The BEST episodes directed by Brian Mills

#1 - The Hound of the Baskervilles
Sherlock Holmes (1984) - Season 4 - Episode 6
Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on Dartmoor, with his face contorted in terror and the footprints of a huge dog near his body. On arrival in England, Sir Charles's American heir, now Sir Henry Baskerville, engages Holmes to come to Devon and get to the bottom of the age-old legend of the Hound of the Baskervilles - a phantom which kills.From the outset, Holmes is convinced there is a human murderer at work and he lays a deep plan to foil him.
Watch Now:Amazon#2 - Silver Blaze
Sherlock Holmes (1984) - Season 4 - Episode 3
In a remote area of Dartmoor, The Silver Blaze, England's most famous and valuable racehorse, goes missing, the dead body of the horse's trainer is found, and sheep are savaged. The Police seem bewildered, but then they charge Fitzroy Stephen, a famous figure in the racing world, with the murder. Holmes is called in to trace the missing horse and finds he has to separate fact from fiction.
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - 26 January 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 11
Reg panics as his best man Eric Firman is too laid back about the wedding. Maud tells Maureen that she'll be civil to Reg now he's going to be part of the family. Maureen is overcome when Maud gives her an antique cameo brooch to wear. Des takes Raquel to the wedding. Reg fears Maureen will jilt him but she arrives, being given away by brother-in-law Clive Phillips. Charlie and Bet are late for the wedding and arrive in his lorry. Reg and Maureen are married at St. Christopher's. The reception is at the Belstaff Hotel and Reg's speech is full of his love for Maureen. He tells everyone the shop will be opening Sundays. Sally asks Emily for the picture back, explaining it was a gift from Percy. Mike is amazed when Steve offers him a 50-50 partnership at the print shop, offering to put in the capital. Mike refuses so Steve tells him he'll just set himself up in competition. He goes for Steve but Steve threatens him with the police if he touches him. Raquel chats up the photographer, Ben Cunningham. Reg tells Clive that it should be his turn to look after Maud as Maureen's had her for years. Maud overhears them rowing, saying neither of them wants her. She wheels herself away from the hotel. Maureen refuses to leave for Paris until Maud is found. She's rescued but the flight has gone. Maureen is furious to learn Reg has been calling Maud a burden and forgives him and lets him into their room for their wedding night.
#4 - 25 March 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 36
Final appearance of Lynne Perrie as Ivy Brennan. Guilt-ridden Des creeps out of Tanya's flat in the morning. Reg accuses Maureen of being obsessed with Maud. She refuses to choose between them. Derek tries to sell to Emily only to find that Norris has beaten him to it and tried everyone on the Street. They agree to be more selective in future. Ivy and Audrey compete to see who can spoil Sarah the most. Martin is upset when Mandy Baker dies in hospital of an asthma attack. Mavis lets Norris and Derek flick through the newspaper book to find the wealthier residents. She is horrified when Rita catches them and throws them out. Des tells Tanya that he can't get her out of his mind but he can't destroy Raquel. He tells Tanya they can't do it again. Tanya tells him that she's Alex's lover and if he found out he'd lose his job. Raquel returns and is pleased to see Des. Maureen packs and returns to Maud's house, telling Reg that she can't bear to think of her alone.
#5 - 29 August 1990
Coronation Street - Season 31 - Episode 103
Jim tells Liz that only by agreeing with Andy can they get him to change his mind, but Jim takes Andy to the recruitment office. Alec plans to sack Tina for not turning up to work, but Bet sees Tina kissing Nigel and the Gilroys realise that she is fireproof. Deirdre begs Alf to put Ken off, but Ken refuses to give up the shop flat and tells Alf their agreement was legally binding. Deirdre is determined that Ken must not move in.
#6 - 3 December 1990
Coronation Street - Season 31 - Episode 144
Ken embarrasses Tracy in front of her friends at the bowling alley. Deirdre decides to stay an extra night in London, but Percy fails to pass the message onto Ken. When Deirdre arrives back she is cool towards Phil. Percy discovers everyone is talking about him and Phyllis. Ivy plans Ingrams' Christmas party. Alma makes plans for Christmas in Madeira with Mike and Victor arrives with a surprise plan for Mavis.
