The BEST episodes directed by Marcus Cole
#1 - Episode 61
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 61
Bea gets out of Solitary, and Vera delights in warning her about Toni. However, Bea shocks the girls by making no effort to take over again. They later agree to work together to get on Vera's nerves, annoying big Martha. Toni tells her husband's cronies that she wants Glenys killed: later, Glenys is captured by the hitmen following her, who drive her into a forest at night, where a grave has been dug for her. Ted Douglas talks Erica out of resigning. Instead, she is going on leave for a while to think things through. Greg finally agrees to come back to the prison and goes out for dinner with Karen. Angela tells Karen that she is a lesbian. Meg goes to see Mum and a now very pregnant Judith-Anne, and finds Mum's health is rapidly worsening.
Watch Now:Amazon#2 - Episode 120
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 41
Judy mulls her options to protest against Sharon's death, and they decide to stage a strike in their cells. As some of the women hoard food, the verdict from Sharon's inquest comes back - accidental death. The women announce they're staging a sit-in in the Rec Room until the Department agree to a fair inquiry into the murder. Leanne Burke arrives in Wentworth and most of the women are disapproving of her thanks to Noeline's reputation. Leanne kicks up a stink about being in a single cell, and sets fire to it in the middle of the night. She is put in to share with Judy, but Jim makes snide remarks about Judy's interest in her. Leanne tells Judy she doesn't care, and asks to work with Jude in the garden. Paul wrestles over whether to report Kerry for violating her parole, but decides against it. Kerry sees David having dinner with another woman and throws a drink over her in a jealous rage. Back home, Kerry invites Helen Smart over and they hit the bottle. Kevin helps Marcia and Josie mo
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - Episode 62
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 62
Bea realises Toni is dealing drugs and hits Doreen for going along with her. Doreen tries not to tell Erica it was Bea who hit her, but accidentally lets it slip. She begs Erica to recommend her parole, despite Greg's reservations about her mental state. After examining Mum, Greg says she has a chest infection and needs rest. He suggests Karen move in with them to look after them; later, Mum collapses while home alone. Angela holds a meeting about the Halfway House, with Erica and Greg in attendance. However, Karen acts very childishly resulting in a telling off from a furious Angela. Glenys escapes the hitmen and flags down a passing driver, angering Toni. Meanwhile, Glenys is under police guard again, but still gets a threatening letter in her dinner.
Watch Now:Amazon#4 - Episode 203
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 38
At meal time, Margo acts terrified of Bea. Both Mum and Vera notice. Bea later tells Margo not to act frightened of her. Margo then bashes Doreen in front of Bea and the other women. She asks Bea what she intends to do about it. Bea asks why she should do anything about it. Doreen is more convinced than ever that Bea must have lost her memory. Erica speaks to Mum about her trial and is not pleased with Mum's defeatist attitude. Terry and Vera make plans for the evening. Terry asks if he should bring along his uniform so that "he won't have to go home for it in the morning". Erica interupts them and Terry excuses himself. Vera is left with a big smile on her face. Bea meets again with Dr. Weissman. He shows her the coroner's report on Debbie. Bea has a flashback of Debbie visiting her and begging for help. Bea breaks down. She is still crying when she returns to her cell. Mum asks if Dr. Weissman no longer believes her. Bea tells her the reason. Mum then asks if it bothered Bea to use Debbie's memory like that. Bea confesses to her that her memory has indeed returned, but she desperately wants to get out of Wentworth. She does promise Mum that she won't let Margo hurt Doreen again. The next morning Bea pays Margo a visit, tells her to watch herself, knocks her about a bit and pours scalding coffee on her hand. Margo runs to Vera and says she has proof Bea is faking, but she won't testify unless she's promised a transfer to Barnhurst. Much to Terry's shock, Vera quickly agrees. When Margo leaves he tells Vera that Barnhurst is a medium security prison and that all transfers must be cleared with the Governor. Vera doesn't care. Bea, Mum and Margo are all taken to court (Margo claims to be going to appeal her sentence). Bea's phase of the trial begins and Margo ("Margo Jane Gaffney") is brought out as the first witness for the prosecution. She tells the (usual six person ) jury that Bea's amnesia is a charade and that she's been forced to back her up. The defense puts J
#5 - Episode 128
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 49
There's trouble at the factory involving the delivery drivers, and Doreen is keen to get Kevin the delivery contract when she hears it's up for tender. She needs to find out the lowest bid so Kev can beat it. However, Noeline overhears all this. The other women torment Gail for abusing her children, until Judy intervenes and sticks up for her. Noeline manipulates her into trusting her, despite Judy's warnings that Noeline is trouble. Noeline suggests that the screws will protect Gail if she lags on Doreen about the contract. When her cell is trashed, that's exactly what she does. The women wonder who the lagger is - Noeline or Gail? Meanwhile, Doreen's troubles get even worse when Vince Talbot traps her in the store cupboard and rapes her. Erica seems to be softening towards Andrew Reynolds. Noeline is given a chance to go to work at the factory. Tony Reid is released from the prison farm, but finds it hard to readjust to his old life.
