The BEST episodes directed by Michael Pattinson

#1 - A Helping Hand
Flipper (1995) - Season 4 - Episode 3
While diving, Holly's life is put in danger by her friend's panic attack.
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 36
Kerry and the other women come to an understanding, and Bea hints to her that Sharon ruined her painting. Vera is furious with Kerry after David's comments at the exhibition that she bullied her into giving her the painting. She is called to Erica's office to explain herself, and Erica gives her the benefit of the doubt. However, an angry Kerry wrongly assumes Vera stole her lightbulb and tells the Governor that she did indeed bully her. Erica tells Vera she has no choice but to suspend her until the matter is investigated. Doreen is hassled by some men who want to offer her a substantial sum of money for her mother's house. She's not keen to sell, and wants Kevin's advice. Kevin proposes to her again, and she accepts. Judy has had enough of Sharon and, after one argument too many, tells her that their relationship is over. Captain Barton convinces Lizzie to try and look for her daughter, Marcia. Jim returns to work.
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 37
Vera is gutted following her suspension. Jock tells her the truth will come out eventually; next day, he threatens Kerry into withdrawing her allegations. Doreen and Kevin quickly marry in the prison garden, with Bea, Lizzie, Meg and Erica present. Meanwhile, Jock offers to pressure Doreen into selling her mother's house, and slaps her, but is overheard by Sharon, who suggests he buy her silence. Captain Barton informs Lizzie he has found Marcia. A scheme is cooked up to give Bea and Ken some private time together, under cover of an art class run by Kerry. Bea is to model for the artists, but switches with Judy, whose face is covered by a veil. Unfortunately Sharon blows the gaff, and Vera catches Bea and Ken in the storeroom together. Erica angrily takes away Kerry's painting priveleges, and bans Ken from Wentworth entirely. The women know Sharon was to blame - though Erica says that if anything happens to her, Bea will be blamed. Later, while taking away Kerry's art materials, Vera
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 44
Thinking she has killed David, Kerry flees from the gallery and disappears. David is very much alive, but Paul has no luck tracking her down, and has to report her. Meanwhile, Kerry seeks out Helen's help, gets hold of some pills, swigs them down with booze, and passes out. David finds her, but instead of getting help, he steals some of her paintings. Paul does some detective work to find out if Marcia is a fraud. Lizzie tells Marcia she's going to use her compo to pay for Josie's operation, but Bea gets a message out threatening her. Marcia realises the gig is up, and they take off. Now with proof, Paul has to tell Lizzie that Marcia is not her daughter; later she confides in Bea that she knew all along. Noeline flaunts Judy's backing in Bea's face, and gets up everyone's noses. Erica tries to warn Judy to keep away from Noeline, to no avail. Noeline feeds Jude a sob story about needing money for her family, and Judy hints at where she'll find Margo's stash from her book. Noeline glee
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 45
Helen finds Kerry out cold but alive, and calls Paul to get help. Paul recommends Kerry go to a sanitorium for treatment, rather than back to jail. Meanwhile David, thinking she is dead, tries to buy a painting Kerry gave to Doreen. Paul and Erica con David into handing over a large sum of money for it, then announce Kerry is still alive. Marcia turns up at Wentworth to tell Lizzie the truth, that her real name is Ellen and she knew the real Marcia, who died some years ago. Lizzie tells them that as far as she is concerned, they are her family now, and she's giving them the cash for the op anyway. Meg moves into a new flat, and meets her neighbour, young mother Gail Summers, who is struggling to cope with her screaming children. Noeline, the only one with buyup after the riot, sells fags to the other women at extortionate prices. She manages to break into the storeroom to steal supplies, and gets Judy to keep watch. However, the screws usher Judy away, and Noeline ends up trapped insid
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 52
