The BEST episodes directed by Douglas Schwartz

#1 - Chance of a Lifetime
Baywatch - Season 7 - Episode 13
Stephanie and Tom decide to spend their honeymoon on a two masted sailing schooner named ""Chance of a Lifetime"" with Mitch, Neely and a bunch of teenagers. They think the trip will help the teenagers face their fears and problems, while teaching them some important life lessons. The teenagers are Benjamin who is very intelligent, Megan whose parents died when she was five, Trisha who has a sense of humor, Diana who has asthma and Randy and Terry who are stepbrothers. Randy and Terry fight all the time and during one fight, they break the only radio on board. This means they don't get the warning call about a storm heading their way from Baja. When the sail collapses and the ship starts sinking, they are forced to abandon the ship. Caroline, Cody and C.J. are back at headquarters worrying about them. When they head toward the lifeboat, Stephanie notices that Trisha is missing. She goes back in and finds her on the cabin floor. When Stephanie and Trisha are on the deck, lighting strikes
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#2 - Short Sighted
Baywatch - Season 5 - Episode 6
After Caroline and Logan complete rookie school, Logan is named ""Rookie of the Year"" and chooses to work at Baywatch. Caroline, still smarting from her break-up with Logan, tells Stephanie she won't be able to work with him. During her first shift, Caroline's distracted by Logan's presence. Despite Stephanie's warning to watch a little girl, Caroline can't keep her eyes off Logan and almost misses a rescue when the girl nearly drowns. After Steph comes to the girl's rescue, a guilty Caroline confesses she missed the rescue because of Logan. Stephanie then decides to transfer Logan to Zuma Beach. Caroline's upset by Stephanie's interference while Logan threatens to sue. Mitch advises Stephanie to not let her personal feelings about Logan interfere with his job ability. Stephanie reconsiders and apologizes to Caroline, saying she'll be her boss when she's on-duty, but her sister off-duty. Meanwhile, Hobie befriends a new junior lifeguard named Carter, who panics when he learns of an up
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#4 - Leap of Faith
Baywatch - Season 6 - Episode 6
C.J. returns from France without Matt. She, Stephanie and Caroline are training some Junior Lifeguards. In order to improve the girls' lifeguard skills, they separate them from the boys. During an exercise where the girls are supposed to rescue a dummy, they get distracted by the boys instead and no one even notices the dummy who sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Then they decide that the only way to teach the girls teamwork, is to take them to Catalina. Unfortunately for them, Neely invite herself and C.J. and Caroline become furious. But the two of them decide to give Neely a chance. When two of the girls, Erika and Taylor get caught in a strong current and ends up trapped in a cave, the girls have to act as a team in order to get them out. The rescue is a success and the girls learn what teamwork is. Mitch is surprised when he receives a letter from the Superior Court. They are requesting him to appear for the reading of a will. According to the letter, Mitch has been named benefici
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#5 - Forbidden Paradise (1)
Baywatch - Season 6 - Episode 19
Mitch, Stephanie, C.J., Matt, Caroline and Cody travel to Hawaii to train with Hawaiian guards. Once there, Stephanie finds romance with a Hawaiian lifeguard, Logan decides to compete in a surfing competition and a fishing trip becomes dangerous for Mitch and Matt.
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#6 - To Everything There Is a Season
Baywatch - Season 6 - Episode 5
Mitch's mother Irene comes to Los Angeles for her annual visit. However, this year Mitch and Hobie realize that everything isn't what it used to be. Irene not only forgets her carry-on bag on the plane, she goes onto the wrong plane as well. Because of this Mitch thinks that something is seriously wrong with her. Later Irene shows up at headquarters, telling Mitch she can't remember where Hobie's school is or the name of it. Mitch convinces Irene to see a doctor. It turns out that Irene has Alzheimer's disease. She wants to tell Hobie herself. She does that while they are walking in Venice and when Hobie goes to get some hot dogs, a mom and her child comes up to her asking for direction. When Irene doesn't remember the answer to their question, she gets confused and runs away. Hobie runs to headquarters and tells Mitch about it and he organizes a search. Meanwhile, Irene gets robbed by two guys and her purse is later found by Hobie, J.B. and Connor. Mitch is finally able to find Irene
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#7 - Blindside
Baywatch - Season 4 - Episode 4
When a maniac on a motorcycle is terrorizing everybody on the beach, including C.J, John D. Cort comes to the rescue on his new horse Apache Warrior. He tells C.J. he is back for good and they fall in love again. But both Mitch and C.J. notice that something is wrong with Cort. He doesn't shake people's hands and he almost runs over people on his motorcycle. The problem is that he passed Mitch's eye-test. He had a perfect vision. But when Mitch hits him with a rescue can and he falls down without seeing it, he knows something is wrong with him and Cort agrees to go to a doctor. Dr. Corey tells him that he has a rare eye disease that causes tunnel vision. Dr. Corey tells him to wear very dark glasses all the time, because the sun makes him blind a lot faster than he has to be. He ends up leaving Baywatch and C.J. for good. Meanwhile, Hobie meets a giant man on the pier. He makes a living by scaring children in a cage. His boss is named Valdez and he is very mean to him. Later when Hobie
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#9 - Face of Fear
Baywatch - Season 6 - Episode 7
One of Hobie's friends almost die while he surfs at a place known as ""The Shredder"". Mitch gets real shaken up about the incident and tells Hobie that he could have been the one who almost drowned. Mitch closes down that section of the beach to keep anyone else from being killed there. But Mitch's signs doesn't stop Hobie's friend Isaac from going there to surf. He thinks he will get his father's attention by doing so. Hobie tells Mitch about it and he and Stephanie are able to rescue Isaac before he injures himself badly. When Mitch tells Isaac's dad about it, he gets upset and tells Mitch to mind his own business and then he leaves headquarters. The next day when Mr. Klein calls Mitch and Hobie and asks to speak with Isaac, Mitch figures out that something is wrong. Isaac didn't spend the night in their home. Mitch asks Mr. Klein to meet him at ""The Shredder"". When Mitch arrives, he is able to rescue Isaac just in time. After this incident, Isaac and his parents start with therapy to
