The BEST episodes directed by David Mitton

Best Dressed Engine
6 votes

#1 - Best Dressed Engine

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 22

All the engines are entering a competition to see which engine looks the fanciest and most eye attractive. But Gordon thinks it undignified to enter such a silly competition... until he has a slight mishap with a stray banner!

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Thomas, Percy & Old Slow Coach
7 votes

#2 - Thomas, Percy & Old Slow Coach

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 16

Thomas and Percy discover Old Slow Coach, who is going to be scrapped. They want to save her, but aren't quite sure how. Later, the workmen's hut is burned down and the fire engines have to borrow water from Thomas' and Percy's tanks to put it out. But where will the workmen live now?

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James and the Queen of Sodor
7 votes

#3 - James and the Queen of Sodor

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 7

After hearing that the Queen of Sodor is coming, James volunteers to get her - but his happiness is short lived when the Queen turns out to be an old, dirty coal barge. James tries to do his job and stay clean in the process.

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Thomas & Stepney (1)
10 votes

#4 - Thomas & Stepney (1)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 16

Stepney the 'Bluebell' engine feels sad that his line is so short, and longs for a good run to stretch his wheels; how delighted he is when he is invited to work on the Fat Controller's railway. Meanwhile, Percy and the others are excited themselves. But Thomas gets rather jealous...

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Woolly Bear
11 votes

#5 - Woolly Bear

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 25

During the summer, Percy likes to help the harvesters by delivering their bales of hay to Toby, who takes them to the farms, to feed the animals. Unfortunately, Percy makes Thomas very late and cross indeed. Percy doesn't care until a crate of treacle and a hay storm cause some embarrassment...

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Haunted Henry
12 votes

#6 - Haunted Henry

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 11

One evening, Henry has to take some trucks to the other end of the line, and everything is fine until he has to travel through a spooky section before a viaduct, of which Henry becomes convinced is haunted after experiencing quite some oddities...

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Double Teething Troubles
11 votes

#7 - Double Teething Troubles

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 12

Bill and Ben need some help at the China Clay Pits, so the Fat Controller sends a diesel, Derek, to help them out. But Derek suffers from mechanical failures, "teething troubles", and as expected, this leads to difficulties...

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Bad Day at Castle Loch
5 votes

#8 - Bad Day at Castle Loch

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 11

The old Scottish castle is reopening, much to Donald and Douglas' delight. Rumours start about there being a monster lurking in the waters near the castle, but the twins dismiss this as rubbish. One night, they get stuck near the castle - and in the water, something is heading towards them...

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Stepney Gets Lost
12 votes

#9 - Stepney Gets Lost

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 13

Stepney is bored, so the Fat Controller agrees to allow him to help out Mavis and Toby at the quarry for the day. He works well, but on the way home gets lost and ends up in the scrapyard, where diesels 'Arry and Bert take him for scrap!

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Bowled Out (3)
11 votes

#10 - Bowled Out (3)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 18

Stepney's visit is coming to an end and Thomas, Percy and the rest are very sorry that he is leaving. But they have other things to worry about when a big-headed Diesel comes to help in the yard and scoffs that steam engines are old fashioned. However, when a bowler hat causes delay, Duck and Stepney show him just what a steam engine can really do!

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The Runaway Elephant
5 votes

#11 - The Runaway Elephant

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 16

A new park on the Little Engines' railway is being built. The final thing to add before the opening is a statue of an elephant, hence the name: "Elephant Park". Duncan is being impatient as usual and seeing as he is finished before the other engines, the Fat Controller orders him to take the elephant to the park. However, the foolish little engine realises too late that it's "Better safe than fast" when he leaves without waiting for the brakevan and is dragged down the line with the heavy load. Will he be able to stop in time?

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The World's Strongest Engine
65 votes

#12 - The World's Strongest Engine

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 6 - Episode 11

Diesel is back after Henry has an accident, and annoys the other engines by boasting about how he is the world's strongest engine. To prove it, Diesel tries to pull 20 trucks at once, but they all have their brakes on and cause a coupling to break resulting in Diesel being launched down the yard...