Erica tells Meg and Vera that the doctors think Judy's heart condition was brought on by electrical interference from the driers. Meg passes on the information in Judy's letter about her father and Erica is displeased not to have been told before. Bea warns all the women, including Doreen, not to mess up the work release program. Gail is reduced to tears by the women's taunts. Erica finds out that Meg hasn't told her that she's Gail's next door neighbour and says she wants all information on prisoners to be passed to her directly in future. Still in her policewoman's uniform, Judy phones an ex-lover, and she is invited to stay there while her husband is away on business for a few days. Vera goes straight to Gail and tells her that the children have been put in a home. Meg is appalled by the spitefulness of it and tells Vera so. Erica finally takes Doreen off the work release program, but tells her Andrew Reynolds will be warned not to accept any tenders from Kevin, no matter how low they are. Meg explains to Gail the home circumstances that led to her children being taken into care and tells her it may improve her own chances of getting custody. Gail isn't so sure and wonders if she could be trusted alone with the kids ever again. Doreen is forced to tell Bea what Vince has been doing to her. Captain Barton takes over Gail's case in Paul's absence and suggests she contacts Parents Anonymous. Pauline offers to lend Judy money to help her get the forged papers from a contact she got inside. Tony comes to the prison, having found a job in Adelaide with the chance of a partnership if he can get the money from his father. Meg stops Vera from holding forth on the subject of child abuse by saying that from what she's heard of her childhood her mother's treatment of her would count as mental cruelty. Vera counters with a question: if Meg's own childhood was so wonderful, why does she never speak about it? Flowers arrive for Erica from Andrew. Lizzie finds out from a file on
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 53
Kay promises to keep Vera occupied to give Noeline time to get the bolt of cloth out of the tea room window . Andrew follows Kay's tip-off and is waiting outside to catch Noeline's brother collecting the cloth. When Vera hears of the incident, she immediately cancels the scheme and takes the women back to Wentworth. Pauline gives Judy the last $100 she needs for the passport but the Weasel has heard about Judy's escape on the radio and works out he can ask double his price for a "urgent" job. Erica reprimands Vera for exceeding her authority by cancelling the work release without asking Erica's permission first. Bea sees Margo and Mouse waiting to see the Governor and finds out that it was Noeline's fault the scheme was cancelled. Noeline tries to put the blame on Kay, saying she was already stealing material from the factory and involved her in the scheme. Erica doesn't believe her and sends Noeline to solitary. Judy plans to get the rest of the money she needs for her passport by conning money out of an illicit gambling club. After failing to trick Meg into giving the information, Lizzie finds out next day when delivering the meals that Noeline isn't in solitary and Bea suspects she's been moved to another wing to keep her out of their way. Erica tells Andrew that Noeline has been transferred to a country prison (Barnhurst) and informs the staff that the project is back on. Vera shows Jim the report she's made on the incident at the factory and plans to send it to the Department, but Erica points out that an honest report would reflect badly on Vera herself as it happened while Vera was supervising. Vera tears up her report in disgust. Paul has asked for extended leave to go to Adelaide with his son, and Erica asks Meg if there are any more secrets the two of them share that she hasjn't bothered to pass on. She tells Meg to pass on the message to Paul that if he isn't back within the week, she'll have to ask the Department for a replacement, possibly on a permanen
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 60