Watch Now:Amazon#6 - Episode 53
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 53
Melinda finds Bella's body in the shower block and Bea falls under suspicion of her murder. Noeline schemes and points the finger at Bea and Monica: Bea has an alibi in the form of Greg, so Monica becomes the chief suspect. They are both sent to Solitary anyway. Lizzie tries to confess to clear her mates, but nobody believes a word of it. Melinda cons Greg into helping her in court, by using her pregnancy to get off on a good behaviour bond. As soon as she is free, she goes to see him and demands an abortion. He realises she never had any intention of having the baby and only used it to get released. Disgusted by the whole matter, Greg resigns from Wentworth. Meg very quickly grows tired of Leanne's antics and complains when she arrives at the prison to see Noeline. Noeline passes something to her during the visit, which turns out to be a ring stolen from Bella's body after her murder.
Watch Now:Amazon#7 - Episode 119
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 40
Vera keeps quiet over Jock when he reminds her how he helped her with Kerry, but later overhears Judy accusing Jock of killing Sharon, and finally reports him. Paul tells the solicitor after Doreen's house that she isn't selling, and threatens to report him to the police. The police question Jock about the murder, and he is suspended. Before he leaves, Jock gleefully admits to Judy that he killed Sharon, and she slaps him. Erica tells Judy they have no real proof that Jock is the killer, apart from Judy's sayso. An angry Judy wants Bea's help to ensure Jock doesn't get away with murder. Lizzie is just getting to know Marcia and Josie when Marcia announces they are leaving as they can't afford to stay in the city any longer. Lizzie wants to loan them money, but doesn't have any until her compo comes through, so Doreen agrees to let them stay in her house. Kerry and David defy the court order that they are not to see each other, and end up having sex. Paul laters drops by to check on Ker
Watch Now:Amazon#8 - Episode 70
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 70
After Vera reports Pat over the incident with David, Erica agrees to Jim's suggestion to go easy on her and not take the matter any further. Bea thinks that Chrissie must have lagged and wants to thump her, but Pat stops it. Karen gets Doreen's room ready at the Halfway House and tells Alice she should stay away from Dor unless she is prepared to tell her who she really is. Doreen is released, but finds it hard adjusting to life on the outside. Alice and Doreen bond while on a drive together; later Alice tells Karen the reason she doesn't want Dor to know who she is - she's dying of cancer. Chrissie decides to have her baby after all. Rosie prepares for baby Sam's first birthday, oblivious to the fact that he will be taken from her when he reaches a year old.
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - Episode 127
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 48
The work release programme gets underway, with Erica warning dire consequences for anyone who screws it up. The women meet sleazy foreman Vince Talbot, and cool-as-a-cucumber accountant Kay White. Doreen suspects Judy is going to take the chance to escape from the factory. Meanwhile, Kay seems to have the gambling bug and gets involved with Margo's book, while Andrew Reynolds shows a more than professional interest in Erica. Gail arrives in Wentworth on remand, and is advised not to tell the women why she's really inside. She gets a visit from Tim, who informs her he is divorcing her and has been granted custody of the kids. She ends up telling Lizzie and Doreen the truth about her crime, who are horrified. Noeline gets word that her younger kids are to be put into a home, and she decides to smuggle her race winnings out to delay this. She asks Judy to pass it to them at the factory, and though Jude initially considers keeping the cash for her escape, she eventually gets the money to t
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#10 - Episode 22
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 22
At the VJ's hearing, Barbara backs down and claims she was the only one involved in bringing the drugs into the prison. Vera tells the VJ that Barbara is Erica's niece and subtly suggests she has given her preferential treatment. When Erica returns, she is furious to learn that the Department are considering investigating her running of Wentworth thanks to Vera's meddling, and demands to know from Meg what went on while she was away. Lizzie arrives to see Angus and the pair waste no time in fighting with each other. He tells her she's getting nothing in his will and then snuffs it. Lizzie pinches something valuable anyway and smuggles it back into the prison. Steve and Jean get Mr Warner to come back and talk to Lynn, as her tough image will affect her trial. However, Doreen intimidates him during their visit in the garden. Catherine gets three years and Ken has to sell his share of the business to cover their legal costs. Karen learns her retrial starts in a couple of days.
