The BEST episodes directed by Andrew Morgan

The Dear Departed
2 votes

#1 - The Dear Departed

Heartbeat - Season 13 - Episode 12

A recently widowed woman arrives in Aidensfield wanting to bury her late husband in the family grave, but the dead man's brother refuses to co-operate because of an old feud. Vernon and David pay a visit, hoping to persuade him otherwise - only to find themselves held at gunpoint - and when it emerges the coffin is full of money and the deceased is alive and well, a shocking case of fraud is uncovered. Meanwhile, Oscar is among the locals under suspicion when a widely disliked, hardened criminal returns to the village - and soon ends up murdered.

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One Thing Leads to Another
2 votes

#2 - One Thing Leads to Another

Heartbeat - Season 13 - Episode 16

After a petty thief is hurt in a car crash, Crane discovers that Merton's wife Jenny is involved in one of his shady schemes. Meanwhile, Liz is given a surprising offer when she tries to help a sick man regain his job, and David, Bernie and Vernon enter the Ashfordly Gazette poetry competion.

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Precious Stones
6 votes

#3 - Precious Stones

Heartbeat - Season 14 - Episode 8

Merton has to call in CID when armed robbers snatch a woman's diamonds from her neck. Ben shares some unexpected news with Liz while David bathes in new found fame.

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Better Dead Than Co-Ed
4 votes

#4 - Better Dead Than Co-Ed

The Worst Witch - Season 3 - Episode 11

Everybody arrives at Camelot College (a wizard school). Just as they're about to land, Mildred crashes her broom into a tree. Bars and Gars watch her through a telescope and pretend they're airport control. They call HB the secret weapon when they see her. ""All is not well, mon capitain!"" Everyone runs over to see if Mildred's all right. She is. Cackle says that it's a good thing Mildred landed prematurely, because it reminded her that you should always greet wizards on foot. ""We witches sometimes have a clear advantage. Wizards aren't so good at flying."" They walk up to the castle and Hellibore makes an ostentatious entrance, calling his pupils forth and making them recite a lame poem that they all look suitably embarrassed to recite (particularly the ones that look to be nineteen or so??). Mildred and co. notice Charlie standing in their midst. They talk to him inside, and he explains, ""Miss Cackle knew how much I wanted to be a witch... I mean, wizard."" So she wrote to Hellibore and

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3 votes

#5 - Bridgehead

Secret Army - Season 3 - Episode 12

The Allied liberation of Brussels paradoxically brings terror for the former Lifeline workers. About to face savage punishment after being falsely accused of collaboration, Monique is rescued thanks to Natalie and a British officer, Captain Stephen Durnford. She moves in with Natalie, where Durnford visits her and the two become close. Natalie tries to persuade Albert to declare his feelings for Monique, but he remains convinced that she will come back to him and the Candide. Meanwhile, Hans Van Broecken has to deal with two German deserters who have stowed away aboard his barge.

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Remembrance of the Daleks (4)
195 votes

#6 - Remembrance of the Daleks (4)

Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 4

The Omega device is in jeopardy. A giant Dalek warship hangs above the Earth. London has become a battleground for ruthless alien intelligences.

Remembrance of the Daleks (2)
196 votes

#7 - Remembrance of the Daleks (2)

Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 2

With two factions of Daleks involved in a race war on Earth, the Doctor takes care of old business by having the Hand of Omega ceremoniously but quietly buried in a churchyard. His actions do not go unobserved, and leaving behind a bored Ace without a purposeful outlet could spell trouble as well.

Remembrance of the Daleks (3)
197 votes

#8 - Remembrance of the Daleks (3)

Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 3

The Doctor plans to let one of the Dalek factions have the Hand of Omega (but not too easily, of course) while keeping Gilmore and his military men preoccupied in a safe territory, but that plan could be threatened by a mole in their midst and a miscalculation on the Doctor's part.

Remembrance of the Daleks (1)
261 votes

#9 - Remembrance of the Daleks (1)

Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 1

London, 1963. Returning to the scenes of his first televised adventure, the Doctor and new companion Ace play a tricky game of bluff and deceit involving two rival Dalek factions, local soldiers, and the awesomely powerful Gallifreyan artefact, the Hand of Omega...

