The BEST episodes directed by David Greenwalt

#1 - The End
Grimm - Season 6 - Episode 13
In the series finale, Nick faces off against his greatest foe yet as it seems no weapon can defeat him. At the Spice Shop, Monroe, Rosalee and Eve search for answers and stumble upon a rare potion that may help the fight. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard and Adalind try to keep Diana and baby Kelly safe as the threat has its eyes set on the children.
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#2 - Beginning of the End (1)
Grimm - Season 5 - Episode 21
Black Claw makes a strategic move against Hank that shocks everyone and sends Nick on a war path. Hadrian's Wall ramps up their investigation as they seek out a mysterious man named Bonaparte. Meanwhile, Adalind and Capt. Renard must learn to deal with their new and very unpredictable reality with Diana.
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#3 - The Wish
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 3 - Episode 9
Wanting to be rid of Xander for good, Cordelia comes to the conclusion that Buffy is the cause of all her problems and makes a wish that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale. A demon grants the wish and Cordelia's world suddenly changes.
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#4 - School Hard
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2 - Episode 3
When a cool, badass vampire named Spike comes to Sunnydale intent to use the Hellmouth's power to save his lover, Drusilla, he attacks Sunnydale High on Parent-Teacher Night to destroy the Slayer to prove his worth to the Anointed One. With all her friends' and families' lives at stake, Buffy needs to find a way to stop Spike and his vampire gang, while also having to lead her friends and her mom to the path of survival.
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#7 - There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
Angel - Season 2 - Episode 22
Angel struggles with the inner beast the demon dimension brings out in him, while Wesley and Gunn join with rebel forces to overthrow the government and Her Majesty. It's up to Cordelia to save the Host him while Angel seeks help to rescue everyone and return home.
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#13 - Homecoming
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 3 - Episode 5
When Cordelia flaunts her sure win for Homecoming Queen it awakens the prom queen within Buffy and they become rivals for the title. Meanwhile the new vampire in town, Mr. Trick, rallies a group of tough vampires, demons and mercenaries together to set up a surprise for the two slayers.
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#15 - Happy Anniversary
Angel - Season 2 - Episode 13
Angel and The Host search for a physicist who, with the aid of two Lubber demons, plans to freeze time so he and his girlfriend will live in eternal happiness. Meanwhile, Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn start their first official case.
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#16 - Kodachrome
The Wonder Years - Season 5 - Episode 13
Miss Shaw was one of Kevin's more memorable teachers. She was young, black, anti-authoritarian and actually enjoys teaching. But her unorthodox methods get her in trouble with the school board.
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#18 - Frank and Denise
The Wonder Years - Season 5 - Episode 4
Denise and Frank seem to be made for each other, until Denise turns her eye to Kevin because he understands poetry. Although she breaks up with Frank and kisses Kevin, Kev thinks it would be better if she went back to Frank because they are a perfect match.
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#21 - Nose
The Wonder Years - Season 6 - Episode 16
When Kevin and friends are asked to write down the ways they feel inferior, they have trouble thinking of something. They don't have any problems picking on the new girl with the big nose. Ricky decides to ask her to an upcoming dance anyway, but all his friends laugh at him - none of them realising how insensitive they are being.
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#23 - Reptile Boy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2 - Episode 5
Becoming fed up with Giles' rules and guidelines, Buffy makes an unusual friendship with Cordelia when she accompanies her to a fraternity party where they are both drugged and used in the ritual feeding of a demon.
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#24 - Cater Waiter
Jake 2.0 - Season 1 - Episode 3
When a top-secret, next-generation tank's schematics are stolen, super-powered NSA agent-in-training Jake Foley is sent undercover to an Embassy party--as a cater waiter--to support agent Kyle Duarte's mission to recover the stolen documents. When Kyle is betrayed by former lover and double-agent Mai Ling Wong, Jake becomes Kyle's only hope of getting out alive. Meanwhile, as if protecting a fellow agent and clearing away champagne glasses wasn't enough, Jake stumbles into his long-time crush Sarah, and must now protect both his unglamorous cover and shaky image.
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#25 - Poker
The Wonder Years - Season 6 - Episode 18
Over a game of poker we learn some truths about Kevin's friends, including that Chuck thinks he's gotten Alice pregnant, that Randy is worried about failing trigonometry and that Paul and Kevin are drifting apart.

#26 - Bad Eggs
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2 - Episode 12
The students are given eggs to look after to teach them about parenthood but they aren't what they seem. Soon the eggs hatch and the creatures inside take over their owners and lead them to the school basement to dig up the mother creature.
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