The BEST episodes directed by Brenton Spencer

#1 - A Terrible Silence
Beastmaster - Season 2 - Episode 17
Iara strips Dar of his power to communicate with animals, and unwittingly sets all of nature off balance.
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F/X: The Series - Season 2 - Episode 12
It's revenge twice over when Ricky Delacruz escapes justice and goes after the man who almost put him away: Rollie Tyler. But his victim ends up being Angie, and Rollie sets out to even the matter what it takes!
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#3 - Deep Sleep
Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 13
This pivotal episode brings Renee Palmer to a hybrid-infested hospital where comatose patients are being used as a food source for the Atavus. It is only when Renee is ultimately able to expose these atrocities that the FBI finally takes seriously the threat of the Atavus, who must feed on the life force of humans in order to survive. The FBI pledges to join Renee's crusade to destroy this formidable alien menace before they take over the world.
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#4 - Entombed
Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 9
A young woman, J Street, finds herself attracted to a seductive Atavus.
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#5 - Guilty Conscience
Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 7
Renee attempts to sabotage Sandoval and Howlyn's plans for producing Atavus regeneration chambers.
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#6 - Limbo
Earth: Final Conflict - Season 4 - Episode 4
The Murder of General T'Than on board the mothership leads Liam to descover the taelons darkest secret, while the late Jonathan Doors rturns in cyber form to addminister a deadly attack upon them.
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#7 - Art of War
Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 14
Juda's death spells hope for Renee in her battle against the Atavus.
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#8 - Atavus High
Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 12
After he sets up an Atavus fan Web site, a disaffected teenager is used by the Atavus to recruit the world's youth into its army of hybrids.
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#9 - Motherlode
Earth: Final Conflict - Season 4 - Episode 5
While Liam and Renee investigate the suspicions of false imprisonment and infringement of civil rights, an ammoralist associate of Augur's plans to steal Zo'or's gold onboard the mothership.
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#10 - The Queen
Stargate Atlantis - Season 5 - Episode 8
Teyla goes in disguise as a Wraith queen when Todd agrees to make a bold proposal to the leader of his alliance -- not realizing that he has other intentions.
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#11 - Lungfish
First Wave - Season 1 - Episode 7
Quatrain 32, Century 9: "The fish that travels land and sea will be cast up on shore by a great wave / And pestilence from the sky will drive multitudes into the ocean." I seek them. I hunt them. I will stop them. Since my crusade began, I've destroyed an alien cloning lab, ruined their disinformation campaign to discredit alien existence, and taken down a cult that sought an alien salvation. But the trail was growing cold. For three weeks, Crazy Eddie had been studying Nostradamus quatrains to lead us to the aliens. The only lead he found was a newspaper clip about a farm in Indiana claiming to have a large mouth bass that breathed on land. It seemed to fit with the quatrain. Eddie thought I was wasting my time going after a fish, but I had him make up some snappy credentials for me as a tabloid reporter for the World Standard News anyway. I thought it was time to go fishing. I met Esther and her little brother Cody on their farm and inquired about the fish.
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#12 - Eulogy
Sanctuary - Season 2 - Episode 3
With chaos all around them, the team must come to terms with how to rebuild after the Cabal’s attacks. Magnus takes a methodical approach to prove Ashley is still alive, while Will and Henry take on the daunting task of processing the hundreds of Abnormals who now seek refuge at the Sanctuary.
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Poltergeist: The Legacy - Season 2 - Episode 19
An old friend of Derek and Sloan's dies in Canada. After the funeral they think that more is involved than the authorities think. A fellow professor is snooping around, they find notes written in a language the three of them created many years ago, Derek keeps getting weird flashes and Serena, the friends wife, keeps seeing a strange creature in the triangular pond in the garden. All these things lead to Derek and Sloan staying in Canada longer than they had intended so they can investigate.
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#15 - Submersion
Stargate Atlantis - Season 3 - Episode 18
The team discovers an Ancient drilling station deep beneath the surface of the ocean, only to find that a Wraith queen is still alive there.