#7 - 5 December 1990
Coronation Street - Season 31 - Episode 145
The Brewery tells the Gilroy's to have a promo night for Pomme de Lite. Des is pleased, as Steph doesn't know where the promo is. Steph and jenny are forced to do the promo in the Rovers. Des fills the pub with mates to embarrass Steph, but she hits back by flirting with the customers. Des demands Steph's resignation and threatens to hit her boss. In defiance she does a strip tease on the bar. Mavis is shocked with Victor introduces her to Yvonne, his wife.Victor tells Derek he married Yvonne because she is so like Mavis, but Mavis doesn't see it that way and dislikes Yvonne intently.
#8 - 7 December 1990
Coronation Street - Season 31 - Episode 146
The Wilton's and the Pendlebury's lunch together and Victor accuses Derek of not liking Yvonne. At Ingram's party, Jackie praises Mike. Alma admits to Audrey that she realises Mike is having an affair but doesn't want to challenge him as he'll choose Jackie. To make matters worse, Ivy catches Mike and Jackie in and embrace. Meanwhile, Deirdre and Phil have a drink in the Rovers, much to Ken's annoyance.
#9 - 31 December 1990
Coronation Street - Season 31 - Episode 157
Sally returns home with baby Rosie. Phil and Deirdre fly off to Paris. Ken lays on a feast for Tracy. Mike tells Alma that he's selling the flat and moving in with Jackie. Tracy is forced to tell Ken that Deirdre is in Paris. He blows his top and tells her that he wants Deirdre back and he hates being humiliated. He upsets Tracy who says that she's sick of him and that he only feels sorry for himself. She tells him that he's pathetic and he's not even her father. She spends the night at friend Debbie Dawson's house. Rita considers going to a tea dance with Emily. Ken remembers the past and, as the residents see in the New Year next door at the Rovers, he opens a bottle of pills...
#10 - 2 January 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 1
Ken continues to swallow tablets. Bet suspects someone is in No. 1. She finds Ken and he tells her he's only taken 3 tablets. He breaks down, telling her he's thrown everything away. She tells him he can't make Deirdre love him. He realises he won't achieve anything by dying. Ken is grateful that Bet stopped him. They agree never to tell anyone what happened. The Webster's grow aggravated by Rosie's continual crying and Mike gets the cold shoulder from the residents. Emily and Rita go to the tea dance and find Reg there. Reg tells Rita's he's separated from his wife. Victor tells Derek he has to go to Darlington with Angela.
#11 - 4 January 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 2
Deirdre returns home. She's angry when Tracy tells her about the row and confronts Ken. He tells her he realises he's lost her. Mavis tells Derek she doesn't want him to go to Darlington. Mavis then tells Derek she's going to Darlington with him and Angela. Kevin takes paternity leave from the garage and Mark isn't pleased. Rita is astounded when Reg makes a play for her. Tracy apologies to Ken and Curly decides he's never going to get anywhere with Kimberley so he'll break the engagement.
#12 - 7 January 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 3
Rita tries to avoid Reg, but Reg sends her flowers. Rita finally blows her top when Vera tells her she knows she's going out with Reg. Derek fears that Mavis will lose him Angela's contract, but Mavis decides not to go to Darlington at the last minute. The Webster's can't believe that Davis sleeps all the time. Des plans to go to the Boat Show and Derek clinches the deal with Angela.
#13 - 28 January 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 12
Kim tells Curly the man is her cousin Adrian and he is lodging with them. Curly is horrified by his mistake. Phyllis tells Reg Vera is spreading the word about the trolley fix and Rita is annoyed at local remarks about the trolley race. Kevin starts work at Walkers and Alma assures Audrey that Ken is just a mate. Alf refuses to do any repairs, but trips over a rotten riser and falls down the stairs. Vera finds out the consequences of her gossip spreading,Reg sacks her.
#14 - 30 January 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 13
Alf has a sprained ankle but refuses to leave Audrey on her own at the shop and Vera writes to Head Office complaining about Reg. Seymour's solicitor writes to Kevin threatening legal action if he doesn't pay in 14 days. Alf advises Sally to write to the solicitor explaining their financial situation.Curly confronts Adrian at his building society and accuse him of stealing Kim,but Adrian accuses Curly of using Kim. Mike accepts an offer for his flat. So Jackie decides to sell her house and for them to find a place together somewhere--with no memories.