Watch Now:Amazon#11 - Episode 195
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 30
Chrissie phones Meg at work to tell her about Mick's arrest and that she is in danger herself of being charged with harbouring a fugitive. Colleen tells the women that none of the officers are opposed to projects for the women in principle - only if they are going to cause more work. Erica accuses Vera of hypocrisy for spouting the Union line, but has it thrown back at her when she isn't willing to promote Colleen on the grounds that she isn't ready for the responsibility: Vera accuses her of really being worried by Colleen's Union position. Phyllis brings some dirty washing from the workshop, and is sent off to get some tools for Bea, who reckons the best way to undermine the officers is to create a lot more unnecessary work for them. Meg manages to convince the detective that Chrissie didn't know Mick was an escapee, so she is allowed to go without being charged. She says goodbye to Mick, who is confident he won't get a long sentence as he only had two months left before parole when he escaped. Erica tells Colleen she is to be promoted to senior officer, but warns her to be more flexible about the rules as in the current climate officers abusing their authority will cause serious trouble. Bea organises sabotage of all the machines in the laundry. Vera predicts that she and Colleen will work well together as they have similar ideas on prison discipline: Colleen can only manage an uneasy smile in reply. Mick is extradited to Southern Australia for sentencing. Vera and Colleen are suspicious when all the machines break down at once, and search the women and their cells for tools. Vera confiscates extra goods not bought through the buyup. Erica is unhappy with the way the incident has been handled and makes the officers continue the search for the tools on overtime. Erica addresses the women while they are still locked in their cells: the tools were eventually found in an officer's locker but had been planted there. Mick's sentence is three years, adding one year to
Watch Now:Amazon#12 - Episode 179
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 14
Dr Granger says he wants to carry out further tests on the women to confirm his suspicions. Jim reports Georgie's attack on Judy, but Erica tells him to put Georgie in solitary for now and bring Evelyn to her office immediately. Erica tries to get an admission of guilt from Evelyn but she brazens it out, knowing that Erica has no proof. Sensing that she isn't going to get anywhere, Erica visits Georgie in solitary to ask her about the incident with Judy, and seems very unsympathetic to Georgie's side of the story. When Judy is questioned, she tries to put Georgie's case, but admits she told Georgie she was lesbian and thought she felt the same way. Dr Granger gets the test results: the women were poisoned by pollen from the pandanus candelabrum plant, but he tells Erica he can't see any way Evelyn could have got hold of it, as there was none in her cell or in the prison garden. Jim is relieved that the quarantine can be lifted. Bea seems to be on the mend and learns from Dr Granger what caused the "epidemic". Putting two and two together, she works out that it must have been deliberate and also who must have been responsible. Evelyn admits to Erica that she knew of the effects of the pollen as it is a traditional poison of some Aboriginal tribes. Margo says she's going straight when she is released in a few days: her boyfriend Wayne has been released from Pentridge and has a job and a house for them both to live in. Bea asks Lizzie what she brought back from her last trip to visit Sid. Wayne arrives to see Margo out of visiting hours: Jim recognises him from Pentridge. Judy, Doreen and Lizzie still aren't convinced that Evelyn poisoned anyone, so Bea tries to get Evelyn to admit it in front of everyone. Evelyn is taken aback when Bea reveals that she knows about the pollen and she eventually admits sprinkling it on some people's food. In a panic, Evelyn runs out of the rec room and bumps into Jim. When she accuses the women of threatening her, he takes her back to t
Watch Now:Amazon#13 - Episode 109
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 30
Bea is furious, thinking Ken has made a fool of her, and calls a halt to the drama class. Paul desperately tries to salvage the situation, and engineers a meeting between them. Ken tells her the blonde girl was his daughter, Debbie, and things get back on track. Pat has one last visit from her kids before her appeal, and tries to think positive. Leila's living on her nerves, and has a blazing row with Jim in front of the kids. Jim doesn't think either Geoff or Michael is responsible; Caroline also gets a threatening letter. With the police circling, Geoff instructs Michael to deliver the parcel to Jim's hotel room. He doesn't get that far, and has to leave it at the reception. Later, as Jim rests in his room, Leila and the boys turn up at the hotel to visit, and collect the parcel from reception for him. As Nicholas and Matthew wrestle with the parcel outside Jim's room, the bomb explodes.
