The BEST episodes directed by Atsuko Ishizuka

The Power of Love at the Cultural Festival
112 votes

#1 - The Power of Love at the Cultural Festival

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 12

The Sakura Dormitory group prepares to launch Nyaboron deciding to enjoy themselves and make it a special memory. Nanami cosplays as the heroine as she narrates the story and asks the audience for their support. Eventually at the last part of the game when they are asked to shout their feelings, the audience is reluctant making Sorata to start blaming himself in frustration. At that moment Mashiro shouts "Thank you" to Sorata, which is followed by Misaki and a now encouraged audience which is finished by Sorata who replies "Thank you" to Mashiro. The event is a success but Mashiro and Rita are nowhere to be found, while looking for them a classmate confesses to Nanami but she rejects him. At the airport Sorata hugs Mashiro asking to not leave, only to find out that she was only escorting Rita to the airport, as Rita had tricked him. Rita bids farewell to the group while kissing Ryūnosuke on the cheek. As the plane departs, Mashiro begins to express her unrest at Sorata's hug, much to his embarrassment, and questions him if what she feels is love.

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Graduation Ceremony
110 votes

#2 - Graduation Ceremony

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 23

At the graduation ceremony, the speech that was supposed to be given by Sōichirō is instead given by Misaki to reflect her time and experiences of living at Sakura Dormitory. At the conclusion of her speech, Misaki makes a plea to the students to save Sakura Dormitory from demolition, and the students overwhelmingly show their support to block the demolition.

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Welcome to Sakurasou
107 votes

#3 - Welcome to Sakurasou

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 24

Nanami decides to not give up on her dream to become a voice actress and departs to Osaka to ask her parents for permission to continue studying at Suiko. Rita returns to England, stealing a kiss from Ryūnosuke before she departs. Following her example, Jin also kisses Misaki and hands her a signed marriage registration, for them to submit together when he returns, before departing to Osaka too. Only by themselves at the dorms, Mashiro asks Sorata for a kiss too, but one of his cats attack him in jealousy and he is kissed on the cheek instead. Some time later, Nanami returns to Sakura Dormitory after convincing her parents and two new residents arrive: Iori Himemiya, who was kicked out from the regular dorms for peeping and Kanna Hase, a reserved girl who refused to stay there as she wants a room just to herself. During the newcomers' welcome party, it is revealed that Yūko had indeed passed the entrance exams as she gave the wrong number for Sorata to check in the approval list by mistake, and is now a student of Suiko too, while Misaki has moved to a house next door after registering the papers behind Jin's back and is now officially married to him. As a new term begins for the residents of Sakura Dormitory, their cheerful days and their efforts to realize their dreams continue.

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Valentine's Is a Day For Chocolate
103 votes

#4 - Valentine's Is a Day For Chocolate

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 17

It is Valentines Day, and the girls of Sakura Dormitory prepare for their own plans. Nanami gets ready for her audition, Misaki plans to give Jin chocolate, Mashiro asks Sorata to meet her after school, and Rita has returned to see Ryūnosuke. After school, Sorata learns from Nanami that the trains are not running and she will miss her audition, so Sorata heads off to help her. Sorata manages to reach Nanami and get her to the audition on time, and along the way she indirectly confesses to him by rehearsing her lines. Meanwhile, Jin never shows up to meet Misaki, and Rita returns home that night after being turned down by Ryūnosuke. Sorata rushes back to meet Mashrio, and after apologizing, she gives him chocolate, explaining she wanted to do so as a way of closing the distance between them. Touched, Sorata thanks her and agrees to Mashiro’s request to hold hands. Back at Sakura Dormitory, Sorata remembers Nanami’s indirect confession, and begins to wonder if she was serious.

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Windows and Lights on Christmas Eve
111 votes

#5 - Windows and Lights on Christmas Eve

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 14

Sorata and Nanami enjoy the Christmas Eve together until they learn that Mashiro left the party and is nowhere to be found. After reuniting with her, Sorata finally opens the letter with the results and learns that he passed the primary selection once again. When the three return home, they find a desolate Misaki who reveals to them that for some reason, Jin refuses to become her boyfriend even after confessing that she is the one he truly likes.

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Home Is Where Sakurasou Is
106 votes

#6 - Home Is Where Sakurasou Is

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 19

Sorata recalls the day when he first moved to Sakura-sō and in the end, he and the other residents decided to protect the dormitory from being demolished.

