The BEST episodes directed by Hiroaki Miyamoto

The Exploding Fist! Destroy the Auction
29 votes

#1 - The Exploding Fist! Destroy the Auction

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 15

The auction continues, but Saint Charloss arrives and ruins the Straw Hats' plan to buy Keimi back by placing an exorbiant bid on her. The proceedings are then interupted when Luffy and his Flying Fish crash into the auction house, but he is restrained from rushing the stage by Hatchan, who accidentally reveals his Fishman nature in the process. While the nobility recoils in disgust, Charloss shoots him, gloating about obtaining a Fishman slave. Luffy snaps and punches the man in the face.

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Disappearing Crewmates - The Final Day of the Straw Hat Crew
58 votes

#2 - Disappearing Crewmates - The Final Day of the Straw Hat Crew

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 24

Sentomaru lets out that Kuma's powers send people flying through the air for days, and that Luffy should give up on ever seeing Zoro again. Kuma's motivations become questionable when he vanishes the Pacifista, gives Rayleigh some secret information, and refuses to explain himself to Kizaru. He then goes after each of the Straw Hats, vanishing them one-by-one before Luffy's helpless eyes. Brook falls trying to protect Usopp and Sanji, Usopp falls as he tries to get away, Sanji falls when he attacks in retaliation, Franky falls when he tries to get past Kuma, Nami falls as she pleads to Luffy for help, Chopper falls as he continues his mindless rampage, and Robin falls as she tries to flee. Luffy breaks down sobbing at the realization that he's alone and he failed his crew, as Kuma tells him that they will never meet again before vanishing him too. The Straw Hat Pirates have been completely annihilated.

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Admiral Kizaru's Fierce Attack. The Straw Hat Crew`s Desperate Situation!
58 votes

#3 - Admiral Kizaru's Fierce Attack. The Straw Hat Crew`s Desperate Situation!

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 23

Usopp and Brook's attempts to attack Kizaru fail, but Rayleigh arrives, managing to block Kizaru's attack and hold him off. Luffy orders his crew to retreat, declaring the enemies impossible for them to defeat at this time, but Sentomaru and the other Pacifista bar their escape and even Chopper's Monster Point form is unable to turn the situation to their advantage. The real Kuma arrives and uses his Devil Fruit powers to make Zoro disappear.

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Time Limit - The Human Auction Begins
29 votes

#4 - Time Limit - The Human Auction Begins

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 14

The human auction finally begins, and it is only then that the Straw Hats discovered that their mermaid friend is being sold off at Grove 1. After rendezvousing there (save for Zoro, Luffy, Brook, and Robin), their initial plan to extract Keimi is thwarted upon learning that the World Government and the Celestial Dragons are involved in the slave trade, so Nami decides that they'll buy Keimi back in the auction itself. Meanwhile, the rest of the archipelago receives news that the World Government is going to execute the captured Portgas D. Ace, a move that could provoke a war with Whitebeard.

Another Strong Enemy Appears! Broadaxe-Wielding Sentomaru
58 votes

#5 - Another Strong Enemy Appears! Broadaxe-Wielding Sentomaru

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 22

The Straw Hats combine their strongest attacks to defeat the Pacifista, but are exhausted after the battle. Sentomaru arrives with another Pacifista, and Luffy attempts to escape, dividing the Straw Hats into three groups. Unfortunately, Sentomaru intercepts his group, the Pacifista cuts off Sanji's group, and Kizaru attacks Zoro's group, knocking Zoro down and preparing to finish him off.

Overwhelming! The Marine Combat Weapon Pacifista
58 votes

#6 - Overwhelming! The Marine Combat Weapon Pacifista

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 21

The Straw Hat Pirates fight against one of the Pacifistas, and while it does not have Kuma's Devil Fruit powers, it is still able to withstand their strongest attacks while firing devastating lasers at the crew. Elsewhere on the archipelago, Kizaru easily defeats Hawkins, Urouge, Drake and Apoo before Sentomaru contacts him. The situation for the Straw Hats grows even more desperate as Zoro suffers pain from his wounds.

Roger and Rayleigh - The Pirate King and His Right Hand
58 votes

#7 - Roger and Rayleigh - The Pirate King and His Right Hand

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 19

Upon arriving back at Shakky's Bar, Rayleigh reveals to the Straw Hats that he was first mate to the legendary Gold Roger and the truth to his crew's dismissal. Thus they leave soon after with a bit of Rayleigh's Vivrecard for each of them, and he tells them to come back in three days when their ship will be ready. Meanwhile, Admiral Kizaru arrives at the Archipelago.