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Rusty & the Boulder
66 votes

#13 - Rusty & the Boulder

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 26

The Fat Controller has opened a new mine, and both the normal gauge and narrow gauge railways have tracks to it. An old boulder has had to be moved to make way for the mine, and Rusty is worried about it. Some time later the boulder is shaken loose and falls off the cliff it has been placed on and it chases Rusty down the line! Rusty manages to escape via a siding, but the boulder continues to thunder along! Back at the mine, Percy, with nowhere to run, sees the boulder up ahead, and it's heading straight for him...

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Break Van (1)
65 votes

#14 - Break Van (1)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 16

Donald & Douglas have arrived from Scotland to help the Fat Controller - but have caused great confusion in that only one engine was expected! Despite all, they try their best but a spiteful brakevan causes trouble between them.

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Peace and Quiet
33 votes

#15 - Peace and Quiet

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 17

Murdoch is a new arrival on the Island of Sodor. What he especially likes is a bit of peace and quiet. However, this isn't to be...

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Special Funnel
11 votes

#16 - Special Funnel

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 11

Ever since his accident with the trucks, Peter Sam's funnel is constantly wobbling and clanking as the winter wind ties to blow it away. When the snow and frost comes, an icicle in a tunnel brings disaster for the poor engine; until the Fat Controller presents him with a new special funnel...

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Thomas & the Special Letter
38 votes

#17 - Thomas & the Special Letter

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 22

Thomas, Percy and the others are invited to "the big city faraway" by a little girl as well as her friends who would like to meet them. However, Thomas becomes overexcited and has an accident. Will he be mended in time for the visit?

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Mind That Bike
62 votes

#18 - Mind That Bike

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 26

Percy loves seeing the cheerful postman Tom Tipper driving about in his old van and helping him with his mail train. But Tom feels very sad when the Postmaster scraps his van and replaces it with a bicycle. Percy's wish to help his friend comes true - well - by accident, at least!

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The Spotless Record
7 votes

#19 - The Spotless Record

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 9

A new tank engine from the LMS called Arthur arrives on the island. He has a spotless record which means he's never been naughty or left a mess. The Fat Controller puts him to work with Thomas and Percy. Arthur's first job on the island is to take a train of closed vans full of fruit to market. The trucks start to sing rudely and Thomas then plays a trick and tells Arthur that The Fat Controller doesn't like the trucks singing and that Arthur should stop them from doing just that. This soon leads to a terrible accident...

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Percy's Chocolate Crunch
8 votes

#20 - Percy's Chocolate Crunch

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 6 - Episode 18

There is a water shortage on the Island of Sodor and Percy is upset because he can't be washed down as often as he would like. He gets very dirty very quickly and so decides to deliver some sugar to the Chocolate Factory - after all, he can't get dirty doing that, can he? But an oil spillage on the track leading straight to the Chocolate Factory spells disaster - and dirtiness!

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Thomas, Percy & the Post Train
42 votes

#21 - Thomas, Percy & the Post Train

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 3 - Episode 12

Thomas and Percy pull the Post Train most nights. When the trains start to run late though, the future of the Post Train is put in jeopardy as the Post Office decide to start using Harold instead. Luckily a special passenger - and some strong winds - save the day.

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Snow Engine
7 votes

#22 - Snow Engine

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 14

Oliver does not like snow - at all. When he has to make a delivery to a mountain village, the weather conditions mean he can't get back until morning. And when morning does come, Oliver receives quite an unexpected surprise...

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Passengers & Polish
8 votes

#23 - Passengers & Polish

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 13

Skarloey is delighted to hear the news that Rheneas is coming home from the menders. Nancy, the guard's daughter, is planning a 'welcome home' party for him; and because of this, she hasn't had time to polish Duncan. This makes Duncan very cross indeed and causes a great deal of trouble...

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James and the Red Balloon
9 votes

#24 - James and the Red Balloon

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 6 - Episode 15

A red hot air balloon has arrived on the Island of Sodor and Thomas is sent to fetch it. The balloon becomes a popular tourist attraction, but James worries it will take his passengers away.

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Edward's Exploit
11 votes

#25 - Edward's Exploit

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 23

Henry, Gordon and James are teasing poor Edward about being too old and "how he should be preserved before it's too late." Duck and Boco tell them to "Shut up!" as "Edward's better than any of you!"; and during a serious breakdown on an important journey, Edward proves his worth once and for all.

