The BEST episodes directed by Bill Reed

#1 - The Great Books Mystery
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 11
Orko is searching all over the Royal Palace for a book he has bought Prince Adam for his birthday. It soon transpires that not only this book is missing, but every book in the kingdom! The books have been stolen by a villain called Batros, who has hidden them in the Temple of the Sun. As the heroes set out to recover the books, Skeletor sends Beast Man and Trap Jaw out to recruit Batros into his army.
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#2 - The Bad News Plastic Surgeons
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 21
Teacher is disappointed when the school's plastic surgery team has no championships, so she calls in The Red Guy, to be the new plastic surgery coach. Chicken and Cow immediately join the team, and are taken to the finals, where they must compete against real doctors, who are still in grade school.
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#3 - Perpetual Energy
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 24
Cow and Chicken mess with a Junior Chemistry Set, and created perpetual energy, a beam of energy that keeps on going forever. The Red Guy kidnaps Cow and Chicken to recreate the energy, so he can win a trip to up North without having to sell Military Scout Cookies. I Am Weasel: ""My Friend, the Smart Banana''
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#4 - Keeper of the Ancient Ruins
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 32
Whilst on an archaeological dig, Man-At-Arms and Professor Smallen are taken captive by ancient robots called Zaktons, who were left by the Ancient Ones to guard the ruins of the desert. He-Man and Teela head to the Ancient Ruins to save them, but they also face danger from Trap Jaw, who wants the Zaktons' artifacts for himself.
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#5 - Child Star
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 23
Amateur director Ivan Panced (The Red Guy) hold auditions for the role of ""Pretty Little Girl"" in his new movie with the same name. Cow wins the role by being the only girl who can't puddle dance. Cow's performance is charming, and well as tear-jerking: the horror is yet to come as the cameraman discovers he forgot to put the film in the camera.
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#6 - The Good Shall Survive
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 7
A prehistoric race of Bee People know as the Tychons come back to life, and threaten to steal the food supply of Buzz-Off and his hive. And when Skeletor gets involved, the stakes are raised.
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#7 - Search for a Son
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 57
Mekaneck is missing his long-lost son Philip, who mysteriously vanished years ago, when he and his father were caught in an intense storm. But out of the blue, the evil Count Marzo reveals that he saved Philip from the storm and has been holding him captive ever since, using him as a servant. He offers to return Mekaneck's son in exchange for the King and Queen of Eternia, so Marzo can rule the planet himself. Although he is thrilled to have found out his son's whereabouts, Mekaneck refuses Marzo's offer, out of devotion to the King and Queen. But, determined to gain the throne of Eternia for himself, Marzo captures the King and Queen as they set out to visit the hive of the Bee People, and it is up to He-Man and Mekaneck to rescue both the King and Queen, and Mekaneck's son!
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#8 - Island of Fear
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 17
Man-At-Arms has built a new dam around the kingdom of Eternos, to block off the Eternian ocean and prevent flooding. However, some of his food ships have gone missing, and while flying over the ocean to investigate, Buzz-Off has noticed a strange volcanic island which is not marked on any map. Adam, Cringer, Orko, Man-At-Arms, Teela and Buzz-Off go to investigate further. It soon turns out that Skeletor is the source of the problem, using a floating island to capture the food ships, planning to starve the Eternians then smash through the dam to flood Randor's kingdom! Can the heroes stop him before he succeeds?
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#9 - The Remedy
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 57
Man-At-Arms' mentor, Rohad, who taught him all his scientific skills, is dying and He-Man must set out to find the only cure, a rare plant. Will he overcome the many obstacles in his way in time to save Rohad?
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#10 - Bargain with Evil
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 60
An evil king from the Dimension of Evil has kidnapped a good wizard. In order to get his freedom back, his daughter makes a bargain that she will kidnap the Star Child so that the evil king can look upon her. However, she soon finds out that she's bee duped when the evil king breaks his bargain and transports her, the Star Child and the heroes (along with the Star Child's body guard) to his dimension, hoping to force the Star Child to use her powers to open a gate to Eternia for himself and his forces to come through and take over.
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#11 - Cow and Chicken Reclining
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 14
Dad is sick of his high-tech reecliner always malfunctioning, so he decides to dump it. Before he does, Cow and Chicken decide to see what it's like to sit in ""The Chair"". They, and they get stuck, and are taken away to museums, and in stolen vans, and finally back at home, where Dad waits for his ""new chair"".