Kevin realises that Doreen intended to let him think the baby was his, and he is equally appalled at the thought that she let someone else have sex with her to try to get him a job. Kay tries to make peace with Margo as she hopes not to be returning after her trial. Doreen plans to escape in order to be able to talk to Kevin again, and Judy offers to go with her to look after her. Bea asks Meg to put in a word in support of Doreen getting day release, but Erica tells Meg she won't be able to get approval in time. Kay realises that Judy is not intending to return after her escape, as she has told Bea she would. Lizzie's singing makes the officers leave the shower block to give the women time to finalise the escape plan. Kay offers to give her clothes to be adapted as a disguise, and Bea insists that both Doreen and Judy have to be back by 4 o'clock. Erica tries to persuade Kevin not to give up on Doreen and invites him to talk to Doreen in her office at half past twelve. Lizzie overhears Kay telling Vera about the escape, and manages to get outside to warn Doreen and Judy in time. The escape attempt Vera is expecting fails to take place. Doreen is called to Erica's office: Kevin tells her he's leaving her and wants a divorce. Doreen makes a good show of being noble about it, but afterwards goes to her cell and drafts a note to Bea, Lizzie and Judy. She pretends to be sick when Vera finds her in the cell, and in the shower block, she is about to cut her wrists with a piece of mirror when Meg interrupts and takes her to talk to Agnes. Agnes gets it all wrong and apologises for not arranging the day release yet, and Doreen has to tell her she's too late once again. Agnes accuses Meg of keeping her in the dark deliberately, but Meg tells her she would have been up to date if she'd read the reports on her desk. Doreen pretends she's back with Kevin to stop the other women bothering her with questions. Bea takes a vote on whether to fix it so Kay is imprisoned, and the vo
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 61
Bea blames herself for not noticing anything wrong with Doreen. Meg tells Lizzie that her visit to see Josie has been arranged, but Bea is suspicious that something must be wrong as permission was granted unusually quickly. Judy tells Margo to get lost when she comes to Kay wanting her to place a bet. Ted comes to see Erica, and she repeats her demand that Agnes must go, and threatens to withdraw her from working contact with the prisoners. Ellen comes to collect Lizzie and tells her that the doctors are giving Josie tests for bone marrow disease. A conversation with Jim convinces Agnes she must resign and she phones Erica to tell her so. Jim goes straight to Erica's office accusing her of victimising Agnes, not realising that Ted Douglas is in the office too. Jim is later summoned to see Ted in Erica's office and told he can no longer be considered for the Governorship of Barnhurst after his outburst against Erica. Kay asks Erica if she can be sent back to isolation until her trial as she fears she may be set up again. Margo gets her runner Linda to put pressure on Kay to place a bet when she delivers Kay's meal to isolation, but Kay sends her packing. Erica offers to arrange a transfer for Agnes, but she stands on her dignity and refuses, asking to be left alone, as she still has "a lot of packing to do". Lizzie tries to cheer Josie up, as she is worried by all the tests she's been given. Vera wants the social worker's office to be given over to the senior staff, saying she's sick of writing up reports in reception: Meg wryly comments that maybe she shouldn't write so many. Bea is allowed to visit Doreen in sickbay but she is still in very low spirits and Jim sends her away before she can get much of a reaction from Doreen. Ellen comes to see Lizzie next day to tell her that Josie's tests were positive and she needs urgent treatment in Chicago. At Kay's trial, Dr Weissman says Kay showed no intention to reform herself and used her meetings with him only as a means
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 68
Tracey delivers a well-aimed knee to the groin area of one of the men, and gets away from them, though she runs straight into a gun battle between two thugs and the men who are chasing her, who turn out to be police officers. Doreen is completely despondent and tells Lizzie she's doesn't think she'll ever amount to anything. Inspector Grace tells Bob that Tracey is going back to Wentworth, as he's taking her into "protective custody" (?) after she has given him the names of Joe's friends. Meg is in reception when Tracey is brought back, and learns that Tracey is worried above all by Bea's imminent release from solitary, but Bea has already been released and is in the laundry catching up with the news. Erica is a little sniffy when Tracey alludes to other suspicious deaths in Wentworth before Kay, and tells her that is precisely why she should tell an officer if she is threatened. Bea and Doreen move in on Tracey (with Kath in tow), but Judy