The BEST episodes directed by Hiroyuki Tsuchiya

#1 - Happiness Reflected on the Water's Surface
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 2 - Episode 22
Frederica is gradually backed into a corner by Elsa's attacks. Then Garfiel rushes to the scene with a silver shield on each arm. The siblings' reunion after so many years is cut short when Elsa's knife violently clashes against Garfiel's shield. Meanwhile, Subaru heads to the forbidden library where Beatrice is. She's surprised when he enters the library and tells her that, after she spent 400 years there under a contract that might as well have been a curse, he's going to get her out.
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#2 - Love Love Love Love Love Love You
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 2 - Episode 9
After being eaten alive by a herd of unknown creatures resembling rabbits, Subaru awakens in a half-maddened state next to Emilia in the graveyard. As he pounds his head against the rocky ground over and over in anguish, he finds himself invited once again to a witch's tea party. There, he tells Echidna about his Return by Death ability, something he has never been able to tell anyone before. Echidna then begins to tell Subaru about the witch who gave him this power and set him on this agonizing path.
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#3 - Straight Bet
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 2 - Episode 14
Tragedy strikes the Sanctuary, and Elsa takes aim at both Roswaal's mansion and the village of Arlam. After being told that all these threats are cruel traps, Subaru can't help but give in to despair. While he's stuck questioning himself and unable to come up with a way out of the dilemma closing in on him, Otto shows up and punches him. Thanks to the many feelings packed in Otto's fist, Subaru finds his hope again.
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#4 - The Permafrost of Elior Forest
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 2 - Episode 19
Pandora, the Witch of Vanity, stands before Geuse and Fortuna. They both face her with all the strength they have. Meanwhile, young Emilia runs toward the place where the seal is, believing that everyone will be saved if she gives Pandora what she wants. But when she arrives, Pandora is already there, insisting that she hand over the key to opening the seal.
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#5 - Friend
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 2 - Episode 7
Subaru had reached for the door, determined to save Rem from harm even if his current world would soon end. But instead of Rem, he found himself staring at Beatrice's library. Beatrice had remained silent throughout Elsa's attack and saved Subaru's life just moments before Elsa could claim it. Subaru shouts at Beatrice, demanding to know why she didn't help before everyone else was killed, and an intense argument ensues. Then Subaru catches sight of a familiar-looking book...
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#6 - The Witches' Tea Party
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 2 - Episode 12
Subaru awakens in the graveyard with Emilia lying nearby. This time, he makes up his mind to save not only Emilia, but everyone in the Sanctuary and Roswaal's mansion from the threats that hang over them. Roswaal makes it clear that he will use Subaru's power to keep starting over by force if he has to, if it will allow him to achieve his own goal. What is driving Roswaal to go to such lengths? In search of the answer to this and many other questions, Subaru goes to see Echidna once again.
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#7 - The Next Location
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 2 - Episode 2
After concluding their talks with Crusch, Subaru and Emilia return to the village of Arlam, intending to report to Roswaal and discuss what to do next. But they find Arlam deserted and learn that the villagers who had taken refuge in the Sanctuary with Ram have not yet returned. When Subaru and Emilia arrive back at Roswaal's mansion to find out where the Sanctuary is, they are greeted by Frederica, a young woman who used to work as one of Roswaal's maids.
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#8 - The Outside of Madness
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 1 - Episode 15
Upon returning to Roswaal's mansion, Subaru is greeted by an unbelievable sight and wails that this was not what he wanted to happen. Stricken with despair, everything before Subaru starts to go white as, finally, he hears a voice: "You were too late."
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#9 - Wilhelm van Astrea
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 1 - Episode 20
Subaru has devoted everything he had, and done all he could do. His passion has captured Crusch's heart, as well as Anastasia's cooperation, and they all enter into the battle against the White Whale together.
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#10 - The Meaning of Courage
Re: ZERO, Starting Life in Another World - Season 1 - Episode 9
The scattered pieces of the puzzle finally come together, and Subaru realizes for certain that the shaman who cursed him is in the village at the foot of the mountains. He heads there with Ram and Rem and makes sure all the villagers touch him so that he can find out, with Beatrice's help, who cast the curse. But the truth he finds is not what he expected, and he finds himself rushing toward the village again...
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#11 - Angel - Engel
Rozen Maiden - Season 2 - Episode 6
Megu, hospitalized with an incurable disease, enters into a contract with Suigintou. However, Megu wishes only for death and insists that she is incomplete and broken. After encountering Barasuishou, and later Shinku, it is realized that Suigintou was revived to participate in the Alice Game.
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#12 - Mm-hmm, Teacher is the Greatest!