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Hate, Hate, Love
107 votes

#7 - Hate, Hate, Love

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 10

The residents are having trouble finishing their project for the cultural festival, but don't know anyone that is good enough to help Mashiro. After discussing how to meet the deadline, Mashiro says that Rita can help, but when they ask her to help, she refuses. Rita confesses how she had quit painting because she was jealous of Mashiro and taught her how to draw manga in the hopes that she would fail at it. Ryūnosuke lectures Rita on her dishonesty causing her to run away upset and Nanami, Sorata, and Mashiro to chase her. When they find her, Mashiro and Rita make up in the rain. Back at the dorms, Rita helps with the project and it appears that they will be able to finish in time. Rita also expresses an interest in Ryūnosuke, which makes him uncomfortable.

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So Close and Yet So Far...
119 votes

#8 - So Close and Yet So Far...

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 3

Sorata turns Mashiro down when she asks him to do something with her on Sunday, so she ends up asking Jin. Misaki tells Sorata that they were planning on going to a love hotel, which prompts them to follow them around on what appears to be a date. While at the mall, Sorata and Misaki run into Nanami working another part time job. Later, they see Mashiro and Jin arrive at the love hotel, but Sorata intervenes and as he tries to punch Jin gets punched himself, which knocks him out. Sorata awakens in the love hotel with Mashiro, and upon calling Jin learns that he knew they were following him and Mashiro around. Sorata sleeps on the floor and the following morning apologizes for not understanding what was going on, but Mashiro interrupts him, asking if he is leaving Sakura Dormitory.

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No One's To Blame When It Rains
110 votes

#9 - No One's To Blame When It Rains

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 21

As everything goes smoothly for the Sakura-sō residents, on a rainy day, Sorata comforts Nanami who can't fold back her disappointment of failing the other day and starts to cry in the middle of a lesson and takes her the nurse's office. While on the way to class, Sorata receives a call from Fujisawa and learns that his game proposal was turned down, resulting in Sorata falling into despair, despite Fujisawa's encouragement. While searching for Nanami who wasn't at the nurse's, Sorata finds her under the rain where they confront each other over their failures, burst out everything in front of each other, later to hug and comfort each other, to be seen by Mashiro. At the end of the day, Sorata learns that Mashiro received an invitation to work at the game company, much to his chagrin, resulting in Mashiro questioning him that if she's the cause of all their failures and her decision to leave the dormitory to protect it by herself.

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A Place Further Than the Universe
80 votes

#10 - A Place Further Than the Universe

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 12

Ever since her mother was lost in Antarctica, Shirase has felt like she was lost in a terrible dream. Despite her fear of what will happen if nothing changes after she goes, she and her friends now set off on their final journey to the place where her mother was lost.

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Love For an Alien
106 votes

#11 - Love For an Alien

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 18

The growing distance in the relationship between Jin and Misaki has become a concern to the residents. Sorata, Nanami, and Mashiro go to school to find out that Yūko failed her entrance exam. Sorata meets with Jin on the rooftop and the two engage in a fight over Jin's recent treatment of Misaki. Nanami brings Misaki from the dormitory to reconcile with Jin and the two make up, with Jin pledging that he would become an employee at her new animation studio when he graduates from college. The residents return to Sakura Dormitory to find out that the dormitory is set to be demolished at the end of the school year.

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So We Can Keep Calling It Home
107 votes

#12 - So We Can Keep Calling It Home

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 20

As Sakura-sō residents finding hard to get signatures from everyone, they find out that Mashiro is the reason why the dormitory is set to be demolished and Ryūnosuke is less interested in helping them. At the end of the day Nanami finds out that she failed again to pass her adition, but tries to hide her dissapointment by helping everyone on getting signatures. At the same time Maid-chan reveals to Rita why Ryūnosuke doesn't want to help. She later calls Ryūnosuke, with Maid-chan's permission and help, and encougages him to move forward and help everyone, which he does on next day, much to everyone's surprise and joy.

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I've Painted Pictures
127 votes

#13 - I've Painted Pictures

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 2

Sorata tries to get help with Mashiro from the other members, but they merely elect him to do it himself. Sorata helps Mashiro get dressed and leaves the dorm without even eating breakfast, prompting them to stop by a convenience store, where Mashiro ends up eating a roll before paying for it. Sorata is surprised to find his classmate Nanami Aoyama working at the convenience store, who is just getting off work to go to school. Mashiro comes to him at school and says that he does not have to walk her home; he later sees her walking home with an older woman, Ayano. Sorata returns to the dorm to find the place lined with cabbage prepared by Misaki Kamiigusa for Jin Mitaka's birthday. Sorata and Jin follow the cabbage to the latter's room, where they find Misaki jump out of a box only wearing a ribbon wrapped around her body. Mashiro comes to Sorata in his room and tells him to come to her room where she tells him to take off his clothes for the manga she is drawing. Sorata eventually agrees to do it, and after Mashiro is satisfied, she nonchalantly gets to work on her manga. In the morning, Sorata finds out that Mashiro is actually a famous painter.