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Admiral Kizaru Moves! The Sabaody Archipelago in Chaos
58 votes

#8 - Admiral Kizaru Moves! The Sabaody Archipelago in Chaos

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 17

News of the attack on the World Nobles reaches the pirates in the town, as well as the Marine Headquarters, where Kizaru decides to go to the island in order to deal with the situation. Donquixote Doflamingo, who owns the auction house, tells Disco that the Seven Warlords will be called to war against the Whitebeard Pirates. Rayleigh introduces himself to the Straw Hats, frees Camie from her collar, and notes that he is the coating engineer that they have been looking for. Luffy, Kid and Law go out to fight the Marines, who are no match for their Devil Fruit abilities.

Break Through the Encirclement! Marines vs. Three Captains
58 votes

#9 - Break Through the Encirclement! Marines vs. Three Captains

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 18

Luffy, Law and Kid's crews join the fight, defeat the rest of the marines outside the auction house, promising to meet and fight in the New World. Luffy's crew escapes with the help of the Rosy Life Riders. A mysterious figure that appears to be Kuma intercepts Kid and Law, then begins attacking them with lasers.

Bubble User Kalifa! Nami Draws Near to the Soap's Trap
29 votes

#10 - Bubble User Kalifa! Nami Draws Near to the Soap's Trap

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 67

Having taken three Rumble Balls, Chopper transforms into an oversized and purely instinct driven version of himself. Kumadori goes all out to defeat his enemy, but in the end cannot succeed. In Kalifa's room, Nami lies helplessly on the ground, watching her opponent casually bathing. Slowly, the strength returns to her limbs while Kalfi redresses. Shortly into their fight, Nami discovers the essence of Kalifa's new ability. Being a soap woman, she can create a foam that washes away anything, even a person's strength. Chopper goes on a rampage and, with Franky on his heels, climbs the tower's outside walls. Having crossed the underground passage, Luffy finally catches up to Lucci.

Hatred of the Straw Hat Crew - Enter Iron Mask Duval
29 votes

#11 - Hatred of the Straw Hat Crew - Enter Iron Mask Duval

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 5

The Mermaid and starfish, named Keimi and Paggag, respectively, thank the Straw Hats for helping them, and Keimi offers to give them some Takoyaki (fried octopus), after she meets up with her friend Hacchin as thanks. However, a call from him reveals that he has been kidnapped by the Fishman Macro Gang as bait for her. Luffy decides to rescue him for the Takoyaki, and the crew sets sail for their hideout. En route, they're briefly attacked by the Flying Fish Riders, a gang of ruffians aiding the Macro Gang, who are commanded by a masked man named Duval.

Impossible to Avoid!? Admiral Kizaru`s Speed of Light Kick
29 votes

#12 - Impossible to Avoid!? Admiral Kizaru`s Speed of Light Kick

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 20

Admiral Kizaru appears in the Archipelago and demonstrates his mysterious light abilities before taking on the Supernova Basil Hawkins, while Urouge and Drake fight a Pacifista. Kidd and Law continue their bout with another Pacifista while the Straw Hat Pirates come face to face with a third one. A shady figure with a giant broadaxe is seen at the end, waiting for a call.

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Huge Panic! Struggle in the Auction Hall
87 votes

#13 - Huge Panic! Struggle in the Auction Hall

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 16

In the aftermath of Luffy's punch, a fight breaks out in the auction hall between the staff, the Celestial Dragons' bodyguards, and the Straw Hats, aided by the arrivals of Usopp, Brook, and Robin. A freed Rayleigh then emerges from backstage, and ends the conflict by using a mysterious power to render the Straw Hats' enemies unconscious.

The Pirate Kidnapping Incident and the Pirate Ship Waits for Death!
58 votes

#14 - The Pirate Kidnapping Incident and the Pirate Ship Waits for Death!

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 7

Luffy refuses to believe that Galley La cannot repair the Going Merry. The two soon realize that not only is Usopp missing now, the two brief cases that were returned to them are empty! Nami decides to head to Franky House and finds Usopp on the way in a pitiful state. As she heads back to the ship for help, Usopp goes to the Franky House himself.