Is This a Zombie? - Season 2 - Episode 7
Having absorbed Eu's magic power, Haruna now suffers from the same side-effects that prevented Eu from speaking. The culture festival enters its second day. Tomonori has her control ring taken from her by the teacher, leading to an unforeseen outcome.
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#13 - Yo! That's Some Friendly You-nity!
Is This a Zombie? - Season 2 - Episode 3
Haruna and Eu perform a delicate operation on Mysteltainn to try to repair the damage done to him. Ayumu gets advice on how to deal with Orito. Tomonori takes a crash course in dancing in order to be a backup dancer for Sarasvati at her upcoming concert.
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#14 - A Story About Telling a Story
Is the Order a Rabbit? - Season 1 - Episode 6
Chino's friends help out at the Rabbit House and take a shining to Cocoa and Lize, leaving Chino the odd man out.
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#15 - The Girl Dons a Red Coat and Drives a Team of Rabbits Across the Christmas Eve Night Sky
Is the Order a Rabbit? - Season 1 - Episode 11
To celebrate the Christmas season, the girls decide to throw a Christmas party. Let the planning commence!
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#16 - Letter
Gungrave - Season 1 - Episode 16
Dr. Tokioka wonders whether he should have fulfilled Brandon's request to be brought back from the dead, he does this while clutching a mysterious letter in his hand, addressed to Big Daddy. Harry and company survey the damage at the lab, when suddenly one of Dr. Tokioka's lab techs, Ragnarok, appears, offering results that the show the Necro-Rise formula has greater effects on the dead, and offers to head up a new research, Harry agrees. Maria's butler, Tokioka, meets secretly at the park with is brother, Dr. Tokioka, and it has apparently been 15 years since last they saw each other. The butler gives his brother a care with money in the trunk, and the doctor says his last job is to get the guncase and letter to Big Daddy. The letter is from Brandon, in it he talks about how he knew everything that Harry was doing, yet he hoped that in the end, it would be good for Millennion, but that if Harry ever strayed from that path, that Brandon should be around to do something about it. BD goes to visit Brandon, the doctor is keeping him in a laboratory within a 16-wheeler. BD asks the doctor to let Brandon sleep forever, the doctor give BD the guncase, and that if he should ever need Brandon, that this case should be brought before him. BD decides to confront Harry, leaving Maria in the butler's care. BD pulls a gun on Harry but Bunji shoots the gun out of his hand. BD tells Harry that Brandon knew everything all along yet he continued to trust Harry. Harry snaps and kills Big Daddy.
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#18 - Remorse
Gungrave - Season 1 - Episode 22
T gives Brandon a blood transfusion to return his full strength while a message from Millennion plays in the background declaring that Brandon must meet at the subway to pick Mika up. Mika awakens inside Millennion HQ to the sight Lee and Harry, and she condemns them for their murders. The pair tell Mika she is simply bait for Grave, and Lee points out that upon Grave's arrival, he will kill Mika. Meanwhile, T works on mysterious new ammo for Brandon's guns. Harry and Bear discuss Lee, who has been sent with 150 OrgMen to kill Grave. Bear suggests that Harry slow down, as Millennion's backbone is crumbling and that the OrgMen can't solve all his problems, plus most members on the board don't support Harry's violent actions. Bear declares that if Lee is defeated, he will take on Grave, Harry remains extremely confident in Lee's abilities. While Mika waits in the subway, she asks Lee what her father was like. Lee admits he had a great deal of admiration for BD, it is simply that BD lacked any ambition that bothered Lee. Lee notes that since Harry is now the head of Millennion, its policies have changed with him. By this logic, Lee says that Brandon's actions couldn't have been seen as anything but betrayal, and Lee laughs at the idea that Grave still continues to fight for BD after death, and also at the idea that a former lover is fighting to protect another man's daughter. Mika grows angrier by the moment, but the rumbles from above indicate that Grave has arrived. T speeds to Brandon's locale to presumably deliver the ammunition he was working on earlier. Grave reaches the transit area where Lee and Mika wait, and after putting a blade to Mika's throat, Lee gets Brandon to dispose of his armaments. Lee then asks Grave if he killed Bob, Grave nods and Lee begins the fight. He first uses physical moves for entertainment purposes, then he pins Grave to a subway car using one of his blades so that Grave can watch while he cuts up Mika. Lee then transforms into his
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#19 - The Devil and the Hero Do Some Honest Hard Work
The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - Season 1 - Episode 13
Ashiya has something he needs to talk to his master about in private. Are the demons going back to Ente Isla?!
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#20 - The Devil Goes on a Date With His Junior in Shinjuku
The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - Season 1 - Episode 3
Something supernatural seems to be going on with Chiho. Meanwhile, it's possible Maou doesn't really understand the concept of a "date"... but it's not long before everyone has much bigger problems on their hands.