#15 - 1 February 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 14
Reg discovers that his old enemy, Brendan Scott, is coming from HQ and that a letter has been written. Brendan arrives just in time to see Curly shouting at Kim. Brendan begins his fraud investigation and Vera admits to Rita that she wrote the letter. Brendan tells Reg, HQ has received many letter of complaint about him in the last 10 years. Reg takes a holiday and gives Curly the keys to the store. Sally works out the Webster's finances and works out that they can only offer £10 a week.
#16 - 25 February 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 24
Veronica Holdsworth storms into the Kabin (where Rita is waiting on Deirdre and Steph), announces who she is, calls Rita a few choice names, and then says that this time she really is leaving Reg, for a bloke she met in New Zealand. Then she storms out, and Rita throws Reg out in her wake. Later, Jenny seizes the opportunity to hurtfully force her boyfriend Robert into Rita's company, on grounds that she now "can't complain" he's marries. After her mother's funeral, Vera is surprised to learn that Amy's dying wish was for her to look after Amy's old friend Joss Shackleton--who reveals that he is Vera's real father! Alec is thinking about going back into the night club business, in partnership with Phil Jennings.
#17 - 27 February 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 25
It's grand-opening day for the charity shop, and Percy is industriously offending everybody in sight. Phil and Alec have rather different concepts of the proposed club, and Bet doesn't like the idea at all - until Phil tells her she'd be the star attraction and nominal owner! Robert tells Jenny he's going to leave his wife. Rita gets the idea Robert is planning to move in with Jenny and, as Jenny's landlady, puts her foot down. Jenny responds in kind. Jack asks Betty to stop by and talk to Vera, who is very depressed, but when she arrives Vera seems quite cheerful. Then Joss walks in the back door.
#18 - 1 March 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 26
Angie prepares to move out, despite Rita's pleas to act as a brake on Jenny's impulse to have Robert move in. But then Jenny drops the bomb: she's moving out, into a flat rented by Robert. Helping out at the charity shop, Percy has taken off his waistcoat, but when he goes to retrieve it, discovers that Ruby has sold it! After some indecision, Alec decides to agree to Phil's offer, and in return suggests the site of the former Graffiti Club for their new enterprise, to be called "The Alphibet Club" (from the names ALec + PHIl + BET). Bet is shocked to hear that renovation and set-up will cost £120,000. Joss has moved in with the Duckworths and Curly finds himself sleeping on the settee.
#19 - 17 June 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 72
Alf and Jim search for Don. They find a cap floating in the water. Don sobers up after falling in the river but is lost. Liz and Jim return and tell Ivy they've lost Don. She identifies the cap as his and grows hysterical, thinking Don has drowned. Don returns to find the police questioning Ivy about his disappearance.She is relieved to see him. Audrey is forced to stay with Gail and when she turns up at the shop to take money from the till, Ivy refuses to tell her where Alf has hidden the cash box. Alma agrees to let Audrey stay with her and she tells Alma that she intends to visit Grasmere Drive and raid Alf's hidden savings.Derek sulks as Des has moved the boat and refuses to talk to Mavis, but when Des buys Mavis a new sun lounger, Derek becomes even more furious when Mavis accepts it.
#20 - 19 June 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 73
Derek is after compensation but Mavis is happy with the lounger. Once again Derek is foiled again when Des has a new fence erected. Audrey finds Alf's safe empty and is startled to find Phyllis cleaning the house. Alf is pleased that Audrey is desperate for money. Vivienne tries to console Alf over his marital problems and interrupts his bath. Audrey arrives home to return to Alf but doesn't stop when she sees Vivienne with dressing gowned Alf. Alma puzzles over the landlord being Alcazar Holdings and remembers Mike's petrol station in Alcazar. Deirdre is annoyed when Phil doesn't share any responsibility at work.
#21 - 21 June 1991
Coronation Street - Season 32 - Episode 74
Audrey accuses Don of covering up for Alf, she thinks he was with Vivienne, not fishing. Deirdre is annoyed that Phil is avoiding the VAT man and won't tell her about his movements. Alma phones the agents pretending to be Mike's secretary to discover that Mike does own the cafe. She accuses Gail of dealing with Mike behind her back, and is furious that she's living on Mike's pity.Gail urges her to see it doesn't matter; it's just Mike's way of unloading guilt. Audrey can't stand being on her own and decides to return home. Derek refuses to see Des has put right the damage, he thinks he's removed the evidence. Mavis accuses him of being obsessed. Audrey finds Alf has changed the locks and Derek makes his peace with Des. Audrey dumps herself on Gail and tells her she has decided to play Alf at his own game and get a divorce.