An Eternal Farewell? Nico Robin, The Woman Who Bears Darkness
29 votes

#15 - An Eternal Farewell? Nico Robin, The Woman Who Bears Darkness

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 14

In a bar, Franky talks with Kokoro about her theory on who shot Iceburg. The rumors she speaks of seem to have some truth as we see Robin meeting with someone from an organization called CP9. While the crew hide from angry residents, Sanji and Chopper discover Robin and she tells them what they've feared: she's responsible and she wants to part ways.

The Judiciary Island! The Full Picture of Enies Lobby!
58 votes

#16 - The Judiciary Island! The Full Picture of Enies Lobby!

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 37

Robin willingly follows Blueno into his improvised door and Sogeking and Sanji are left alone. For a while, Blueno explains a little of Robin's past involving the Buster Call. Back at the Rocket Man, Yokuzuna the frog jumps onto the front of the train, knocking them from the rails. After Kokoro speaks with him, he joins the group. The CP9, Franky, and Robin finally reach Enies Lobby and disembark.

Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hat Pirates' All-Out War
58 votes

#17 - Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hat Pirates' All-Out War

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 42

The Straw Hats struggle to catch up with Luffy, but get caught up in impeding each other's efforts; Sanji and Zoro indulge themselves in petty bickering and Nami injures her crewmates by testing her newly improved weapon. The streets appear empty, abandoned by the men who were fighting Luffy. Just then, the Law's Watch Dog Unit and a large group of other men step into their way. A fight seems inevitable until their allies, riding the king bulls, arrive. Paulie uses his ropes to pull the crew onto the back of one of the large animals. Then the Galley-La foremen replace Straw Hats' in battle to allow the rest of the group to escape.

Even if I Die, I Won't Kick You! Sanji's Manly Chivalry
29 votes

#18 - Even if I Die, I Won't Kick You! Sanji's Manly Chivalry

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 61

Their prey cuffed together, Kaku and Jyabura offer to use their keys to free them. However, neither of their keys open the locks. Chopper passes by and is sent off to obtain the correct key from one of the other assassins. Sanji attempts to get the key of Kalifa. Nami only barely escapes from Kumadori, as Chopper rescues her in the last second. Having stolen his key, the two try to get away. They stop, as Sanji, glossy and in a rounded-off shape, falls down besides the staircase. Once she notices Kalifa a few levels up, Nami figures that Sanji went easy on her and decides to take over.

The Drawn Sword's Fierce Attack! Zoro vs. Kaku Powerful Slash Showdown
29 votes

#19 - The Drawn Sword's Fierce Attack! Zoro vs. Kaku Powerful Slash Showdown

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 73

Spandam drags Robin along the Bridge of Hesitation, while beneath them, Lucci is blocking the way upstairs. Franky arrives and offers to help fight Lucci. However, Luffy insists that Franky save Robin. Reminded of himself when he was young and tried to stop the sea train from carrying away his mentor, Franky agrees. To do so, though, he has to get past Lucci. At the same time, in the Tower of Justice, Kaku shows Zoro the many tricks he can perform with his body that is now equipped with devil fruit powers, discovering new techniques in the process.

Landing to Get to Fishman Island - The Sabaody Archipelago
29 votes

#20 - Landing to Get to Fishman Island - The Sabaody Archipelago

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 9

With the Flying Fish Riders taken care of, the Straw Hats rest as Hatchan treats them to the promised Takoyaki. Duval shows up again, not for revenge, but to thank Sanji since his kicks altered Duval's face to become handsome and suave, or so he thinks. To make up for the trouble he's caused, he leaves his Den Den Mushi number with the Straw Hats in case they may need his assistance before departing with the newly christened Rosy Life Riders. The Sunny sets sail for the Sabaody Archipelago, the stepping stone to Fishman Island. Hatchan explains that one needs to have their ship coated with a bubble resin in order to travel underwater, and once they reach Sabaody, he promises to find them a ship coater that he trusts. He also warns them that the world nobility will be on the island, and no matter what happens, not to touch them, even if they witness a murder.

