The BEST episodes directed by Charlotte Sieling

#1 - Assistance Report A-3/01
Unit One - Season 3 - Episode 2
Christian and Andreas Dahl are shot when they confront two famous criminals in burying stolen money in Kalundborg. Tina Lauritsen, the wife of Christian, is later found with her throat slit. The criminals are quickly identified, as a burned out white Mercedes is found containing rabbit dung (as Eik Nielsen, the male criminal, favours white Mercedes and Anja Jespersen, the female criminal, always carry around a rabbit). Unit One puts the area where the money was buried under surveillance. When the couple shows up, the Special Police Corps surround them, but they manage to escape into the church where a small group of people were arranging baptising schedules. Eik lets the grown ups escape and the priest, the wife of a local police officer, manages to text message Unit One and ask them to open the Northern Door to let Anja escape with the infant. The Special Police Corps manages to successfully rescue the priest and take Eik into custody.
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#2 - Assistance Report A-19/00 (2)
Unit One - Season 1 - Episode 9
The disguised man who attacks elderly women strikes again. But he is constantly one step ahead of the police, who are at a loss. Ulf arrives and demands a result, and is confronted by IP. Fischer tries to provoke La Cour into resuming his relationship with Helene. La Cour finds the vital clue, but is he in time? Johnny is an involuntary witness as the case comes to a head.
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#3 - Assistance Report A-19/00 (1)
Unit One - Season 1 - Episode 8
A whole town is in fear because a masked man has been assaulting elderly women who live on their own. The assaults are becoming increasingly violent and everyone is afraid that the next one will be fatal. Unit One is called in and La Cour is forced into dealing with a painful encounter from his past. IP is having a hard time with Kirsten and receives a flattering invitation, while Fischer acquires insight into Johnny's love life. Part one of a two part episode.
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#6 - A Child of Denmark
Borgen - Season 3 - Episode 1
Birgitte Nyborg has left politics and is now a well-paid speaker and sits on several boards. Her old friend Bent Sejro tries to persuade her to re-enter politics. Katrine Fonsmark and Kasper Juul juggle their careers and parenthood as well as their volatile relationship.
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#7 - For Services Rendered
The Strain - Season 1 - Episode 7
Setrakian, Eph and Nora formulate a plan to track down the Master using Jim as bait. Eichhorst and Setrakian’s pasts are revealed. At the Luss home, Neeva struggles to protect the children while encountering a mysterious stranger whose help she may not want.
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#10 - Episode 4
The Bridge (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 4
The homeless man's survival depends on the landlords' willingness to pay the ransom. Saga and Martin see that they are dealing with someone who has planned his crimes down to the smallest detail. They wonder if they can catch the murderer off balance by doing something he doesn't expect.
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#11 - No Good Deed
White Collar - Season 5 - Episode 9
Peter’s thrown back into an unsolved larceny case that has Neal worried – because Neal’s the one who committed the crime.
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#12 - The Disappeared
The Strain - Season 1 - Episode 9
Eph races to safeguard his family, only to learn that Kelly is missing. Dutch reveals her role in Palmer’s plan. Gus is forced to make a difficult decision about Felix.
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#13 - Episode 2
The Bridge (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 2
The killer reveals through the media that the murder on the bridge was only the beginning, and his purpose is to draw attention to unpleasant societal truths. Saga and Martin realise they are dealing with a ruthless killer.
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#14 - Episode 3
The Bridge (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 3
To draw attention to the increased number of people falling through the cracks of society, the killer kidnaps a homeless man and demands a large ransom from four landlords for his survival. So what is the price of a human being after all?
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#15 - Sunday
Those Who Kill (US) - Season 1 - Episode 4
Catherine is forced go to Howard for more information on the case, while Thomas has a real conversation with John about getting inside the minds of murderers. Using Thomas' narrowing profile, Catherine closes in on the killer.
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#17 - Piloto
Queen of the South - Season 1 - Episode 1
The Mexican drug cartel comes after Teresa, forcing her on the run.
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#18 - Behind the Red Door
The Americans (2013) - Season 2 - Episode 6
A dangerous Naval officer becomes the key to Philip and Elizabeth’s mission as well as a potential threat to their family's safety. Lucia, a Sandinista intelligence officer working with the Jennings, is tasked with getting Elizabeth access to Capitol Hill. Stan struggles with the potential costs of protecting Nina.