#22 - 24th January 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 10
Emily collects for an auction at St. Saviour's. Kevin gives her an old watercolour. Steve finishes Monty Harris' T-shirts. In order to get cash for them Steve goes to Monty's flat with him. Sally is furious that Kevin gave away the picture as it was a wedding present. Steve is horrified when Monty's flat turns out to really be Mike's flat. Mike sacks him, telling him that he's disappointed in him. He tells him that he's not heard the last of the matter. Reg has a lonely stag night as all his pals cry off. Curly joins him, eager to make amends. Maureen's friends try to put her off the wedding as they party at the Rovers.
#23 - 28th January 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 12
Maud is upset that she's spoilt the honeymoon and feels too much in the way. Reg and Maureen assure each other of their love. Desperate to have a honeymoon, Reg persuades Martin to keep an eye on Maud. Ben Cunningham offers to do Raquel a portfolio but Tanya tells her that it'll probably be porn. Maud takes a liking to Martin and agrees to let him look after her. Alma fumes when Mike plans to take Mark away on a fishing trip. She tells him that she's sick of him going out of his way to make Mark happy. She is horrified when he accuses her of being jealous because she's no children of her own. Bet glows after a night in a hotel with Charlie. Reg books a honeymoon in the Lake District. The Phillips apologise to Maud by having flowers sent to her but she swears never to visit them again. Alma refuses to speak to Mike when he tries to apologise. Denise buys the picture at the auction and shows it off at the Rovers. Percy recognises it and is hurt. Alma packs and threatens to leave. She tells Mike that she feels he's dumping her for Mark. He pleads with her to stay, saying he'll not see so much of Mark but she relents, telling him all she wants is for him to include her. Curly checks Ben out for Raquel and tells her he's legit. The Websters try to apologise to Percy but he doesn't want to know. Mike is devastated when Mark tells him that he feels suffocated by him and all the things he keeps buying him.
#24 - 21st February 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 22
Liz has a job interview as Assistant Manager at a winebar but is turned down by the woman interviewer because she's female. Bernard is adamant he's giving up the Church because of his loss of faith. Emily supports him. Derek feels humiliated over the robbery. Mrs Jeffers is furious as £3,000 worth of equipment was taken and they are not insured when negligence is involved. She suspends Derek pending a governors' hearing and she will be recommending his dismissal. He is aghast. Alma is annoyed to discover that Mike hasn't paid Mark's school fees as he has a cash flow problem. When Ken has his hair cut, Denise and Fiona wager a bet on how old he is. The Bishop accepts Bernard's resignation and doesn't try to stop him. He is depressed that his life’s work seems to amount to nothing. Mike feels that Mark is so gifted he could get a scholarship. Denise and Fiona ask Ken what the first record he bought was to try and work out his age from the answer - he tells them it was a recording of the Enigma variations by the Hallé orchestra. Des gets jealous as Raquel goes on and on about wonderful Erik Mikaelson. Derek blames Mavis for turning him into a washed up old has-been.
#25 - 23rd February 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 23
Mavis is upset by Derek's coldness towards her. She feels guilty that he was left behind on the motorway. Percy is taken aback to find out that Bernard is retiring from the church. Derek hides his suspension from the residents. Oakhill's Head, Mr Sammells, refuses to accept Mark for a scholarship but agrees to give Mike another term to pay the fees. Mavis tells Rita about Derek's suspension. Tanya is upset when her father, Dennis Pooley, dumps her stuff at the Rovers, calls her a slut and disowns her. She tells Bet how he caught her with her boyfriend who's married with two children. Fiona tackles all the customers about Ken's age. Alf goes for a fitting for his Mayoral robes. Tanya moves her stuff into the cafe flat. Des asks Raquel out but she has a date with Erik Mikaelson. A more upbeat Derek decides to fight for his job but is annoyed to find out that Mrs Jeffers has told all the staff, Ken included, of his suspension. Mike is adamant that Mark must stay at Oakhill, even if it costs him every penny he has.