warns them that three officers are coming down the corridor. This is obviously a lie, as the scenes on either side of this go to great pains to establish that most of the officers are off sick. Judy is astonished at Tracey's gullibility with regard to Joe. Bea incites Margo to attack Tracey by telling her that it was Tracey who brought in the drugs that Kay used to set them both up. Erica tells Jim he must take a rest, and advises him to expand his social life beyond the prison. Judy tries to argue Tracey's case with Bea, but Bea tells that Margo gets first bash anyway. Kath overhears this and scuttles off to warn Tracey. Meg also advises Jim to go out and enjoy himself for a change. Margo, Lil and Cavelli rough up Tracey but Kath arrives in time to stop them. Tracey points out to Kath that she might be out of a job with Joe's boss after what she's told the police. The heavy who was going to arrange Tracey's "accident" visits Kath pretending to be her boyfriend and passes her a cigarette which has a message for her written inside
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 69
Vera takes Bea to see the Governor. Judy and Lizzie realise that Kath was set up to put her hands in the press, but can't work out what Bea has got against her. Bea claims the incident was accidental, but Erica bans her from using the press to prevent any more "accidents". Doreen torments Tracey by switching her radio from classical to rock and telling her what Bea did to Kath. Meg is annoyed that Jim has changed the rotas to give himself more time to pursue his disco-going. Bea tells Judy about Kath getting orders to kill Tracey, and warns her that Tracey is still in danger, and so are they if they stand in the way of whoever's out to get her. Erica says that all of Tracey's future visitors must have her personal approval. Vera accuses Jim of not caring about the prison any more, so almost as a dare he invites her to come out with him to see how it's better than sitting at home. Tracey finds out from Judy why Bea injured Kath. After a visit to Tracey, Bob has another heart to heart with Meg and invites her to dinner again. This time her excuse is that she's on late shift. Doreen jealously watches Tracey playing Scrabble with her friends and sweeps the board onto the floor. Vera feels unhappy and out of place at the disco, especially when Jim gets the come-on and leaves her by herself. Bea wants to know what Doreen is going to do when her parole comes up in a few weeks' time. Jim spins a line to his latest conquest while Vera looks on in disbelief, though she soon gets the old "do you come here often?" from a man called Damien. They end up going back to Vera's flat and early next morning Vera finds he has gone, leaving her a note. Doreen is rude to Erica when she asks what she's planning to do after she is released and Erica puts her on trolley duty for the rest of the week to give her time out of the laundry to think. Vera is horrified when Jim tells her has no intention of seeing the girl from the disco again, and even more so when Jim doubts if Damien will keep h
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 19
Bea regains control of the women, with Sharon and Chrissie helpless to resist. Judy comes to visit Sharon, and when Meg searches her she finds drugs on her: she is admitted as a prisoner, exactly as she planned. Sharon is not pleased; Judy warns Chrissie off. Bea asks Pat to plant drugs in Sharon's cell, which are hidden in one of the stuffed toys. The toy ends up in Paul's office, and Chrissie is manipulated into retrieving it. Pat plants the drugs in Sharon's soap dish - and is caught in the act by Judy. Doreen and Lizzie testify at Caroline and Vivienne's committal hearing, which goes poorly, and the women learn they will have to stand trial. They cannot afford to pay their bail, though Michael wants to pay it. Meanwhile, Doreen meets Kevin's disapproving mother when she arrives for a visit.

#13 - Paradise Found
The Lost World - Season 1 - Episode 9
The aged guide who brought Veronica's parents to the Lost World dies in Challenger and Veronica's arms, humming "Ode to Joy," leading the explorers to seek out a hidden paradise, where Veronica suspects her parents might be.
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#14 - Hostage
Rush (2008) - Season 3 - Episode 11
The Tactical Response team becomes involved in stopping a weird hostage situation, meanwhile, Audrey discovers Michael slept with Stella in the aftermath of her miscarriage.