Landing! Young Men Forbidden Island Amazon Lily
29 votes

#21 - Landing! Young Men Forbidden Island Amazon Lily

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 27

After flying through the air for several days, Luffy finds himself in the middle of a jungle. He tries to use Rayleigh's Vivrecard to find his way back to Sabaody, but only tires himself out. He then kills a boar and eats it, and also eats a mushroom that turns out ot be parasitic and poisons him. His body is then discovered by a young woman named Marguerite and her friends, and mistaking him for a child from their village, they bring him back to treat him, and learn, much to their surprise, that he is a man. Luffy is in the middle of the Calm Belt, on the island of Amazon Lily, home to the all-female Kuja Amazon tribe.

Luffy's Hard Trial! The Power of the Snake Sisters' Willpower!
29 votes

#22 - Luffy's Hard Trial! The Power of the Snake Sisters' Willpower!

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 32

When Luffy beats Bacura, the panther executioner, Luffy goes to fight Boa Marigold and Boa Sandersonia. Boa Sandersonia plays the statue of Margueritte to cause Luffy pain. Luffy then unleashes a very rare and strong haki which surprises everyone and the haki Hancock also has.

The Crew's Whereabouts - The Island of Giant Birds and the Pink Paradise!
29 votes

#23 - The Crew's Whereabouts - The Island of Giant Birds and the Pink Paradise!

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 38

Chopper is awoken by humongous birds that want to use him as a toy and when he finally escapes them, the island's natives try and eat him. Meanwhile Sanji awakes in the lap of a beautiful but shy 'woman' on an island that makes everything girly, and when he chases after the woman he notices something strange about this islands people at her house.

The Crew's Whereabouts - The Bridge that Connects Islands and Man-Eating Plants
29 votes

#24 - The Crew's Whereabouts - The Bridge that Connects Islands and Man-Eating Plants

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 39

Robin is found unconscious in the snow by Soran and being hidden for the officers of her island, Tequila Wolf. Robin soon discovers that Tequila Wolf is nothing but an enormous bridge which has been under construction for over 700 years and the inhabitants are all laborers working as slaves. Usopp is screaming if there is anybody on the island, which is alarming a beetle to where he is and chase him. Usopp is then saved from the beetle by a man with the name Heracles. Heracles soon informs Usopp that hes on an island inhabited by man eating plants.

The Crew's Whereabouts - The Negative Princess and the Devil King!
58 votes

#25 - The Crew's Whereabouts - The Negative Princess and the Devil King!

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 40

Zoro is held against his will by the pink-haired princess of bad vibes, Brook gets mistaken for the king of darkness, and Luffy continues to eat his way toward a reunion with Fire-Fist Ace!

Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train Ran
58 votes

#26 - Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train Ran

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 22

The foremen discover Franky's hidden room and he fears they'll trample his memories. A long flashback ensues, covering Franky's past in Tom's Workers and how he and Iceburg helped create the Sea Train.

The Crew's Whereabouts - Weather Science and Karakuri Island
58 votes

#27 - The Crew's Whereabouts - Weather Science and Karakuri Island

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 37

Nami wakes up on Wezaria (Weatheria) and finds herself in the home of a Local resident. In an attempt to amuse her he shows her the sturdy wind knots which Nami later uses to stop a Cyclone. Meanwhile Franky lands on the snowy island of Kakarui(Future Island) and is found by some locals who have a Cyborg dog named Taroimo. After they perform the Super Dance, Franky freezes and is saved by transforming him into a Daijirin Tea Power Cyborg. It is later revealed that this is Dr. Vegapunks home island.

Rescue our Friends! The Oath that Links the Enemies
29 votes

#28 - Rescue our Friends! The Oath that Links the Enemies

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 30

The Rocket Man finally makes it out to sea. As the train connects with the tracks, Luffy has to rescue Chimney before she's thrown off by the wind. In the meanwhile, Iceburg has a flashback about when he finally met Franky again in Water 7. With Luffy and Chimney safe in the train, Paulie tells his fellow carpenters who the real culprits were. The Strawhats, Franky Family, and Galley La Company form an alliance.

The Disturbance of Peace! The Vice-Admiral with the Fist of Love
29 votes

#29 - The Disturbance of Peace! The Vice-Admiral with the Fist of Love

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 87

Two days later and back in Water 7, Franky hears that "the item" has arrived. He had used the money, which he had stolen from the Straw Hats, to buy a large piece of precious wood. Using the wood, he plans to build a "dream ship" and offers to give it to the Straw Hats. The promise of a new ship and the recovery of their lost possessions from a group of Galley-La workers brightens the Straw Hat's outlook. However, another cloud darkens the horizon, as a group of marines, led by Vice-Admiral Garp, break into their quarters.

