it repeats not once, but twice! Tommy (thanks to his recent brain-tampering) is the only one to notice the continuous loop, but his awareness may be too late, as he and the Rangers discover it's all been a plot by Prince Gasket and Archerina, using a time-device called Chronosapios and guarded by the Protectron monster, to give them enough time to amass a huge fleet of Quadrafighters above the city.

#14 - A Season to Remember
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 50
A familiar old man, at a Christmas in the far future, tells his grandson the tale of a time when the Machine Empire used the Bias Blaster to turn the Zeo Teens' cultural differences against one another while taking part in the Youth Center's Holiday Celebration. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull investigated the case of the missing fruitcakes!

#15 - Found and Lost
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 20
David Trueheart, Tommy's long lost brother, immediately hits it off with his similar-looking sibling, though seems to be overly sensitive when they compare martial arts skills. The Machine Empire becomes aware of the power within Tommy & David's merged arrowhead-halves, and kidnaps David as ransom to gain the artifact. If that wasn't bad enough, the Mace Face monster attacks, proving to be too powerful for the Rangers' Zords. Meanwhile, Goldar & Rito get loose, causing Bulk & Skull to go out searching for them.
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#16 - Follow that Cab!
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 22
Kimberly reads the newspaper and discovers in an article that a world-famous gymnastics coach is coming to Angel Grove to look for a new gymnast to compete in the Pan Global Games and decides to go see him. Meanwhile, a car thief is at large in Angel Grove and Lt. Stone notifies Bulk And Skull to be on the lookout. They inadvertently help the thief, who steals Kimberly's car. Bulk and Skull commandeer a Cab and along with Kim give chase. However, Zedd and Rita turn the cab into the Crabby Cabbie monster, with the three trapped inside.
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#17 - A Different Shade of Pink (1)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 23
Kimberly meets a famous gymnastics coach who offers to work with her. Rita plans to defeat the Power Rangers by attacking Angel Grove while Kimberly trains. The Rangers must battle Rita's monster without the Pink Ranger, and Kimberly is faced with a tough decision.
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#18 - A Chimp in Charge
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 28
Katherine and Aisha help teach a chimpanzee, Kelly, to communicate with sign language for a school assignment. However, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd turn the ape into the Sinister Simian monster to lure the Power Rangers out to fight her. Now, the Rangers have to find a way to defeat the ape monster without harming her and return Kelly back to normal.
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#19 - Master Vile and the Metallic Armor (1)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 29
Rita and Rito's father, Master Vile, comes to the moon with a wicked scheme to destroy the Earth using an ancient power source known as the Zeo Crystal. To offset Vile's enhancing of the Tenga Warriors, the Power Rangers are given an upgrade of Metallic Armor.
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#20 - Master Vile and the Metallic Armor (2)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 30
Tommy faces visions of evil as he makes his way toward the Zeo Crystal in the Caves of Deception, Kat faces an unwilling return to evil, and the other Rangers face Megazord defeat at the slimey hands of the Ninjor-powered Blue Globbor.
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#21 - Challenges
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 19
Tommy goes on a vision quest, seeking out the other half of the arrowhead he was given in "Sowing The Seas Of Evil." It's interrupted by the Punchabunch monster, who goes toe-to-toe with Adam, capturing the budding-boxer and forcing Red Zeo Ranger to face the monster in the ring to save his teammate. It all works out, as Tommy finds the solution to his spiritual unrest when he meets a man who claims to be his brother!

#22 - Song Sung Yellow
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 25
Tanya films a music video with the help of Adam and Rocky. Her impressive singing catches the ear of a music executive, who wants to make her a star. Will she choose life as Ranger over a big time career as a singer? Meanwhile, Prince Sprocket gets a giant Wrecking Ball monster for his birthday. Also, Lt. (now Detective) Stone opens up his own private investigation agency, and gives partners Bulk & Skull their first assignment of trying to catch a phony record producer.

