The BEST episodes directed by Pietro Francisci

170 votes

#1 - Hercules

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Season 5 - Episode 2

Movie Plot: Hercule and Ulysses go on a quest to find the Golden Fleece. On the SOL: The Crew tries to improvise a skit / Tom, Joel, and Crow unveil "Instant Karma." / Two Amazon Women visit the SOL, the 'bots are VERY happy to see them. In Deep 13: Dr. Forrester invents a portable desk that you wear / Frank accidentally hits Dr. Forrester in the groin with the portable desk. Original film made in 1957.

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Hercules Unchained
201 votes

#2 - Hercules Unchained

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Season 4 - Episode 8

Movie Plot: Hercules goes on a mission to Thebes. On the SOL: Its wash day on the Satellite of Love / Gypsy sings Greek style songs / the group tries to explain bad movies to Gypsy. In Deep 13: The Mads introduce decorator roaches / Steve Reeves stops by as a pest control guy and ends up reminiscing about the movie. Original film made in 1959.

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