Watch Now:Amazon#14 - Episode 204
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 39
Bea tells her counsel that she wishes to change her plea to guilty. On the stand, Bea testifies that she only had amnesia for a few hours immediately following the accident but that she knew who she was when she went to Mum and forced Mum to help her. Mum is asked if this is true. She looks at Bea and then agrees that it is. Margo tells the women in the laundry that she gave evidence against Bea. Judy says that Margo had better be prepared if Bea doesn't get off. Margo laughs and says that she's being transferred to Barnhurst. Vera, who is listening outside the laundry, has her own private laugh. Mum is acquitted and Bea is sentenced to an additional 18 months. Outside the court, Mum thanks Meg and then says good-bye to Bea (and a quiet thank you). Bea smiles at her as she is driven away. Margo asks Jim when she's being transfered to Barnhurst. Jim doesn't know anything about it. Bea is returned. Erica asks her, confidentially, when her memory really returned. Bea tells her it was when she was locked in the storeroom. Margo is in the rec room bullying Doreen when Bea enters. Vera enjoys the tension. Bea tells the women her story, Doreen is not too happy with her. Terry has a talk with Margo and offers to bring her in cigarettes. Meg asks Bob to give Nick a job. Bob refuses. Terry tells Vera that she must go to Erica and try to honor her deal with Margo. Vera tries to argue but her libido soon gets the better of her. Nick phones Meg threatening suicide. Bob refuses to let her run to him. They later find out it was a hoax. None of the women will even acknowledge Margo's presense, let alone speak to her. Nick throws a rock through Meg's window. Bob chases him and Nick is caught. Bob says he'll give him a job and a room in the house just to prove that Nick hasn't got what it takes. Terry and Vera talk to Erica. At first Terry takes the blame for making the promise to Margo, but Vera quickly owns up. Erica is disgusted with both of them and says there is no chance Margo
#15 - Episode 54
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 54
The officers search the prison for Bella's missing ring, unaware that Noeline smuggled it out to Leanne. However, Meg later catches Leanne with it. Noeline is questioned by the police and reveals she found the ring in Martha's locker. Martha accidentally confesses to Erica that she murdered Bella, so Bea and Monica get out of Solitary. Martha simmers in Solitary following her confession. When her meal is delivered, she jumps Vera and puts a fork to her throat, dragging her up onto the roof and threatening to chuck her over, but Jim manages to diffuse the situation and save the day. Greg quietly leaves Wentworth, saying goodbye to Karen. Peter Clements' thesis is published and ridicules both Vera and Jim. Karen nervously awaits her parole hearing but it appears to go badly and she is convinced she has blown her chance at release.
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Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 31
A stunned Jim reels after the explosion: the boys are dead, and Leila is critically injured. Michael remains unaware that the parcel was a bomb, and Geoff demands payment from him for setting Jim up. As he waits for Michael outside the bank, Geoff hears the news of the explosion on the radio, and is furious to discover Jim is not dead. He pulls a gun on Michael and takes him to a house. Jim lashes out at Caroline, blaming her for the explosion; soon after, they learn Leila has also died. A grieving Jim takes some sleeping pills and booze and passes out, as Geoff lets himself into his house. At Pat's appeal, Greg testifies in her defence, and her sentence is reduced. As a result, her parole is rushed through, and she is released, with her kids waiting at the gates for an emotional reunion. Judy learns that she will need a pacemaker. Ken tells Bea that he's worried about Debbie going off the rails, and getting in with a bad lot. Bea comes up with a scheme to have Debbie spend a day in We
Watch Now:Amazon#17 - Episode 78
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 78
Karen and Greg's engagement doesn't go down well with Doreen, who is displeased at the changes at the Halfway House. Bea confronts Ros when she gets out of Solitary, intent on bashing her. She wallops her, but the screws arrive and blame Ros, sending her straight back to the pound. Erica cracks down on security and Vera, predictably, goes well overboard with her tough measures. The inmates have a whipround to buy an engagement pressie for Karen and Greg. Jim is reunited with an old army buddy, Geoff Butler, who promptly hits on Meg and is rebuffed. David O'Connell plans to kill Greg, despite Herbie's pleas that he not do it, and stakes the surgery out. He gets Herbie to call the surgery, and opens fire on the person who comes to answer the phone...