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#21 - Heat
Gungrave - Season 1 - Episode 11
Brandon begins unleashing round after round on the deadmen, when Blood reveals that the only way to kill them is to rip apart their entire body, on that note, Brandon pulls out his new D-point gun, the size of a pistol with the recoil and strength of a shotgun. Lee inserts numerous needles into Harry in a flash, but Harry reveals he's had snipers and hitmen all around them the whole time, he wanted to do this to prove how much he wants Lee to help him in his dream, even if it means ignoring Millennion's iron law. With the arrival of Bunji, Brandon tears the remaining deadmen apart, leaving only Blood. Lee and Harry pay a visit to Cannon, and though it seems the deadmen will beat them, Dr. Tokioka walks in and the deadmen all over begin to burn and distentegrate, as the formula has been expended. Blood and Cannon, both dying from numerous wounds, communicate with each other on a mental level. Blood then drinks a large dosage of Necro-Rise and shoots himself in the head, becoming a large demon-like creature. Before it can do any damage, however, Bear Walken's Overkill squad arrives and tears it apart with gunfire.
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#22 - Kill the Despair
Akame ga Kill! - Season 1 - Episode 21
Esdeath implores Tatsumi to join her side but he refuses, so she resolves to execute him. Mine is about to sneak out to rescue Tatsumi on her own, but Akame, Leone and Najenda intercept her, and decide to accompany her. At the execution site, just as Esdeath is about to kill Tatsumi, the remaining members of Night Raid attack. Budo fights Leone and Mine, Najenda and Susanoo confront Esdeath, and Akame faces the Imperial Guard to retrieve Incursio. With Leone paralyzed by Budo's lightning-based Imperial Arms, Mine takes him on by herself and unleashes an overwhelmingly powerful blast enough to kill Budo, and leave Mine severely wounded. Meanwhile, Najenda uses Susanoo's trump card, Magatama Manifestation, which drains a portion of Najenda's life force each time it is used, but Esdeath overpowers him by using a spell that briefly freezes time and she destroys Susanoo's core.
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#23 - The Devil's Budget Is Saved by Neighborliness
The Devil Is a Part-Timer! - Season 1 - Episode 7
Maou and company find that a young lady named Suzuno has moved in next door. She is quick to make friends and starts helping them out, which causes Emi to wonder what her motives are.
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#25 - Dangerous Safe House
Full Metal Panic! - Season 1 - Episode 9
Attempting to clear Japanese customs at the airport, a peculiar young man named Takuma Kugayama lunges at and viciously attacks a customs agent for simply having a crooked tie. Elsewhere, Melissa and her team raid a terrorist base in a dense forest with their M9’s, only to learn that the target they’ve taken down isn’t the one Mithril was hoping for. Back on de Danaan, Captain Testarossa is distressed that the terrorist organization A21 has escaped her grasp. While this raid was a bust, information comes in that a member of A21 has been taken into custody at Tokyo airport, and that the prisoner may be a Whispered. Lt. Kalinin takes off to investigate.
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#26 - The Wind Blows at Home, Part 2
Full Metal Panic! - Season 1 - Episode 16
The Mithril assault team finally begins to take Sousuke's advice into account, but it may be too late: Gauron has one of Sousuke's old comrades predicting what Sousuke will do.
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#27 - Kill the Dolls
Akame ga Kill! - Season 1 - Episode 16
Night Raid engages Bols and Kurome along with her puppets. Kurome draws first attack from her puppet Destaghoul, an ultra-class Danger Beast, who shoots a powerful beam and afterwards the hand-to-hand combat begins as Akame engages Bols and the puppet bodyguard Woll after a short melee with Kurome and their deceased friend turned puppet Natala, then Tatsumi against Apeman and Hentarr, Susanoo against Destaghoul, Leone against Rokgough, and Mine against the gunslinger Doya. Leone's left arm gets amputated by Kurome while battling Rokgough and Najenda tells Leone to leave Rokgough to her because they're both Imperial generals and close friends. Najenda destroys Rokgough and quickly heads to Susanoo. Bols questions Akame in joining the Revolutionary Army and Akame responded that she chose it from her heart and thinks it is the right path. Leone joins Akame as they double-teamed against Bols, eliminating Woll in the process and Leone disables Bols' flamethrower. Tatsumi is having a hard time fighting Apeman and Hentarr but a disguised Chelsea distracts Hentarr which disables his movement by the use of a needle punctured on his head then being sliced by Tatsumi. Then Tatsumi gains the upper hand in eliminating Apeman. Mine was swallowed by a Kaiser frog, the eight puppet summoned by Kurome. However, Mine destroys the frog. Susanoo transforms into a much powerful form gained from Najenda's life force and destroys Destaghoul. In a desperate attempt, Bols throws his Rubicante upward and detonates intending to destroy Akame and Leone.