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Galactic Cat Nyaboron
109 votes

#14 - Galactic Cat Nyaboron

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 11

The cultural festival begins and the residents of Sakura Dormitory balance themselves between enjoying the attractions, helping their classmates and working with their own project. Rita keeps trying to get closer to Ryūnosuke much to his anxiety while Sorata finds himself in doubt about the climax of the Nyaboron event and comes with the idea of having the audience shouting their true feelings to power up Nyaboron's attack, which is quickly accepted by his colleagues.

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Just a Stone's Throw to Winter
106 votes

#15 - Just a Stone's Throw to Winter

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 13

Christmas is around the corner and as Sorata waits for the results of another game developing contest, he finds Mashiro behaving stranger than usual in several attempts to please him. Meanwhile, Misaki gets even more aggressive in her schemes to win Jin's affection and with Mashiro being called to attend a special party on Christmas Eve, Nanami invites Sorata to a date on that day.

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Where's Your Usual Self?
109 votes

#16 - Where's Your Usual Self?

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 15

During winter break, four of Sakura Dormitory's members: Sorata, Nanami, Mashiro and Misaki, are having their holidays in Fukuoka, Sorata's hometown. Each of them has their own share of problems whilst arriving at Sorata's place, but with each other's help and encouragement, they manage to solve their problems one by one. Sorata, who also has his presentation day coming up, gets full support both from his family and his friends to make it a success. Misaki, who has been depressed since Christmas Eve, finally finds meaning in all events that have happened and decides to step forward. Mashiro, who keeps trying to learn new things around her, reconciles with Sorata, and voluntarily helps him along with Nanami. Yūko, who wants to apply for Suimei University of the Arts, at last gets her father's approval with the help of her brother. In the end, the whole Kanda family, and members of Sakura Dormitory can greet the new year with new passion for their lives.

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10 votes

#17 - HaNaYaMaTa

Hanayamata - Season 1 - Episode 12

The day of the Hanasai Yosakoi Festival finally arrived. It wasn't until the Yosakoi club, which was a little depressed because Hana was gone, was raised. At the place where she first met Hana, Naruko rings with her determined expression. And Hana also runs through the city with her desire to dance with everyone. When the girls' summer thoughts come together. Hanayamata is cute and energetic!

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Rule Number 10
330 votes

#18 - Rule Number 10

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 12

Sora and Shiro are driven into a corner by Izuna's activated Blood Destruction, but just when Izuna thinks she's won the game, she falls into yet another of their traps and is defeated. Some time later, the siblings are summoned by the leader of the Werebeasts, the Shrine Priestess, who wants a rematch against them for the sake of her people, but the challenge "unexpectedly" ends in a draw. She is convinced into joining forces and establishing the Elkia Federation by merging the Imanity and Werebeast territories into a single nation. While making preparations for their next battles, Sora and Shiro renew their conviction to unite all the races of Disboard under their rule, and one day challenge Tet for his title of "One True God".

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An Autumn Storm Blows In
112 votes

#19 - An Autumn Storm Blows In

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 9

At school, rumors spread about the reason Nanami moved to Sakura Dormitory. That night, Rita, Mashiro's roommate from England, comes to take her back to England so she can paint again. Though Mashiro refuses and throws her out, Sorata decides to invite her back in so she has somewhere to stay. Taking advantage of him, Rita insists that she stay in his room. The next day, Ryūnosuke is seen for the first time as he goes to class to fulfill attendance requirements. That night, the group begins to plan excitedly for an upcoming cultural festival. Then later Mashiro insists that Rita no longer stay in Sorata's room and she agrees on the condition that Sorata go on a 'date' with her. Rita uses the date to show Sorata a painting Mashiro did before she left for Japan whose overwhelming beauty convinces Sorata that she needs to return to the world of art.

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354 votes

#20 - Interesting

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 6

The siblings confront Jibril, a member of the Flügel race to reclaim the royal library in a game of Shiritori.

