The BEST episodes directed by Curtis Harrington

#1 - Deceptions
Hotel - Season 1 - Episode 10
Junior hotel executive Hillary Lindamont becomes starry-eyed over Michael Robson, which depresses Mark, who has a crush on Hillary. Michael videotapes sex with Hillary and threatens to use it to accuse the hotel of running a brothel. Peter pays the ransom, but Billy picks Michael's pocket and recovers the money. Peter follows the blackmailer and punches him out. A ten-year-old street kid, Cat Locatelli, sneaks into a hotel suite and begins to live off room service. Billy catches Cat, but is sympathetic, having once been on the streets himself. A well-intentioned social worker arrives to escort Cat to a children's home in the country. Cat feels betrayed, but Billy tells him he has to grow up to become a man. Milly Toland, a permanent resident of the hotel, wants to celebrate her birthday with her socialite daughter, Louise, and lawyer son, Rob, but her children leave early, leaving only Mrs. Cabot when the time comes for Milly to cut the cake.
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#2 - That Holiday Spirit
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 12
Blake buys back his racehorse Allegre from owner Daniel Reece, who sends Krystle a gift. Furious, she demands to know how he dare approach her after what happened with her sister, Iris. Amanda learns she is Blake's daughter. Blake, meanwhile, has contacted his father, who claims that Dominique is not his daughter. Claudia confesses her affair with Dean Caldwell to Steven.
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#3 - The Ring
Dynasty - Season 4 - Episode 13
While Mrs. Gordon is walking Danny in the park, a strange man greets the child by name. Recalling little Blake's kidnapping, Claudia moves the family into the safety of the Carrington mansion. Laird discovers Tracy scanning confidential company files. Kirby and Jeff sign their divorce papers. After shelling out over $2 million to work on one of Peter's hotels, Ernesto the architect demands to know when he will be repaid. He wonders if the money is going toward Peter's ""habit."" Kirby's hand suddenly begins to swell uncontrollably, making it necessary to cut off her wedding ring
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#4 - The Treasure
Dynasty - Season 5 - Episode 15
Krystle begins working with Daniel. Blake is adamantly opposed and exchanges harsh words with Reece. Dex is furious with Alexis for traveling to Sumatra to see Blake's father. Alexis learns from Amanda of Dex's experience with Daniel in Vietnam. Jeff and Nikki follow the treasure map to a remote jungle location and find a statue filled with jewels, as well as a woman who has been impersonating Fallon. Jeff awakens the following day and learns that while celebrating, he and Nikki were married.
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#5 - Angel on My Mind
Charlie's Angels - Season 3 - Episode 11
Bosley and the Angels are at a restaurant when Kris excuses herself and ends up seeing a man rob and murder the establishment's owner. After witnessing the crime, Kris is struck by the killer's car and develops amnesia.
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#6 - Angel in a Box
Charlie's Angels - Season 3 - Episode 19
Jill Munroe returns to help the Angels find her kidnapped sister, Kris. After hearing an eyewitness account of the kidnapping, the Angels and Bosley are led to a tennis resort, where Jill is also kidnapped.
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#7 - Stargate
Logan's Run - Season 1 - Episode 14
Logan and his friends find themselves face to face with heat-loving aliens who are preparing an invasion of Earth.
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#8 - Conspiracy of Silence
The Colbys - Season 1 - Episode 2
After Miles introduces his new bride ""Randall"" to the family, Jeff is stunned when Fallon doesn't recognize him. Battle lines are immediately drawn between Miles and Jeff after Jeff reveals Randall's true identity. Constance calls in a psychiatrist to treat Fallon, who suggests the family accept her as Randall and not force her memory. Jeff calls Fallon's father, Blake, who flies to California to see her. However, when Fallon doesn't recognize him either, Blake entrusts Jason and Constance with looking out for Fallon before returning to Denver. Jeff has a chilly reunion with his mother, Francesca, as he's still bitter over her abandonment of him as a child. Francesca then reunites with her sister Sable and, later, with Jason, with whom she was once close. Jason's business rival, Zachary Powers, conveniently runs into Sable twice and hits on her, but she rejects his advances. A dying Jason tries to resolve his conflict with son Miles, to no avail. Jeff gets to know ""Randall"" better, the
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#10 - The Proposal
Dynasty - Season 4 - Episode 10
At Alexis' office, Dex discovers a confidential file marked ""Tar Sand"" and beats her to the contract. Later, he offers her a 60-40 split. An enraged Jeff locates Adam at the summit of the Carrington Plaza. After exchanging vicious insults and violent punches, Adam tumbles halfway over the edge. As Jeff is about to finish him off, Adam frantically explains he had no idea he fathered Kirby's child, and Jeff allows him to crawl to safety. Jeff intercepts Kirby as she is about to leave for Paris. Blake proposes marriage to Krystle, who happily accepts.
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#11 - Voices in the Earth
The Twilight Zone (1985) - Season 2 - Episode 19
In the far future. an expedition returns to a desolate barren Earth where a scientist begins to see the ghosts of those who died years ago.
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#12 - A Date with Doomsday
Wonder Woman - Season 3 - Episode 18
A computer-dating service is the unexpected hiding place for a deadly virus that was stolen from a government laboratory.
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#13 - Fallon's Choice
The Colbys - Season 1 - Episode 13
L.B. fights for survival at the hospital. Miles is determined not to lose what is rightfully his. Sable is confronted by Constance. When a body is found in the harbor, Miles is questioned.
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#14 - My Father's House
The Colbys - Season 1 - Episode 16
The rescue efforts start for Jeff who is at the bottom of the cliffs following a fight with Miles at the beach house. Jason discovers just how much it is going to cost him to divorce Sable. Zach assists Sable as she continues with her vendetta against Francesca.
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#15 - Encores
Hotel - Season 1 - Episode 20
A former girlfriend, Lacey Grant, informs Peter that he is the father of her four-year-old son; she wants Peter to assume custody. Lacey has Lou Gehrig's Disease and may die soon. Lacey's boyfriend, Walt, asks Peter to refuse custody, since Walt wants to look after the boy. Lacey thinks Walt travels too much to be a single father, but Walt promises to settle down and proposes marriage to Lacey, who accepts. Billy woos Julie on behalf of another staff member, Ken, who is too shy to approach Julie himself. Julie misunderstands and thinks Billy is asking her out. Eventually, Julie realizes that Ken is her secret admirer and is charmed by his quiet adoration. Joanne Maxwell, an award-winning singer, encourages her ex-husband Danny to make a comeback now that he has defeated his cocaine habit. However, Danny is very nervous about performing again. Noticing Danny's anxiety, the pianist-conductor, Bix Coleman, leaves a bag of cocaine with Danny in his dressing room.
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