The BEST episodes directed by Andrew Mccullough

See Hollywood and Die
42 votes

#1 - See Hollywood and Die

The Fugitive - Season 1 - Episode 8

While working as a gas station attendant in New Mexico, Kimble is taken hostage, along with customer Joanne, by two holdup men, named Miles and Vinnie. Once on the road, Kimble pretends that he is a criminal and is heading towards Los Angels for a ""big job."" At the same time, he lets Joanne know that he's on her side, but she's suspicious to his true motives. Once arriving in L.A., Kimble decides to set up Miles and Vinnie to be arrested. But Miles, not trusting Kimble enough, wants him to kill Joanne to prove himself.

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Diamond Flush
3 votes

#2 - Diamond Flush

Maverick - Season 4 - Episode 21

Con artist Ferguson knocks Beau Maverick unconscious during an unsuccessful attempt to hoist a priceless diamond necklace from a French countess. Ferguson claims that the countess' diamond is fake and that he was in the process of replacing it with the real thing when Beau startled him. Ferguson offers Maverick $5,000 to switch diamonds. Beau is being set up for robbery by Ferguson and his equally devious wife.

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The Other Woman
6 votes

#3 - The Other Woman

That Girl - Season 2 - Episode 21

Lou escorts Ethel Merman, but the press thinks that they are an item, much to Helen's dismay.

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Just One Look
11 votes

#4 - Just One Look

Family Ties - Season 4 - Episode 9

Steven's old college buddy Richard Schofield is in town for and Steven looks forward to reminiscing about old times until he learns that Richard and Elyse share some memories he wasn't aware of. Steven loses his normally cool composure and becomes insanely jealous, imagining that Elyse and Richard are secretly attracted to one another.

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Wally, the Lifeguard
21 votes

#5 - Wally, the Lifeguard

Leave It to Beaver - Season 4 - Episode 4

When Beaver discovers that Wally's job is actually selling candy and hotdogs on the weekends at Friends Lake, rather than lifeguarding, he refuses to speak to his brother out of embarrassment.

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Dream Date
9 votes

#6 - Dream Date

Family Ties - Season 6 - Episode 5

Jennifer is appalled when nerdy sophomore Simon Wickerson falls head over heels in love with her. Although Jennifer rejects his advances, Simon is undaunted. He follows her home and tries to shower her with expensive gifts, but Jennifer only has eyes for Roger, a sophomore "hunk" who doesn't even know she's alive. Simon pleads with Jennifer to attend the sophomore dance with him and at first, she refuses. She finally relents, however, when she realizes that Simon is her only chance to attend the dance, thereby giving her the opportunity to run into Roger. Although she is reluctant to use Simon no less be seen with him Alex reassures her that manipulation is the way of the world. Despite Elyse's warnings that she's doing the wrong thing, Jennifer has made up her mind. At the dance, she scans the room for Roger and Ignores Simon, who is deliriously happy to be with her. When she finally approaches her idol, he is rude and insensitive and obviously has no desire to get to know her.

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6 votes

#7 - Truckers

Family Ties - Season 7 - Episode 3

Alex feels left out when Andy begins spending less time with him and more time with Nick's streetwise nephew Rocco. While Steven rages about the household bills, Alex worries about something else: Andrew's budding friendship with Rocco, Nick's visiting eight-year-old nephew. Andy quickly becomes enchanted with the boy, who's a pint-sized version of Nick and thus not exactly Alex's idea of a positive role model for his little brother. As Andy and Rocco begin spending time playing with trucks and going to the mall with Nick and Mallory, Alex feels increasingly neglected, especially when Andy misses their weekly viewing of "Wall Street Week". Finally, much to Alex's chagrin, an excited Andy announces that he's going to the auto races with Rocco and Nick.

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Walking On Air
7 votes

#8 - Walking On Air

Family Ties - Season 6 - Episode 7

When Steven arrives home with news of a job opening at his station, an internship position he feels would be perfect for Mallory, he finds his family deeply engrossed in a contest to locate the missing "Colonel Crackle" from clues found in Crackle cereal boxes. An excited Alex happily spearheads the search, which offers the winner a 5,000 dollar prize. Steven is equally enthused about the idea of having Mallory come to work at WKS. Although Mallory tries to squirm out of giving him an immediate answer, Steven dismisses her objections and pressures her into accepting his offer.

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The Fifth Wheel
26 votes

#9 - The Fifth Wheel

Family Ties - Season 1 - Episode 20

Alex gets stuck babysitting for his little sister Jennifer, who is fed up with feeling in the way at his poker game and decides to disappear.

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Lady Sings the Blues
15 votes

#10 - Lady Sings the Blues

Family Ties - Season 2 - Episode 18

Excited at the prospect of reviving her folk-singing career at a local niteclub, Elyse faces the skepticism of Alex and Mallory and an audience unattuned to the songs of the sixties. Though Elyse hasn't performed on stage since college days, friend's of the Keaton's are impressed when she pulls out the old guitar and sings such folk classics as "Turn, Turn, Turn", "The Times They Are A'changin'" and "If I Had a Hammer". They encourage her to audition at a small neighborhood club, and Elyse joins the Top Spot's slate of performers to eye opening results.