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Toby's Windmill
7 votes

#26 - Toby's Windmill

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 10

Toby is very fond of the windmill near the branch line. The windmill needs repairs after a storm and the miller can not afford to do so. Toby wants to help, and when he has to help clean up the lines from debris caused by the storm, he finds the solution to the miller's problems.

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A Better View for Gordon
66 votes

#27 - A Better View for Gordon

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 3

Gordon is to take important people to the opening of the new station at Kirkronan, but as he comes near his crew find that they can't stop him, and he's heading for the station wall, and fast...

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Happy Ever After
13 votes

#28 - Happy Ever After

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 19

Percy discovers from Mrs. Kyndley that her daughter is to be married "today" but has forgotten about the good luck package. Percy decides to try and help out with the problem.

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Duncan Gets Spooked
38 votes

#29 - Duncan Gets Spooked

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 24

Peter Sam is pulling some trucks, but when he has to stop to take on water, they use the opportunity to break away. The trucks are thrilled to be on their own - until they come to the ravine bridge and fall in. Peter Sam is told off and Duncan has great delight in teasing him. Rusty tries to stop this by telling the story of an engine who tried to cross the Old Iron Bridge but never made it to the other side due to loss of control. Duncan thinks this is a load of nonsense and puffs away, so the Driver and Fireman plan a trick to play on him for when they cross the bridge that night...

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Home at Last
13 votes

#30 - Home at Last

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 9

Peter Sam is delighted when Skarloey returns home. He tells him about Duncan, who came as a spare engine after his accident. Skarloey would like to meet Duncan but gets to sooner than he expected!

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Oliver's Find
11 votes

#31 - Oliver's Find

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 18

Oliver has to take the Post Train for the first time, and he gets lost on the way home. But what is it that he has found?

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Thomas & Percy's Christmas Adventure
38 votes

#32 - Thomas & Percy's Christmas Adventure

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 3 - Episode 26

It's Christmas time on the Island of Sodor and Thomas is looking forward to delivering letters and parcels to his friends in the towns and villages. But it's been snowing again and one of the villages has been snowed up. It's up to Thomas, Percy, Harold and Terence to help save the day!

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The Old Bridge
36 votes

#33 - The Old Bridge

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 4

Skarloey is crossing an old bridge when he notices the track is out of place and can't stop in time, thus leaving him dangling above the river from a long way up. Rheneas comes and rescues him with the breakdown train and the bridge is soon repaired. But Skarloey is terrifed of using the bridge again and has to shunt trucks and coaches in the yard. Rheneas has to do Skarloey's work now as well as his own. But when he runs out of water due to puffing too hard, he ends up stopping over the first quarter of the bridge and now Skarloey has to overcome his fear and must cross the bridge to save him...

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Special Attraction
35 votes

#34 - Special Attraction

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 25

Toby is excited when he is invited to be the "Special Attraction" for a seaside village's parade. But his excitement turns to disappointment when there isn't anymore room for him. Meanwhile, Percy and the trucks are having a hard time with a disagreeable barge called Bulstrode...

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Percy & Harold
98 votes

#35 - Percy & Harold

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 9

Percy is enjoying his new work at the Harbour. The line is near an airfield, where a boastful helicopter called Harold lives. He reckons that, "Railways are slow and quite out of date!" But Percy proves a point when he challenges Harold to a race...

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Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry
39 votes

#36 - Elizabeth the Vintage Lorry

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 6 - Episode 5

Thomas, by accident, discovers an old sentinel lorry named Elizabeth who has been left in a shed for years.

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38 votes

#37 - Trucks

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 8

Trucks - Sir Handel doesn't like them and they don't like him. So, after some 'helpful' tips from Gordon, he tricks Peter Sam into doing his work which leads to a great dilemma...

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The Runaway
99 votes

#38 - The Runaway

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 10

Thomas is feeling unwell, so Edward takes him to the Works to be repaired. Whilst Thomas is away, Duck fills in for him and is very popular with Annie, Clarabel and the passengers. When Thomas comes back, he resumes his duties. However his handbrake hasn't been fixed properly by the workmen and one day the Fireman forgets to pull it hard enough. As a result, Thomas and the coaches "run away", and only Harold and an Inspector can help stop the runaway train.