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#15 - Whistleblower
City Homicide - Season 3 - Episode 18
Your boyfriend disappears after receiving calls from a mystery woman; your bank account has been drained. Affair, right? Wrong. When Jacob Dennis unexpectedly turns up dead, his execution-style murder leads our team into the corrupt dealings of the local council where he worked. Digging deeper, Homicide uncover secrets that the council are desperate to conceal. A new housing estate for young families that may just have been built on contaminated soil. A cover-up that risks destroying countless lives. And a private investigator who may have been silenced for the proof he unearthed. Meanwhile, a simple mistake by Simon raises alarm bells for Waverley. Concerned for his wellbeing, she enlists Claudia Leigh's help to run a low-key enquiry. Will Simon's colleagues come to his defence or reveal their own fears for his stability?
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#16 - Into the Fire
The Lost World - Season 2 - Episode 22
Our heroes are astonished to see a British Navy dirigible flying low over their plateau. Malone, working away from the rest, is close enough to catch the last rung of its boarding ladder and clambers aboard. He finds the airship damaged and without crew, but as he opens a logbook, Capt. Askwith appears, and knocks Malone unconscious. As the airship flies beyond view, the others hear screams from a T-Rex hatchery. Luring the dinosaur away, they rescue, not Malone, as they expected, but Askwith! He claims not to have seen Malone. Marguerite is quite taken by him, and offers to bring him back to the Tree house to recover. Roxton, a little jealous, and very suspicious, accompanies them, as Challenger and Veronica follow the airship. They locate it in foothills nearby, and discover that the damage is not too serious, and enough fuel for three days flight off the plateau.
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#17 - The Source
The Lost World - Season 2 - Episode 10
The Lost World is in the grip of a crippling drought. Our adventurers are saved from a pack of thirsty Raptors by a magnificent young woman who begs them to escort her to her pueblo. She confesses that she is a survivor of the original colony, which had discovered the Fountain of Youth. Her supply is diminishing, however, and she must return to the Fountain cave--or die. Marguerite, with visions of eternal youth and wealth, leads the others after Ana.
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#18 - Lava's a Many Splendored Thing
Farscape - Season 4 - Episode 4
When stopped off on a planet, Rygel leaves the rest of the group and is caught in an unbreakable orange substance while stealing treasures he discovers in a cave. When D'Argo, Crichton and Noranti go looking for him, the cave seals them in. Two huge grunts appear who have protective armor which protects them from weapons fires.
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#19 - The Guardian
The Lost World - Season 2 - Episode 13
Challenger is knocked unconscious by a falling pig trap while searching for medicinal herbs. The three young hunters who set the trap drag him back to their hidden village. Veronica and Marguerite follow the hunters' tracks and make their way past the jungle defense into the village, populated by a group of young orphans. They learn that the village is protected by an enormous plant that emits a deadly gas when disturbed and must be fed fresh meat daily. While the trio attempt to find a way out of the village, the tribe seizes Challenger and pushes him toward the plant's jaws. Will Challenger be the plant's next meal?
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#20 - Mark of the Beast
The Lost World - Season 2 - Episode 17
Roxton and Marguerite return to the tree house to find it raided by a monkey. They follow the monkey to a cave where they find an amulet that leaves a mark of a dinosaur skull on their hands. Those infected with the mark soon begin to morph into their "animal" selves
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#21 - Out of the Blue
The Lost World - Season 3 - Episode 1
There's no escape for the Challenger Expedition when Captain Askwith's mysterious airship explodes in a fiery crash. But moments later, when Challenger, Roxton, and Marguerite appear on a British air station in 1915 -- on the same day the airship was launched on its final mission -- they realize they truly have taken the place of the captain's original crew. After two years of struggling to escape the Plateau, Challenger and his friends must now fight to return to it by once again taking flight on the doomed dirigible. At the same time, Veronica appears on the Plateau, and in a shocking confrontation with Captain Askwith, realizes she has her own mission to complete: pursue Askwith and somehow return him to his ship.