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#12 - Just a Little Lie
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 27
When Orko finds out that Adam's visiting cousin, Prince Dal, doesn't think Eternos is as magical as his own home kingdom, he gives Prince Dal a pretty rock and tells him that its called the Star Crystal and that it will protect anyone who has it. Prince Dal believes the lie and steals the rock from Orko later to bring to his father, who is fighting a war against the Torks, thinking it will make him invincible.
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#13 - Mistaken Identity
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 58
A boy called Tharen is jealous of his girlfriend Careel's admiration for He-Man, so he tricks her into thinking he is He-Man's secret identity in the hope that she'll like him better. Meanwhile, at Eternos jail, a criminal scientist caled Galen Nycroft has managed to teleport to his cell a strange machine to increase his power. The machine transforms him into Modulok, and he escapes from jail and sets out to capture He-Man, in the hope of convincing Skeletor to recruit him. He overhears Tharen telling Careel that he is He-Man, and captures him, thinking he is He-Man's alter ego! Can the real He-Man rescue Tharen... and will his real secret identity be threatened in the process?
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#14 - Piano Lessons
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 22
Red Guy shows up at Cow and Chicken's house again, this time claiming to be a piano teacher. So now Cow and Chicken are his students, and tries to make them child-prodigy piano players, so he can be rich. Cow and Chicken's concert fails.
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#15 - The Time Wheel
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - Season 2 - Episode 34
When investigating an ancient temple with Prince Adam, Orko accidentally brings the barbaric King Tamask from Ancient Eternia to the present, with a magical Time Wheel. When he comes across the Royal Palace, Tamask is confused by how it has changed and believes Randor is a magician who has taken over his kingdom. Angrily, he attempts to fight to reclaim the kingdom he thinks has been stolen from him. He-Man must help Tamask see the light, as well as convincing him to turn from his violent ways.
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#16 - Stay Awake
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 26
Chicken rushes through breakfast, and accidentally eats a box full of coffee flakes. He then goes crazy and has trouble getting to sleep. On his third night of no sleep, Chicken then runs up the Empire State Building. Super Cow shoots him with warm milk, and Chicken finally falls asleep.
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#17 - Bad Chicken
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 25
Cow and Chicken are sent to the copy room to make copies of the pop quiz. They then get carried away by making copies of their butts, and themselves: causing the copier to blow up. Cow and Chicken run down to the local officer supply store, while The Red Guy brings a copy of Chicken to life. The Chicken copy then causes chaos all over school, while Cow and the real Chicken try to destroy it.
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#18 - Magic Chicken
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 16
Chicken hosts his own magic show, and his assitant is Cow. He amazes Flem and Earl, by makings a porkbutt float, Flem's under appear outside his pants, switching Earl's braces to Flem, bird fly from under Earl's hat, and Cow's udder dsiappear. But when he is unable to make her udder reappear, he has no choice but to place reward posters. Meanwhile, Red Guy is enjoying his newfound milk producing body part. I am Weasel: ""I Am Whale Captain""
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#19 - Cow's A Beauty
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 21
Red Guy shows up at Cow and Chicken's house, claiming to be a beauty pagent scout. He then dolls up Cow, and enters her into the next beauty pagent. While Cow literally makes a mochrie up on stage, she wins anyway with her inner beauty. Cow then discovers that it was all a scam so Red Guy could wear the tiarara, and hold the roses, at least just once.
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#20 - The Exchange Stüdent
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 22
The neighboring county of Montzerellaville is in the middle of a Holy Cheese War. One of their own, Slappy McCracken, is part of the exchange student program. He and Cow fall head over heals for each other. Cow then decides to stop the cheese war by proving that cheese isn't used for weapons, it's used for food.
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#21 - Chicken's Fairy Tale
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 15
Chicken trades Cow to a farmer for five Canadian jumping beans. Mom grounds Chicken, and has him throw the beans out. As you guessed, a beanstalk grew, Chicken, Frem, and Earl climbed it, and was captured by Red Guy who is the giant. Super Cow senses this, and flies to the rescue. Flem in the end, ends up laying a golden egg (no, seriously, he LAYS a golden egg).
