The BEST episodes directed by Jim O'brien

#1 - The Day of the Scorpion
The Jewel in the Crown - Season 1 - Episode 8
Returning to Pankot from her trip to Calcutta, Sarah Layton meets Count Bronowski and Nigel Rowan at the train station in Ranpur. Also accompanied by Ahmed Kassim, they are on their way to visit the imprisoned political leader Mohammed Ali Kassim, Ahmed's father, who is known colloquially as MAK. They are there to tell him that his eldest son Sayed, a King's Commissioned officer, is under arrest for having joined the Indian National Army and fighting for the Japanese. Having been ordered out of Rose Cottage by a spiteful Mildred Layton, Barbie Batchelor finds herself residing with the Peplows as a paying guest . She is shocked however at the rumors that are circulating about her. Having given birth to a baby boy, Susan begins to suffer from depression and puts the child's life in danger.
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#2 - My First Adventure
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Season 1 - Episode 1
The first chapter of the Young Indy series begins in his home town of Princeton, where we get a snapshot of the life of the Jones family -- father Henry, mother Anna, and the tireless Henry Walton Jones, Jr., better known to us as Indiana Jones. Before long, nine-year old Indy has joined his family on a trip around the world, starting in Oxford where they bring aboard Indy's no-nonsense tutor, Helen Seymour. (Egypt, May 1908) Their first exotic destination is Egypt's Valley of the Kings, where Howard Carter is currently excavating a newly discovered tomb. Intrigue abounds as a murder mystery takes place on the campsite, which Indy must help solve with the help of T.E. Lawrence, the legendary Lawrence of Arabia. (Tangiers, May 1908) The next leg of Indy's journey takes him to Tangiers, Morocco, where his family stays with Walter Harris, correspondent from the London Times (and eventual author of the famous Morocco That Was). There Indy meets Emily Keene, Sharifa of Wazan, and befriends a young Moroccan slave named Omar. An ill-advised trip to a dangerous marketplace results in Young Indy and Omar being kidnapped by slave-trading brigands. Dragged on a terrifying journey across the burning sands of North Africa to the slave markets of Marrakech, Indy finds that he must rely on his courage and wits to survive the brutal ordeal.
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#3 - The Division of the Spoils
The Jewel in the Crown - Season 1 - Episode 14
Before leaving Mirat, Count Bronowski tells Guy the true circumstances concerning Merrick's death. While traveling on the train to Ranpur, Guy, Sarah, Susan and Fenny come face to face with the sectarian violence that is sweeping India in the days leading up to independence. When the train is stopped in an isolated area and attacked, it is obvious that it is Ahmed Kassim that they are after. It is only when the train finally arrives at the station that they realize the extent of the carnage that has taken place. Prior to his departure from India, Guy tries to visit Hari Kumar, the legacy of the Raj: the man who is neither English nor Indian, and fits into neither society.
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#4 - The Regimental Silver
The Jewel in the Crown - Season 1 - Episode 5
With the wedding over and Teddie and Susan safely off on their honeymoon, Merrick once again is harassed and humiliated at the train station. He apologizes to Sarah for all that has happened. The Laytons return to Pankot, as does Susan when Teddie returns to duty, and they resume their normal lives. Barbie Batchelor, who lives with Sarah's "auntie" Mabel, gives Susan a set of silver spoons but she puzzled when they are not on display at a reception for Susan in the Officer's Mess. It is left to Sarah however to break the news to Susan when they receive a signal informing them that Teddie has been killed in action. Meanwhile Lady Manners has arranged, courtesy of her friend the Governor, for Hari Kumar to be re-interviewed about the circumstances surrounding his arrest. Both she and the man assigned to conduct the interview, Nigel Rowan, come away with the belief that Hari was being truthful.
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#5 - The Moghul Room
The Jewel in the Crown - Season 1 - Episode 12
With the Japanese surrender and the end of the war, Perron puts into effect his plan for a quick demobilization. He also hears a strange tale from one of the nurses, "Sophie" Tucker about Lance Corporal Pinker, who served as a clerk to Dr. Samuels, the hospital psychiatrist. Pinker was a young man who was confused about his sexuality and only became aware of homosexuality while reading patient files. While in the bazaar one night, he met a young Indian boy and they spent some time together. The whole thing was set up however by then Major Ronald Merrick so he could blackmail Pinker into giving him access to a particular patient's file. Nigel Rowan has to leave suddenly but gives Guy the file on their old schoolmate, Hari Kumar. Guy and Sarah also get to spend some private time together.
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#6 - An Evening at the Maharanee's
The Jewel in the Crown - Season 1 - Episode 10
Sarah travels to Bombay to meet her father, Colonel John Layton, who has been freed from his prisoner of war camp. Colonel Layton is concerned as to the well-being of a Havildar from his Regiment who apparently joined the Frei Hind, the Nazi version of the Indian National Army who fought with the Japanese. The officer in charge of the case is Major Ronald Merrick and he takes sadistic delight in belittling and degrading the Havildar during interviews. Sgt. Guy Peron from Field Security is in Bombay to attend a party where it has been reported there has been much discussion of planned military operation. Drafted as a witness to Merrick's interview of the Havildar, the Major takes a liking to him and decides to have Peron transferred to his staff. Peron was a student at Chillingborough and new Hari Kumar.
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#7 - Crossing the River
The Jewel in the Crown - Season 1 - Episode 1
Permeated by the political tension of the unsettled era. Crossing the River opens in February 1942. The Japanese Army has conquered Burma and is threatening to invade neighboring India. Ghandi is calling on the British to "Quit India". In the town of Maypore, Police Superintendent Ronald Merrrick arrests a young Indian news reporter suspected of subversion, Hari Kumar. Meanwhile, on the other side of the river that divides the city and the cultures, Daphne Manners arrives from England. It is the start of a chain of events binding English and Indians in a web of love, tragedy and death.
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#8 - Questions of Loyalty
The Jewel in the Crown - Season 1 - Episode 3
Daphne Manners dies during childbirth and the baby is now in the care of her aunt, Lady Manners. The whole Manners case is the talk of the British community and while holidaying on a houseboat in Kashmir, Sarah Layton decides to call and pay her respects to Lady Manners who is staying nearby. Sarah's mother just can't be bothered with the niceties and her younger sister Susan is only concerned about her forthcoming marriage to Captain Teddy Bingham, currently posted in Mirat. Sarah's father is a Colonel currently interned in a Nazi prisoner of war camp. When Teddy obtains 72 hours leave to get married, he suggests to Susan that her family travel to Mirat and have the wedding there. Teddy is also sharing quarters with a new arrival, someone who is an expert on the Indian National Army, prisoners of war who are now fighting for the enemy. That roommate is Captain Ronald Merrick who has transferred from the police for the duration of the war. His past has followed him however when he finds a damaged bicycle at the entrance to his quarters.
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#9 - The Curse of the Jackal, Egypt 1908
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles - Season 1 - Episode 1
While on an archeological dig in Egypt, young Indy uncovers an ancient mummy and a fresh corpse. With the help of T.E. Lawrence Indy becomes involved in an intriguing murder mystery.
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