Watch Now:Amazon#18 - Episode 180
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 15
Sandra protests to Meg when her breakfast is brought to solitary that she didn't cause the fire. In the dining room, the other women are speculating about where Evelyn is, and what is likely to happen to Sandra. Margo phones Wayne but finds that the line has been cut off: Meg offers to pass a message to him that Margo wants to be collected on her release next day. Jim deals with Sandra in Erica's absence, and agrees to allow her out of solitary for half a day if she will use her journalistic skills to try to find out who really caused the fire. Lizzie passes on to the others that Evelyn is in hospital. Vera drops a heavy hint when she brings Sandra back to the laundry and Bea has no trouble picking it up, realising that Jim has put her back among them deliberately to act as a stool pigeon. Meg visits Wayne and is appalled by the squalid living conditions. Bea decides to get Sandra to write some good PR for them by convincing her that Evelyn started the fire herself to make it look as though the women were persecuting her to get a transfer. David tells Georgie the tests show she has "glue ear" and a simple operation can correct it. He offers to tell someone in her family that she's going into hospital, and she warns him not to contact her mother, who only cares about "those girls". Bea goes to Jim and tells him that Evelyn paid some of the women to steal the rope and turpentine for her from the garden shed. He seems unconvinced until Bea asks him if Evelyn had been angling for a transfer. Jim goes to search Evelyn's cell and finds the stuff hidden in the bottom of the locker. Sandra thanks Bea and agrees to write whatever story the women want. Judy apologises to Georgie for coming on strong to her and Georgie's response is "Rack off, you old dyke". Margo and Sandra are both to be released: Margo asks Bea to look after her profits from running the book until she can collect it, as she fears that both she and Sandra will be searched. Wayne and Gary are waiting for the
Watch Now:Amazon#19 - Episode 29
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 29
The prisoner step up their bullying campaign against Yates now that they know what she is inside for. Yates gives her file back to Vera and steals a knife from the dining room after Vera refuses to give her anything to protect herself with. Monica ambushes her in the corridor and takes her to Bea. Bea and Yates fight, leading to Yates pulling her knife, stabbing Bea and running off. She hides in one of the laundry driers; Vera, unaware she is inside, walks past and shuts the door. Meanwhile, neither officers nor prisoners know where Yates is and the hunt begins to find her. Susan Rice throws acid in Jason Richards' face live on TV. She is brought back to Wentworth, now completely loopy, and is attacked by Doreen. Meg and Jean discover that Richards is in fact Susan's husband, not his lover. Lynn meets Syd's son Geoff, who is instantly attracted to her.
#20 - Episode 30
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 30
Yates is missing and the search begins for her. Next morning, Lizzie finds her dead in the drier. Vera realises she was to blame but keeps quiet. With Bea in hospital, Monica decides to take over as Top Dog and clashes with Noeline Burke. They both blame each other for killing Yates, but Noeline is packed off to the pound for lying to Erica about it. Meg tells Mum about Bea being in hospital. Mum goes to visit her but is not allowed in, as Judith-Anne lets slip to Jean that Meg has been visiting them. Steve invites Jean to dinner to meet Clara Goddard, who is interested in funding a halfway house. Later, Clara turns up to asks Steve for legal advice, saying she is about to be arrested. With Yates dead, Vera plans to flee the country with George but he goes without her, leaving her with an envelope of money.
#21 - Episode 46
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 46
Lizzie befriends Edie, and she is moved into Lizzie & Doreen's cell. Monica and Joyce try to beat Blossom up when they realise exactly who she is. Monica tells Joyce that Blossom didn't get her share of the money. Jim starts to realise that there is some link between the three women. Blossom wants Vera to protect her, but she refuses; later, Monica bashes Blossom and is sent to Solitary. On the way, she and Jim are intercepted by Edie, who tells them Lizzie is having a heart attack. Doreen loses the plot and attacks Monnie through the bars of the solitary cell, blaming her for Lizzie's condition. She is promptly carted off to a psychiatric hospital. Jim gets slipped a note telling him where the key to Joyce's safety deposit box is. Later, when Joyce goes to check her hiding place, she finds the key is gone. She accuses Bea of stealing it, but Bea suggests that Jim has taken it.
#22 - Episode 37
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 37
Meg and Greg are nervous around each other after spending the night together. Doreen appears to be developing a crush on Lynn and is upset to realise Lynn's parole is looming. Noeline learns that she will be released in a week's time and is warned to keep out of trouble, but both Erica and Meg know she will be back before very long. Marianne de Vere agrees to fund the halfway house and wants to throw a garden party for the women, to which the media will be invited. Despite Vera's reservations, both Erica and the Department agree to it. Marianne also donates a new colour TV for the Rec Room. Clara is given permission to do the catering for the garden party, at which Lizzie and Doreen start a food fight. Everyone later gathers in the Rec Room for the unveiling of the new TV, only to find it has been smashed by the now released Noeline.
#23 - Episode 45
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 45
Monica scours Melbourne looking for Fred. Meanwhile, Blossom and her boyfriend Bruce con Fred out of the money, so he goes home again with his tail between his legs. Monnie is livid and beats him senseless, landing herself back inside. However, Blossom is also arrested for having the stolen money, and it isn't long before Monnie and Joyce realise who she is and what she has done. Edie rolls about the town drunk and throws a brick through the window of the refuge that turned her and Horrie away. After shoplifting and attacking a woman with an umbrella, she is sent to Wentworth, where Jim takes pity on her. Dr Clements continues his research at the prison and upsets Doreen by referring to her as a lesbian.