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#10 - Baja Run
Baywatch - Season 5 - Episode 4
John D. Cort comes back to Baywatch and the episode starts with Cort hiding some stolen artifacts behind some rocks in Mexico. Then when the Mexican border police and a man named Jake arrive, they can't find the artifacts and Cort is free to go. Cort left Baywatch a year earlier when he found out he had a degenerative eye disease that causes gradual blindness (Episode #73, Blindside). When Mitch is talking to John at the switchboard, he is surprised to see Cort out on the balcony. When he goes out to say hello, he doesn't know if Cort is blind or not, but he becomes happy when he finds out he isn't. When they are walking on the beach, Cort tries to convince Mitch to enter the Baja run with him. He finally gives in and says yes. When they see a fight in the water, Mitch and C.J. have to stop it and afterwards Cort and C.J. share a kiss, but that's it. Later Mitch and Cort arrive in Baja to meet a friend of Cort's named Al who is providing them with a dune buggy. During the race Cort
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#11 - Eel Niño
Baywatch - Season 8 - Episode 8
When Cody is driving on the beach in a lifeguard truck, he suddenly sees a huge hole in the sand. He alerts Mitch over the radio. When Mitch arrives, he tells everyone of the Santa Ana syndrome. It's a warm wind that comes in from the desert and it bring all weirdoes down to the beach. Mitch calls the county and lets someone fill up the hole with new sand. Max from the county arrives in his tractor. He tells Cody that the lifeguards get all the credit for everything that happens on the beach. Nobody cares about the guy watching the sand. Later, two jet skiers get into trouble when they collide into a sand bar. Lani goes out to rescue them and has to walk over the sand bar. Cody and Sheryl arrive in the call car and Cody walks over the sand bar too. They have now found the missing sand. Later, Mitch is surprised to find out that the lifeguard trucks are gone. Someone has stolen them from the garage at headquarters. On the beach, a man with a metal detector finds that something large is
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#12 - Bon Voyage
Baywatch - Season 8 - Episode 20
Neely, Donna and Lani are going on a cruise to Alaska. Lani is going to pose for Inside Sports on the cruise ship named the Dawn Princess. Cody doesn't want her to go there without him because he is afraid he is going to lose her like he lost C.J. Meanwhile, Neely tells Mitch that she is bringing Ashley to Alaska. It turns out that she has located her ex-husband Peter there. She will take Ashley to him because Ashley needs a family. Mitch doesn't want her to do that, because he doesn't want to lose them. But Neely decides to go anyway. Hobie has entered a competition where he has written an essay. If Hobie wins the competition, he will receive four tickets to the same cruise ship as the girls, sponsored by Princess Cruises. Hobie wins the competition and receives four tickets. He gives Mitch and Cody two tickets, but he hasn't decide who the third one is yet. Meanwhile, two jewel thieves is bringing up their emeralds from the bottom of the ocean. One of them, Leslie Stryker wants to do
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#14 - Thin or Die
Baywatch - Season 2 - Episode 8
After helping the firemen put out a fire, Mitch, Harvey and Brooke find a little dog in the water. Mitch rescues the dog and after that, the dog doesn't want to leave Mitch. He brings the dog home and Hobie gets all excited and names the dog Sandy. When Hobie goes to stay at a friend's house for the night, Mitch plans to have a romantic dinner with his girlfriend Kelly. But Sandy keeps disturbing them and Kelly ends up leaving. When Kelly has left the house, Mitch can't get any sleep so he goes down-stairs to the laundry room and asks Sandy what's wrong. Then before Mitch knows it, Sandy runs out of the room and knocks down a surfboard in front of the laundry room. Mitch is trapped and he is forced to spend the night in the laundry room while Sandy sleeps in his bed. The next day, Mitch doesn't want to take care of Sandy anymore, so he gives him to Garner. When Sandy runs away, Garner is forced to follow him. He then finds out that Sandy has spotted two wanted criminals named Jake and
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#15 - Mirror, Mirror
Baywatch - Season 4 - Episode 16
When a woman named Gwen arrives at Mitch's tower, he hardly notices her. But Gwen spends her afternoon at his tower and makes an awkward conversation. She tells Mitch that she and her sister is visiting the beach in their trailer. When Mitch doesn't pay any attention to her anymore because he finds two beautiful girls more fun to be with it, Gwen decides to leave. When Mitch is about to close his tower, Mattie, Gwen's sister arrives. Mitch starts to like Mattie and accepts her invitation to dinner the next night in their trailer without knowing her secret. It turns out that Gwen and Mattie is actually the same person. Before Mitch arrives, Mattie put some pills in Mitch's wine. When Mitch arrives, Mattie tells him that Gwen couldn't join them. When Mitch has had some wine, he passes out on the couch. When Mitch awakens, he finds himself chained to the wall of a basement that is rapidly flooding with water. Suddenly he hears Gwen's voice from upstairs and screams her name. But only Matt
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#18 - For Love or Money
Wildfire (2005) - Season 2 - Episode 12
Wildfire competes with Dani's horse Ishmael for a Breeders' Cup slot; Kerry rekindles his romance with Gillian.
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#19 - If Looks Could Kill
Baywatch - Season 2 - Episode 11
Allison Fowles, a beautiful seductive woman murders a man named Steve by handcuffing him to the bottom rung of a ladder in a pool. The next day, she leaves the house with a suitcase full of money and a dead Steve in the backseat. While on the road, she is spotted by Drew her ex-partner, who starts chasing her. Allison loses control over her car and ends up driving off the edge off a cliff. Mitch and Eddie are in the scarab and head for the rescue immediately after the car has hit the water. Allison is rescued by Mitch but Steve can not be resuscitated. Unfortunately for Allison, the money can't be brought back up until the next day. Therefore she seduces Mitch and without him knowing it, she wants him to protect her from Drew. Mitch and Allison share a very passionate evening together. During the night, Drew breaks into the house. Mitch starts fighting with him but loses. Just when Drew is about to shoot Mitch, Allison shoots Drew instead. He dies immediately. Allison tells Mitch that