#26 - 25th February 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 24
Maud feels she really does not want to leave her house to live in a converted garage. When the buyers, Mr and Mrs Magill, turn up to take measurements she tells them the house has been sold. The Gazette prints the story of the burglary at Weatherfield Comprehensive but Derek's name isn't mentioned. Mr and Mrs Magill complain to the Holdsworths who promise to sort Maud out. Ken hears that Fiona has been asking questions about him and tells her it's none of her business how old he is. Business is bad for Steve so he has to borrow money in order to give Mike the rent on the print shop. Tanya is furious when her lover, Alex Christie, drinks in the Rovers. He is equally angry that one of his workers - Des - is often in the pub and she didn't warn him. Des persists in asking Raquel out, asking her to break her date with Erik Mikaelson. He promises her he'll never use her again. She realises he is serious about her and agrees to dump Erik. Furious at Fiona, Denise apologises to Ken for her behaviour. He is flattered that she thinks he looks good for his age. She is amazed when he asks her out for a meal. Reg rows with Maud but she begs him to see she wants to stay in her house. She tells him she's sold the house to Weatherfield Financial Services on the understanding that she can live in it, with an income, until she dies. Maureen is horrified as she's the one who's been paying the mortgage for years even though the deeds were in Maud's name alone.
#27 - 21st March 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 34
Reg is fed up with having Ken as a tenant as he has to look after the repairs of the flat. Derek gives Norris lessons in salesmanship. Gail befriends Mrs Baker whose daughter Mandy is admitted to the ward. Reg offers to sell the shop flat to Ken. Sister Radford tells Martin that she needs respect from him - they both agree they're stressed because of overwork. Liz is depressed as she starts back at the Legion. Mavis is aghast when Derek sells his wares to Rita. Raquel gets an overnight modelling assignment in Birmingham, wearing gloves in a catalogue. Derek is put out when Norris has a better day's selling than him. Alex apologises to Tanya about Amsterdam and assures her that she is more than a kept woman.
#28 - 23rd March 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 35
Derek and Norris' sales talk gets on Mavis' nerves. Sarah Louise comes home, much to the Platts' delight. Ken threatens to withhold his rent if Reg doesn't repair his leaking tap. Maureen worries when Maud doesn't answer her phone. She calls round to find that Maud has had a break-in and her radio's been stolen. Raquel goes to Birmingham. Des plans a night in but Tanya urges him to get out and enjoy himself. She tells him that she's around if he's interested. Maureen wants to return to vulnerable Maud but Reg refuses. Emily is dismayed when Bernard tells her that his feelings for her have become too strong and they must stop seeing each other. Tanya is annoyed when Alex refuses to spend the night with her; he can't manage two nights a week. Reg fixes the wrong tap. Des flirts with Tanya at the Rovers but she urges him to fly nearer the flame and invites him back to her flat. He brings her a takeaway and keeps planning to leave but they end up in bed together.
#29 - 18th April 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 46
Mike is annoyed when Mark tells him he doesn't want him at his school open day. Kevin is fed up as his old car breaks down. Raquel returns from spending the weekend in Newcastle, having met Des' parents. Maud suggests Percy and Emily plan a double wedding to save money. Reg considers employing Maud and Percy in the shop as cheap labour. The Legion holds a raffle for the hospital and Liz pulls the winning ticket which is Jim's. He wins a day at the races for two. Bernard tells Emily that his mother was mentally ill for years. He tells her that he can't cope with living with that again. Rita gives the Websters her blessing to spend some of the money on a new car. Emily is heartbroken when Bernard tells her that he can't marry her. She refuses to scream and shout so he just leaves. A depressed Emily snaps at Percy but doesn't tell him about Bernard. Kevin buys a new car. Percy reads in the Gazette that a good age for budgies is twelve years. He feels this is wrong as Randy is eighteen. The Chief Executive runs through the Mayor ceremonial with the Roberts'. Audrey upsets Alf by being bored by the whole thing. Ken takes Denise to a barn dance at the school. She is flattered when he tells her that she makes him feel young. Denise is startled when Don arrives to taxi them. Emily tells Rita about Bernard's desertion and is comforted by her. Emily tells Rita that she loved Bernard. Denise is upset when Don turned up again to taxi them home. Back in the Street she marches off to her flat, puzzling Ken. Alf tells Audrey that he's sick of her showing him up. She suggests he finds someone else to be his Mayoress as she thinks it's all a game. Ken tries to phone Denise but she refuses to answer. SPECIAL ONE-HOUR EPISODE