Cinderella in Boots
3 votes

#10 - Cinderella in Boots

The Worst Witch - Season 3 - Episode 8

Hellibore arrives at Cackles for a Christmas Pantomime, which he loaned out Dragonsbane and Grailquest for. Backstage, everything's falling apart. Miss Hardbroom (in a strange little white dress) has been cast by Miss Crotchet as the fairy godmother. ""I'm just not that kind of witch!"" Crotchet explains that the point is to cast people against character. Mildred can't remember any of her lines, she has terrible stage fright, and Ethel's chopping at the bit to take her place. Crotchet tells Mildred that the fact she doesn't want to be Cinderella is exactly what makes her perfect for the part. Ruby's rigged up some sort of lighting device with a potion. Drill is stage manager, Charlie is assistant stage manager, and some sort of lightening shoots out of the lighting device and fries the pumpkin. Curtain is very soon, and Maud shows up to tell Drill that the ugly stepsisters are on strike. Meanwhile, Hellibore's reading the program and he's quite befuddled. He thinks that Pantomime is mime

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A Pig In a Poke
17 votes

#11 - A Pig In a Poke

The Worst Witch - Season 1 - Episode 3

The witches' cats arrive, but they're one short.... The caretaker's nephew, Charlie, visits the academy, but he doesn't believe that the witches are real.... Mildred ends up turning Ethel into a pig, which was bad enough, but it was suppose to have been a frog! Ethel then gets mistaken for an escaped pig from the local farm so she is taken there. The only person who knows the reversal spell is Charlie so he and Mildred rush to the farm to save Ethel. When they find her, Charlie casts the spell, but it ends up making Ethel go a little quackers....

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Children of Auron
117 votes

#12 - Children of Auron

Blake's 7 - Season 3 - Episode 7

Servalan introduces a plague to the people of Auron, and the crew journey to Cally's homeworld to save them. Servalan uses this plan as bait to get the Liberator, and to make clones in her image, the only offspring she feels she could trust.

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The Happiest Day
5 votes

#13 - The Happiest Day

Heartbeat - Season 14 - Episode 4

Blaketon is put in a compromising position when the police investigate a warehouse robbery he knows something about. A police lost property clear-out provides David with a new hobby, but it doesn't keep him out of trouble.

Time and the Rani (1)
224 votes

#14 - Time and the Rani (1)

Doctor Who - Season 24 - Episode 1

The alien world of Lakertya. With the aid of the savage Tetraps, the Rani has conquered this planet to allow her to continue her depraved biochemical experiments. But she finds herself needing the Doctor's assistance...

Time and the Rani (2)
188 votes

#15 - Time and the Rani (2)

Doctor Who - Season 24 - Episode 2

The Rani's impersonation of Mel backfires badly because Urak can't tell the difference, while the Doctor attempts to learn the secret of the Loyhargil.

Time and the Rani (3)
210 votes

#16 - Time and the Rani (3)

Doctor Who - Season 24 - Episode 3

The solstice nears, making it time for the Rani to bring her plans into fruition. The Doctor's sympathies for Beyus, ruler of the Lykertyans, are rather qualified. Beyus' heart is for his people yet something prompts him to collaborate fully in helping the Rani reach all her objectives. The answer, he's told, lies within the Center of Leisure.

Time and the Rani (4)
186 votes

#17 - Time and the Rani (4)

Doctor Who - Season 24 - Episode 4

The Rani, at last, links the Doctor into her great brain machine, the crowning jewel in her component packet of geniuses brought together to turn Lakertya itself into one vast cerebral mass capable of redirecting time anywhere in the universe, giving her absolute power over all creation.

Chain Reaction
0 votes

#18 - Chain Reaction

Casualty - Season 4 - Episode 1

Cyril's keen to find out how his interview went but Charlie‘s keeping quiet about it and Jimmy Powell is in trouble over his attitude to the job and Duffy clashes with the new doctor Lucy Perry, as Charlie shows her round. Duffy tries to help Barbara sort out her children but when she has to have an emergency operation, they are taken into care and her future's not looking good. She's taken to theatre and as she's been operated on, her children arrive and Megan goes to take care of them. Charlie tells Duffy that Megan's in a state of shock because her husband's left her and that why he's keeping her busy. Valerie shocks Charlie and Duffy by admitting they may have to go back to the department for the porters jobs, because of all of the complaints. Out patrolling in their police car, Tony and Nick worry about a young schoolgirl on her own, who refuses to return home and when they leave she gets a lift from a motorist. She soon realises her mistake and as she tries to get out of the

Victim of Circumstances
0 votes

#19 - Victim of Circumstances

Casualty - Season 4 - Episode 7

A newsagent's son is terrorised by thugs on his paper round and is saved by a passer-by who takes him to Casualty. When examined, he refuses to say how he got the knife wound to his neck and it's comes to light, he's been seen before and Dr Lucy Parry thinks he's being bullied. When his father arrives she tries to convince him to report the incident but he refuses. When Charlie takes over, the father tells him about previous attacks and how the police have failed to protect him and his family, so now they just try to get on with their lives. He takes his son home before returning to his shop and finds his assistant has been harassed and she tells him she can't work for him any longer but agrees to stay on until he can get a replacement. Shortly afterwards, the thugs return and when he tries to stand up to them, he's beaten senseless and is rushed to Casualty. As his family wait for news, the staff battle to save him and he survives, although he's in a serious condition. A mummy's