#23 - Mondo's Last Stand
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 34
As the Zeo Teens quickly warm up to their new teammate, Rocky find himself feeling left out and rejected by them. When King Mondo comes to Earth to retrieve a massively powerful sword, so he can destroy our heroes personally, the Blue Ranger faces the giant Machine Empire ruler alone in an attempt to prove himself. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull are hired to track down the original Burble Baby Food label baby. They suspect it might be Jason! Also, Goldar & Rito are reunited with Rita & Zedd on the moon.

#24 - A Mystery to Me
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 44
At a vast and spooky mansion, Det. Stone hosts a costume "who-done-it" mystery (for the retired detectives fund charity), which the six Zeo Teens take part in. Prince Gasket begins to isolate and imprison each of the Rangers (thinking it part of the game), one by one, until only Kat remains, so that she and the pink-with-envy Archerina can duel in the forest. When the stakes are raised, and the Nuklifier monster is added to the mix, who can come to her aid?

#25 - Inner Spirit
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 18
Tommy's having strange dreams, reminding him of his encounter with True Of Heart during the Zeo Quest. This restlessness for answers to his riddles becomes a central issue, for when the Zeo Megazord is crippled in battle with an energy-leeching Main Drain monster, Tommy must put his emotions in order to successfully pilot the new Red Battlezord. But will an oddly familiar indian man named Sam Trueheart hold the key to Tommy's inner calmness, by directing him to a secret from his past? Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull dream of winning a trip to Hawaii, but find their raffle-ticket-selling attempts foiled by a mysterious man called Delmar.

#26 - Game of Honor
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 26
Adam's competing in a karate tournament against Shawn, Tanya's ex-boyfriend, who's got a new gal in the form of snobby Veronica. Shawn discovers an invisibility device left over from the Machine Empire's latest scheme, and plans to use it to cheat against Adam in the contest. Meanwhile, the Rangers face Admiral Abominator, who's preparing a fleet of battleships in Angel Grove forest. As a result, a number of trees begin disappearing, which Bulk & Skull are assigned to investigate.

#27 - Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 29
Kat, Tommy, and his brother David are participating in a surfing contest, which gives the Machine Empire the idea to send down Leaky Faucet to pollute the waters of Angel Grove with deadly, toxic, Cog oil! Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull learn from Det. Stone the most important skill a detective should know: how to make a good cup of java.

#28 - Another Song and Dance
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 45
In need of help with his music class assignment, Tommy seeks voice lessons from Tanya. Queen Machina casts a spell on the two Zeo Teens, which forces the pair to sing operatically everything they try to say. Meanwhile, Prince Gasket wants to assure his rightful place as ruler of the Machine Empire. He turns Det. Stone's "secret weapon", the Mechatipillar (a lure he's using to teach Bulk & Skull the investigative virtues of fishing), into a monster. While most of the Rangers are busy with that, Gasket launches a full scale invasion on Angel Grove!

#29 - Along Came a Spider
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 40
Billy seeks out a device he'll need to combine the Zeo Crystal sub-pieces, and ends up webbed-up by Arachnofiend. Meanwhile, Adam journeys to Korea at some point in the past in search of his Zeo Crystal, he seeks out an ancient wiseman known as Kai-Ogi for guidance, but all he runs into is oblivious people and a persistantly annoying old man! Also, the Aquitians discover the joys of walking through a car wash.
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#30 - A Different Shade of Pink (2)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 24
Kimberly meets a famous gymnastics coach who offers to work with her. Rita plans to defeat the Power Rangers by attacking Angel Grove while Kimberly trains. The Rangers must battle Rita's monster without the Pink Ranger, and Kimberly is faced with a tough decision.
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#31 - Stop the Hate Master (2)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 13
As Alpha begins scanning Aisha he discovers that it was her golden heart her grandmother gave her that protected her from the spell. Aisha manages to use her heart to break the spell. The rangers defeat hate master, and when Kimberly confronts the owners of the popular they discover that Veronica has been rejecting other people because of their not wealthness Kimberly agrees to rejoin only if they let Aisha in.
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#32 - The Potion Notion
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 15
Goldar, in an attempt to eliminate the effects of Rita's love potion on Lord Zedd for good, convinces Finster to create an antidote, meanwhile, the cupid-style "Miss Cheif" Monster causes a few broken hearts as she casts her own love spell across Angel Grove High
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