The BEST episodes directed by Kerric Macdonald

The Velvet Glove
471 votes

#1 - The Velvet Glove

Crossing Lines - Season 2 - Episode 7

The team goes after a gang of black widows who seduce wealthy men into marriage and then poison them.

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462 votes

#2 - Heat

Crossing Lines - Season 3 - Episode 8

Polonium 210 is stolen from a British nuclear plant. An elderly former colleague of Dorn joins the investigation. He provides useful expertise, but clashes with Carine regarding the direction the investigation should take. During the search for the cargo of lethal polonium Carine faces a former researcher at the school, and make her question her ability to lead the ICC.

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Episode 8
293 votes

#3 - Episode 8

Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands - Season 1 - Episode 8

Herot prepares for Slean and Keta's wedding; when secrets are revealed, the couple must make decisions about loyalties; Abrecan must choose whether to accept his sister's rule or stand against her.

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448 votes

#4 - Expose

Crossing Lines - Season 3 - Episode 9

The mysterious death of a journalist who is about to give an exclusive to Dorn’s unit has to do with the world of drug, counterfeit and terrorist weapons.

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