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Killing Giant
314 votes

#21 - Killing Giant

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 11

Having regained their composure, Sora and Shiro confront Izuna with Jibril's help but soon realize that the game is rigged to the point that winning is almost impossible. All hope seems lost when Shiro is apparently put on enemy control, until Izuna realizes that she is actually falling on a trap by the siblings, and enjoying the game for the first time in her life, she finally decides to go all out against them.

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We'll Go On Another Journey Someday
72 votes

#22 - We'll Go On Another Journey Someday

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 13

Kimari wakes up to the sound of her alarm and goes through her duties for the day. The girls have gotten used to their lives in Antarctica, but the summer team will have to leave in three days. Their journey of a lifetime is reaching its end.

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Cat. White. Mashiro
114 votes

#23 - Cat. White. Mashiro

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - Season 1 - Episode 1

Sorata Kanda wakes up to another chaotic morning as one of the students living in the Sakura Dormitory, a dorm affiliated with Suimei University of the Arts for trouble-making students. He got put in the dorm after taking in stray cats he would find on the street. His teacher Chihiro Sengoku who also lives at the dorm tells him to meet up with her cousin Mashiro Shiina and bring her back to the dorm since Mashiro is transferring to the school. Chihiro gives him a photograph of Mashiro when she was a small child and no other explanations. He meets her later that day, and takes her back to the dorm where she meets the chaotic gifted members of the dorm at dinner. In the morning, Chihiro tells Sorata to take care of Mashiro. He goes to Mashiro's room to find clothes and other things scattered around, and discovers that Mashiro has trouble taking care of herself, including getting dressed. It takes a lot of time for him to get Mashiro ready for school and they run to make it to school in time.

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Fake End
317 votes

#24 - Fake End

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 8

The siblings pay a visit to the Werebeasts' embassy in Elkia, and expose the tricks that they use to outwit their opponents. Sora bets all of Imanity's remaining territory, along with the lives of all its citizens in an all-or-nothing game against the Werebeasts. However, while awaiting an answer from them, Sora mysteriously disappears without a trace, and Shiro realizes that she is the only one who remembers him.

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Clouds Just Beyond the Blue Ocean, Foam-White Waves in Their Wild Dance
40 votes

#25 - Clouds Just Beyond the Blue Ocean, Foam-White Waves in Their Wild Dance

Chihayafuru - Season 1 - Episode 20

In the runup to some exams, Tsutomu becomes a tutor for Chihaya and Yusei whilst Taichi enters a tournament in Yoshino, his last opportunity to advance to Class A. There, he runs into Arata, who gives him his contact details to give to Chihaya. Chihaya ditches studying and arrives after Taichi loses his tournament. She goes to observe Arata play whilst Taichi, initially frustrated by jealousy, finds solace in the fact Arata managed to return to karuta. At the end of the day, after Arata leaves and Chihaya is forced back to her studies, Harada offers Taichi a promotion to Class A so he can participate in the Masters qualifiers alongside Chihaya and Arata.

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315 votes

#26 - Sacrifice

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 7

Intending to challenge the Werebeasts, the siblings discover that it's hard to come with a strategy to defeat the latter, as all memories regarding the games are erased from their challengers, until Stephanie entrusts Sora a key left by the former king, leading to his secret research on how to outwit them.

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465 votes

#27 - Beginner

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 1

Sora and Shiro are unemployed and never leave their house, but on the net, they're known as "Blank", an invincible team of gamers. One day, these siblings are visited by a boy named Tet, who calls himself god. Tet summons them to a world where all war is banned, and everything is decided by games.

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358 votes

#28 - Grandmaster

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 4

The game Clamy challenged them to wasn't normal chess. Shiro is a chess master, but even she is helpless against Clami's assault. But when Shiro understands the real rules of the game, things begind to turn around. The battle to determine the king of Elukia, and all of humanity, finally reaches its end.

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Sky Walk
310 votes

#29 - Sky Walk

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 9

While figuring out the truth about her brother's disappearance, Shiro remembers that Sora is having a high-stakes game of Othello with Clammy in which they are betting their own existence and memories. With Sora in a dire position and unable to continue the game, Shiro assumes his place according to the game's rules and wins. With this, the siblings not only earn Clammy's allegiance and the support of her Elf partner, Feel Nilvalen, but by sharing his memories with her, Sora finally wins her trust.