The Target is Caimie!! The Kidnappers` Evil Draws Near
29 votes

#30 - The Target is Caimie!! The Kidnappers` Evil Draws Near

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 12

While walking through the groves, Zoro encounters another Celestial Dragon, Saint Charlos, harassing a group of townspeople. A fight almost breaks out, but Jewelry Bonney intervenes and tricks Charlos into thinking he killed him, after which she angrily berates him for picking a fight and almost getting an Admiral sent to the archipelago. Meanwhile, Luffy's group get caught up at the Sabaody Amusement Park, and Keimi ends up getting kidnapped by a group of slavers. When the Straw Hats still on board the Sunny learn of this, Sanji decides to call the Flying Fish Riders.

Special Historical Arc - Destroy! Thriller Company's Trap
58 votes

#31 - Special Historical Arc - Destroy! Thriller Company's Trap

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 26

Brook goes off to try to defeat the Thriller Company himself, but ends up their captive, but Luffy and Zoro rescue him. The next day is the day of the race, with the Kazagaruma restaurant competing against the Thriller Company. After an intense and destructive race, Kazagaruma emerges victorious, and get to see the legendary treasure: a golden pair of women's underwear.

Special Historical Arc - Boss Luffy Appears Again
29 votes

#32 - Special Historical Arc - Boss Luffy Appears Again

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 25

In Grand Jipang a race is about to be held where a team carries a portable shrine to the finish line. The prize isthe chance to see a legendary treasure that is said to grant wishes. The deziens of the Kazeguruma restaurant sign up, entrusting the craftsman Franky with the construction of their shrine. Usopp also fishes a talking, amnesiac skeleton named Brook from a river. However, the ghostly Thriller Company is working to sabotage the other race teams, and Brook leaves his new friends when he recovers his memories as a former member of the Company. Also this filler introduces a filler only character Omao, who works with Onami at her restaurant.

Battle with Full-Powered Abilities! Gomu Gomu vs. Hebi Hebi
29 votes

#33 - Battle with Full-Powered Abilities! Gomu Gomu vs. Hebi Hebi

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 33

Luffy activates Gear Second and is currently taking the lead. When Boa Marigold unleashes a fire technique which Luffy dodges and burns Sandersonia's clothes, Luffy appears to be their lifesaver and said that their backs has nothing to do with their fight. Boa Hancock evacuates everyone in the arena in risk of them seeing the "Gorgon Eyes".

Robin's Past! The Girl who was Called a Demon!
0 votes

#34 - Robin's Past! The Girl who was Called a Demon!

One Piece - Season 11 - Episode 49

Twenty years into the past, Robin is growing up on the island of Ohara. Her aunt, with whom she lives while her mother is away doing research, treats her poorly. Other children ostracize her. Studying in the world's greatest library, the Tree of Omniscience, in the hopes of being allowed to help the local archaeologists in their forbidden research, Robin earns the rank of a scholar in archaeology at age eight. However, when she announces her intention to help, her request is denied because of her youth. Disappointed at being rejected again, she walks along the shore, where she stumbles on Jaguar D. Saulo, a giant and deserted vice-admiral of the navy. The two become friends and Saulo teaches her to laugh.

Brook's Hard Struggle - The Difficult Path to Becoming a True Nakama
0 votes

#35 - Brook's Hard Struggle - The Difficult Path to Becoming a True Nakama

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 3

After reading an account of the various adventures that the Straw Hats have had, Brook resolves to be as much use as he can to prove his worth, but his well-intentioned efforts only manage to annoy or get in the way of the others. Brook then reveals his insecurites to Robin, saying that he'll leave the crew if he proves to be only a burden. Robin tells him that she used to feel similarly, until the Straw Hats came to save her at Enies Lobby, and she had finally found her place. Encouraged, Brook later reflects on how he has found his place after decades of being alone, and resolves to do his best so that he can have stories to tell of his own.

Arriving at Halfway Through the Grand Line! The Red Line
0 votes

#36 - Arriving at Halfway Through the Grand Line! The Red Line

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 4

After traversing the treacherous Serpent Currents, the Straw Hats finally arrive at the Red Line, signifying that they've sailed halfway around the world and that their voyage is half over. While the crew reflects and takes a well-deserved rest, a sea monster attacks. Luffy easily dispatches it, forcing it to spit up a talking starfish and a genuine Mermaid onto the Sunny's deck.

