The BEST episodes directed by Delyth Thomas

Bad Girls
2 votes

#1 - Bad Girls

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 7

Tracy sees Amber's bad girl gang and immediately wants to become a member. Meanwhile, Louise is tired of being a goody-goody and has a fashion and personality makeover, inspired once again by Amber's presence.

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#2 - Doggie

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 6

A stray dog is roaming the corridors of the DG and Dolly gets upset as he reminds her of a foster family's pet. Seeing Dolly sad, Tracy tries to help by offering to foster ‘Fang' and they pursue him until he's safely locked up in Tracy's bedroom.

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Action Therapy
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#3 - Action Therapy

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 4

Tracy has still not been in contact with Cam after coming back to the DG so Elaine resolves to get them talking with a series of role-play and trust exercises.

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Two-Timing Adele
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#4 - Two-Timing Adele

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 17

Adele's mobile is being repaired and soon everyone at the Dumping Ground is tired of taking messages from all her boyfriends. But they soon realise that each boy offers a different range of goodies for them all – and set about getting their guy instated as Adele's ultimate beau.

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Genius at Work
2 votes

#5 - Genius at Work

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 24

After a series of experimental art trials (including inscribing the letter ‘D' all over Duke's face and clothes) Tracy is grounded and is instructed to try to cheer Justine up, who is depressed that Louise has left. Meanwhile, Ben is ill, and Lol and Bouncer use this as a perfect opportunity to play with his games.

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The Long Goodbye
2 votes

#6 - The Long Goodbye

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 23

It's Louise's last day at the DG, as she's going to be fostered by the Morris family. Sorting out her belongings, she tries to put a brave face on her worries about leaving the DG, her friends and especially Justine. And things look up for Amber as she finds a couple who share her enthusiasm for motorbikes and mayhem.

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Big Fight
2 votes

#7 - Big Fight

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 8

Justine and Tracy have an argument over the TV remote control and, forbidden to fight by Elaine, set up Champions to wrestle on their behalf. But the two boys in question, Bouncer and Ben, are not keen.

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Home Truths
2 votes

#8 - Home Truths

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 10

When Dolly makes Nathan play a game of Truth and Dare with her, Duke is worried about the consequences….and rightly so! When Tracy gets cross about being asked why Cam returned her to the home, and at the same time accused of constantly lying, she promises to tell the whole truth until six o'clock!

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2 votes

#9 - Takeover

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 13

A mystery takes over the DG when chairs are being re-arranged, shoelaces tied together and other spooky phenomena. Bouncer and Lol are convinced it is the Case of the Night Stalker but when it turns out to be Lol sleepwalking, Justine and Louise have a great time teasing him.

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Leavin' on a Jet Plane
2 votes

#10 - Leavin' on a Jet Plane

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 1

Tracy Beaker reckons she's top dog at the Dumping Ground, but new head care worker Shelley has other plans. Fearing that Tracy has become too settled, Shelley suggests it's time for Tracy to move to another home. She packs her bags and heads over to her best friend Cam's house, only to find that she's leaving for New York. Meanwhile the other kids decide if Tracy goes, they all go. Even Elaine, Nathan and Duke join in with the mutiny after being sick of Shelley's strict rules.

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Supernatural Shelley
2 votes

#11 - Supernatural Shelley

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 2

Shelley opens her office door – eager to hear suggestions for improvements to the Dumping Ground. She's soon faced with a barrage of requests for sweetie machines, wave pools and daily rations of pickled onion crisps! Without a sensible idea in sight, Shelley sets about doing things her way. But her new healthy eating policy, interior design changes and bedroom swaps, go down like a lead balloon.

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2 votes

#12 - Jackie

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 3

New arrival Jackie Hopper is dragged kicking and screaming to the Dumping Ground. She refuses to accept that she needs to be in care, and that her beloved Grandpa Jack has Alzheimer's and can no longer look after her. She's determined to escape, collect Grandpa from his nursing home and return to their old house together.

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Free Louise
2 votes

#13 - Free Louise

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 4

Louise couldn't be happier with her new foster family the Morris's, but she attempts to spare the feelings of her parent-less friends in the Dumping Ground by fibbing that they are horrible. Tracy & Justine are horrified that their friend seems to be in trouble.

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The Bygraves
2 votes

#14 - The Bygraves

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 5

Michael has quickly established himself as the Dumping Ground's most unpopular kid – bullying the little ones, snitching on the older ones and constantly sucking up to the staff. Tracy realises that they could get rid of Michael for good if they could find someone to foster him. When Tracy stumbles across The Bygraves (ironically funeral directors), she reckons they might just be desperate enough to even consider Michael.