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368 votes

#30 - Expert

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 3

A girl named Clamy has won the right to be the next king of Elukia by her overwhelming good luck. Steph lost to her and loses the chance to become the next ruler. Just as she defeats the last challenger, however, Sora and Shiro interrupt her.

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407 votes

#31 - Challenger

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 2

Sora and Shiro have been abandoned in another world by Tet. In this world all war is forbidden, and everything is determined by games whose rules are determined by the "Ten Pledges" that Tet established. They find themselves in the country of humanity, the weakest of the 16 races in this new world.

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Smile is Flower
11 votes

#32 - Smile is Flower

Hanayamata - Season 1 - Episode 11

After the girls practise by the poolside, Hana reveals her mother has come to Japan, though seems to be hiding the real reason she is so down about it. Later, Yaya comes up with some lyrics for everyone to sing during their performance, encouraging everyone to work hard, while Hana remains unable to tell them what's bothering her. That night, Hana goes over to Naru's house and tells her she will be unable to participate in the festival because she has to return to America with her parents, who are getting back together. With Hana conflicted over choosing between her friends and her family, Naru tells her to seek out her own happiness. Hana leaves the next morning, leaving Naru a letter which she shares with the others. Determined not to let things end like this, Naru and the others rush to the airport in order to see Hana off. After Hana leaves on her flight, leaving Naru her spare naruko, Naru and the others become determined to practise hard for the festival in Hana's place.

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Blue Rose
303 votes

#33 - Blue Rose

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 10

After finishing their preparations, the time has come for Sora and Shiro to challenge the Werebeasts with the destiny of all Imanity at stake, accompained by Jibril and Steph. But just when the game begins, the siblings fall into despair when they see themselves in a city that resembles their own homeland and the traumas of their past come to surface.

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Welcome to the Durian Show
71 votes

#34 - Welcome to the Durian Show

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 6

The girls have a stopover in Singapore on their way from Japan to Fremantle. They decide to spend their time sightseeing, but Yuzuki notices Hinata acting strangely.

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Weak Square
327 votes

#35 - Weak Square

No Game No Life - Season 1 - Episode 5

Sora and Shiro leave the running of the country to Steph and spend every day playing video games. Steph's hope that they would become not only the saviors of Elukia, but all of humanity, crumbles away.

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Antarctic Love Story (Blizzard Arc)
65 votes

#36 - Antarctic Love Story (Blizzard Arc)

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 9

Toshio confesses his love for Gin, and asks if Shirase knows anything that might help him get closer to her. Shirase tells him that Gin was just a friend of her mother's, so the girls insist that Shirase go to talk to Gin herself.

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Dear My Friend
74 votes

#37 - Dear My Friend

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 5

It's been several months since their training, and the girls' trip to Antarctica is drawing near. With Rin's help, Kimari manages to sort out her luggage, and in doing so, finds a game she borrowed from Megumi a long time ago. When she visits her friend to return it and talk about old times, though, Megumi doesn't seem to remember it at all...

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One Million Yen For Youth
87 votes

#38 - One Million Yen For Youth

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 1

Tamaki Mari, AKA Kimari, really wanted to have a great adventure in high school, but could never take the first step. Now in her second year, she meets Kobuchizawa Shirase, a girl who is determined to go to Antarctica despite being told it's impossible. Kimari is so moved by Shirase's indomitable spirit that she vows to go to Antarctica with her.

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The Ship That Sees the Universe
67 votes

#39 - The Ship That Sees the Universe

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 7

After arriving in Fremantle, the girls get a tour of their icebreaker ship. When Gin mentions that their new room was where Shirase's mother once stayed, the girls check to see if she might have left something behind there...

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Bash the Drum Can!
65 votes

#40 - Bash the Drum Can!

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 11

When the girls are testing a video connection to Japan for New Year's, a few of Hinata's "friends" come calling. Hinata begs off, but seems distracted for the rest of the day. Shirase decides to get to the bottom of things.

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The Follow Backs Don't Stop!
75 votes

#41 - The Follow Backs Don't Stop!

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 3

Kimari, Shirase, and Hinata need to figure out a way that high school girls might be allowed to go to Antarctica. Although dubious about their chances, they quickly find a report about a high school-aged actress named Shiraishi Yuzuki, who's being allowed to come along. Shirase attempts to make contact with Yuzuki's agency, but it just so happens that Yuzuki has come to them.