#24 - Episode 69
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 69
Chrissie's pregnancy is confirmed by Greg and she tells him she wants an abortion. Bea and the girls continue to bully and threaten Chrissie, until Pat finds out she is pregnant and asks Bea to lay off. Greg arranges for Chrissie to be transferred to Maternity to think about her options. A work party from the men's prison is coming to repair the fence, and Karen visits Doreen to tell her that Pat's son David will be among them. Chrissie lets Pat into Maternity, where there is a window looking out into the garden. David spots her at the window and they talk; she tells him she is divorcing his dad so she can be paroled to be with the kids for Christmas. However, they are caught together by Vera, who acidly tells Pat that she has just blown her parole.
#25 - Episode 77
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 77
Karen arrives at Mrs Devlin's house but Greg is okay: it turns out it was Shayne who was killed in the shootout. Pat is arrested and sent back to Wentworth, but she tells the cops she doesn't know where David is now. She gets an extra year in court. Mrs Devlin tells her she needs to go into hospital for an operation, so the children will have to go into care after all. David, meanwhile, vows revenge on Greg, blaming him for Pat being recaptured. With help from Chrissie, Ros manages to get into the surgery and steals drugs from the cabinet but she drops one by accident. Later, Greg finds the dropped capsule and realises other pills are missing. The screws don't find the drugs in the cell search. Bea and Lizzie realise that Ros and Chrissie were involved; Vera catches them with the pills so Chrissie lags on Ros. Chrissie is confined to Maternity and Ros is sent back to Solitary.
#26 - Episode 102
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 23
Doreen and Lizzie go to court. Lizzie gets a fine, but Doreen gets more time, even after Kevin speaks in her defence. She thanks him, but she still can't marry him. Back at the Halfway House, Lizzie hits the bottle. Chrissie learns she will be allowed Elizabeth if she stays on her best behaviour. Bea tells her to stay away from Sharon, or she'll never get her baby. When Sharon gets out of the pound, Chrissie shuns her. A jealous, rejected Sharon causes trouble when she sees how close Judy and Doreen are. Judy tries to bash her, but is stopped when Chrissie smashes her over the head with a chair. Erica tells Chrissie she may have to recommend against her getting Elizabeth. Tony gets three months on a prison farm for hitting Bill. Bea wants the women to be payed for the craft things they make. Caroline finally agrees to let Jim pay her bail money.
#27 - Episode 21
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 21
Doreen is acting like a second rate Franky clone now she's back inside, rounding up a posse of women and slicking her hair back. Erica warns her not to cause any more trouble after the attack on Karen Travers. Later, in their cell, Lizzie tells her she doesn't buy her tough act for a second. Nonetheless, she causes trouble during Karen's class and bullies Lynn. After an upsetting visit from her father, though, Lynn promptly joins Dor's gang to steal buyup from the girls. Lizzie learns her brother Angus is dying and wants to see her. Lizzie refuses, until Bea talks her into it. Erica accompanies Lizzie on her day out, leaving Vera in charge. The wife of the man Catherine killed wants money from the Roberts as compensation. Steve angrily tells her to keep away or she will be charged with extortion and blackmail. Catherine refuses to plead temporary insanity. Barbara's case comes up before the VJ. On the way to the hearing, she tells Meg she intends to implicate one of the officers in a d
#28 - Episode 87
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 8
After Lizzie's intensive grilling by the cops, Bea and the girls suspect there's a cover-up going on regarding the old woman, and decide to get to the bottom of it. Chrissie uses her key to get into Erica's office and pinch Lizzie's file, which she passes on to Bea. Paul arranges for journalist Mal James to visit the women, to try and get them interested in making their own newspaper, and they slip the goss on Lizzie to him. James calls Erica for a comment, but she denies there is a cover-up and wants to know where he got his facts. Finally, Lizzie is told the truth: Ralph Campbell confessed on his death bed that he murdered the shearers, not Lizzie. She is shattered. On Paul's recommendation, Ros gets another week in the pound when the VJ comes to the prison. Paul's car is stolen, but when it is recovered the culprit turns out to be his son, Tony.
#29 - Episode 88
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 9
Lizzie tries to cope with the news she spent the past twenty years in jail for a crime she did not commit and panics at the thought of being released. Bea suggests to her she might get compensation from the Department. Erica hunts for the culprit who leaked the news, and Vera accuses Paul of being to blame. Paul eventually gets a confession from Bea and forces Chrissie to hand her key over. He also arranges for Lizzie to go and stay at the Halfway House when she gets out. Lizzie steals a radio from Vera's locker and smuggles it into Ros in Solitary. The women hold a farewell barbeque for Lizzie in the garden, and have a tearful goodbye. When she gets out of the gate, though, Doreen hasn't turned up to get her and she's left sitting on her suitcase alone. Meanwhile, Paul tries to get through to Tony, who says he's chucking college, to no real avail.