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Down with School
2 votes

#15 - Down with School

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 6

Jackie has run away from school so many times, that she now has to be tutored at the Dumping Ground. Faced with another boring Monday morning at school, Tracy and Crash reckon if Jackie can have home schooling, so can they.

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Crashed and Trashed
2 votes

#16 - Crashed and Trashed

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 7

Crash and Tracy are both in lousy moods and fall out at breakfast. When Cam sends Tracy an 'I love NY' T-shirt in the post, Tracy is on cloud nine and can't resist boasting about her exciting new pressie to Crash. Then, when Nathan accidentally ruins the T-shirt, both Tracy and Crash's tempers reach frightening levels.

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No-one Quite Like Grandpa
2 votes

#17 - No-one Quite Like Grandpa

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 3 - Episode 8

Jackie decides that it's finally time to rescue Grandpa, and enlists the help of her new pal Tracy. The girls sneak out of the Dumping Ground, and successfully get Grandpa back to his old house. Meanwhile, Louise is over to visit and Michael's fallen hard for her.

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Return to Sender
2 votes

#18 - Return to Sender

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 1

Tracy's now living with Cam, and just around the corner at the new location of the Dumping Ground (from Stowey House to Cliffside) is the arrival of the Wellards. They guarantee it won't be a smooth move. But Tracy Beaker's taken back to save the day!

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2 votes

#19 - Quiz

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 16

Nathan is inspired after winning a quiz and enters the DG into a Care Home Quiz Competition. But his suggestion coincides with a rather nasty washing incident, which leaves all the kids clothes dyed an unfortunate shade of green proving he's being pretty incapable in his job.

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Family Tree
2 votes

#20 - Family Tree

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 20

A school project has Tracy, Justine and Louise working on their ‘family trees' which brings out some intense feelings. Later, when Louise is about to meet a potential new foster family, she is worried at the thought of losing not only her best friend Justine but everything she knows and loves about the DG.

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Bouncer vs Lol
2 votes

#21 - Bouncer vs Lol

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 2

It's Bouncer's birthday, but he is not telling Lol he's leaving – so how will he react?

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In with the Wellards
2 votes

#22 - In with the Wellards

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 3

Tracy plans to go skateboarding with Jackie, but she has double-booked herself. She also unwittingly promised Cam she'd spend the day with her. Cam lays a guilt trip on her, so a reluctant Tracy cancels her day out with Jackie and lets Cam drag her off to an open day at the local Art Centre. The Wellards see an opportunity for mischief, and entice the dejected Jackie to steal the kids' files and burn them. Jackie gets caught, but she and Crash hatch a plot to pay them back. Meanwhile, Tracy enjoys herself more than she could ever have imagined.

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Meet the Parent
2 votes

#23 - Meet the Parent

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 4

Cam's mother comes to stay, and she turns out not to be as bad as Tracy originally thought. Meanwhile, when Chantal laments the lack of real men at the Dumping Ground, Duke and Bouncer set out to prove they're good at all the things a stereotypical man is good at, but they get nowhere. Eventually, they set out to show Chantal that a real man is true to himself.

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Single White Female
2 votes

#24 - Single White Female

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 5

It's time for fun & games as the kids try to get what they want from new careworker Kez.

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Can't Buy Me Love
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#25 - Can't Buy Me Love

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 6

Tracy and Crash do Cam's food shop, but break the shopping list Cam gave her and spend the shopping money for things Tracy wants, like about fifty boxes of turkey nuggets, and various gadgets. Meanwhile, at the dumping-ground, Layla comes up with her own money-making scam – doing other residents' homework for them (charging fifty pence a sheet). But when Roxy grasses Layla up to Sid, the game's up. And Layla has to clean Roxy's room as punishment.

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Life is a Cabaret
2 votes

#26 - Life is a Cabaret

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 7

Tracy has a weird dream where the Dumping Ground kids behaviour has changed, everybody is singing in this episode, in a style not dissimilar to Chicago. Cam, playing a more-than-passable 'Velma Kelly'-type character as head careworker, has bottled the kids souls and spark, turning them into docile, obedient drones that do housework all day. Note: In this episode we revisit the old Dumping Ground kitchen from Stowey House

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Temper, Temper
2 votes

#27 - Temper, Temper

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 8

Sid, in a badly conceived idea to compensate for the Dumping Ground having only two members of permanent staff, decides to install a small number of surveillance cameras, which Duke helps to set up, and Lol and Bouncer take mischievous exception to. Meanwhile, Crash, Jackie and Tracy have a master plan as they take nasty pranks from the Wellards in unusual good cheer. But after a while of inordinate kindness and tolerance (especially from Jackie), Chantal becomes emotional, suggesting she hasn't seen much of this in her life so far...