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Hot Spring Camp
10 votes

#42 - Hot Spring Camp

Hanayamata - Season 1 - Episode 10

Machi decides to join the yosakoi club, determined to help the group get into shape before the Hanairo Festival. Tami proposes they go on a training camp at her family's hot spring inn, so the group discuss their plans at Hana's house, where they learn she lives with her father after her parents got divorced. After everyone works to update their choreography and routines to include Machi, the girls head to the inn and get straight to practising. Later that night, the girls suddenly learn they've missed the registration date for the festival. Nonetheless, Machi is still determined to spend every waking minute practising so she can catch up with the others, encouraging the others to practise alongside her. Their practise soon attracts the attention of the other inn guests, who give the girls their support. The next day, Sally informs the girls that Masaru has managed to get them into the festival thanks to a team dropping out. Back at school, as Naru manages to come up with a theme for their outfits, Hana gets a call from her mother.

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Howling, Maddening, Screaming
68 votes

#43 - Howling, Maddening, Screaming

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 8

It's finally time for the ship to set out from Fremantle, heading for Antarctica. The girls interview crew members, peel potatoes, and get training to improve their stamina. But as exhausted as they are already, an even greater disaster awaits them!

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Partial Friendship
66 votes

#44 - Partial Friendship

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 10

At last, the girls have arrived in Antarctica, and are awed by the scene before them. No one's been at Syowa Station in three years, so there's a lot to do to get it cleaned up. As the girls keep themselves busy, Yuzuki seems to make up her mind about something.

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Mission Event
10 votes

#45 - Mission Event

Hanayamata - Season 1 - Episode 8

Naru and Tami start exercising to try and lose weight in time for the event, though they soon learn the extra weight is because of stronger muscles. Meanwhile, Yaya uses her musical know-how to arrange Tami's composition, helping the girls focus on their choreography. On the day of the event, the group discover Sally had accidentally put the CD they need in her personal bag, so she sends her sister, who turns out to be Machi, to bring it to them in time for their performance. As the girls step up on stage to perform, with Machi invited to spectate, Naru starts to panic when the group starts falling off tempo and ends up messing up when she is reminded of a traumatic elementary school event.

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Sister Complex
10 votes

#46 - Sister Complex

Hanayamata - Season 1 - Episode 9

Yaya and the others manage to encourage Naru to finish the performance, but shortly afterwards, Hana collapses. After Hana makes a full recovery after a few days, Naru still feels guilty for letting her fear of an audience ruin the performance, but is encouraged by her friends to keep trying. Later, the group learn from Machi that their club is in danger of being shut down at the end of the term since, as a substitute teacher, Sally can't be an official advisor. As the girls try to think of a way to keep Sally as their advisor, Machi feels hostility towards Sally, who left home when she got tired of trying to live up to her parents' expectations. The next day, as the girls hear rumor that Sally may be quitting as a teacher, Machi assumes she is abandoning them just like she allegedly did with her and badmouthes her. After some stubbornness, Machi eventually learns from Tami that Sally was actually applying to become a full-time teacher, stating that it was Machi who inspired her to become a teacher. Upon hearing this, Machi apologises to Sally, who manages to pass her exam, and contemplates joining the yosakoi club herself.

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Kabukicho Fremantle
74 votes

#47 - Kabukicho Fremantle

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 2

To get on a ship to Antarctica, Kimari and Shirase will first need the money to fly from Japan to Fremantle, Australia. To earn this money, Kimari gets a job at a convenience store, where she meets a girl named Miyake Hinata. Hinata decides to join them on the trip, and quickly gets swept up in Shirase's next plan...

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Four Caterpillars
72 votes

#48 - Four Caterpillars

A Place Further Than the Universe - Season 1 - Episode 4

Kimari and the others finally have their tickets to Antarctica. However, they'll need to go on a three-day summer training camp to learn the skills they'll need. In the mountains, they experience everything from lectures to field work, and meet the team commander, who seems to have a history with Shirase.

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Girl Identity
13 votes

#49 - Girl Identity

Hanayamata - Season 1 - Episode 7

With the department store event coming up, Yaya seems somehow depressed. It seems to have something to do with her band's audition. Yaya is reluctant to talk about it, and when Naru and the gang try to help her out, she accidentally explodes at them.

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First Step
11 votes

#50 - First Step

Hanayamata - Season 1 - Episode 5

With Tami and Yaya having joined, the club finally has four members, and they begin working towards their goal of performing in the Hanairo Yosakoi Festival in the summer. But Naru and the others have never seen real yosakoi, so by Tami's suggestion, they go to the Shounan Yosakoi Festival.

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