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#22 - The Secret
The Lost World - Season 3 - Episode 14
A mysterious visitor attacks Veronica, leaving an enigmatic ivory tile as his calling card. But when Marguerite finds the tile, she hides it from the others because only she knows what it means… one of the deepest secrets of her past has finally caught up with her, and now endangers her life and those of her friends. Back on the Plateau, with her friends facing death because of her actions in the past, Marguerite has no choice but to finally reveal the real reason she funded the Challenger Expedition, and what she has come to the Plateau to find.
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#23 - A Witch's Calling
The Lost World - Season 3 - Episode 9
When a powerful witch named Dame Alice feels threatened by Challenger's science, she calls upon her two beautiful acolytes to help undo his power. In order to earn full witchhood, the two must lure Challenger's "guards" - Roxton and Malone - to the witch's castle while she goes head to head with the "wizard" - Challenger - herself. While the two young witches distract Roxton and Malone, Dame Alice visits the Tree house for a visit. In spite of Marguerite's protests and warnings, Challenger is intrigued by the witch's power and too easily lowers his guard. When Dame Alice sabotages Challenger's newest invention and almost kills him, it is only Marguerite's quick thinking that saves the scientist from his own folly. But in the end it is not Challenger's life that is in danger, but the lives of Roxton and Malone.
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#24 - In Wolf's Clothing
City Homicide - Season 3 - Episode 17
A couple is viciously attacked in their own home and their young son is the sole witness. Was this an unmotivated home invasion or something more complex?
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#25 - Episode 4
Rush (2008) - Season 2 - Episode 4
When a family court judge is taken hostage by a disgruntled father, TR tries desperately for a peaceful resolution. As the situation escalates, Shannon is in a race to talk him down before Josh is forced to shoot him. While Lawson’s attempts to catch a killer are hampered by journalist Jacinta Burns.
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#26 - Weeds
Millennium - Season 1 - Episode 11
Frank pursues a killer who kidnaps teenagers from an upper middle-class neighborhood and forces them to drink human blood. After one is killed and the other is returned home unharmed because his father admitted to making a mistake, Frank is forced to set up a trap to capture the killer before he can harm the third victim.
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#27 - Dispossessed
Beastmaster - Season 3 - Episode 10
Dar helps the Orlas reclaim their decimated land, sacrificing his own chance to find his mother.
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#28 - The Guardian
Beastmaster - Season 1 - Episode 14
Dar and Tao must stop an unholy pilgrim named Ramah, who gains possession of a liquid rock that gives him control over life and death.
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#29 - Tears of the Sea
Beastmaster - Season 1 - Episode 17
While trying to expose a young friend's killer, Dar learns that ancestral protectors of a tribe of divers take the form of dolphins in the sea.
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#30 - Black Dolphin
Flipper (1995) - Season 4 - Episode 14
Flipper is blamed for dolphin attacks.
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#31 - Parent Teacher Night
Mortified - Season 2 - Episode 2
With parent-teacher night looming, Taylor wakes up to find her dad doing biceps curls on the front lawn, surrounded by stack of vinyl records. Layla informs her that his bizarre behaviour is due to a mid-life crisis, and might last anywhere up to three years. Taylor is mortified at the prospect of her father showing up at parent-teacher night, and tries in vain to prevent him from going.
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#32 - The Family Tree
Mortified - Season 2 - Episode 8
Taylor has to do an assignment on an ancestor or relative, but everyone she can think of is far too embarrassing. When the Fry family receives a visit from their Great Aunt Ally, Taylor thinks the universe is smiling on her at last. However, she quickly realises that Great Aunt Ally is an eccentric, and her hopes are dashed - until the kooky old woman teaches her a valuable lesson.
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#33 - Divorce Camp
Mortified - Season 2 - Episode 9
Taylor fears that her parents are getting a divorce. At school camp, Taylor convinces herself that there is something going on between her mother and her teacher, Mr Frankel. She sabotages every activity in an effort to keep them apart, but as one thing leads to another, Taylor finds herself lost in the bush.
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