#30 - 20th April 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 47
Denise accuses Don of starting the phone calls again and swears she'll go to the Police this time. Percy sets about writing to the Gazette about Randy. Ken asks Denise what he did wrong but she tells him that it's nothing to do with him. She is embarrassed when he tells her that it was him who phoned her last night. He backs off when she tells him it concerns someone else. Alf asks Rita to be his Mayoress. She is flattered when he tells her that she's gracious, diplomatic and elegant. Sally encourages her, telling her that she'd be perfect. Emily snaps at Percy, telling him that Randy isn't eighteen; he died in 1988 and she replaced him with another bird. Percy is aghast and accuses her of ruining his emotional stability. Don confronts Denise who offers a qualified apology. Emily is upset that she just blurted out the news so unkindly. She tells Rita she hates being old and alone, it's so unfair. Rita tells Alf that she'll be his Mayoress if Audrey doesn't mind. Ken confides in Alma, telling her that he thought Denise was the woman for him but there's someone else involved. Percy is shocked when Emily tells him that her wedding is off. Raquel plans a birthday party for Des. Audrey is outraged that Rita is to be Mayoress. Alf enjoys telling her that he can't go back on his word.
#31 - 13th May 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 57
Tanya enjoyed Amsterdam but resents being back to normal. Mavis is puzzled to take phone message for Derek, cancelling an appointment, from an arrogant woman. Jim drives some yuppies around all day, putting up with their jokes about the Irish. Raquel enjoyed the Cotswolds whilst Des makes sure Tanya knows that he had a great time. Mike is furious when he discovers the yuppies' cheque is dated 1993. Alex tells Tanya he realises that she deserves more than an occasional evening. She is stunned when he decides to tell Val he's leaving her. Mavis is suspicious when Derek works every evening. Jim is amused to hear about the dud cheque and delights in showing Mike the £50 tip he was given. Tanya tells Des that she had a lousy weekend and couldn't stop thinking about him. He agrees he felt the same.
#32 - 16th May 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 58
Andy is furious to find that Jack's pigeons have dirtied his shirt, left out to dry. The Duckworths refuse to compensate him. Mavis convinces herself that Derek has got another woman. She shares her fears with Rita. Des asks Tanya to finish with Alex but she demands that he finishes with Raquel first. Rita drives Mavis, following Derek when he goes out for the evening to keep his cancelled appointment. Tanya is disgusted with Alex when he can't bring himself to tell Val he's leaving. Mavis is horrified to see Derek call at a large house with a bouquet of flowers. Rita comforts her. Raquel feels sorry for Tanya having to share her man. Curly is outraged to find a pigeon has got into his observatory. He can't catch it so he calls in Jack who identifies it as Fergie. Mavis cracks when Derek gives her the flowers. She tells him that she knows he's been to see another woman as she followed him. Curly and Andy refuse to let Jack get to Fergie when he refuses to clean up after the bird. Derek confesses that he went to see Angela Hawthorne.
#33 - 18th May 1994
Coronation Street - Season 35 - Episode 59
Derek explains that Angela is taking some EnviroSphere products but Mavis insists that he has nothing more to do with her. Tanya enjoys ringing Des from the Rovers, under Raquel's nose. Jack lets rip in the bar when customers side with Andy and Curly. Jim has to pull him off Reg when Reg complains about pigeons damaging his stock. Jack is upset at the thought of Fergie being held hostage by Curly. Raquel breaks down when she burns a meal she was preparing for Des. Derek asks Mavis to trust him, he must deal with Angela. Des takes Raquel for a takeaway and is annoyed to see Tanya dining with Alex. Tanya invites them to join them but Des refuses. Alex asks Des not to mention anything to Val. Derek tells Mavis that he's decided not to sell EnviroSphere anymore and Angela has offered him a job at Hawthornes. Curly agrees to let Jack get Fergie when Vera agrees to wash Andy's shirt. Vera is horrified to find Jack on the roof, trying to get into the observatory. Vera turns on Curly so he shuts the observatory window. Andy removes the ladder so Jack is stuck on the roof.