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#28 - Kill the Imperial Arm Users
Akame ga Kill! - Season 1 - Episode 4
Tatsumi learns of Imperial Arms, wanting one of his own. Night Raid is assigned to eliminate Zank the Executioner, whose hobbies include cutting the heads off of his victims.
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#29 - Dealings
Death Note - Season 1 - Episode 3
Ryuk informs Light that he's being followed and asks Light if he wants to make a trade for his own Shinigami eyes. But at what cost?
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#30 - Kill the New Recruits
Akame ga Kill! - Season 1 - Episode 12
After Dr. Stylish's death Night Raid ventures into a Danger Beast-infested area so they can set up their new hideout. Najenda introduces Susanoo and Chelsea, the girl from the previous episode. After their introduction, Chelsea berates Night Raid for their incompetence, which she alleges led to Sheele and Bulat's deaths. Angered, Mine decides to teach Chelsea a lesson and recruits Lubbock and Tatsumi, the latter of whom uses Incursio to sneak on the hot spring where Chelsea is bathing. However, Tatsumi instead confronts Susanoo, but it is actually Chelsea using her Teigu, Gaea Foundation, which changes her physical appearance. Chelsea tells her story about her former team being massacred, leaving her as the only survivor, and she reveals that she berated Night Raid because she didn't want them to die like her former team did. Meanwhile, a depressed Esdeath learns of the loss of Dr. Stylish and comforts Seryu when she grieves his death. At the Capital, Run tells Esdeath that there are many lookalikes of Tatsumi for her to court, but Esdeath declares that there is only one Tatsumi. At the mining caves, miners are being devoured by modified Danger Beasts while watched by a hooded man.
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#31 - Everyone's Holidays
My Senpai Is Annoying - Season 1 - Episode 8
It’s Golden Week, and Futaba plans on spending the holidays productively. But when she sees a scary TV show and freaks out, Takeda comes over to keep her company. Meanwhile, Kazama and Sakurai go to an aquarium and meet a dolphin that shares his name...
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#32 - Embarassing School Comedy
Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens - Season 1 - Episode 9
When rumors about the Daitetsu and Jin being a homosexual couple start to spread, Zange decides that the best solution to the problem is for Jin to officially date a girl.
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#33 - The Golden Vampire Princess
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest - Season 1 - Episode 3
Hajime and Yue descend deeper into the labyrinth, discovering one another's stories along the way.
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#34 - A Proposal as a Pretext
The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt - Season 1 - Episode 3
Wein's dream about his academy days comes to life with a visitor. Lowa's marriage proposal catches him off guard, and he wonders what she's up to. He's again caught off guard by her power move. Lowa dreams about a talk she had with Wein about the future.
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#35 - The Goddess' Sword
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest - Season 1 - Episode 10
With an army of monsters approaching the town of Ur, Hajime sets a plan into motion to protect the citizens and exalt Aiko as the Goddess of Plenty.
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#36 - A Looming Shadow
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest - Season 1 - Episode 12
Hajime's party makes their way back to a familiar location. Deep in the Labyrinth, a new foe threatens the lives of his classmates.
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#37 - The Maverick's Lair
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest - Season 1 - Episode 5
A rare oasis lies in the depths of the Labyrinth. There, Hajime and Yue come face-to-face with the specter of the labyrinth's namesake.
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#38 - Thirteen
Grimoire of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 6
Thirteen and Zero are determined to finish what they started. Meanwhile, they learn more about Thirteen's intentions, including why he chose to become Sorcerer of the State.
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#39 - #01
Giant Killing - Season 1 - Episode 1
Tatsumi returns to ETU from managing FC Eastham to the 4th round of the FA Cup, his return only to be greeted by jeers of the disillusioned ETU supporters, who think of Tatsumi as a traitor for abandoning ETU for an overseas club. Meanwhile on the practice pitch, Tatsumi shocks the squad by announcing that he’ll hold a scrimmage between a younger inexperienced ETU side against the seasoned ETU starters to see who will make up the starting eleven of his ETU side…
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#40 - Witch-Hunting
Grimoire of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 2
Albus joins Mercenary and Zero. With the new member in tow, the group heads out to a new village, but not all goes as planned.
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#42 - The Pervert Appears!
Dropout Idol Fruit Tart - Season 1 - Episode 6
Fruit Tart goes on a field trip to observe Cream Anmitsu's concert. After the concert, Fruit Tart gets inspired and tries to come up with ways to be "cute".
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