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#22 - Grizzly Beaver Safari
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 10
Cow, Chicken, Mom, and Dad go on a safari in Africa, where they run out of gas. Cow and Chicken then find themselves at the mercy of laughing hyenas, and man-eating giraffes. Super Cow comes to the rescue, only to find that she has actually been defeated by the Grizzly Beaver, who has eaten the giraffe, who has eaten Chicken.
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#23 - Dirty Laundry
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 9
The school's newspaper editor has been fired. Teacher then brings in The Red Guy, as reporter Geraldo Rearviewa to advise. He decides to produce a new school-news show, and makes Chicken the anchorman, and Cow the editor. But soon, Red Guy's false stories makes Chicken loses friends.
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#24 - The Counter-Clock Incident
Star Trek: The Animated Series - Season 2 - Episode 6
With Commodore Robert April (the first commander of the Enterprise) on board, Kirk pursues a ship plunging into a supernova, and enters a universe where time runs backwards.
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#25 - Chickens Don't Fly
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 13
Cow and Chicken are taking a trip all by themselves. Their taking an airplane. Once Chicken sees the actual plain, he starts to have anxiety attacks and believes that flying is a dangerous way to travel.
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#26 - Cow's Horse
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 19
Cow loves horses. While reading a book about a famous horse, Blackie, she discovers the famous horse in her front yard. Cow and Chicken then take the horse as their new friend. Cow and Chicken make sure that Blackie gets his way. Soon Mom and Dad tire living like animals and wearing horse shoes, and tell Cow and Chicken that Blackie has to go.
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#27 - Cow's Toys
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 5
Sick of their everyday life of being squirted with milk, Cow's favorite toys: Crabs the Warthog Doll, Piles the Beaver Doll, and Manure the Bear decide to run away to find their original owner. After reading Manure's tag that says ""Made In Hong Kong"", they assume their original owner is a maiden named Hong Kong, and set out on a quest to find her.
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#28 - Lost At Sea
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 22
Flem and Earl find themselves lost in the middle of an ocean near the equator. They fear their lives are short, and begin reminescing about their fun lives: home coming, water boys, mentally challenged, eating cheese in Yurp, running with the bulls in Pimplelotta, singing drinking songs in Germany, and having love for Cow. I am Weasel: ""I.R. Do""
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#29 - Be Careful What You Wish For
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 21
Chicken is fed up with Cow's constant babbling, and wishes for her to shut up. Cow then gives Chicken the silent treatment. Chicken soon regrets when Cow doesn't tell him about an oncoming truck, and not representing him in court.
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#30 - The Babysitter
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 4
Mom and Dad go out of town, leaving Cow as the babysitter, because she's the biggest, and not the oldest. Pretty soon, Chicken is at the mercy of his sister's babysitting technique: eating marshmallow soup for supper, doing homework with Crabs the Warthog doll, Piles the Beaver doll, and Manure the Bear doll, taking a bath and being scrubbed with dishsoap, and wearing diapers.
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#31 - P.E.
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 14
P.E. Chicken, Flem, and Earl are finally 6th graders, and are ready for their first day at junior high. Once in their gym class they find it difficult to put up with a strict P.E. teacher, and bully twins.
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#32 - Pirate Lessons
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 3
The Red Guy is now Captain Butz Pirate, and wants to give Cow and Chicken pirate lessons. He takes them aboard his pirate ship in the middle of the duck pond, and teaches them how to say ""argh"", carve peglegs, hold worms for ransom, and sink Flem and Earl's boat. But after that incident, Cow, Chicken, and their flag/man Jolly Roger declare mutiny.
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#33 - Grandma at the Mall
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 11
Grandma pays at visit to Cow and Chicken's house to take them to the mall with her. Her purpose for being at the mall: to look for a new grandpa, because she lost the old one. Chicken gives her the slip while he, Flem and Earl hang out at the concession stands.
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#34 - Halloween with Dead Ghost, Coast to Coast
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 4
The Red Guy hosts a new late night talk show called ""Dead Ghost, Coast to Coast"", and reminds the viewers that tonight's Halloween. Chicken calls in, and is instructed to dress as a human being. So, Cow and Chicken go trick or treating as Mom and Dad, only to find that the neighbors assume that a grown man and woman are trick or treating. With that, Super Cow and Chicken teach The Red Guy a lesson.