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Train Stops Play (2)
10 votes

#39 - Train Stops Play (2)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 17

Stepney is very happy with his visit to the Fat Controller's railway. But one day, whilst waiting at a signal, a cricket team's "one and only ball" accidentally falls into one of his trucks. And when he steams away, Caroline the cranky old car, driven by her Master, gives chase to try and retrieve the ball!

Duck Takes Charge
100 votes

#40 - Duck Takes Charge

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 8

Percy is ill of the bigger engines around ordering him about. The Fat Controller releases him to work at his new Harbour, and also brings in a new engine called Montague, but who prefers the name of "Duck". The big engines try and order Duck around as well, but Duck won't stand for it and together with Percy, he puts them in their place.

Thomas Comes to Breakfast (1)
40 votes

#41 - Thomas Comes to Breakfast (1)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 18

For many years, Thomas the Tank Engine has run his well-known branch line, and knows just where to stop. "You could almost manage it without me!" jokes his Driver. What a surprise Thomas gets when he tries to do so and pays the Stationmaster an unexpected visit!

Pop Goes the Diesel (1)
70 votes

#42 - Pop Goes the Diesel (1)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 12

Duck is boasting about being Great Western and how useful he is, much to the annoyance of the others. Later, the Fat Controller introduces Diesel, a shunter who is "on trial". He asks Duck to show Diesel around, but Diesel says he doesn't need Duck. Duck leaves him to it and Diesel has an accident with some trucks. He thinks it's Duck's fault...

Bye George!
39 votes

#43 - Bye George!

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 7

George the Steamroller is working around the island and as usual, is causing great problems for the engines. But this time, he just takes things too far. Will he receieve his just desserts?

Gordon Takes a Tumble
36 votes

#44 - Gordon Takes a Tumble

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 6 - Episode 17

Gordon says that pulling trucks "wouldn't be dignified" and Salty teases him about this and acting "too big for his buffers". Gordon becomes cross and wants to show Salty a thing or two but ends up in a rather "undignified" situation instead!

Daisy (2)
41 votes

#45 - Daisy (2)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 19

Thomas' recent accident has caused a great deal of trouble. The Fat Controller decides to send for a Diesel Railcar called Daisy to help Percy and Toby "whilt Thomas!" But poor Percy and Toby have a hard time when Daisy becomes difficult and bitter.

Steam Roller
12 votes

#46 - Steam Roller

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 4 - Episode 12

Sir Handel brags about his "steamroller wheels" and boasts that he can go faster than the other engines. Tired of this, Skarloey tricks him into having a race with George, the grumpy steamroller.

Better Late Than Never
94 votes

#47 - Better Late Than Never

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 2 - Episode 15

The viaduct is being repaired on the Main Line. The Fat Controller doesn't want to close the railway whilst the repairs are being done, and so orders the mainliners to go slowly when crossing it. This delays them with their journey to Thomas, which makes him late to meet with Bertie. Altogether, Thomas becomes very annoyed; until the day comes when he realises that being late isn't such a bad thing after all.

Horrid Lorry
67 votes

#48 - Horrid Lorry

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 5 - Episode 2

The engines are working really hard, and the Fat Controller thinks they need some help. He hires 3 lorries to help them, but the lorries are rude to the engines. The engines have the last laugh though when the lorries get into difficulties.

Thomas & the Breakdown Train
212 votes

#49 - Thomas & the Breakdown Train

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 1 - Episode 7

Thomas is in the yard shunting when new engine James rushes past with a goods train yelling for help. James has wooden brakes and the trucks are pushing him down the line. The alarm goes - James has crashed into a field of cows. Thomas has to get the Breakdown Train and help James. Afterwards, the Fat Controller gives Thomas a very special reward.

Jack Frost
37 votes

#50 - Jack Frost

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 6 - Episode 16

The weather is getting colder so the Fat Controller asks James and Percy to make extra coal deliveries. Thomas seemingly warns Percy that he should be careful or else scary Jack Frost will get him. James thinks this is a load of nonsense, but Percy believes him. But when night comes and Percy has to make a delivery of coal to Lower Suddery both he and then later James think differently, but not as you would probably expect!