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#16 - Elixir
First Wave - Season 1 - Episode 5
Quatrain 13. "The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men / The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll." Crazy Eddie tied this quatrain into the bizarre events of May 16 in Kalkaska, Michigan. Customers say a beautiful young woman goes from 22 to 102 while doing the shimmy-shake at a local bar. She was later identified as Miss Margaret Grant, resident of a local retirement home in town. Decided to start there. Eddie said records indicated that this woman had a nephew in Anchorage, Alaska. It was time to say goodbye to Cade Foster, and hello to Ben Grant. The home's administrator, Sarah, was quick to write off the stories of Margaret's death to the local drunks in the bar. I made myself acquainted with Margaret's friends, Patricia and Leonard, to see if they had any insight into the recent death. They were less than forthcoming, even secretive, but I was able to squeeze Leonard for some information. He pointed
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#17 - Mata Hari
First Wave - Season 1 - Episode 3
Quatrain 6, Century 8. "Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea / Young trees of knowledge will fall / crushed by the thorny vine of a red rose." If Crazy Eddie's right, Nostradamus' idea of an ivory tower is here at the National Institute of Applied Mathematics in Boston, Massachussetts. A young Einstein named Ted Eichmann dropped dead with bubbles in his blood, like he's a can of soda someone shook too fast. Word on campus had it he was working on a government project. The program needed a new boy wonder. Looks like I finally made it to college. Mom would've been proud. Crazy Eddie wired me up with a microphone and earpiece so I could play genius to all the real geniuses. I fooled them with Eddie's help and made the grade. They told me we were working on a "communications satellite system." I didn't buy it. With the level of secrecy surrounding the project, I was betting this project was far more dangerous than anyone was letting on. Super-brain Ted Eichmann died from some kind of ni
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#18 - Worlds Apart
Higher Ground - Season 1 - Episode 7
Auggie's older brother tries to talk him into selling drugs to the rich kids at Horizon, while potential investors visit the school, and Sophie and Peter try to figure out their relationship.
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#19 - An Affirming Flame (2)
Andromeda - Season 1 - Episode 2
Captain Dylan Hunt attempts to drive the invaders from his ship. He manages to scare Gerentex off, but he leaves many of his employees behind. He takes the Maru and uses it to send the Andromeda, still without engine power, on a course back into the black hole. The remaining scavengers work with Dylan to regain engine control and break free from the gravity well. Once free, they regain control of the Maru from Gerentex and Dylan invites the survivors to join his crew and reestablish the Commonwealth.
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#20 - Subject 117
First Wave - Season 1 - Episode 1
"On the seventh dawn of the seventh day / A twice blessed man will roam the fields / Doomed to shadows with his brethren / Or savior to all who walk the ground." My name is Cade Foster (Kincaid Lawrence Foster). Picture the life you wish you had. I had it. A beautiful wife, a great career, money, friends, all of it. And then just as quickly, it was gone. I used to be a thief. I was considered by the cops to be the best break and entry man in Cook County in my day. They couldn't touch me. But I realized that was a fool's life when I met Hannah, so I did an about face and went legit, and left it all behind. Maybe I finally stumbled onto what I could never find behind all those broken safes: a real life, a reason for being... And then it all began to unravel. My bank accounts were drained overnight. I started having vivid and gruesome hallucinations that would hit me outta nowhere. I was fired from my job at a security firm when they found out about my colorful past on the other side of t
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#23 - The Girl Next Door
21 Jump Street - Season 5 - Episode 8
While investigating the hit and run murder of a high school football star, McCann becomes involved with a cheerleader who has AIDS.
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#24 - Penance
Sanctuary - Season 2 - Episode 9
Magnus is reunited with an old friend, Jimmy who is transporting a valuable elemental Abnormal to the Sanctuary for safety. But an underground mob accustomed to cashing in on the Abnormal black market, tracks down Jimmy and his valuable cargo before the delivery is complete. Magnus and Jimmy find themselves in a dangerous shootout, determined to save the Abnormal. Will, Kate and Henry are quick on the scene as backup. Kate proves her worth when she manages to get Jimmy and the Abnormal to safety. But not before taking a shot from one of the mobsters herself. Hiding out in an abandoned, derelict motel room until the immediate danger of the mob passes, Jimmy tends to Kate’s gunshot wound. With little to do but talk and wait for Magnus to find them, Jimmy and Kate discover an unexpected common history.