#20 - White Thunder at Glacier Bay (2)
Baywatch - Season 8 - Episode 22
After an escalating, heart-stopping chase across a glacier, Mitch rescues Hobie and Leslie. Mitch returns to the Dawn Princess with a romantic proposal for Neely.

#21 - Nevermore
Baywatch - Season 7 - Episode 22
One morning when C.J. arrives at her tower, she finds a bouquet of flowers and a poem. She takes for granted that the flowers are from Cody, but it turns out she has a secret admirer. Later when a boy gets into trouble under the pier, a man in a mask rescues him. When he scares the children, he runs away again. One of the boys tells his brother Billy about it. Billy and his friend Brett become obsessed with trying to get this so-called monster on videotape. Therefore they rig a camera under the pier and hope to catch a glimpse of him and then earn money on him. Later in the locker room, Sam and C.J. discuss plans for the upcoming weekend. C.J. feels abandoned by Cody who is going out with the guys, while Sam tells her about the romantic weekend she has planned for her and Mitch in Carmel. When C.J.'s shift ends, she takes a walk under the pier, where she finds pieces of a bandage. Then one of the pilings breaks loose without C.J. noticing it and she is knocked unconscious but rescued b

#22 - Shattered (1)
Baywatch - Season 3 - Episode 19
When he risks his life to save three teenagers, Mitch fractures his spine and is paralyzed. Hobie, Stephanie, and Sophie, his physical therapist, rally to repair his shattered life.