#30 - Episode 93
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 14
Margo, Lil and Bev are sent to the pound after the attack on Chrissie and Sharon. Chrissie confirms Bea was behind it, and a disgusted Erica sends Bea to Isolation until further notice. Chrissie wakes from sedation to learn she has a new baby girl, which she names Elizabeth. She learns the baby will need long-term treatment and must remain in hospital after Chrissie goes back to the prison. Doreen gets the sack from work because Lizzie cocked up phoning in sick for her. Lizzie turns up at the prison to see Bea, and though Vera refuses, Jim allows it. Lizzie tells Bea about Caroline & Vivienne being at the Halfway House, who passes it on to Jim, and Caroline admits it. Sharon gets another visit from Judy, and in a bid to shock, reveals to Meg that Judy is not her sister but her girlfriend.
#31 - Episode 94
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 15
Paul agrees to try and get Bea out of Isolation if she encourages the craft project. She agrees, then sends the word to down tools. Vera is delighted that things have fallen through; Paul is furious, but Bea feigns innocence. Lizzie and Doreen aren't on good terms after Lizzie got Dor sacked. Jim tries to get Lizzie, Doreen and Rhonda to testify on Caroline and Vivienne's behalf. Lizzie and Dor are in the pub with Kevin, and when Jim turns up in uniform to talk to them, Kev realises they've been inside. Dor is upset when he says he doesn't want to see her for a bit. Sharon, Tony and the others arrested in the raid go to court, where Sharon tells a load of lies to get herself off the hook. However, the Judge sees through her and gives her two years, letting everyone else off on a bond.
#32 - Episode 101
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 2 - Episode 22
Thanks to Lizzie, Doreen is sent back to Wentworth and faces losing her parole. Lizzie comes to visit, and asks Erica if she can come back too. Kevin finds out that she is back inside and arrives to tell her he'll stick by her, but she refuses and calls off the engagement. Sharon won't talk to Judy in Solitary after Judy tells her she let Bea and Pat frame her. Judy is sentenced to a year, and tells Chrissie she can have Sharon. Bea attacks her and dunks her head in a filled sink. Sharon lies to the police that Judy was behind the whole drugs op on the outside. Tony wants Paul to let Sally stay a while longer. Sally has an abortion; later, her ex, Bill, causes trouble for Tony when she won't go back to him, and provokes him into thumping him. Caroline is distressed to learn of her mother's suicide attempt and wants to go and visit her.
#33 - Episode 38
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 1 - Episode 38
Erica cancels all privileges, including Lynn's work release and Karen's study release, and tightens security following the disaster at the garden party. Bea is feeling increasingly left out as Clara proves a big hit with the other girls and suggests she is thinking of stepping down as Top Dog. Meg realises that Noeline must have been the one who smashed the TV. A Greek woman called Irene Zervos arrives on prostitution charges; she speaks very little English and is very distressed at being inside. Karen offers to act as communicator for her. Monica shows her racist side by bullying Irene and abusing her. It turns out that she and her family are illegal immigrants and are likely to be deported.
#34 - Episode 281
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 4 - Episode 35
Jackie is under pressure to admit she put Judy in prison. Colleen finds it hard to hide her feelings towards Carol.
#35 - Episode 282
Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 4 - Episode 36
Judy blasts Doreen and Margo for ruining her chances of release by bashing Jackie. Matt closes in on Harry as the man who framed Helen Smart.

#36 - Go Down Swinging
City Homicide - Season 5 - Episode 4
Homicide is drawn into the swingers scene when an unidentified woman is strangled and dumped. Elsewhere, Rhys and Allie go undercover at a seedy sex party, while Nick's romantic fling takes a dark turn.
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#37 - The Kiss
Blue Water High - Season 1 - Episode 21
Perri's feelings for Edge come to a head when she's spooked by a tramp hiding out in the board shed. When Edge accompanies her back to the shed in search of a lost ring, she kisses him. Edge is quite confused, but wants to forget it; after all he's keen on Bec. Consumed with guilt, Perri tries to make things 'normal' with Edge, and that's when Matt and Bec find out. The team's training regime is stepped up a notch when they are forced by Deb to train fully clothed in the pool to build up their strength: they are not happy!
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#38 - Behind The Scenes
Blue Water High - Season 1 - Episode 22
Heath is pressured by a ruthless surf magazine editor to secretly take 'behind the scenes' photos of the Academy couples and their romantic antics. Deb's also keeping close watch on the starry-eyed pairs, worried there's too much fooling around and not enough training. Simmo's solution is to throw extra training at the team, in the vain hope they'll be too exhausted for a social life.