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#25 - Pavor Nocturnus
Sanctuary - Season 2 - Episode 5
A disoriented Magnus wakes up to find the Sanctuary in ruins and the entire city decimated, with no memory of how the devastation occurred. While surveying the destruction, she is attacked by an inhuman creature but saved by two armed men who stun her and take her to an abandoned warehouse. After being hosed down and left shivering and exhausted, Magnus fears the worst when a battle-scarred figure enters the room.
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#26 - Wasted
21 Jump Street - Season 5 - Episode 19
Mac goes undercover as a football player when a high school football star dies from an unexplained heart attack.
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#27 - Bad Day at BlackBurn
21 Jump Street - Season 5 - Episode 20
Fuller, Hoffs and Mac go undercover to investigate a gang of high school extortionists operating in a high school.
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#28 - Castle Keep
The Adventures of Sinbad - Season 2 - Episode 15
A prince's gala features the public execution of pirates, among them, Sinbad.
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#29 - Attention Deficit
Higher Ground - Season 1 - Episode 13
When a tough father brings his troubled son to the school, the kid soon antagonizes the other students as the father treks through bear country with Peter.
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#30 - Inquisition
Stargate Atlantis - Season 5 - Episode 13
A new coalition of human worlds puts the Atlantis team on trial for their alleged crimes against the Pegasus Galaxy.
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#31 - A Gathering Storm
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven - Season 1 - Episode 22
The leader of the Lazarus Group plans to subvert The Crow into his henchman and destroy Eric Draven. Shelly briefly becomes human to save him but is unable to prevent Draven and the evil Crow from a battle of apocalypse ferocity. Frederick Balsam (Mavor Moore), the ailing leader of the mysterious Lazarus Group has successfully transferred his soul into the body of his former personal trainer James Horton (Michael Weatherly). Now young, virile and still pure evil, he has destroyed the body jump technology and is systematically eliminating anyone who knows about it. Part of his master plan is to turn The Crow into his one-man private army and destroy Draven. Meanwhile, Detective Albrecht is assigned to find out who vandalized Draven's grave, covering it in blood. In the cemetery he is approached by an extremely nervous Judge Morrison (Jerry Wasserman) -- a former member of the Lazarus Group who did all their judicial dirty work. He now demands police protection in exchange for informatio
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#32 - Re-generation
The Outer Limits (1995) - Season 3 - Episode 3
After their four-year-old son Justin dies in a household accident aspiring politician Graham Highfield and his wife Rebecca get a second chance at happiness. Dr. Lucy Cole clones a new embryo from Justin's brain and nerve cells and implants it in Rebecca's womb. As the pregnancy progresses, however, it becomes clear to Rebecca that this isn't just any fetus -- this is Justin himself, a fetus with the skills -- and the memories -- of a little boy. As he shares those memories with his mother, Justin reveals secrets that may destroy the whole family.
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#33 - Rogues of War
The Flash (2014) - Season 9 - Episode 3
Barry and Iris start to put together the pieces of what's happening in Central City and believe they know what the Rogues are after. Team Flash works together and recruits some unlikely allies to help, and the plan does not go as Team Flash expects. Meanwhile, Allegra does her best to avoid having a conversation with Chester.
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#34 - The Gryphon's Tale
The Adventures of Sinbad - Season 2 - Episode 16
To his grief, a game hunter captures a baby gryphon for his side show.
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Poltergeist: The Legacy - Season 1 - Episode 20
A psychic/supernatural occurence debunker and physicist, Dr. David Praeger, is working for the army at an old railway station & tunnel in Powderwash, Colorado. The army is planning on opening a nerve weapon disposal site nearby and he is there to find out what causes the magnetic fluctations in the area. While investigating he starts seeing the 'ghost' of a signalman telling him to 'pull the switch'. Alex finds out where he is after dreaming that he is in danger and, as much as they dislike the man's work the Legacy go to try and save him.