#23 - Friends Forever
Baywatch - Season 9 - Episode 10
The Baywatch gang is preparing some kids for the Special Olympics. One of the kids, twelve year old Kayla is deaf. Her father Gavin has been a friend of Alex's for years. When his job forces him to go to San Diego, Alex convinces him to let Kayla stay with her. Meanwhile on the boardwalk, a man named Herbert Crane is berating a dangerous monkey named Mighty Moe. But the dangerous monkey turns out to be a loveable orangutan named Morton. When Morton doesn't scare any people, Herbert wants to get rid of him. While Herbert is driving drunk and loses control over the car, Morton escapes. Herbert follows him towards the ocean and a while later, Herbert is knocked down by a wave and almost drowns. He is rescued by Mitch and Alex. Kayla follows them there and she finds Morton hiding behind some cliffs. But she doesn't tell Alex and Mitch about Morton. So when Herbert keeps wondering where his monkey is, no one believes him. Not until, Cody and Jessie tell them that they meet Herbert and Morto

#24 - The Trophy (1)
Baywatch - Season 2 - Episode 9
A new teenage girl in town who wants to be accepted into a local high school clique. So she lies to the snobbish girls of the group about seducing Eddie whom she develops a crush on.

#25 - The Trophy (2)
Baywatch - Season 2 - Episode 10
An angry and frustrated Eddie is suspended from Baywatch by Mitch over the statutory rape charges and feels abandoned when no one believes his innocence pleas.

#26 - Ironman Buchannon
Baywatch - Season 4 - Episode 9
Mitch is training for the annual Ironman competition and Garner documents everything on a videotape. Everyone tells Mitch to join the senior league, because he is old enough to qualify for it. But he wants to prove that he is still as good as he used to be and tortures himself during his training. It's obvious that he is going through a mid-life crisis. Later Mitch rescues a girl named Destiny. She got into trouble while she was using her dad's wetsuit, which of course was too heavy for her. Destiny makes Mitch feel like he is twenty-five years old again. Then he wins the Ironman competition, beating his rival Craig Hummer. After the competition everyone throw him a surprise birthday party at headquarters. When everyone have left the party, Mitch and Jackie continue with a party of their own, dancing to some music. Meanwhile, Matt is working late during the evenings so that he can afford a new motorcycle. A girl named Rebecka can give him one for $ 3 000. Because Matt is never home, Su

#27 - Showdown at Malibu Beach High
Baywatch - Season 3 - Episode 6
The summer is over and school is about to begin. When Slade surfs in the water near the Bremmer's land, Courtney makes a move on him and offers him a sponsor. She spends a lot of time with him at school and Summer gets jealous. When Slade and Summer share a passionate kiss at Matt's beach party, Courtney interrupts them. But Slade has shown her where his feelings are. One day, Slade's father Nicholas pays him a visit. He tells Slade that he will resign from the army and settle down in California. Slade tells him that he will do fine without having him around. Then Nicholas pushes him and tells him to stay in school no matter what, because he can't live on his surfing and then he breaks his surf-board in half. Meanwhile, C.J. has taken the job as a Volleyball coach at Malibu Beach High School. A friend of Matt's named Bear Sutter is a chumash-indian. He claims that the land that is supposed to be taken away in order to build apartments, is holy chumash-land. In order to prove that, he c
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#28 - White Thunder at Glacier Bay (1)
Baywatch - Season 8 - Episode 21
On the Dawn Princess, Mitch and Cody surprise Neely and Lani by showing up where Cody tries to stay close to Lani during her photo shoot aboard the ship.