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#39 - Reward Day
City Homicide - Season 5 - Episode 3
One prison officer shot dead, the other injured, and the crim they were escorting is now at large. As Homicide embarks on a killer manhunt, Nick gets close to a journalist with a hidden agenda. As Duncan and Nick interrogate the prisoners and prison staff for clues, the media step up the pressure on Homicide. A second murder brings to light a lethal drug syndicate responsible for multiple prison deaths. Have the players in this drug ring been driven to murder to conceal their web of corruption? As the manhunt intensifies, Nick meets Juliette Gardiner, a journalist covering the 10th anniversary of a high-profile homicide he solved as a young detective. The liaison soon becomes more than professional, but things get complicated when Juliette gets a tip-off to investigate Nick — could he be a corrupt cop?
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#40 - Episode 2.05
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 5
Brooke helps out her cousin by taking her place in a body-board competition, the only problem is she has to go behind Simmo's back. Meanwhile, Amy comes to Eric's rescue when he is finding it hard to talk to girls and Heath is worried he may have put himself out of a job by teaching his charges too well.
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#41 - Episode 2.06
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 6
Fly learns the hard way about the true meaning of leadership while Heath almost blows his chances of getting the dream job he's been hoping for. Jilly returns.
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#42 - Episode 2.08
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 8
Eric is on a high when a surfing magazine pays him big bucks to publish his photo. But disaster strikes when he loses his expensive new board and can't seem to make headway with Amy.
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#43 - Episode 2.14
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 14
Eric and Amy's relationship is on the rocks. Amy feels Eric is taking her for granted and suggests their relationship should be more casual. There is a special ball coming up on the weekend and Simmo reveals a magazine will be sending a photographer to do a fashion shoot with the Solar Blue team before the event.
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#44 - Episode 2.20
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 20
It's only eight weeks until the final surf-off and Rachel's peaking. She's totally focused and surfing up a storm. Just when everything seems perfect, Rachel's brother Jay arrives with some bad news. The family business is struggling and they need her help. In a shocking decision, Rachel decides to quit Solar Blue. A reporter arrives to follow two of the Solar Blue surfers for the day.
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#45 - Episode 2.25
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 25
The end is now in sight for the Solar Blue students and Brooke in particular, is starting to worry about what will happen after the final surf off... Will the six of them remain best buddies? Or does the end of the competition mean the end of their friendships? Fly reassures the Solar Blue gang that this is only the beginning of their friendships and their surfing careers - but Brooke reminds Fly that she won last year, so how does she know what it's like to be unsuccessful and left behind. Meanwhile Simmo has a surprise visitor planned. He's hoping her arrival will prove there is life after leaving the academy. Fly is really excited when Perri turns up, but is shocked to learn that she and Matt are no longer seeing each other - they were so close when they were at Solar Blue! Fly does a little research and finds out Matt will be in the area - one phone call and she's got him stopping by to visit everyone at Solar Blue. Fly's sure that as soon as Matt and Perri lay eyes on each other, their relationship will be rekindled, but when Perri sees Matt, she's upset and makes a point of avoiding him.
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#46 - Episode 2.26
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 26
t's the day they've been working towards all year; the final, Solar Blue surf-off. Which boy and which girl will win the ultimate prize - a place on the pro circuit?
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#47 - Episode 2.07
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 7
There's no surf so the Solar Blue kids decide to go abseiling. Preoccupied with her feelings for Mike, Rachel's emotions get the better of her and she learns some painful lessons. Fly competes in her first competition on the pro tour.
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#48 - Episode 2.16
Blue Water High - Season 2 - Episode 16
Amy gets a big surprise when her wealthy parents, Ray and Linda, arrive from the Gold Coast for a surprise visit. Eric lets it slip to Amy that his birthday is coming up on Saturday. Amy, being a party girl, does not intend to let this go by and organises a surprise birthday lunch. On the morning of the surprise party Ray and Linda have a surprise for Eric and whisk him and Amy away on a seaplane flight. Unfortunately the plane has mechanical problems and the group are delayed in their return.
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The Flying Doctors - Season 4 - Episode 9
Emma's schoolmate Jenny comes to Coopers Crossing to visit Emma and Sam. She's acting really strange and Emma convices her to see Geoff. It turns out she's got anorexia, but she refuses to admit it. But finally she realizes it's for the best and goes for treatment. A mining company suspects there might be some minerals at Sam and Emma's property and they think about what they will do with all the money. In the end there wasn't any minerals worth extracting.
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The Flying Doctors - Season 4 - Episode 10
A childorchestra arrives in Coopers Crossing. The soloist, Andrew instantly falls in love with Emma. The bus broke down on the way to Coopers Crossing, that's how they met. When the orchestra is leaving the bus broke again! Emma had to order parts from Broken Hill. Andrew hurts his hand really bad and has immediate surgery, but there is no telling if he ever will be able to play the violin again. In hospital he tells Emma he fixed the bus to be able to spend more time with her.
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