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Poltergeist: The Legacy - Season 1 - Episode 22
Three senior members of the legacy arrive at the house and say that they have received a letter accusing Derek of running the house in an improper manner. Derek is put on trial at the house for several days where Nick and Rachel have to submit evidence about Derek. Things start to look very grim for Derek and when Rachel goes to see him in a room where he is kept locked up he asks her to bring him a shaving mirror and some sacred knives from the house's vault. Using the mirror he notices that one of the three people who came to put him on trial does not have a reflection in the mirror and that he always has the blinds closed before he enters a room. The trial is about to conclude with a guilty verdict where Derek is asked to make a closing speech. Derek says that for some time he has felt something wrong with the legacy, like a cancer growing among them, he reveals that it was himself who made the allegations against him so he could bring everyone together. He approaches the male repre
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Poltergeist: The Legacy - Season 2 - Episode 15
Margaret and Laura Davis, two old friends of Derek and Nick's, return to San Franscisco. They perfrom seances and Margaret wants Nick and Derek to come along to one of them. It seems as if Laura is being 'taken over' by a spirit, 'Elizabeth', that is taking control of her body when she is unconscious. Rachel suggests that they need to find out more about 'Elizabeth' if they want to be able to help Laura.
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#38 - The Road Not Taken
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven - Season 1 - Episode 19
Aimless and guilt-stricken, Hannah/Talon (Bobbie Phillips) has been wandering the streets of Port Columbia when her spirit crow leads her to a distraught mother, Nancy Meyers (Stellina Rusich), whose infant daughter has just been kidnapped. Hannah decides to intervene but her brutal methods for extracting information from anyone who may have been involved awakens interest in the police. Draven, unaware of the havoc Hannah is causing and the trouble she is in, has gone to a special glade in the woods where he and Shelly previously spent time together. Shelly appears and, not sure if it's real or not, Draven loses himself in the wonder of being together again. Meanwhile, Capshaw is finally back on the job, but her nerve is gone. She was instrumental in getting Albrecht demoted but in an ironic twist, Vincennes asks him to keep an eye on her. He has his hands full though with two Crows on the loose. He plays back-up as Draven and Hannah rescue the child but Hannah takes off with the baby
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Poltergeist: The Legacy - Season 4 - Episode 19
Kat faces mortal danger when she resumes her friendship with an ailing Miranda. To save Kat, Rachel must find powers from the past,a past she would prefer to forget. For this episode, we learn that Miranda wants to transform herself into Kat - to inhabit Kats body. To live in Kats body. After the opening credits, Kat and Rachel have an argument and Derek tries to persuade Kat to give up magic - she disobeys, obviously. After a ritual between Miranda and Kat, Miranda tricks Kat and Miranda transfers her soul into Kats body - but before she does, Miranda reveals her true self - an elderly, dying old women who has been searching for the perfect body to transfer into. Miranda is now in control of Kat. As suspicion rises about the true identity of Kat, Alex realises that Miranda and Kat now share the the same body. In order to defeat Miranda inside Kat, Rachel volunteers to be concercrated (so that she can become a witch) As Alex and Rachel discover that the witch spell hasn't worked, Kat
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Poltergeist: The Legacy - Season 3 - Episode 13
Alex begins having dreams that cause her to sleepwalk. Grandma Rose worries for Alex's health and asks her to come home. Alex agrees and Nick accompanies her to see Rose. The dreams continue and grow more intense as the days go by. Rose begins to tell Alex of her ancestor, La Belle, and so the search for the truth behind Alex's dreams becomes clearer. A spirit from the past looks to come back through a familiar spirit...Alex's!
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#43 - Wild Child
Beastmaster - Season 2 - Episode 13
Dar vows to reunite Huna with her long lost child, raised from infancy by wolves, and now hunted by the murderous Milos.
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