The Fated Reunion! Save the Imprisoned Fishman
0 votes

#37 - The Fated Reunion! Save the Imprisoned Fishman

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 6

Duval bears a grudge against one of the Straw Hats, but it is not known which one. When the Straw Hats reach the hideout, they discover that Hacchin is none other than the octopus Fishman Hatchan, formerly of Arlong's crew. Although reluctant to save him with this new knowledge, Keimi convinces the crew to go through with it. However, everything was a trap set by Duval, and the Straw Hats are ambushed by the Flying Fish Riders.

Tragedy! The Truth of the Unmasked Duval
0 votes

#38 - Tragedy! The Truth of the Unmasked Duval

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 7

While the battle between the Straw Hats and the Flying Fish Riders rages on, Zoro frees Hatchan from his cage, and the Fishman in turn saves him from an attack, revealing that he feels bad about their battle at Arlong Park. Meanwhile, Luffy crashes into Duval's hut and catches a glimpse of his unmasked face before being chased back outside. Once outside, Duval reveals that Sanji is the Straw Hat he wants to kill. After Luffy knocks his helmet off, the reason for his hatred is laid bare: Marines and bounty hunters have been relentlessly pursuing him because he looks exactly like the poorly-drawn visage on Sanji's wanted poster!

Explosion! The Sunny`s Super Secret Weapon: Gaon Cannon
0 votes

#39 - Explosion! The Sunny`s Super Secret Weapon: Gaon Cannon

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 8

After the surprising reveal, Duval tells his story of living a peaceful life as a mafioso until Marines and bounty hunters came after him for Sanji's bounty, mistaking him for the Straw Hat, casing him to flee and wear a helmet to hide his face. The Flying Fish Riders attempt to drown Sanji by dragging him underwater, but the cook is saved by the intervention of Keimi. Duval then tries to sink the Thousand Sunny by having his men drop a giant anchor on it, but Franky reveals the Chicken Voyage reverse function to dodge it, and then the Gaon Cannon to wipe out most of the Riders. Enraged, Duval orders his pet bison Motobaro to gore Luffy, but Luffy stops the beast by unknowingly using haki, the beast goes wild and then faints, much to everyone's surprise. Sick of everything, Sanji takes things into his own hands, and sends Duval flying into his hut with a faceful of kicks.

Tyranny! The Rulers of Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons
0 votes

#40 - Tyranny! The Rulers of Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 10

The crew splits up in order to explore the archipelago. Hatchan, Keimi, and Paggag lead Luffy, Chopper, and Brook to find the mechanic Hatchan spoke of. In town, they witness a disturbance caused by a man claiming to be an escaped slave yelling for help in getting an iron collar off. To the Straw Hats' horror, the collar explodes, severly injuring the man. Two people wearing gaudy clothing and bubble helmets, Saint Roswald and his daughter Saint Shalulia arrive and callously shoots his body twice before leaving him for the Marines to pick up. Paggag later explains that they were part of the Celestial Dragons, descendants of the founders of the World Government, and that they have the power to summon one of the three Admirals if they so please.

New Rivals Gather! The 11 Supernovas
0 votes

#41 - New Rivals Gather! The 11 Supernovas

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 11

After fighting their way through bounty hunters, Luffy's group arrives at a bar owned by a woman named Shakuyaku, an old friend of Hatchan's. The mechanic, Rayleigh, is not there, so Shakky suggests that they go searching for him at the Sabaody Amusement Park, but not before warning them to be careful, as right now there are nine other pirates on the Archipelago with bounties over 100,000,000 Beli. In addition to Luffy and Zoro, they are: Capone Gang Bege, Jewelry Bonney, Basil Hawkins, Eustass Kid, Scratchmen Apoo, Dies Drake, Urouge, Killer, and Trafalgar Law. Together, the group is known as the Eleven Supernovas.

Rescue Caimie - The Dark History of the Archipelago
0 votes

#42 - Rescue Caimie - The Dark History of the Archipelago

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 13

Duval and his crew arrive on the archipelago and start gathering the Straw Hats up to bring them to the Human Auction House, where the kidnappers have brought Keimi. Robin tells Nami why the Fishmen and Merpeople are not welcome on the island as in the past they had been discriminated against and classified as just fish. At the auction house itself await Saint Roswald and Saint Shalulia, as well as Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, and their crews. Backstage are Keimi and the other human merchandise, including the coating mechanic, Silvers Rayleigh, former first mate of Gold Roger himself.

