The BEST episodes directed by Alex Graves

#1 - The Day After (1)
The Practice - Season 5 - Episode 14
Unconscious and in critical need of blood, Rebecca's fate is left to a higher power when her mother refuses to allow a transfusion because of the family's religious beliefs. Bobby is awestruck when Lindsay gives birth to their son a month early. This is part 1 of a 2 part episode. Part 2 aired as a crossover event on Boston Public - S01E13 - Chapter Thirteen (2).
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#2 - The Lion and the Rose
Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Episode 2
The Lannisters and their guests gather in King's Landing; Stannis loses patience with Davos; Ramsay finds a purpose for his pet.
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#3 - Closet Justice
The Practice - Season 3 - Episode 19
Judge Hiller assigns Lindsay the repugnant task of defending nun-killer Michael Kingston. Lindsay discovers that the police search that found the body was unconstitutional and, against all her morals, moves that Kingston be released. Helen delivers an impassioned argument, stating that the constitution was designed to protect the innocent, a category that doesn't include Kingston. In the end, Judge Hiller has no choice but to strike the body from evidence and dismiss the charges. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Rebecca defend a man on solicitation charges, claiming that the undercover officer aroused the man, then announced she was a prostitute. Jimmy and Judge Kittleson arrange a private meeting.
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#4 - The Children
Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Episode 10
Dany faces some harsh realities; Tyrion sees the truth of his situation.
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#5 - What I Know
The Boys - Season 2 - Episode 8
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#6 - Boston Confidential
The Practice - Season 4 - Episode 2
Bobby gets a murderer off on a technicality when the arresting officer illegally searches the car and finds a corpse. Jimmy goes against Henry Olson's wishes and confronts Olson's son to try to convince him to confess to the murder. Lindsay decides to move in with Bobby, leaving her possessions...including her answering machine, at Helen's.
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#7 - The Mountain and the Viper
Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Episode 8
Mole's Town receives some unexpected visitors. Littlefinger's motives are questioned. Tyrion's fate is decided.
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#8 - And Now His Watch Is Ended
Game of Thrones - Season 3 - Episode 4
The Night's Watch takes stock. Varys meets his better. Arya is taken to the commander of the Brotherhood. Dany exchanges a chain for a whip.
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#9 - 2162 Votes
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 22
At the Democratic National Convention, Russell, Santos and Baker jockey for the 2162 votes that will give one of them the nomination for President, and the opportunity to lose to the apparently unstoppable Vinick in November. Meanwhile, the President must make a decision before it's too late on whether to deploy a secret rescue mission to the space station, and the FBI is asked to determine who leaked the existence of the military shuttle to the press.
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#10 - The Debate (West Coast)
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 7
Santos and Vinick battle it out in primetime live. Forrest Saywer the moderator poses questions and attempts to ensure that the candidates remain within bounds. Ellen DeGeneres guest hosts the show on behalf of American Express and their new credit card. The East Coast version can be found as special episode 0x03.
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#11 - Double Down
Journeyman - Season 1 - Episode 7
Dan isn't happy when Katie considers going back to work as a television journalist. In the past Dan tries to save a witness from being killed. Livia shows up just in time to save Dan's future. Jack keeps looking into what's going on with Dan.
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#12 - Separation of Powers
The West Wing - Season 5 - Episode 7
As Chief Justice Ashland's health problems continue to mount, Joe Quincy, Ashland's former clerk, is pressed into service to persuade him to retire; as C.J. prepares Zoey for a sit-down interview about her kidnapping, Abbey reveals that her relationship with her husband is still strained; Jed refuses to be held hostage by the Republican in the budget negotiations.
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#13 - In the Room
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 8
Penn and Teller roll a lesson about the First Amendment into their entertainment at Zoey's White House birthday party, setting off a media frenzy and public relations nightmare; Baker drops out of the race, leaving the field free for Russell, who asks Josh to run his campaign; Jed takes a hard line on making significant gains on substantive issues in his last China summit; Vinick turns down Jed's offer of the U.N. ambassadorship to run for president; a fully ambulatory Donna has difficulty scheduling a meeting with Josh; Jed has an MS relapse which leaves him partially paralyzed and in a wheelchair.
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#14 - Commencement
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 22
Bartlet finally tells the staff the truth about the death of Shareef; Danny agrees to hold off on the story after five alleged terrorists go missing; Andy goes into labor after once again refusing Toby's marriage proposal; Zoey is kidnapped from a nightclub on the night of her college graduation.
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#15 - Breaker of Chains
Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Episode 3
Tyrion ponders his options; Tywin extends an olive branch; Jon proposes a bold plan; The Hound teaches Arya the way things are.
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#16 - Dreadnought
The Diplomat - Season 2 - Episode 6
Kate puts her best foot forward after pillow talk with Hal forces her to face hard truths, and Vice President Penn offers a blunt lesson in geopolitics.