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Bringing Up Baby
12 votes

#11 - Bringing Up Baby

Family Ties - Season 3 - Episode 21

With two careers, three bickering children and one demanding baby, Steven and Elyse can't seem to find any time for each other. But when they do finally take the time for a quiet evening alone, they miss all the chaos.

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Art Lover
10 votes

#12 - Art Lover

Family Ties - Season 4 - Episode 20

Mallory suspects there's more involved than "art appreciation" when a wealthy and beautiful older woman takes a special interest in Nick's creations. Promising to help launch his career, art patron Victoria Hurstenberg takes Nick under her wing, occupying nearly all of his time and interfering with his relationship with Mallory, who insists that the older woman has her eye on more than Nick's art.

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The Job Not Taken
6 votes

#13 - The Job Not Taken

Family Ties - Season 7 - Episode 12

Alex must choose between friendship and his career after a friend recommends him for a job at a big investment firm. As Steven returns from a shopping spree, Alex eagerly prepares to have dinner with Paul Corman, a former Leland classmate who's now an associate with the top investment banking house in Ohio. He's even more excited when, over dinner, Paul tells Alex that his firm is looking to hire a new associate... and he has suggested Alex for the job. When Alex arrives for the interview Paul has set up for him, he is ushered into the office of Jessica Foster, Paul's high-powered but humorless boss. Realizing immediately how intensely competitive and driven she is, Alex wows her by professing his passionate love of money and mergers and Jessica hires him on the spot. Ready from the interview, Alex comes home wearing a bowler hat and announces that he wants to take the entire family out for a celebration dinner. The festivities are interrupted, however, when Paul drops by to tell the K

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The Witch
83 votes

#14 - The Witch

The Fugitive - Season 1 - Episode 2

Working as a handyman in backwater Missouri, Kimble encounters Jenny, a schoolgirl and pathological liar who speaks to a rag doll that she keeps at a nearby pond. When Jenny is late for school, she claims Kimble attacked her. As Jenny's teacher, Emily Norton, speaks to Kimble about Jenny's compulsive lying, Jenny runs home and tells her mother she saw Emily and Kimble making out in the barn. Kimble's co-workers rough him up, Emily gets fired, and both are told to leave town. Instead, Kimble goes to a school hearing on Emily and tries to clear her by catching Jenny in a lie, but his plan backfires when the skeptical townfolk believe Jenny and form a lynch mob to hunt Kimble down.

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Band on the Run
12 votes

#15 - Band on the Run

Family Ties - Season 5 - Episode 21

As chairman of the entertainment committee for the Leland College 10th reunion, Alex has big plans, which include hiring some great bands to impress attending alumni in the music business. Jennifer finally talks a very skeptical Alex into letting her new all-girl band, The Permanent Waves, audition for the affair. At the audition, Alex is thrilled with the unexciting Polka Boys, but his fellow committee members are left cold until they hear The Permanent Waves. They are so good, in fact, that even Alex is impressed and not only books the group but convinces them to sign with him as manager. Once in charge, Alex decides to completely revamp the look and style of the band. For the reunion performance, he has the girls dress in evening gowns and changes the group's name to The Swinging Corporate Raiders, persuading them to sing such golden oldies as "Mr. Sandman". After being completely ignored, the girls finally break into one of their own tunes and immediately win the crowd over.

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Father, Can You Spare a Dime?
6 votes

#16 - Father, Can You Spare a Dime?

Family Ties - Season 6 - Episode 28

Nick again demonstrates his flair for teaching art by conducting a class at the "Y" for children, including Andrew. So popular is the class, in fact, that when the "Y" needs the classroom space back for another program, the kids and their enthusiastic parents are very disappointed. Mallory tells the family that Nick would really like to open up his own art school, and Alex escorts Nick to the bank to help him get a loan. When the bank loan doesn't work out, Mallory encourages Nick to ask his father for the money. Nick explains that because his father left home when he was only eleven, their relationship leaves a lot to be desired, and he feels uncomfortable approaching him. But when Mallory finds out that Nick's dad is Joe Moore, the well-known owner of a very successful car dealership in town, she feels sure that Joe will want to reconcile with his son and lend him the money.

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Vincent 'Mad Dog' Coll
46 votes

#17 - Vincent 'Mad Dog' Coll

The Untouchables - Season 1 - Episode 6

February 1931. In Churchill Downs, the entries for the Kentucky Derby are closed. Tight-fisted Dutch Schultz, beer baron of the Bronx, places a bet with the Syndicate: 100-grand in the Winter-book on Enchantment to win the Kentucky Derby. Trying to get the most for his money, Dutch knows he will get much better odds now than if he waits until race day. Dutch's lieutenant is "Lefty" Gallagher, and his bodyguard is Benny Bristow. Schultz has a powerful enemy in Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll, who earned his nickname (which Schultz stuck him with) due to his violent actions; his sidekicks are "Needles" Bledsoe and "Fats" Finney. Lefty Gallagher cautions his boss Dutch: if anything should happen to the horse between now and the Kentucky Derby in April, the Syndicate doesn't give refunds. But money-loving Dutch is savoring the 7-to-1 odds he's gotten; at post-time, he might only get 8-to-5. When Lefty leaves.

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