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Hurry! Get back to your friends. Adventure on the Island of Women.
0 votes

#43 - Hurry! Get back to your friends. Adventure on the Island of Women.

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 28

Luffy wakes up inside a cage, surrounded by the curious Amazons. Marguerite gives him a new pair of cloths to wear, but then the other Amazons decide to finish him off, as they detest men. They attack Luffy with cannon-strength archery, but he grabs Marguerite and manages to escape into the jungle, where he gets his Vivre Card back from her. Although initially distrustful, Marguerite's curiosity gets the better of her and learns that he's a pirate. She reveals that Amazon Lily's empress, Boa Hancock, is in command of an all-female pirate crew, which, unbeknownst to the two, is on its way back to the island.

Everyone is Lovestruck! Pirate Empress Hancock
0 votes

#44 - Everyone is Lovestruck! Pirate Empress Hancock

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 29

Luffy attempts to make a raft to leave the island, but utterly fails and has to be saved from drowning by Marguerite. She determines that she's getting too attached to him, and resorts to attacking him with her super-powered archery, which she reveals is the result of Ambition, the same power that Rayleigh used to knock out everyone at Sabaody. Luffy is then driven off by the arrival of the other Amazons. Offshore, the ship of Boa Hancock and her two younger sisters is met by a Marine battleship helmed by Vice-Admiral Momonga, who is there to take Hancock, the final Shichibukai to Mariejois in preperation for the battle with Whitebeard. Hancock uses the Swoon Swoon Fruit (Mero Mero no Mi) to petrify the lovestruck Marines, and tells Momonga that she refuses the order.

The Secret Hidden on Their Backs, Luffy Encounters The Princess
0 votes

#45 - The Secret Hidden on Their Backs, Luffy Encounters The Princess

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 30

While stumbling around Amazon Lily, Luffy decides to find the head of the kuja pirates and looks for the highest building,he crashes into the bath where the snake princess was bathing and sees her back.

The Heartless Judgment! Margaret Turned to Stone!!
0 votes

#46 - The Heartless Judgment! Margaret Turned to Stone!!

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 31

Luffy plans to find the "Important Person" to help him ride a ship and give him a free guide at the sea. But suddenly, Luffy falls at Hancock's bath which surprises Luffy to find whats behind Hancock's back and telling her that he saw it before and misunderstanding Hancock's Love abilities as Foxy's Noro Noro Beam. When Luffy is soon captured, he was sent to an arena to be executed. Telling the truth, Margueritte and her friends was turned into stone by Hancock.

Hancock's Confession - The Sisters' Disgusting Past
0 votes

#47 - Hancock's Confession - The Sisters' Disgusting Past

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 34

After winning over Hancock's trust, the snake sisters tell about their terrifying past.

Rescue Ace! The New Destination is the Great Prison
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#48 - Rescue Ace! The New Destination is the Great Prison

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 35

After telling Luffy all about her past, Hancock accepts to give him a ride to Sabaody Archipelago on her Yuda-towed ship. She also invites Luffy for their banquet tonight and goes inside to rest. At the banquet, Luffy eats everything around him, and the girls seem suspicious. The Kuja Pirates misunderstand their Hebihime's action and prepare to attack Luffy. But before they can, Luffy feels bored, he starts to sing Bink's sake and dance with pan and spoon. It makes everyone laugh, and the party starts. But the girls, who have never seen man before, stick to Luffy, picking him up. He escape with Marguerite to Elder Nyon's house. There, Luffy learns that Hancock is a Shichibukai, and that his brother Ace is about taken to his execution. He says sorry to his comrades, and asks Elder Nyon how he can rescue Ace. Elder Nyon tells him that there's only one way of making it to his brother in time, and that is asking Hancock to accept the call of the Marines. But, Hancock, has been stricken by an unknown disease.

Love is a Hurricane! Hancock Madly in Love
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#49 - Love is a Hurricane! Hancock Madly in Love

One Piece - Season 13 - Episode 36

While still suffering from her love sickness, Hancock and Luffy decided to get into the Navy ship, held by Vice-Admiral Momonga. Then Sengoku, realizes that Whitebeard made his move. Garp visits Ace at the Impel Down.