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#17 - The Birnam Wood
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 2
Bartlet orders a strike on the terrorist training camp as he and his staff broker a peace settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, but Bartlet and Leo realize that their differences over the peace settlement are irreconcilable, warranting a change in Leo's responsibilities. Having returned from Germany, Josh expresses concern about Leo's well-being, and his observations turn out to be well founded.
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#18 - Drought Conditions
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 16
A new candidate for president, Senator Rafferty, has garnered much media attention with a ground-breaking speech about health care. But her words contain interesting echoes of President Bartlet's original health plan, which is known only to White House insiders, and reporter Greg Brock suspects that Rafferty is being secretly supported by the incumbent. Meanwhile, Toby is more than usually morose after the death of his brother. A bill to combat drought conditions in the western U.S. gives C.J. problems, particularly in dealing with lobbyist Clifford Calley. And Charlie tells Kate Harper that a man from his gym asked if she was dating anyone.
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#20 - Here Today
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 5
The White House is trying to cope with the revelation of the identity of the leaker and Babish's questioning of Toby convinces him that he must get his lawyer. Lou persuades Josh to get Santos to clean house with his campaign staff. Kate finally reaches Charles Frost and confronts him about what he told to C.J. and a few other things about his personality in general. The Bartlets hear Ellie's heapful of "good" and "bad" news.
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#22 - Liftoff
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 4
Margaret and Charlie prove to be invaluable allies as C.J. has a rough first day in her new position, made even more difficult by a Russian bearing radioactive gifts and a Defense Secretary's attempts to undermine her; Toby's less than stellar performance in the briefing room makes the search for a new press secretary a top priority, and Josh volunteers Donna to assist him in interviewing potential candidates; faced with a number of vulnerable seats in the upcoming election, Josh attempts to dissuade Matthew Santos from dropping out of another race for the House.
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#23 - Game On
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 6
Bartlet, Leo, Josh, Sam and C.J. pull a practical joke on Toby; Sam's mission to end the Wilde campaign leads him to make a career-altering decision; Jordan backs up Leo as he deals with the Qumari; Toby continues to press his case with a resistant Andrea; and Bartlet cleans Ritchie's clock in their debate.
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#24 - Ninety-Seven
Lost in Space (2018) - Season 2 - Episode 10
The mission to save Scarecrow takes an unexpected turn, throwing the Resolute into chaos. Judy hatches a plan to get a ship to Alpha Centauri.
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#25 - The Mommy Problem
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 2
Santos and Vinick have to deal with press fallout when it looks like the Bartlet White House is not going to continue the investigation into the press leaks.
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#27 - A Love of a Lifetime
Journeyman - Season 1 - Episode 1
Dan Vasser's life is about to change forever, as he discovers he is being pulled into the past without warning, with no understanding as to why it is happening. As he continues to jump back and forth in time, his past comes into focus as his present unravels before his eyes.
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#28 - The Cold
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 13
After the near-nuclear disaster at the power plant the polls show surprising, or maybe not so surprising, results for both candidates. The Vinick camp gears up for backlash while the Santos camp hopes for cause to celebrate. Meanwhile Bartlet is still trying to keep the situation in Central Asia under control. Relationships in the Santos campaign, the Vinick campaign, and the West Wing all undergo changes and Vinick and Bartlet attempt to deal with different versions of the cold.
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#29 - Privateers
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 18
Toby's old friend approaches him ready to blow the whistle on his employer's violations of environmental laws; staff pranks abound on Amy's first day at the office; Abbey charges Amy with the task of convincing the President to threaten a veto on a foreign aid bill containing an abortion gag rule provision; claiming that Abbey's ancestor was a pirate rather than a privateer, a prominent member threatens to mount a boycott of the D.A.R. dinner at which Zoey will be inducted until Will, C.J. and Amy devise a plan to defuse the situation; at the behest of Jean Paul, Zoey sends Charlie a "Dear John" email, but Charlie refuses to accept the brushoff and declares his love for Zoey; Donna is less than thrilled when Josh assigns her the job of shadowing a possible security risk at Zoey's D.A.R. induction; Will takes one for the team in putting an environmental and political face on the destruction and deaths which resulted from the melting of an Alaskan glacier.
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#31 - Jefferson Lives
The West Wing - Season 5 - Episode 3
When he realizes that his first choice for Vice President faces an uphill fight for nomination, Jed nominates a congressman that none of the staff can get excited about; Josh is less than thrilled with his new intern.
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#32 - 7A WF 83429
The West Wing - Season 5 - Episode 1
As the search for Zoey continues, Walken takes a hard line against the kidnappers that could contribute to her death; Danny releases the Shareef story, and the revelation creates a rift that separates Jed from Abbey and Liz; tensions arise between Walken's staff and Bartlet's staff; the Democratic leadership in Congress assails Leo for allowing Jed to step aside; in retaliation for Shareef's death, a movie theater in Turkey is bombed, and eighty people, including American soldiers, are killed.