#29 - Old Friends
Baywatch - Season 1 - Episode 21
Mitch, Craig and Garner take a weekend hang-gliding trip. While hang-gliding, Mitch has a terrible accident and crash-lands in some trees. When he falls down from the tree, he breaks his leg. Even more bad luck is to come. Mitch also gets bitten by a rattlesnake and falls down into a rock quarry. After a couple of minutes, Craig goes searching for him and finds him unconscious in the quarry. When Garner is about to get help, the jeep won't start. Then he is forced to use the hang-glider. He can't control it and crash-lands right next to Shauni's tower. When the Baywatch gang finds out about Mitch, they head for the mountains to rescue him. Eddie, Shauni and Garner drive there in a lifeguard truck, while Thorpe and Newmie take the helicopter, when the storm calms down. Meanwhile, Mitch doesn't show any gratitude whatsoever towards Craig. But when he is finally rescued by the Baywatch gang, he thanks Craig for all he's done. Meanwhile, while spending some time with a girl on a boat, Cort

#30 - Galaxy Girls
Baywatch - Season 9 - Episode 21
Newmie and Alex are spending a lot of time together riding SeaDoos, go scuba diving and stuff like that. Newmie is convinced that Alex's got the hots for him and plans to make a move on her. He tells Mitch about it, but Mitch tells him that it can't be true. When Newmie invites Alex to join him for dinner on the beach, Mitch tells her what Newmie is really after. Alex can't believe it when Mitch tells her about Newmie's intentions. Alex tries to talk some sense into Newmie but he keeps interrupting her all the time. When Newmie finally goes to check on the food that is being prepared by Armond, Alex calls Mitch and tells him to come to the beach and join them for dinner. Later Newmie returns and Alex can not believe her eyes when she finds out that Newmie is wearing a toupee. Finally, Alex spots Mitch fishing by the water. Alex wants him to join them for dinner while Newmie wants him to leave. Mitch ends up staying on the beach and Alex has to tell Newmie about her feelings. She tells

#31 - War of Nerves
Baywatch - Season 2 - Episode 13
The episode start with Mitch, Newmie and Heinz rescuing a man that is trapped under a big rock with his leg. Mitch is being terrorised by a drug lord named Mason Sato, whom he helped imprison five years ago. Sato is now a free man and follows Mitch around everywhere he goes. At first, Mitch endures the intimidation, but when Sato goes surfing with Hobie, Mitch punches Sato and finds himself up on assault charges. Sato uses the opportunity to kidnap Kaye and Hobie. He takes them to an abandoned warehouse down in the marina. When Mitch comes home and finds Sato's note, he goes to the warehouse. When Mitch shows up, Sato launches an attack using a dangerous Samurai sword. But when the fight moves into the water, Mitch gets the upper hand and knocks out Sato. When Garner arrives, he escorts Sato to prison for the second time. Meanwhile, Shauni who has started spending more and more time together with Eddie, asks Ben to teach her how to surf. He agrees to do that and gets flashbacks back to

#32 - Water Dance
Baywatch - Season 9 - Episode 18
When Mitch and Cody are out paddling on their surfboards, Cody tells Mitch that his relationship with Lani is over. She is engaged to someone else. He tells Mitch that he is having a really bad luck when it comes to women, first C.J. and now Lani. He decides to stay away from women a while. Then they see a beautiful violin-player on a yacht. She plays really good and Cody falls in love with her immediately. Suddenly a woman comes out on the deck and forces her to quit. Later on, the violin-player named Ariana tries to escape from the yacht. When she is alone in her room, she puts on a tape so that her bodyguards, Troy and Erik believe she is still practicing. But just when she has started swimming, Erik enters the room and notices that Ariana is gone. But Ariana hasn't gone far and Troy and Erik are able to pick her up in a zodiac. Later Mitch and Cody decide to go back to the yacht. It's illegal to spend the night out at sea. When they come onboard the yacht, they meet the owner of th

#33 - Bash at the Beach
Baywatch - Season 6 - Episode 15
CJ rescues pro wrestler Hulk Hogan, who then tells the Baywatch team that he's in town with Randy Savage to try and prevent the closure of the Venice Boys' Youth Center. Hogan must take on Ric Flair in a cage match to prevent the closure.

#34 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Baywatch - Season 7 - Episode 7
C.J. gets a visit from her eccentric mother (played by guest star Connie Stevens), who's being pursued by criminals.

#35 - Forbidden Paradise (2)
Baywatch - Season 6 - Episode 20
Mitch and Matt are saved by Hawaiian islanders. Stephanie helps an unlucky camera man find love. Logan proposes to Caroline.

