The BEST episodes directed by Michael Rissi

#1 - Soultaker
Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Season 10 - Episode 1
Movie Plot: The souls of 4 teenagers are being hunted by a soultaker. Intro: The 'bots have a wet t-shirt contest. They don't seem to grasp the point, and leave Mike confused. Commercial sign doesn't come on when it's supposed to, leaving Mike to have to push the button. Segment One: Cambot picks up some odd interference. Gypsy informs Mike that the ship is having serious malfunctions. Meanwhile, in Castle Forrester, Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy are playing Monopoly. They couldn't care less about the SOL. Segment Two: Gypsy, and other parts of the ship, are seriously malfunctioning. Mike takes charge, but only succeeds in breaking the Hexfield Viewscreen. Segment Three: The SOL, still malfunctioning, is caught in another ship's tractor beam. In Castle Forrester, a soultaker comes for Bobo's soul. It turns out to be TV's Frank, who became a soultaker when he realized that second banana heaven wasn't all that great. Segment Four: The person from the other ship boards the SOL. Original film made in 1990.
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