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#33 - The Stormy Present
The West Wing - Season 5 - Episode 10
President Bartlet attends the funeral of a former president with other former presidents Glenallen Walken and D. Wire Newman, while monitoring a possible situation in Saudi Arabia. Josh Lyman mediates an argument between a representative from Connecticut and one from North Carolina who wants her state's copy of the Bill of Rights returned. CJ is concerned about a scientist's invention which could interfere with privacy.
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#34 - King Corn
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 13
The presidential candidates journey to Iowa, where democrats Russell and Santos, and republican Vinick, are all told by their handlers that when they appear before before the corn growers association they must support subsidies for the use of corn-derived ethanol as fuel, regardless of their true feelings.
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#36 - Creation Myths
Foundation (2021) - Season 2 - Episode 10
Gaal, Salvor, and Hari chart a new path forward on Ignis. Demerzel heads to Trantor, taking actions that will change Empire forever.
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#37 - Show and Tell
The Practice - Season 5 - Episode 6
The long-awaited Scott Wallace retrial.
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#38 - Kissed by Fire
Game of Thrones - Season 3 - Episode 5
The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged by men. Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed. Tyrion learns the cost of weddings.
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#39 - Red Haven's on Fire
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 17
While Toby and C.J. are in California working on Sam's campaign, Josh drops Abbey's agenda in favor of his own, Jed deals with a military hostage situation, and Will runs his intern writing staff ragged.
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#40 - Pilot
Fringe - Season 1 - Episode 1
When all the passengers on a plane die, FBI agent Olivia Dunham investigates the events and her partner almost dies. A desperate Olivia looks for help from Dr. Walter Bishop who has been institutionalized. Olivia, Dr. Bishop and his son Peter begin to discover what really happened on Flight 627 and begin to uncover a larger truth.
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#41 - 17 People
The West Wing - Season 2 - Episode 18
Toby, suspicious that there's something going on with the President, finds out about Bartlet's MS and informs Leo of the legal ramifications; Josh and Donna disagree about the date of their "anniversary"; Sam and Ainsley argue about the necessity of the ERA; staffers struggle to punch-up the speech the President will give at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
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#42 - Xtabai
Mad Dogs (US) - Season 1 - Episode 2
The guys scramble to find the missing yacht, but an unexpected encounter with a pair of Swedish drug dealers and a mysterious duffel bag tied to a cartel complicates their quest.
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#43 - Dead Irish Writers
The West Wing - Season 3 - Episode 15
Concern arises over the medical board's decision on Abbey's actions in treating Jed's M.S.; Sam tries to get a Senator he doesn't like to pass a bill for a super-conducter that he doesn't even understand; Amy tries to influence Josh; Lord Marbury explains to Toby why a member of the IRA cannot be invited to the White House; Donna receives shocking news when the Secret Service won't give her clearance to attend Abbey's birthday party.
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#44 - In Excelsis Deo
The West Wing - Season 1 - Episode 10
Toby tries to arrange a proper funeral for a homeless veteran; Josh and Sam try to set up a preemptive strike against Lillienfield, who is attacking Leo because of his prior drug and alcohol problem; CJ tries to get the staff to revisit the hate crimes issue; Bartlet sneaks out to do some last minute shopping.
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#45 - Force of Evil
Altered Carbon - Season 1 - Episode 4
Tortured by his captor, Kovacs taps into his Envoy training to survive. Ortega springs a surprise on her family for Día de los Muertos.
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#46 - News Night 2.0
The Newsroom (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 2
MacKenzie takes charge of the revamped "News Night" and lobbies economist Sloan Sabbith to file a nightly financial report. Meanwhile, Jim takes responsibility for Maggie's mistake; Charlie puts a halt to Reese's meetings with Will; and a confidential breakup story is a secret no more.
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#47 - Posse Comitatus
The West Wing - Season 3 - Episode 21
Bartlet continues to struggle over the wisdom of assassinating the terrorist Qumari defense minister; after Ritchie declines to meet Bartlet, Sam and Toby play a dirty trick; as the search for Mrs. Landingham's replacement continues, Charlie finds the perfect candidate, who makes less than a stellar first impression on Bartlet; Josh's determination to pass a welfare bill costs Amy; as C.J.'s stalker is finally captured, the night ends in tragedy.
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#48 - The Washington Merry-Go Round
Project Blue Book - Season 1 - Episode 10
Washington D.C. is invaded by UFOs, and Hynek and Quinn must uncover the true nature of the threat before it's too late.
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#50 - College Kids
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 3
Bartlet decides he needs a lawyer when Qumar goes after Israel; Josh is disturbed to learn that Stackhouse might not endorse Bartlet; a comment Deborah made years ago comes back to haunt her during a security check.
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