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Love and War
2 votes

#28 - Love and War

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 9

Bouncer has feelings over careworker Jane but the Wellards try their hardest to foil his plans to show his affection. Meanwhile, Hayley suspects that Duke is plotting to poison all the kids with a batch of special soup, that includes a sinister ingredient!

Beam Me Up, Scottie
2 votes

#29 - Beam Me Up, Scottie

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 4 - Episode 10

Hayley's gone to live with Mark and Helen, and Layla is upset because Hayley never told her she would be leaving that day. Meanwhile, Elaine has been pulling out all the stops to find a perfect foster family for Marco.

Back & Bad
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#30 - Back & Bad

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 1

Tracy lands back at the Dumping Ground with a bang after setting fire to Cam's kitchen. She swears never to see or talk to a distraught Cam again. Meanwhile, a new trainee careworker called Nathan arrives. When the other kids find they can't prank him, they seek the help of Tracy.

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#31 - Christmas

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 12

Bouncer and Lol's Aunt is considering taking them on full-time and Lol is excited to be leaving the Care Home for a life free of rules and regulations. But Bouncer has the opposite reaction – he's quite at home at the DG and bad Christmas memories of boiled chicken nuggets make him yearn to stay.

Nathan's Assessment
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#32 - Nathan's Assessment

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Season 2 - Episode 25

Elaine arrives at the DG to check that Nathan is coming up to scratch as a trainee. After interviewing all the kids and a cross Tracy (whom he has cancelled a bowling trip with) and discovering that he hasn't completed one piece of coursework, her report looks worrying – she has the power to fail him.

227 votes

#33 - Dirty

Vera - Season 10 - Episode 3

DCI Vera Stanhope must piece together Luke Sumner's final hours in order to investigate his murder.

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Bad Love (2)
127 votes

#34 - Bad Love (2)

Silent Witness - Season 24 - Episode 4

Having traced Laura’s last movements to a suburban house, the team work to identify the bodies buried in the garden. Jack must choose between his brother and the truth.

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Episode 5
64 votes

#35 - Episode 5

Call the Midwife - Season 14 - Episode 5

A solo delivery puts Sister Julienne’s skills to the utmost test. The Nonnatus team oversee the care of a man living inside an iron lung, and Cyril returns from Jamaica.

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Bad Love (1)
140 votes

#36 - Bad Love (1)

Silent Witness - Season 24 - Episode 3

In the first case for new recruit Adam, the murder of a swimming instructor leads the team to suspect her ex-boyfriend, a former cop. Jack has an unexpected visitor.

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Taking It Easy
0 votes

#37 - Taking It Easy

The Bill - Season 14 - Episode 4

When an old man loses his life savings in a mugging, Boyden and Stamp suspect it was no coincidence.

Rebel Without a Licence
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#38 - Rebel Without a Licence

The Bill - Season 14 - Episode 45

A speeding Pontiac and three ageing James Deans give Stamp and McCann a headache.

All For One
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#39 - All For One

The Bill - Season 14 - Episode 101

PC Santini is first on the scene of a serious car accident, and becomes a bit of a local hero when he bravely dives into the river to secure the car. Before the driver dies from his injuries, he begs Santini to "take care" of a present for his mistress: a box of cocaine! Santini duly disposes of the package, but finds himself in trouble when PC Harker hears about the missing drugs, and the accident victim's mistress sets some thugs onto him to retrieve them.

All the Lonely People
0 votes

#40 - All the Lonely People

The Bill - Season 14 - Episode 116

Rawton goes undercover as a lonely heart to trace a killer preying on vulnerable women

Yesterday's Hero
0 votes

#41 - Yesterday's Hero

The Bill - Season 15 - Episode 15

Tension between DS Boulton and PC Garfield over Dave Quinnan's stabbing reaches boiling point on an obbo with PC Hollis. Garfield explodes when pushed too far, and he headbutts Boulton, nearly breaking his nose. It's up to Reg to step in and help Garfield come to terms with his feelings of helplessness over the incident. PC Dave Quinnan, still at St Hugh's, resolves to help Juke, a fellow patient who claims the police have done nothing to find the person who stabbed him, although he soon comes to realise that Juke's wounds are self-inflicted.