The BEST episodes directed by Helmut Metzger

33 votes

#1 - Schnäppchenjäger

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 4 - Episode 8

The driver is killed in a truck accident. Semir and André discover that the vehicle has been tampered with and come across a series of accidents caused by the accident commissioner Lutz Heitkamp and the brothel owner Jürgen Henze. The two tamper with trucks in order to collect insurance claims and resell the damaged goods cheaply. But when a driver dies, their business is in danger. The truck driver Manni also finds out about the machinations and wants to secure a share of the profits without realizing the danger he is putting himself in.

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4 votes

#2 - Treibstoff

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 6 - Episode 1

Shortly after a driver has filled up at a Prooil station, his car explodes. Semir and André take on the case. What initially looks like a normal accident takes on a new dimension: a highly explosive additive has been added to Prooil's fuel. When the two detectives pay a visit to the company, they notice that the boss Dr. Pott and his security officer Victoria Götzinger are trying to cover something up. André and Semir suspect that the company is being blackmailed. In fact, they observe Ms. Götzinger handing over money, but it fails. The blackmailer then increases his demands and threatens further attacks. Several cars explode. The detectives want to lure the perpetrator out of his shell by handing over money again. But they are dealing with a clever opponent...

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Brennender Ehrgeiz
4 votes

#3 - Brennender Ehrgeiz

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 6 - Episode 3

A burned-out truck contains the body of a murdered prostitute. André and Semir discover that a turf war between two pimps, Schröder and Ökül, has escalated. After a second dead prostitute, they suspect Schröder. But clues lead to the head of the shipping company, Katharina Brenner, who murdered in revenge for her husband. Andrea goes it alone and finds herself in great danger.

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Die letzte Chance
33 votes

#4 - Die letzte Chance

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 5 - Episode 2

Stuntman Frank Zimmer, unable to work after a serious injury, is hired by the Stelter brothers as a getaway driver for a bank robbery. The robbery fails and Frank escapes the investigators thanks to his driving skills. But the Stelter brothers also want to silence Frank because he witnessed a murder. Frank and his girlfriend Angie are in great danger, while André does everything he can to catch Frank.

Ein Leopard läuft Amok
3 votes

#5 - Ein Leopard läuft Amok

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 5 - Episode 1

A Leopard battle tank is stolen and driven by Gerd Bausching, an officer, who goes on a rampage on the highway. André and Semir learn that Bausching wants revenge on Hubert Neuber, a bank robber whose robbery killed his daughter a year ago. When Bausching arrives in front of the prison and fires shots, an innocent prisoner, Jan Ecker, is buried and put in mortal danger.

Der Tod eines Jungen (1)
32 votes

#6 - Der Tod eines Jungen (1)

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 6 - Episode 7

A little boy and his mother are murdered on the highway. The trail leads André and Semir to Mallorca to Carlos Berger, a gangster boss who runs a high-class prostitution ring. Berger is planning a major coup involving kidnappings and rockets in order to escape. André tries to stop him undercover, but his cover is blown. Berger keeps him and the kidnapping victims imprisoned in a cave while the situation escalates.

4 votes

#7 - Leichenwagen

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 4 - Episode 5

The petty criminal Hassan is a bartender in a brothel and has already served several prison sentences because of his recklessness. But now he is arrested on suspicion of murder. He tried to sink his car to collect the insurance money. In short: insurance fraud. Stupid, because his recklessness gets him caught again and the police find the body of a gold buyer in the trunk of his car. At first it doesn't help that he is Semir's cousin. But André and Semir support him because no one can believe that Hassan is really a murderer. So far he has only been punished for minor criminal activities, but will he get off so lightly this time?

Ein einsamer Sieg (2)
4 votes

#8 - Ein einsamer Sieg (2)

Alarm for Cobra 11 - Season 6 - Episode 8

Semir desperately searches for André while Berger collects the ransom and distributes weapons. In the cave, André recognizes Berger's accomplice Salvatore as the murderer of Berger's son. When Berger learns that his son died in an assassination attempt of his own, he freaks out, launches a rocket and flees. After a dramatic chase, Semir shoots Berger, but André is shot and falls into the sea, where he disappears.

Ehrlicher - 39 - Freischwimmer
27 votes

#9 - Ehrlicher - 39 - Freischwimmer

Tatort - Season 2005 - Episode 29

An einem heißen Sommertag in Leipzig wird ein Junge tot im Schwimmbecken eines Freibades gefunden. Schnell stellt sich heraus, dass Leo, der das Down-Syndrom hatte, ertränkt worden ist. Die Hauptkommissare Ehrlicher und Kain finden trotz des regen Betriebes keinen Augenzeugen für den Mord. Auch der Schwimmmeister war zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht am Becken. Als Leos Mutter auftaucht, erfahren die Kommissare, dass Leo als Hauptzeuge in einem Prozess gegen den 17-jährigen Ralf Salchow aussagen sollte. Für die kandidierende Stadträtin Bettina Stein, die aus wahltaktischen Gründen auf eine schnelle Aufklärung drängt, scheint damit der Fall klar auf der Hand zu liegen. Ehrlicher und Kain glauben allerdings nicht an das nahe liegende Motiv. Auch Leos Schwester Alexandra war im Freibad und sollte sich um ihren zuckerkranken Bruder kümmern. Sie hatte sich jedoch mit ihrem neuen Freund Mike hinter die Umkleidekabinen zurückgezogen, behauptet sie. Mike gehört zu der Clique von Ralf Salchow. Sie gehen gemeinsam auf die Schule, an der Leos Vater Martin Stein als Lehrer tätig ist und wo er von den Jugendlichen schikaniert wird. Aus diesem Grund versucht er alles, um die Beziehung seiner Tochter zu Mike zu verhindern. Wahlplakate zeigen die Steins als eine glückliche Familie. Doch unter der Oberfläche scheinen sich dunkle Geheimnisse zu verbergen - Motive für einen Mord? Diese Frage behagt Ehrlicher und Kain gar nicht. Dennoch müssen sie in diesem subtilen Fall jedem Hinweis und Verdacht nachgehen, auch wenn der sich sogar gegen die Familie des Opfers richtet.