#36 - To the Max
Baywatch - Season 8 - Episode 15
April, Lani and J.D. are on patrol in the scarab, when they notice a boat and suddenly see that two men are knocked into the water by a boom. They go there to rescue them, and the third one is knocked into the water as well. The owner of the boat is named Captain Bob. He is very grateful and tells them that he owes them one. They discover that Captain Bob and his sons are diving for sea urchins, and they earn a lot of money by selling the sea urchins. When Lani and April are talking about the sea urchins in the locker room, J.D. tells them that Captain Bob have agreed to take them with him when he goes diving for sea urchins. They get to keep half of what they catch. When Cody finds out about this, he wants to go too. His car doesn't work anymore and he needs money. Lani decides to tag along even though she has a terrible cold. She can't dive because her ears won't be able to equalize the pressure properly. While they are out looking for sea urchins, they hear a call for help from a ne

#37 - Quarantine
Baywatch - Season 8 - Episode 18
A couple of lifeguards play a game called Over-The-Line. It's similar to baseball. J.D. claims that he used to be very good at it. But when he starts playing, it's hard to imagine that he has ever played before because he is really bad. Later Ed Symes from Symes Medical Supplies Inc arrives to Baywatch to meet with Mitch. He bothers everyone with his attitude and instant flirting with the female lifeguards. Mitch and Jordan are forced to rescue a struggling swimmer named Omar. They perform CPR and this brings him back to life. But it turns out that his condition is more serious than they thought, and he undergoes a series of spasms and other symptoms. They send him to the hospital where he will be tested. When J.D. arrives, he is excited about an upcoming photo shoot that will happen at his tower in the afternoon. Then he finds out that headquarters has been quarantined and no one can enter or leave headquarters from now on. It turns out that Omar may have carried a deadly disease. Thi

#38 - Beachblast
Baywatch - Season 7 - Episode 6
Mitch and the Baywatch gang compete against Jenny McCarthy and MTV VJ's in a charity games to raise money for the Special Olympics.

#39 - Silent Night, Baywatch Night (1)
Baywatch - Season 5 - Episode 11
As Christmas nears, Mitch and Tracy fall in love. Mitch and Hobie let a lost boy stay with them during the holidays, only to discover he's a con artist. C.J. believes a priest has developed romantic feelings for her. Matt suspects that a group of vacationing little people are really Santa's elves.

#40 - Desperate Encounter
Baywatch - Season 6 - Episode 13
While vacationing in Mexico, Mitch and his new girlfriend witness an attempted murder and are then hunted by the killers. Country and Western singer Jesse Lee Harris helps Logan and the Baywatch lifeguards raise money to save a ranch that rescues endangered horses.

#41 - The Child Inside
Baywatch - Season 4 - Episode 11
The episode starts with Stephanie and Barnett rescuing a diver in trouble. Baywatch hosts the Special Olympics for the first time. The Olympics is held by Mitch's old friend and elite gymnast Mary Lou Retton, who won 5 gold medals in the 1984 Olympics. She asks Mitch to take care of a troubled kid named Darnel while Stephanie to take care of a girl named Sammy. Darnel's father abandoned him when he was a little kid, and Mary Lou has managed to track him down. During a race, Darnel pushes his opponent in order to win and the coach for that team wants Darnel disqualified. But Mitch talks to Darnel and Mary Lou talks to the other boy's coach and they agree to let him stay in the Olympics if Darnel improves his sportsmanship. Meanwhile, Stephanie befriends Sammy who wants to be a gymnast. But she doesn't think that she's good enough. However Stephanie teaches her to believe in herself and during the final race Mr. Shepard shows up to watch his son compete. During the race, Sammy falls and

#42 - Now, Sit Right Back and You'll Hear a Tale
Baywatch - Season 2 - Episode 16
Mitch is not pleased to find his Baywatch staff glued to re-runs of Gilligan's Island at headquarters. He shuts down the TV just as Captain Thorpe arrives. Mitch sends them off on their various assignments. While Eddie is making his way toward a couple of young lovers, he slips and hits his head on the tower ramp. Things begin to go very odd at this point. When Eddie and Shauni have helped a girl on a wave runner, the scarab won't start, and Eddie and Shauni find themselves stranded on an island. There they meet Gilligan and Mary Ann. They take them back to Baywatch, where they find out that Captain Thorpe has won $ 70 000 000 on a lottery ticket. Thorpe buys a boat and names the boat the Minnow II. On that boat, they are going to sail out and try to find the rest of Gilligan and Mary Ann's crew members. But the boat ends up in the middle of a storm, and the gang is stranded again. Then a man sings a song and introduces the people: Gilligan, the skipper (Garner), the millionaire (Thorp

#43 - River of No Return (1)
Baywatch - Season 3 - Episode 1
Mitch and friends travel to northern California's rugged gold country to investigate the death of Mitch's prospector uncle where they find an old treasure map leading to a valuable gold nugget along a rough river.