The BEST episodes directed by Larry Kent Litton

#1 - Rangers of Two Worlds (2)
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 47
The Zeo Rangers lose the Zeo Megazord to the clutches of Cog-Changer, and the Super Zeo Megazord to Impursonator, leading to Rita & Zedd's monster battling Mondo & Machina's, using the Zords of their shared enemies! Added help by the Aquitian Rangers may aid in the fight, but no matter what the Rangers do, the old, gray Billy's time on this Earth is numbered... Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull take the test to get their detectives licenses, right in the middle of a monster attack.

#2 - Climb Every Fountain
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 36
At the Command Center, Billy is working on a device which, when powered by the Ranger's Power Coins, will reverse the effects of the Orb of Doom's time-alterations on whoever is bathed in it's energy, this will restore the Rangers to normalacy, meanwhile, at The Moon Palace, Lord Zedd and Rita, back in charge once more with the departure of Master Vile, scheme to defeat the Rangers for good, and the only way to do that is to destroy their Power Coins.
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#3 - Rangers of Two Worlds (1)
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 46
The effects of an old invention of Billy's comes back to haunt him, when he finds himself growing rapidly older! Cestro and Delphine arrive from Aquitar in an attempt to help restore his proper age, but can they beat his broken internal clock in time? Meanwhile, Rita Repulsa, while trying to turn Kat into a monster, accidentally morphs her failed art project into the Impursonator. Not to be outdone, the recently repaired King Mondo unleashes the Cog-Changer, who turns the Rangers' weapons against them.

#4 - The Millennium Message
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 13
Blue Senturion, an intergalactic law enforcement robot from another galaxy, comes to Angel Grove with a message from the future. Divatox learns what's on the message, that she, Rita & Zedd, and the Machine Empire will one day team-up to attack Earth, only to be foiled by a certain group of heroes. She manages to turn Blue Senturion against the Rangers by having Porto reprogram him, as well as place a detonator within his circuitry! Meanwhile, the Bulk & Skull Chimps attempt to use Adam's magic wand prop to turn themselves back into humans.

#5 - A Drive to Win
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 14
Adam coaches the Angel Grove High soccer team, of which the star player, Carlos, is in dire need of lessons in teamwork. Both he, and the head cheerleader, Ashley, are strangely targeted by Divatox in an attack. Her detonator plot for this episode involves using Carlos' eagerness to score points over working with his team, by planting a bomb in the scoreboard. Also, Elgar joins forces with the Electrovolt monster in a shocking motorcycle battle against the Turbo Rangers. Meanwhile, the Bulk & Skull Chimps dress up as cheerleaders in an attempt to prove they're really humans.

#6 - The Alien Trap
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 37
At the park, Billy is working on a Hydro-Atmospheric Generator in hoipes of duplicating the natural water of the Planet Aquitar, therfore allowing the Aquitian Rangers to remain on Earth without abandoning it for re-hydration purposes. The Aquitians, however, are already weakening, and Billy has to test out the Generator quickly, he and the kid Rangers help the Aquitians to the Angel Grove Lake. The Aquitians enter the lake, but suddenly, Goldar and Rito attack with the Barbaric Brothers, who contaminate the water, Rito then uses a remote controll device to trap the Aquitians in a forcefield to prevent them escaping from the lake as it becomes awash in poison. The Kid Rangers are able to gain control of Rito's device by tricking him with a game of tag, wthe Aquitians are released, and they defeat the Barbaric Brothers in a lengthy battle, when thry grow, the Aquitians use the Battle Borgs and the Shogun Megazord. Lord Zedd is defeated for now, but with the Hydro-Atmospheric Generator destroyed earlier, the Aquitians are forced to return to Aquitar for a full re-hydration, leaving the Earth more vulnerable than ever... TO BE CONTINUED
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#7 - The Robot Ranger
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 30
Justin begins to notice something strange going on with his teammates: Ashley's got wires in her wrist and Carlos' face can come off. This leads him to suspect that they've been replaced by robots! But if so, why can they Morph, and why are they helping to fight Divatox's Flash Head and Voltmeister monsters? What's the truth behind this odd occurance? And how long before Justin ends up the only one left? Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull take jobs as tennis instructors.

#8 - Beware the Third Wish
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 31
Justin wishes nothing more than to see his father again, even using a lucky coin his father gave him in a water fountain to make this wish come true. Divatox's Wicked Wisher monster turns that coin, and two others, magical. She uses one to make the Blue Senturion turn evil, Elgar uses another to wish for a head of hair, and the chase is on to find the third coin when it falls to Earth! Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull take jobs as plumbers, and you won't believe what they find in one of the pipes!

#9 - The Gardener of Evil
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 32
Both the Turbo Rangers, and Divatox's Evil Blue Senturion, Wild Weeder, and his Diva-Drones, search all over Angel Grove for the third magical wishing coin. Bulk & Skull, now taking a job at a plant nursery, discover the coin they found on their last job has immense power within it, though remain oblivious to its true intent. Even if the Rangers can recover the coin first, will Justin give up his dreams of having his father come home for good so Blue Senturion can return to being good?