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#35 - Me An' My Dog
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 9
Cow brings home an ""invisible"" dog, whom she dubs, Kevin. Pretty soon, she and Kevin are inseperable, but causes trouble with school and friends. After she enters Kevin in a dog show, and wins, Kevin ""runs away"". Afterwards, Cow finds Kevin, befriended an ""invisible"" homeless man.
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#36 - Buffalo Gals
Cow and Chicken - Season 2 - Episode 13
A group of female bikers break into Cow and Chicken's house, and start gnawing on their carpet. One of the bikers has a crush on Cow, and invites her to join the Buffalo Gals. It's up to Chicken to save his sister.
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#37 - Cloud Nine
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 7
Cow and Chicken wait outside the hardware store while Dad shops. Chicken is dying to ride the fighter jet plane ride. When Cow finally lends Chicken a quarter, The Red Guy takes the ride away. Chicken then stows-away on his truck, to ride the plane, but has to plug it up. Once at the gas station, he buys 20 extension cords, but the owner unplugs them. In the end, Chicken discovers that Dad actually collects those kind of rides.
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#38 - Cow's Dream Catcher
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 10
Cow tags along with Chicken, Flem, and Earl on their camping trip in the tree fort. Cow says that if Chicken, Flem, or Earl touch her dream catcher that they'll die. Chicken accidentally breaks her dream catcher, and soon, he, Flem and Earl are at the mercy of Cow's worst nightmare: The Milkman.
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#39 - I Scream Man
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 6
It's almost arbor day, and Mom and Dad are feeding their pet piggy pennies so they can crack him open on arbor day. Meanwhile, Cow and Chicken are craving ice cream, and try to chase down the ice cream man (Red Guy).
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#40 - Goin' My Way?
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 3
While driving in the snow, Mom and Dad find The Red Guy who says he's heading "home"; so Mom and Dad take him home with him, and immediately think of him has their new favorite son. Cow and Chicken work together to try to prove The Red Guy's a fraud.
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#41 - How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
Star Trek: The Animated Series - Season 2 - Episode 5
Backtracking a mysterious alien probe, the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a ship in the shape of a giant feathered serpent, which turns out to be Kukulkan, a god of ancient Mayan-Aztec legend. Its captain, Kukulkan, is actually a very long-lived benevolent entity who wants the humans to worship him just as the Mayans and Aztecs did. He insists on putting Kirk and others through a test to determine if they have grown sufficiently to receive his wisdom.
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#42 - Chicken In The Bathroom
Cow and Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 12
Chicken refuses to take bath, so he just sits there in the empty tub, while Cow, Mom, and Dad try to make him take a bath so they can use the toilet.
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#43 - Send in the Clowns
Cow and Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 8
Dad isn't friendly terms with the new neighbors, who happen to be clowns. Cow falls in love with the clown son, who in return falls in love with Cow. They play hooky to spend the day together. Dad finds out, and Cow in grounded, while he kicks the clown son out, and chews clown dad out.
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Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 46
In Spain an unscrupulous mine owner plans to evict a farmer and his family from their property by using force. The Ghostbusters must help, but when the ghost of Don Quixote appears they question whether or not they can trust the aid of a ghost.
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Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 47
The evil ghost Harpoon and his hip full of pirates kidnap the ghost of Moby Dick and they ghost of Captain Ahab. With Moby Dick in his power, Harpoon plans to capture space liners and continue plundering. The Ghostbusters learning of this race to rescue Moby Dick and Captain Ahab.
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Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 50
The Ghostbusters travel to a Moon Colony in the future to help install an anti-ghost security device. Whilst there they meet Keyta, a little girl with a penchant for false alarms. However when Keyta sees two vampires disguising themselves as humans can she get anyone to believe her?
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Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 52
The Ghostbusters, in an effort to get away from it all, take a vacation in the wilderness with Corky. However, the evil ghosts Benny and Clyde have stolen a statue for Prime Evil and are hiding out nearby. When Corky is captured by the gruesome twosome the Ghostbusters rush to his rescue.
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Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 62
Prime Evil desires to locate a decoding box that was accidentally dropped from space into the ocean. With the decoding box in his possession he believes that he could use it to learn every secret that the Governments of the world possess. When a new submarine is revealed to have been built Prime Evil sends Captain Long John Scarechrome to steal it.
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