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#19 - 1950
Better Times - Season 1 - Episode 2
Det truer Idas studenterkursus, at hun ikke kan finde et arbejde efter fyringen fra radiofabrikken. Hun bliver dog reddet af en uventet anbefaling fra "Bella". Som tak indvilger hun i at se Erik igen, men hans ubetænksomhed er kilde til stadig irritation. Det kulminerer aftenen før hendes vigtige årsprøve, hvor Erik uforvarende kommer til at låse hende ind i "Bella"s udviklingsafdeling, hvor han har vist hende sit hemmeligt-byggede fjernsyn. Ida beslutter aldrig at se ham igen, men kommer alligevel på andre tanker. Søs' forældre tror ikke på, hun er blevet forulempet nytårsaften. Hun finder frem til sin redningsmand Palle, der forklarer sagens rette sammenhæng i direktørhjemmet.
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#20 - Do Not Discuss Your Life Before
Wayward Pines - Season 1 - Episode 2
After finding Secret Service agent Bill Evans' body in an abandoned house, Ethan continues to search for clues with the help of Beverly.
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#21 - Episode 1
The Bridge (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 1
A woman is found murdered in the middle of the Oresund Bridge - on the border between Sweden and Denmark. What looks at first to be one murder, however, turns out to be two.
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#22 - Meet the New Boss
Tyrant - Season 1 - Episode 8
Fed up with Jamal's unpredictable and violent nature, Barry conspires to start a coup and remove his brother from office; while at the same time Jamal is so moved by Barry's willingness to do the unthinkable and hasten Sheik Rashid's demise, that he stops at nothing to prove his worth to his brother.
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#23 - Pilot
The InBetween - Season 1 - Episode 1
Cassie helps her father, Detective Tom Hackett, and his partner, Damien Asante, solve a young woman's murder using her unique psychic powers. She also encounters a supernatural spirit whose evil transcends time.
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#24 - Concorde
Jo - Season 1 - Episode 2
Mountaineer Bernard Lang was discovered broken in uniform suddenly climbing at the foot of the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde. Fascinated by the obelisk and its history, Jo knows that the monument is also a great vantage point of the surrounding area, including suites at the Hotel de Crillon. And one of them, that evening, a young woman of good family deceived her husband.
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#28 - Rio
The Bridge (2013) - Season 1 - Episode 3
Sonya and Marco race to track down a prime suspect who could lead them to the lone desert survivor. Charlotte confronts an unexpected visitor determined to keep business as usual.
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#31 - I Am.
Lovecraft Country - Season 1 - Episode 7
Hippolyta's relentless search for answers takes her on a multidimensional journey of self-discovery and Atticus heads to St. Louis to consult an old family friend.
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#37 - Part 1, Copenhagen 1949
Better Times - Season 1 - Episode 1
For at få råd til sit studenterkursus, tager Ida arbejde som sekretær på Radiofabrikken "Bella". Her bliver hun glad for direktørens søn Erik, som netop har hjembragt et dyrt fjernsyn fra Amerika, hvilket hans far er oprørt over. Da direktøren sætter Ida til at kigge Eriks regnskaber efter, kastes hun uforvarende ud i en loyalitetskonflikt imellem far og søn. Hun mister sit job og bringer sit studenterkursus i fare. Eriks søster Søs er netop blevet forlovet, men den udvalgte vil ikke tillade hun fortsætter sit modelarbejde. Hun overfaldes nytårsaften, men reddes i sidste øjeblik af Idas nabo Palle, der er på vej for at mødes med Jens Otto Krag.
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#39 - Notre Dame
Jo - Season 1 - Episode 1
The lifeless body of the famous organist Johan Van Vliet is found at the foot of Judgment portal of Notre-Dame. His ears were pierced and his face set towards the statue of the angel who plays the trumpet to sound the alarm of the dead. Outstanding musician, Van Vliet was also an egocentric man known to be a womanizer ... In making the victim symbolically deaf to the call of the angel, the killer seems to have wanted to prevent the victim of divine mercy ... It is the first indication of an overwhelming case of revenge.
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